𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦...

By sonotemmaa

67.9K 2.3K 1.1K

I never knew how much I needed you until you came in my life.. More

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞

1.8K 78 82
By sonotemmaa

excuse any grammar mistakes🙂

June 4th

Atlanta, Georgia

Omachi rolled over and patted the bed trying to see if Cinese was still next to him. When he realized that Cinese wasn't next to him he groaned. He hated waking up and seeing she wasn't next to him.

It was the  day after Cinese's and Mia's fight. He knew Cinese was still shaken up after the fight due to the fact she didn't say a word after her shower last night.

She was supposed to go back to her apartment yesterday, but the fight happened. He got out of bed and walked into the living room seeing Cinese on her phone.

She had her knees up while scrolling on her phone. "C?" Omachi yawned. Cinese didn't say anything as she kept scrolling through her phone intensely. "Baby you aight?" Omachi asked sitting down next to her.

Omachi understood she was still shaken up, but she was full blown ignoring him. She knows how he feels about getting ignored. He began to repeatedly kiss her face. "Mm, move your breath stank." She said pushing his face away.

Omachi gasped dramatically, "Since when you be caring about my morning breath? If youn just gimme a kiss." He said, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

"Moveeee Omachi." She said, getting annoyed. Omachi ignored her attitude and still made an attempt to kiss her. "Stop. Get off of me." She said pushing his face away.

"Why don't you want my kisses?" He frowned, getting upset. He's became real clingy with Cinese and her touch. He just couldn't get enough.

"I'm not in the mood bubs.." She mumbled typing something on her phone. Omachi furrowed his eyebrows at her facial expression, "What's going on? Why you typing like that?" Omachi asked.

"It's Mia. She's posting our fight all on Instagram and Tiktok." Cinese sniffed. Omachi scrunched up his face. It was clear as day that Cinese beat her ass, he was still confused as to why Mia was still on it. "The fuck? Lemme see." He said taking the phone out her hand.

Omachi shook his head. Mia was just salty. He didn't play when it came to people messing with Cinese. "I'm not gonna say anything. I'm just gonna let her talk because we both know I whooped her ass." Cinese said, making Omachi chuckle.

"We all know you did." Omachi agreed. Cinese's phone began to vibrate in Omachi's hand. They looked down and saw Javier & Omar calling from group chat. Omachi wasted no time answering the call. "Yo, what the fuck is going on?" Omar asked.

"Where's Cinese?" Javier asked.

"She's right next to me. Why?" He said.

"Cinese you got into a fight?" Javier asked. Cinese popped her head into the camera and nodded her head. This is why she never fought. It always started gossip and drama. They weren't in high school anymore, and she didn't like all the attention either.

"Yeah. With Mia. She's always bothering me with her bullshit. Then  I finally snapped." Cinese shrugged. "Yoo! Bestie whooped her ass." Javier chuckled.

Omar began to laugh, "Y'all saw the way she tumbled into the dirt? Her wig flew as if it was going to race." Omar wheezed making Omachi laugh. Omar and javier were never serious about any serious situations.

"Nah but I know yall saw that one conrow sticking up. Sticking out like Moses after he parted the Red Sea." Javier said, making Cinese burst out of laughter.

"Bro stop, I can't." Cinese laughed.

"Nah, Cinese, she just salty. Don't let her get to you." Omar chuckled.

"She just don't learn. Even after she got her ass beat. But don't worry I got sum fa her ass." Omachi said. He was tired of Mia always picking on her. It was like she never learned.

"Machi I know you not gon do what I think you finna do." Omar said. Omachi chuckled because he was gonna do just that. "What are you gonna do?" Cinese asked.

Omachi took out his phone from his pocket and opened his phone. Cinese looked at him in suspicion. He was always unpredictable. Omachi took her phone and airdropped the fight video to his phone.

He handed Cinese her phone back opened his phone. "This is crazy man." Javier said. Javier just found Mia getting her ass beat by Cinese so hilarious. To the faces she was making and her screaming for help.

Omachi screenshotted all of the photos of Mia getting her ass beat on posted them on his story. He was matching her energy.

Cinese was watching him over his shoulder type all this. "Omachi, that's real childish. Just ignore her." Cinese tried to reason. Omachi shook his head, he was tired of Mia always picking on her, and Cinese just doing nothing. "Ion care man. I'm tired of ha shit. She gon learn today." Omachi said.

"Put her ass in check!" Omar hyped. Omachi forgot they were even on the phone.

"I'll call y'all back, hol on'." Omachi said, as he hung up on them. "Bubs, why are you encouraging this?" Cinese asked. She really did appreciate all of  his concern, but she didn't see the point in going back and forth with her.

"It's even like that, it's the fact that I know she won't leave this situation alone if someone don't humble her." He said. He always tried to give Mia the benefit of the doubt, but putting her hands on Cinese was the last straw.

"It's not your job to humble her. She'll get humbled eventually." Cinese shrugged.

"What so you just gon wait around for her to get humbled? So she can keep dragging your name? Nah, C." Omachi said, shaking his head.

She loved how concerned he was, but she believed if she acted unbothered she'd eventually stop. "Just let her. She'll get tired soon." She said getting up off the couch, going back into the room, leaving Omachi on the couch.

