
By WishieAlice33

2K 71 11

Being a 'Single Father' of thee daughters is a real Hassle (especially when Sonic is now a widowed man, a wed... More

Moving Day
Finished moving in
The first night
Asylum Visit
Morning Routine
Wedding Runners
Knuckles Side Of The Story
Lunch Break
After School
Evening At Home
Satoko Knows
Bad News
A Small Love Letter
Family Time
Confronting Him
Big Mistake
An Unexpected Turn
Wedding Disaster
Tragic Strikes Back
Rainy Day Sincerity
Satoko talks to Knuckles
Hospital Quality Time
Slow But Steady
Wedding Plans
Wonderful Wedding

The Dream

64 2 0
By WishieAlice33

The day before Maddox's first birthday, Sonic had a stressful day. Once again, Knuckles try to talk to him but unfortunately, it wasn't a good time. Due to the fact that he buried his Father-In-Law.

Though Sonic couldn't help but feel a little bad. Just after Knuckles walks off, Scourge told him something. He remembered them;

Scourge: Blue? Don't you think your being too harsh on him? He maybe your Ex-husband but look. I know your angry at him. But you gotta stop. What he did was in the past. My ex-husband may have been an ass. But he did change for me and I think about remarrying him.

Sonic: Wait you married a man too?

Scourge; Hell yeah. You probably know him. It's Fleetway. It's a long story. But think about it. If he was still with the white twit than why would he turn to you after 11 whole years? There might be a chance for you two again. He's getting to the point where he can't live anymore.

<a minute later>

Sonic laid in bed until he fell asleep with a stressful sigh.


Sonic looks around. It was nothing but darkness. Until he saw a light behind him. It was Rika with a stern look on her face.

Sonic in tears said, "Rika!" He was gonna hug her but Rika stopped him and said, "Sonic. I'm here to tell you that you need to move on. You can't keep grieving forever."

Sonic then said sadly, "But Rika, I missed you." Rika replied, "I miss you too Sonic. But I'm also here to show you the truth about Knuckles."

Sonic was a tad upset about that name, until Rika told him, "Sonic. I know your mad at him for what happened 11 years ago but you can't hold a grudge forever. I'm gonna show you the truth."

Sonic asked, "How? He's probably still..." he trailed off as Rika showed him a part of the past. It was the day Knuckles realized Sonic was telling the truth.

Sonic let out a 'huh?' as Rika pointed at the couple.

Rouge then shamefully said as she decided to tell Knuckles The truth, "Knuckles? I gotta confession. Sonic didn't cheat on you. Amy and I set him up. I took the pics while she tried to seduce him. We agreed to help each other so we can have you both to ourselves. All those things I said about him being a deceiving cheater?"

She was in tears as she said, "I lied... I'm a deceiver not him."

Knuckles 'in shock' growls and said, "Get out!" Rouge runs off as Sonic was shocked at this. Knuckles punched the wall and said, "I gotta get back to Sonic. But what if Amy successfully...?" He trails off as he sees the news about Amy getting arrested for murder.

Knuckles asked, "What am I going to do? Where could I find him? Oh God please tell he didn't become an aggressive drunk! I gotta find him and apologize."

Sonic was a little surprised by this before he said, "So now he's realized I told the truth after 11 years." Rika then said, "There's another one." They then went to another part of the past.

Knuckles looked to see Sonic at the diner as he gasped before he said to himself, "Come on! Come on! Keep it cool. You haven't seen him 11 years. Try to talk to him as if we're not divorced."

Sonic looked at the past as Rika then said, "He tried to make it look like but you were so blinded by hatred to see it." Then they skipped to the point where Sonic left his watch by mistake. Knuckles sees his watch and said, "Oh no Sonic forgot his watch. I gotta get it back to him."

Knuckles ran outside and back to Wedding Runners but it was closed. Rokuta sees him and asked, "Oh what do you want? If your here to give Sonic a bouquet of flowers it won't work."

Knuckles then asked, "I'm here to give Sonic his watch. He left it at the diner by mistake. Come on your his brother-in-law, don't you know where he lives?"

Rokuta 'felt pity for him' then said as he wrote on a peace of paper, "Just yesterday he moved to a peaceful neighborhood. He and my sister coulda moved there anyway. Here's the address." He gave Knuckles the address as he ran off as Rokuta asked, "Don't want a ride?" Knuckles shouted, "NO THANKS!"