Omachi decided to take this time to make breakfast for her. He knew this whole fight got her stressed, it was the least he could do.


He was making her scrambled eggs with bacon. He knew she loved the way he made his scrambled eggs. He entered the room with the tray of food. He spotted Cinese curled up in a ball under the covers.

"C? You aight? I made you breakfast." He said. He hated seeing her not herself. She turned around and nodded her head. "I'm fine, it's just that my head hurts." She mumbled.

Omachi placed the food on the dresser and sat down on the bed. He put his palm on her forehead now seeing how warm she is. "Damn C you got fighting fever or what?" He chuckled.

"I don't knowww. It's beating my ass." She said. This was unusual to her as well. It was like her body was against her fighting.

"Eat something mama." He said rubbing her back. Cinese genuinely didn't feel like eating, she honestly just wanted to lay in bed all day. She was supposed to be studying for an upcoming exam anyway.

"I would, but I'm not hungry bubs. I just feel so.. I don't know, shaken up? I'm just not hungry. I appreciate the breakfast though." She smiled, as she buried her face back into the pillow. Omachi nodded his head in understandment.

"I understand but, you can't go the whole day without eating. It's 2:00 going to 3. Just try some. At least before I go to work." He said. Cinese groaned in the pillow and lifted up her head. "Okay." She finally agreed.

Omachi handed her the tray of food, as she took it. Omachi stayed to watch her take a bite because he knew how she was. She would wait until you walked away, and not eat anything.

"You can go now." She said, trying to dismiss him.

"C, take a bite." He said. Cinese rolled her eyes and sighed, making Omachi laugh. He just knew her too well. He watched as she took two bites of the scrambled eggs.

"Aight, I'm boutta get ready for work." Omachi said getting up. Cinese frowned and sighed, "Already?" She whined.

Omachi chuckled, "Yeah I won't be back till 8 at night." He said, making Cinese dramatically sigh. "Why today?" She groaned.

"I would stay in with you if I could baby." He said.

"Can you at least cuddle for another ten minutes?" Cinese asked. Omachi chuckled, because just 5 minutes ago she had an attitude, not wanting his kisses. "I thought you wasn't in the mood?" He asked.

Cinese kissed her teeth and pulled his arm, making him fall back onto the bed, "I don't want you to go." She mumbled.

"You supposed to be in my skin all the time." She said making Omachi laugh. Her mood switches were always so funny.

"Nah, C. I gotta go. Imma be late. I already slept in longer than I was supposed to." He said. Cinese ignored what he just said and sat up making intense eye contact with him.

She climbed on top of him, her eyes still on his. She did the triangle method on him before leaning in to kiss him. As the kiss got deeper, her hand were slowly going down his chest. Omachi knew she was playing a dangerous game.

Omachi opened his mouth slightly, letting her tongue slide through getting access to his mouth. She began to softly hum in the kiss, but before he could get too carried away, he parted from the kiss, making Cinese kiss her teeth. "C, I know what you doing." He smiled.

"Yeah, I do too." She smiled innocently. She tried to lean back in to kiss him but he lightly pushed her back.

"Nah, you tryna distract me from going to work." He said. He couldn't afford to be late to work again. Cinese rolled her eyes. She thought he would give in. "No I'm not." She lied.

"You don't want me to make money?" He asked. Cinese shrugged her shoulders, "I mean yeah, but I want you to do me." Cinese said. Omachi raised his eyebrow at this sudden boldness.

"You on ovulation?" Omachi asked, making Cinese mug him. "No? I already had my period, don't piss me off" Cinese said. "Where all this sudden boldness coming from?" He asked. Cinese shrugged.

"I can't kiss my boyfriend?" She frowned. Omachi chuckled at her face. She was always choosing the wrong times to do stuff.

"C, you had the whole time to do all of this." Omachi said. Now all of a sudden that he was leaving, she wanted to be all over him. He wasn't complaining though.

Cinese groaned and got off him, crawling back into the covers. "Don't be mad baby. When I come home, I'll have a surprise fa you." He said making Cinese raise her eyebrow. He watched as her eyes lit up, "What is it?" She asked.

"Defeats the whole purpose of surprise don't it?" He asked as she kissed her teeth."Bye, Omachi." She said, dismissing him. Omachi laughed as he got up off the bed, walking into the bathroom. He needed to hurry up and take a shower.


"I'm leaving now. You done having an attitude?" Omachi asked. After he got out the shower they began bickering and now she had an attitude. She tended to do that everytime he pissed her off.

Cinese ignored what he asked her, keeping her face buried into the pillow. "Faye, how many times I told you bout' that ignoring shit?" He asked.

Cinese began to chew on the inside of her cheek, trying to hide the smile that was trying to approach on her face. "Nobody's ignoring you, bye Omachi." She said, dismissing him.

"Stop throwing attitudes C. I will give you one right back." He said. Cinese turned around to face him. One glance at his face and saw he was dead serious. "You heard me?" He asked. She nodded her head.

"I can throw attitudes too. We can play a game called attitude dodgeball. Aight?" He asked. Cinese didn't say anything in response. "Aight?" He asked again.

"Okay bruh.." She said.

"You want me to be spoiling you, but you gotta stop throwing these stank ass attitudes, Cinese." He said. "Okay." She said, again.

"You lucky I gotta go to work, cus I would've been fucked this attitude from you." He said, making Cinese's stomach drop, once again. "Alright bubs, I heard you." She said. She low key loved when he put her in place.

"Aight? gimme kiss." He said. She pulled the covers off her body and crawled over to the edge of the bed, where he was standing. She leaned in a pecked his lips a few times, where she could smell his cologne. "I'll see you later." He said.

"Okay." She nodded is response. "Don't forget to call or text." He said.

"I won't." She said. She watched as he gave her a soft smile and walked away. Moments later and she heard the front door close.

She dramatically sighed and flopped onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. She needed to start packing to go back home. She was always procrastinating on packing for the past few weeks. At this point it felt like she lived with Omachi.

She saw her phone vibrating on the night stand. She crawled back over to her phone and saw it was Levani. She furrowed her eyebrows and answered.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey girl. I seen your fight video circling around the internet. Are you okay? Like actually?" Levani asked. Cinese softly smiled to herself.

"Yeahh, I'm fine." She replied.

"You sure? I know we not on good terms right now, but i'll always be here for you you know." Levani said.

"I know. I appreciate you asking. I'm just thuggin it out." Cinese said.

"Mia started it didn't she?" Levani asked. Cinese nodded her head as if she was talking to her in person.

"Girl you know she did. She's always on some bullshit." Cinese said.

"Of course she did. She's so bored." Levani said. Cinese hummed in agreement.

"Swear. Tired of her. She got the reaction she asked for." Cinese shrugged.

"Good. And you whooped her asss! I ain never seen that side of you before girl." Levani chuckled. Cinese laughed, she's never seen that side of her either.

"I was just waiting for her to test me. All that anger built up inside of me since 2017 was going all on her face." Cinese said.

"She know damn her face still fucked up and she still posting bullshit." Levani said.

"No literally. She'll learn one day." Cinese said.

"Love the fact that Machi stood up for you on his story." Levani said, making Cinese chuckle.

"Yeah. I didn't want him too, but you know him." Cinese said. "Y'all are such goals." Levani cooed.

"Yupp! My man my mann." She laughed making Levani laugh. The call was silent for a few seconds before Levani broke the silence, "So yall official?" She asked.

"Yeah, promise ring n all." She chuckled.

"Wait, he got you a promise ring? Stopp." She heard Levani gasp through the phone. "Yes girl. A promise ring." She said.

"That's so cute." Levani said.

"Yeah, but I'll actually see you soon. I'm coming to the apartment in a bit." She said.

"Oh really? Well I'll see you later then." Levani said.

"Yeah, bye." Cinese said before she hung up. Her being on the phone with Levani reminded her of their old conversations when they were in highschool talking about of their situation ships.

She looked over to her right and saw the unfinished breakfast from Omachi. Now all of a sudden she was hungry. She took the tray and finished the rest of the food.

___ 35 MINUTES LATER ___

After all 2 weeks of procrastinating, she finally got all her dirty and clean clothes packed.  She was about to leave, but didn't tell Omachi yet.

She took her phone out her pocket and clicked on his contact, calling him. He answered on the third ring. "Hello? You aight?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to tell you that I'm about to leave to go to my apartment." She informed.

"Oh you leaving today? You packed?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm about to leave right now." She said.

"You comin back?" He asked making Cinese chuckle. "Noo. I'm leaving today bubs." She laughed. She blamed herself for staying this long, he definitely wasn't gonna let her go.

"You couldn't at least wait till tomorrow?" He asked.

"No baby. You know I gotta leave today anyways. Ion got no clothes." She said.

"So you can't wear mines?" He asked, making Cinese laugh.

"Bubs, It's been almost 3 weeks. I need to go home." She said. She heard him suck his teeth through the phone. "But you already home." He said under his breath, but she heard him loud and clear.

"Omachi you gotta stop this. I need to go home. You think I don't wanna be with you 24/7? Trust, I do." She said. He was always making it hard for her anytime she had to back home. But they both had their own lives.

"Aight C. I gotta go a client boutta come in soon." He said. Cinese dramatically sighed, because she could hear the attitude in his voice. It was crazy, because he was just lecturing her about her attitude. He reminded her so much of herself.

"Don't be madd. After you get off work you can come by. Tianna and Levani have a night shift." Cinese tried to reason.

"I'll see. I'm visiting Naomi after work." He said.

"Oh." She said. It has been a while since she's last seen Naomi. After they arrived from the cruise they haven't talked since. "Well I'll talk to you later." She said.

"Aight." He said before hanging up. She put her phone back in her pocket and grabbed her bag. She opened the door and locked it with the spare key he gave her.

She was just gonna let him have his moment. She knew after work he was gonna be all up on her again.

___ 6 HOURS LATER  ___

"What do you say babe?" Omachi's client, Bryan asked his wife. He was giving them a tour of the house he was trying to convince them to buy.