Sonic said, "So he really did ask Rokuta for my address." Rika replied, "Well he is dating a guy in secret. But here's the icing on the cake."

Then they teleport to the time where he was drugged. Sonic was shock to see Amy drugged him and not Knuckles.

He said in shock and guilt, "She drugged me, not Knuckles." Rika replied, "Thats right. They were trying undo what they did. But they only made things worst."

Sonic looks down 'he felt ashamed for blaming for Knuckles for something he didn't do'. Rika asked, "By the way, when you thought he was me, was I still hot?" Sonic nodded and said, "Yeah, still hot."

Then they when to the time after what happened between them. Knuckles shouted at them, "YOU BOTH DID WHAT?!"

Amy replied, "But we thought it worked!" Knuckles replied angrily, "SO THATS WHY HE KEPT CALLING RIKA! HE THOUGHT I WAS HIS DECEASED WIFE!"

Rouge protested, "But Knuckles, we were just trying to help out. We did this but we wanted to undo it!"

Knuckles then said, "Like I believe you! Your just driving him away! You lied to me again Rouge! Sonic still hates me. You two only makes things even more bad than good. He's probably gonna blame me cause he may think I drugged him."

Sonic muttered, "And I did. Oh God, what a fool I am?" Rika then pointed to Knuckles throwing up in the toilet. Rika said to him, "That happened just after you left."

Sonic looked down as Rika then takes them to the time, where the doctor told Knuckles he's pregnant. Sonic got startled by this as Rika said, "You were the only who impregnated him." Sonic protested, "Ri, it was an accident. I thought he was you. In fact I thought he was bluffing."

Rika replied, "Hey, it's not like you did it on purpose. I'm aware of it." Sonic sighed stressfully as he muttered, "He wasn't lying."

Then they jumped to the time of their supposed wedding. Rika then said, "Knuckles told them the whole story and they did not want to do the same mistake like they did when you married him. But Manic knew you were not ready."

Knuckles got on the dress as Manic said with a stern expression, "Dude, you don't need to do this. Sonic is not ready for romance. He's a father of 3, he cremated his wife 11 months ago."

Knuckles then said with a stern tone, "What do you care? Your not a widowed man." Manic then said offensively, "Excuse me?!" Knuckles then said, "Sorry, emotional breakdown."

He then said, "I wanted to help Sonic realize that I actually wanna second chance. I actually wanna help him raise his children along with mine. I wanted to also help him in his time of grief. I'll tell him after we're married."

Manic asked with a raised brow, "And how do you know if Sonic will believe you? He'll just think your just pulling his leg." Manic then said with a stern glare, "My baby brother went drunk after what you did. Chance told me everything. I should know. I played pool with him."

Knuckles placed a hand on his stomach and said, "I promise I won't hurt him again." Manic then replied, "Uhuh. I know you would promise that but unfortunately, you need to give him time. This is a bad idea." He walks off

Rika said to Sonic, "He wanted to give you what you wanted. He wanted to help you out just so he can prove to you that Though you reminded yourself that your marriage vows are for me."

Sonic sighed deeply and said, "Maybe I can apologize..."

Rika sadly said as she looked at him, "I'm afraid you already broken him to the point of depression dude. But it's never too late to fix things with each other." She shows him how that Knuckles is now emotionless, lonely, and guilt for being alive.

Sonic asked as he sadly looked at, "Your not gonna get jealous if I do go back to him?" Rika smiled and said, "Sonic I want you to be happy. I'm not the jealous type." She then frowned and said, "If you don't go back to him, you'll regret it."

Sonic sadly said, "I shoulda went back, your right. But all I am seeing is I'm pushing him to the grave him and the unborn child." He sighed deeply.

Rika then said as she place a hand on on his shoulder, "It's never too late to fix things." Sonic replied, "I miss you and I love you Rika. The girls miss you too."

Rika replied as she kissed him on the cheek, "I missed you and the girls too. One day we'll be back together again, until then, live life and watch our girls grow up. Sayanora Sonic." She kissed him before going to the light as she spread the Angel wings.

<Wake up>

Sonic gasped as he woke up. It was 5:49 AM. Sonic sighed deeply and said, "I don't even know if I can do this but I haft to move on." He looks at Rika's ashes and said, "Thank you love."

He then laid down and fell asleep in bed.

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