"I'm in love with it." Aniyah, the wife said, still looking at the house in awe. He sighed of relief because this was his 3rd tour and the houses were pretty big. He just wanted to go home and rest his feet.

"Alright great. We can head back to my office so you can sign paperwork." He said.

"Sounds great." Bryan said, nodding his head.

"Jayla, let's go cmon." Aniyah said, calling out to what-seemed to-be their daughter. Jayla had seemed to be around Naomi's age. She looked as if she was being forced to come with her parents, considering the fact of her constantly rolling her eyes and dramatically sighing.

Omachi peeped Jayla checking him out once or twice, but he payed her no mind. He didn't know if she was actually checking him out, or maybe is just looking at him in disgust. "You guys actually like this house?" She asked, as she got up from the couch.

"Yes! You don't like it? Did you even look at the house, Jayla?" Aniyah asked her.

"I mean I'm not gonna be here when I go to
college, so it really doesn't matter." She shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. Anyways, let's go head back to the office so we don't hold anymore of Mr. Redding's time." Bryan said.

"Alright, let's go." Omachi said, leading them back downstairs. The house had 3 floors. He was just glad he finally sold a house because they were really picky.

Once they got out to the driveway, he watched as the family get into their car. He got in his car and started up the A.C. He took his phone out his pocket and saw 3 miss calls from a random number.

He sighed and put his phone back in his pocket. He was tired of getting bot calls all the time. He started up his car, backing out the driveway.


"That was the last one?" Bryan asked. Omachi nodded his head. They were finishing up with signing all the paperwork. After almost 2 hours and a lot of talk, they were finally done. "You'll have your keys by Tuesday." He said, making Bryan and Aniyah smile.

"Thank you! I really appreciate you. Definitely will be recommending you to my friends." Aniyah laughed.

"It's no problem, really." He smiled. Bryan held his hand out, which Omachi shook. They stood up and made their way out his office. Jayla was the last one to exit his office.

She proceeded to wink at him, before she turned around and walked out. Omachi scrunched up his face and gave her a look. Once he heard his office door close, he layed back in his chair in relief.

He wasn't gonna spend too much time at his parents house. He was just gonna pop in and say hello, and go back home. He started to pack all his things.

He opened his mini fridge and took out a sprite, packing it in his lunch box. He furrowed his eyebrows at a note inside his lunch box. He saw it was a sticky note.

His eyes softened as he read it. He turned the back and saw a sweet message from Cinese on the back of the note. He didn't know how he didn't notice the note before.

Small thoughts like this always made him happy. She always reminded him why he fell in love with her. She was just perfect to him. He just kept rereading the note over and over again, with a big smile on his face. He got up from his desk and took his lunch box and some papers, making his way into his car.

He turned on his car waiting for it to cool up. It was mad hot outside. Once his car finally cooled up, he began to make his way to his parents house. His parents didn't live too far from him. It was a 30 minute drive, depending on the traffic.

___ 35 MINUTES LATER ____

Omachi pulled into his parents driveway, now remembering all the memories they had on this driveway when he was younger. It's been almost 4 months since he's last been at his parents house.

He turned off his car and got out the car. He walked up to the front door and knocked. Seconds later, he was greeted by his sister "Machi!" Naomi exclaimed, making him chuckle.

"Yup." He laughed.

"What's wrong with you? You just now visiting?" Naomi asked, mugging him. Omachi rolled his eyes playfully, before walking inside.

"A niggas been busy." He shrugged. He walked into the living room and saw his parents on the couch. His parents didn't see him though. He decided to take this time to scare his mom.

He slowly snuck up behind her and shook her shoulders making her yelp. Even his dad shook a little bit.

"Yesu Mogya!" Her mom exclaimed.
(Blood Of Jesus!)

His mom turned around and saw it was Omachi, and slapped him, making him brust out of laughter. "ɛyɛ me maame nko ara!" He chuckled.
(It's just me mommy)

"Dabi, Machi n'ayɛ agorɔ saa." His dad exhaled.
(No, Machi don't be playing like that.)

He didn't expect for his dad to be scared too. "Y'all got so scared." Naomi laughed. His mom shook her head and sighed, "No, you can give a person a heart attack."

Omachi walked over to the couch and sat right in between them. "Wheres Brownie?" Omachi asked, referring to the dog he grew up with. His dad laughed, "He's upstairs sleeping. You know he'd be down here by now."

"Yeah. How's work and school? You doing good?" His mom asked. Omachi nodded his head, "Work and schools been good mommy."

"That's my boy." His mom laughed. His mom would always congratulate him on all his wins and losses. It was his dad that was always tough on him.

"Wait, but how's you and Cinese?" Naomi asked.

"Suh- who?" His dad asked. Omachi straight faced Naomi because he was gonna tell them about Cinese on his own time. "We good. She's my girlfriend now." He smiled.

"Wait what?" Naomi gasped.

"Mpena?" (Girlfriend?) His parents both asked in shock. It was a surprise to everyone because Omachi's never mentioned a girl to his family members. He's had multiple 'girlfriends' in the past but he's never introduced them to his family. Cinese was the first one to even get brought up.

"Yes, girlfriend. She's my girlfriend." He said. His dad just looked at him in silence for a few moments. "Ho- what does she look like?" His mom asked him.

"When did y'all become official?" Naomi asked.

"Last week." Omachi replied while taking his phone out his pocket. He clicked on the album that was labeled 'Cinese😍' and scrolled to find his favorite picture of her.

He showed his parents the photo of them
together on the plane, leaving the Bahamas. They watched the photo intensely. "Fine babe, no pimpleee." Naomi said.

"Oh n'ayɛ fɛ." (Oh she's beautiful) His mom finally said. Omachi smiled, and nodded his head in agreement. It was one of his favorite photos of her.

"Do you love her?" His dad asked. Omachi was caught off guard with that question. Although they've only knew each other for a few months, it felt like he's known her forever. He was 100% sure about his feelings about her, and he did love her.

"Yeah." He finally said. His dad started laughing, "Me babarima no wɔ ɔdɔ!"
(My son is in love!)

"Aww Machi. I knew yall were meant to be. Ever since yall accidentally got that same room. It was meant to be!" Naomi cooed.

Omachi playfully rolled his eyes and hummed in response.

"So when are we meeting her?" His dad asked. Omachi didn't think his parents would want to meet her so quickly. "Oh, you guys want to meet her? Already?" He asked.

"How could we not? Is that not our daughter in law?" His mom asked, resulting in Naomi and Omachi bursting out of laughter. His mom always cracked him up.

He felt his phone vibrate  from his pocket. He checked to see, and saw Cinese texted him. He opened the message,

cinese 💍

Today at 6:34 PM

hi baby

hi mama
Read 6:35PM

u still at ur  parents house??

they was asking for u n all😂

bye ur lying
they was?
what they say?
did you tell them anything bad?

😂😂😂 nah
i told them we together and my mom loves you
Read 6:36PM

what she say?

i'll tell u all about it when i leave

u coming to my apartment still?

Read 6:37PM


Read 6:39PM

u need ta leave her alone!

she love me tho


"What'd he say?" Tianna asked, through the phone. Cinese was on the phone with Tianna. Tianna had suggested Cinese to prank Omachi, since she tried it on Omar. Cinese was terrible when it came to pranking people.

"He said he's coming after he leaves his parents house. He even told them about me." She smiled. It always made her nervous any time someone would mention her to their parents. "No he didn't!" Tianna exclaimed.

"Yess." She smiled

"Oh babe, you've got him." Tianna said, making Cinese laugh. She believed she did. His character development made her happy. "Did you find a prank?" Tianna asked.

"Uhh, I was thinking maybe hickey prank?" She said, scrolling through youtube videos on her ipad.

"Yeah." Tianna agreed. She didn't even know how she was gonna make the hickey visible since her complexion was a bit darker. "What time is he coming?" Tianna asked.

"In 30." She responded.

"Yesss! It's the perfect amount of time to make him think you had someone over." Tianna said. She was nervous just thinking about his reaction.

"I'm scaredd." She said. She was only going to let the prank run for a few minutes. She didn't want to take it too far. "Use red lipgloss." Tianna suggested. Cinese grabbed her makeup bag and took out one of her old red lipglosses.

"I'm gonna put this one on my boobs." She said. She was wearing a v neck crop top, which exposed her cleavage. "I have one of his hoodies here and can cover it with that." She said.

"Oh girl you smart. You better record his reaction." Tianna laughed.

"I am. I'm just gonna pretend I'm doing a 'get ready with me'. He sees me make them all the time." She chuckled.

She opened the red lipstick and put a dot on her breast. "Shit. That's really pigmented." She nervously chuckled. She began to rub it with her ring finger. The more she rubbed it, the more it looked real."Tiannaaa, I'm scaredd! This looks too real." She said, making Tianna laugh.

"It's okay girl. Now put one on your neck and cover it with your hair." She said. Cinese did that and covered it with her hair. Now all she had to do it wait. "Okay. Do it look real?" She asked, showing her neck into the camera, so Tianna could see it better.

"Oh that is definitely a hickey." Tianna said. She exhaled the breath she didn't even realize she was holding in. Her phone dinged, signifying someone texted her. She saw it was Omachi.

"Girl he just texted me, he's on the way. I'll call you later." She said.

____ 37 MINUTES LATER ___

my heart ❣️

i'm outside open da door

it's open
Read 7:49PM

Cinese could already feel her palms beginning to sweat. She quickly covered her neck with her hair, and zipped up her sweater some. "C!?" She heard him shout. She clicked record on her phone before shouting, "I'm here!"

Seconds passed before she heard the door open. "What you doing baby?" He asked, now seeing all the makeup in the sink.

"I'm doing a 'Get ready with me'." She replied, pretending to put on blush. Omachi furrowed his eyebrows, "You not going nowhere though?" He said, confused.

"I know. Shh bubs, you're ruining my video." She said.

"Damn you wanted me to come so bad, but don't wanna give me a kiss or nothing." He said. She playfully rolled her eyes and turned around and gave him a hug.

She got on her tippy toes leaning in for a kiss. She pecked his lips twice before returning back to her video. "What'd your parents say about me though?" She asked, grabbing her lipgloss.

Omachi laughed, "My mom said you was beautiful. They even wanna meet you." He said, making her smile. "Aweee, really?" She asked. He nodded his head.

"How was work though?" She asked.

Omachi's head went straight to the note, making him smile again, "I saw your note." He said. Cinese forgot about the note. "You did?" She asked. He hummed in response, while putting his hands on her waist.

"Girl, is you wearing my sweater? I've been looking for this one." He said.

"Yeah. Can you pass me my brush?" She asked. He went over to where her brush was laying and handed it over to her. She thanked him and began to brush her hair.

"Y'all I might have re do this video. My boyfriend just distracted me." She sighed.

"Yeah, and did." Omachi said, making Cinese chuckle.

"Y'all see what I mean when I say he's sassy?" Cinese said looking into the camera. Omachi kissed his teeth and side eyed her.

He approached her from her waist and began to place soft kisses on her neck. "Stopp. That tickles." She giggled.

"Move yo hair bruh." He said, moving her hair. He didn't notice it at first, and kept kissing her neck. "Wait—" she got cut off by him pushing her head, so he could see what was on her neck. "What's that?" He asked.

"What?" She asked.

"That." He asked, showing her neck in their reflection. "It's probably a bruise." She shrugged. Omachi straight faced her before he chuckled. "You lying?" He asked, studying her face.

"I— no? It's a bruise baby." She nervously laughed. He watched her neck intensely. That definitely was not a bruise.

"Cinese that ain't no bruise man. That's a hickey. We didn't do no nasty stuff last night." He said. He knew the difference between a hickey and a bruise.

"Yes it is. It's from my curling iron." She said. Omachi knew she was lying just by her facial expressions.

"Curling iron? When did you ever curl yo hair Cinese?" He asked, making Cinese freeze in place. "Wh- it was for my wig?" She said.

Omachi walked out the bathroom walking into the living room, Cinese following him. "Bubs! Where are you going? It's a bruise!" She said grabbing his arm.

"C let go of my arm. I'm trying to keep it real respectful wit you. You acting like I don't know what a hickey is." He said.

"Omachi, what? It's not a hickey!" She exclaimed.

"C, you didn't curl no wig, you was with me the whole day yesterday." He said.

"I curled it when I came back to my apartment." She lied. Omachi laughed because she was lying right through her teeth. "So think I'm just stupid huh? You ain even bleached or plucked the wig so how would you curl it?" He asked.

Cinese was stunned that he even remembered what she be doing with her wigs. She watched as his jaw hardened. "It's not a hickey Omachi.." She said lowly.

"Can't believe this shit bruh. I told my parents bout you! Then you gon spin and do this shit?" He asked. Cinese wanted to tell him it was a prank because you could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I— give me my sweater." He said. Her heart dropped for a quick second.

"Can we sit and resolve the issue? Like you're assuming all this for what?" She asked.

"Who was in here Cinese?" He asked staring into her eyes.

"No one was in here!" She exclaimed.

"So who gave you that fucking hickey? Because it wasn't me!" He said.

"Yes it was you! Because no one was in here Omachi." She said. Omachi stared at her for a few seconds before rubbing his chin.

"Aight, give me my hoodie so I can leave." He said. She shook her head and began to walk away, "No. It's cold in here." She said. He got up and followed her.

"Ion give a fuck, give me my hoodie." He said. She kept trying to walk away but he grabbed her arm with a tight grip. He unzipped the hoodie, revealing the hickey on her breast.

Cinese was lowkey scared at the no emotion on his face. He lightly shoved her and made his way to the front door. "Where you going?" She asked.

"We done, Cinese. After I leave this apartment, don't call me, don't text me, don't nothing. Ion wanna see your ass again. You heard?" He asked.

Before she could even get a word out he slammed the door in her face, leaving her speechless. She didn't even know what to do. She quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed her phone.

She opened the front door and ran downstairs. She was lucky enough to catch him in the lobby. "Wait! Baby! It's a prank!" She said outta breath.

"You ain heard what I said?" He asked.

"No, it's a prank forreal! Look! I can call Tianna. It's a prank. On everything it is." She said. She stopped the video and went on Tianna's contact.

"Nah, Tianna gon lie for you, I ain dumb." He said.

"Bubs, on everything, I promise you it's a prank. I even have the video on my iPad to prove it." She said, still huffing out of breath.

She opened her phone and rewinded the video back to when she was drawing on the hickey. She watched as Omachi's eyes softened. "See..I told you" She said.

"Mmtch. You not funny man. Don't be playing like that." He said mugging her. She laughed and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a big hug. "I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you I promise." She laughed.

"Nah, you wan play like that? Bet." He chuckled to himself.

"Noo, I would never ever ever ever do anything like that. It's a prank." She said.

"Got yo socks on and everything." He laughed. Cinese looked down at her feet and realized she wasn't even wearing shoes. "Yeah, I was too busy chasing you. Can we go back inside now? I look crazy." She said.

"Aight let's go." He said picking her up, making her shriek. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and tightened her grip around his neck. "You forgive me though right?" She asked.

"Nah. I stood on what I said. We done." He said, making Cinese's heart drop. She furrowed her eyebrows, "Huh? Bu— I'm playing mama." He said. Cinese kissed her teeth and mugged him.

"Boy, just hurry up and take me back upstairs." She said.

_____ AN HOUR LATER ____

Cinese and Omachi were in her room watching a movie on the bed. It was a new movie that just had came out on Netflix.

"Alexa, skip." Omachi said. Cinese kissed her teeth and side eyed him. She actually wanted to listen to this song. "Why'd you do that? I actually wanted to listen to that one."

Come and See me by Partynextdoor began to play. It made up for Omachi skipping the other one. The movie eventually ended up finishing. Cinese got up to get a bottle of water.

"C." Omachi laughed. Cinese turned around and looked at him in suspicion. "What?" She asked. Her shorts were all the way up showing half of her ass. "Pull yo shorts down mama." He said.

She quickly pulled her shorts down and walked out the room. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.

She made her way back into the room and saw Omachi on his phone. "We not watching another movie?" She asked.

"Nah. I gotta go back home." He said, making Cinese kiss her teeth. She hated the going home part.

"No." She said, jumping on top of him. "Damn! You wan kill me?" He asked, making her giggle. She layed on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "Bubs." She called out.

He hummed in response. "Do you ever want to have kids?" She asked. They never talked about their future until now. She felt him nod his head. "Yeah, but I want us to get married first." He replied.

"Yeah." Cinese agreed. She couldn't help but smile. Omachi tapped her shoulder, making her lift up her head. "Hm?" She asked studying his face. He leaned in and kissed her, catching her off her guard.

She wasted no time and kissed him back. The kiss began to get more and more intense by the second. Cinese lowly hummed into the kiss, grabbing his face. She began to rock her body up and down,  slowly feeling his member rising. She parted her lips some, letting him have all the access to her mouth. He used his other hand to rub  her ass.

She could feel her panties getting  soaked just by their heated kiss session. She parted from the kiss making Omachi kiss his teeth, "What you doin— Omachi I wanna fuck." She said, cutting him off mid sentence. She watched as his eyes widened, making her laugh.

Cinese was always bold, but he didn't expect for her to be this bold. She was tired of acting like she didn't want too.

"Aight, take these off then." He smirked. She got off of him, taking off her shorts. He did the same, only leaving his boxers on. Once she took them off, she climbed back on top of him, leaning in for another kiss. The kiss got sloppier the more they went.

He could feel her wet spots leaving marks on his boxers, making him harder by the second. Cinese parted from the kiss and put her hand in his boxers to grab his member out. Her eyes widened at the size of it. She was lowkey scared.

"Oh.. that's umm.. oh." She said lost for words. He chuckled as he lightly shoved her back on the bed, making her lay flat. "Baby, you sure all of that is gonna fit?" She asked, making him burst out of laughter. She closed her legs, not feeling as bold anymore.

"It's not funny! Bubs that not going to fit in my coochie." She frowned. "It's gonna fit mama. Trust." He assured. She took a deep breath and nodded her head, "Okay."

"Condom or no condom?" He asked. She frowned, because she wasn't on the pill. "No condom." She said. Omachi raised his eyebrow, "You sure? You on the pill?" He asked. He wanted to be careful.

She shook her head no. "It's aight. I'll pull out." He said. Cinese nodded her head, "Okay." She agreed. He leaned down and placed soft kisses on her neck as she hummed in satisfaction. "This  going all in yo stomach." He whispered in her ear, making her heart beat increase.

He gently opened up her legs, exposing her wet coochie. He slowly rubbed his tip up and down her clit. She hummed and shut her eyes. "It feel good?" He asked. She nodded her head. He gently pushed his tip inside, watching as it disappeared.

Cinese gently whimpered as she felt more inches enter inside of her. "I told you it would fit." He said. He groaned at her warmth and how tight she was. He began to give her slow strokes, making a soft moan escape her lips.

"Shit." She softly mumbled. Omachi looked down and saw her biting her lip, trying not to moan. He began to increase his pace, making Cinese's eyes roll back to the back of her head. "Fuck Omachii!" She moaned.

"Fuck C." He groaned. She was just too wet. Cinese put her hand on his chest trying to get him back up some. "I- t-take some outtt!" She moaned. He was just too big for her.

"Nah, Ion wanna hear that. Take this shit." He said, wrapping his hand around her neck, but not too firm. Cinese shut her eyes almost immediately.

"Look at me." He whispered. She opened her eyes and met his brown eyes already staring at her. "Oh my goshhh!" She moaned as he continued to give her slow, passionate strokes. "Babyyy!" She whimpered.

"You so pretty baby. Take this dick." He said leaning in to kiss her lips. She moaned against his lips as he hit her spot. "Slow downnn! It's too muchhh!" She said.

"Take this off fa me." He said, referring to her tube top. She took it off and threw it somewhere in the room, her breasts now free. He smirked at the sight, still giving her fast strokes. "Awn fuck Omachi!" She said, lifting her head to look down.

She couldn't keep her head up and flopped back onto the pillow. "You so fuckin' wet baby, damn." He said. Omachi grabbed her hand and intertwined their hands together.

"Oh my— aughh." She moaned, letting her coat his length with her juices. "Shit, C." He grunted. He slowed down his pace and began to rub her clit, making a high pitched moan escape from her lips. "I'm finna cum!" She said as he increased his pace once again.

"Nah hold that shit Cinese." He said.

"I can'tt." She said making strong eye contact with him. Omachi groaned as he felt her walls clench around him, letting a moan slip out. A few more slow, deep strokes later she let her orgasm run free. Omachi stroked through it, while rubbing her clit. "Who told you to cum?" He asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I couldn't take it." Omachi chuckled and nodded his head. "Aight, turn around n arch." He said. Her stomach dropped because she knew what she just got herself into.

She did as told and got on all fours,
perfecting her arch. Omachi put his length back in her, already missing her warmth. "Shit." They both groaned in sync. He stayed like that for a quick moment, trying to let her adjust to his length.

Omachi grabbed onto her waist, giving her powerful, slow strokes. "Ughh." She softly whimpered. She buried her face into the pillow in pleasure, as she was creaming on him.

"Fuck, Omachi I can'ttt! I-it's too much." She said pushing him away. Omachi shook his head, "Move yo hand." He said. She softly whimpered and moved her hand.

Omachi slapped her ass, as he continued to pound into her. "It's so muchhh" She whined, feeling her eyes watering. She put her hand back on his stomach trying to run away.

"Cinese, move yo fuckin' hand." He gritted, taking her hand and pinning it behind her back. He continued to pound into her with no mercy. She could feel him all the way in her stomach.

"Take this shit. Ain't this what you wanted? You gon take it." He smirked.

"Ohh— fuckk! I'll take ittt." She moaned. She began to throw it back on him, a moan now slipping from his lips, "Fuck C."

"Just like that mama. You got it. This yours baby. All yours." He coached. "Mmm.." She softly moaned.

"You gon ride?" He asked, his strokes now getting sloppier. She froze in place not knowing what to say. She's never been on top before, and she did not have Megan knees. "I- Ion know." She said lowly.

"Cmon, try." He said, pulling out. He laid on the bed waiting for her to climb on top. "I- you serious?" She asked.

"Hell yeah. Cmon. You got it."  He encouraged. She slowly climbed over to where he was and lifted her body some. She grabbed his thick, hard peice and rubbed it on her already drenched clit.

She put the tip in her entrance and stopped halfway. "Im scared.." She joked. Omachi gave her a look and slapped her ass. "You wasn't scared to ask to fuck, now put it in C." He said making her laugh. She repositioned herself so that she was at a strong a sturdy position.

She slowly slid down on him making him groan at how warm and good she felt. "Shit Cinese." A moan escaped her lips the more she slid down. Music was in the background fulfilling their ears. Omachi was watching her with low eyes as she was still adjusting to his length.

Finally adjusted, she began to slowly move up and down, "Ugh.." She mumbled. She began to bounce up and down once she got a rhythm. "Fuckkk, just like that baby." He groaned, taking his bottom lip in his mouth.

Cinese began to move faster the more she went. "Mmhmm." She whimpered. The sounds of their skins clapping together filled the room. "Jus like th- damn." He groaned, reaching to slap her ass.

"You always so wet.. just fa me." He said. Cinese whined, her eyes rolling at the back of her head. For some reason she loved the stinging sensation he gave her.

Omachi felt like he was at his climax. It's been a while since he's had sex, with his past intercourses, his pleasure wasn't really present. With Cinese everything was different. Their intimacy was at the roof, and she warm, and wet.

"Babyyy" She softly moaned. Her twerking and whining skills were really coming in clutch. She was moving her hips in a slow but fast motion. As if she was whining in the mirror.

Omachi grabbed onto her waist and held it firm. He started thrusting his hips in an upward motion, slamming into to her. Cinese's jaw immediately dropped.

She released a high pitch moan, "I- Omachiiii! It's too muchhhh. Fuck!" She screamed, not even caring about the neighbors. Omachi's mouth was slightly parted, "You feel so good C. Fuckk." He said, triggering his climax.

"Machiii!" She said, throwing her head back. The more he slammed into her the more she reached her peak. "Yess! Right there!" She groaned clenching her walls around him.

"Shit— fuck!" He shouted pulling out, as he realesed all his cream, on her breasts. "Fuck. C." He said out of breath.

Cinese fell on top of his chest, out of breath. They both laid in silence as music lowly played in the background. Omachi turned over to look at Cinese and saw she was about to fall asleep.

He wasn't tired though. He placed soft kisses on her neck, stomach, hovering his way down to her thighs. "Bubs.. you ain tired?" She asked.

"Nah.." He said still placing soft kisses on her neck, slowly making his way to her stomach. Cinese watched him with low eyes, smiling at the feeling of his touch. He opened up her legs and spread them open, putting her legs on his shoulder.

He layed on his stomach, licking his lips before he feasted on her, "Fuck, Omachi." She moaned gripping the sheets.


hey yawllll

longggg chapter, once again

they so freaky omg😞

the hickey prank??

he said he loved her omggg🥹 anyways thoughts??

vote n comment baesss

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