𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦...

Oleh sonotemmaa

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I never knew how much I needed you until you came in my life.. Lebih Banyak

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲

2K 70 103
Oleh sonotemmaa

excuse any grammar mistakes 🙂

June 3rd

Atlanta, Georgia

"It depends on the theme, bubs." Cinese said. They were at target trying to find a gift for Omachi's baby cousin, since she was having a birthday party.

"Shi, Ion know the theme. She's a child, she probably want Minnie mouse or some shit." Omachi said.

"No, if you get a get a child the right gift that will last them a long time, I promise you they'll love you forever. My toys always broke easily growing up." Cinese said.

"So what do you wanna get her then? An American girl doll?" He asked. Cinese straight faced him.

"Do you have American Girl doll money?" She asked making Omachi kiss his teeth. He was tired from walking. They've been on their feet since morning, and they still had to go to his baby cousin birthday party. All he wanted to do was go back home and cuddle with her.

"I don't wanna get her no cheap ass doll either. They're boring." She said. Cinese was always so indecisive when it came to getting gifts.

Cinese's eye landed on a LED writing board with different colors. It was like her inner child was activated. "Oh my- , look at this one bubs!" She gasped.

She immediately picked it up, and looked at it in awe. "This is so cutee!" She smiled. Omachi smiled at her reaction. He didn't know toys made her so happy. He was gonna have to keep that in mind.

"You getting that for yourself, or Nana?" He asked, making her laugh.

"For her, dummy." She said. She would kill to have one of these growing up. She grew up having a bunch of toys, but they wouldn't last her that long. "How much is it?" He asked. Cinese checked the price tag and softly gasped. "$41" She said making a yikes face.

"Aw hell nah. Put it back. Just pick up something for her and let's go C." He said. Cinese frowned and kissed her teeth.

"I'll pay for it." She said grabbing it and walking away before Omachi could debate with her. She knew he wasn't gonna let her pay for it. "C!" He exclaimed. He sped walked to catch up with her.

"You forreal gon get that?" He asked. She nodded her head. He appreciated her going above and beyond to get his baby cousin a gift, but he hated seeing her stress herself out like this. "Aight, Give me the gift, let's go pay for it." He said.

She handed him the gift. "You think she gonna like it?" She asked. His little cousin liked anything. "She likes anything." He shrugged.

"Can we go home now?" He asked. Cinese laughed at him using the term 'home' as if she wasn't going back to her apartment tonight. "When we go back, we're just gonna sit around and do nothing." She said. Omachi didn't mind doing that. As long as he was in her presence.

"So?" He asked, making her chuckle. "Okay. Let's go checkout then." She said. They walked over to the self checkout and began scanning their things.

Cinese scanned all the things she got, plus the LED light board she got for Omachi's baby cousin, Nana. She saw the screen began to act up. She must've clicked on the wrong thing. "Shit.." She mumbled to herself.

"What happened?" Omachi asked. Cinese kissed her teeth and sighed. The self checkout took her back to the beginning, where she had to scan the items all over again. She always had little patience with self checkouts.

"This dumb ass machine. I'm going to the actual checkout." She said grabbing all the items. "Baby, we can just ask for help instead of waiting in that long ass line." He tried to reason. Her feet were starting to hurt, so she agreed.

"Okay. Go call someone then." She said. She watched as Omachi walked over to where the workers were standing. She opened her phone and saw someone hearted her story on instagram. Cinese was lowkey shocked that the story was still getting hearts because she thought her story would've expired by now.

She had posted a picture of what Omachi had gotten her, along with the girlfriend proposal on her story yesterday. She checked to see who hearted the story, and saw it was a random account. She squinted her eyes at the user name and saw it had the name mia in it. She clicked on the profile and saw it was private.

She furrowed her eyebrows and saw Alonah followed it. She went on settings and clicked on her blocked list and unblocked Mia. She went on Mia's following list and saw Mia followed the account. Her whole mood just switched.

She immediately blocked the account. She was tired of her always finding a way to stalk her and she was getting sick of it. She didn't even try to be discreet about it.

"Okay, what's the problem here?" The worker asked, approaching her.

"Uh, the thing just froze, now we can't checkout our things." Omachi explained. The worker analyzed the screen before touching a bunch of random buttons. "There you go!" The worker smiled, once she got it.

Omachi thanked her, and watched as she walked away. He began to scan the items, whilst Cinese just watched him do it silently. Omachi peeped the energy change and furrowed his eyebrows. "You aight?" He asked, putting the items in bags. Cinese scoffed and shook her head.

"It's this bitch Mia. She's always finding a way to stalk me." She explained. Omachi sighed and rolled his eyes. He honestly wasn't even surprised, it was always something with Mia. "Damn she obsessed." He chuckled.

"I knoww! At this point Imma just let her watch. She just mad cus I'm married." Cinese said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, we married na?" He asked, making Cinese smile.  smiled. She nodded her head yes, "Been."

She said, giving him a look. Omachi knew what game she was playing with that look in her eyes. "You keep playin, but once we get home your eyes gone be in the back of yo head." He said, making her jaw drop.

"You nasty!" She laughed.

"Mhm, let's go so we can wrap this gift." He said. Cinese nodded her head. Omachi grabbed all the bags as they made their way to the car. He used his free hand to hold Cinese's hand.


"No stupid, you wrap it this way." Cinese said shoving Omachi's hand away. The party started at 5, and it was currently 6:24. They've been stuck trying to figure out how to wrap her gift and Cinese was starting to get pissed with Omachi.

She didn't know if he was doing it on purpose or just being annoying. "Bruh, Cinese if you wrap it that way it's gon take us another hour." Omachi said mugging her. "Don't look at me like that. On everything, I will really just go to bed." She said.

Omachi took the gift out of her hands, along with  the wrapping paper. Cinese was tired of going back and forth with him so decided to leave it up to him. "Aight, freak this, I'm going to go get dressed." She said, getting up.

"C! You forreal boutta leave me here!?" He shouted as she continued to walk away. Cinese grinned and  slammed the bedroom door on purpose. "I know you ain't just slam my door!" He yelled, making her laugh.

Once she was in the room she took a deep sigh. She didn't even know what she gonna to wear. She was out of clothes after staying with him for 2 weeks now. She opened Omachi's closet, and looked at her side of the closet, where she kept all of her clothes. She quickly
skimmed through all the clean clothes and  found a black jumpsuit.

She decided to pair the jumpsuit with a jean jacket. She didn't feel like doing a full-face, so she just put on her lashes and lipgloss and called it a day.

Suddenly, Cinese heard a knock on the door. She was about to reply, but Machi's voice cut in before she could even say a word. "It's me mama." He said. She quickly ran over to the door and unlocked it. She looked up at him and saw him leaning on the doorframe.

"I finished wrapping the gift." He stated.

"Okay." She said, nodding her head.

"You upset or sum? Why you lock the door?" He asked. She shook her head and chuckled. It was just her resting bitch face. "Nope. It's just my face bubs. You should know this by now." She said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"I do know. I'm your boyfriend how wouldn't I?" He smirked. Cinese laughed at how he emphasized boyfriend. It's crazy how they were dating for almost 4 months and she could still get so shy. "Go get dressed, Omachi." She said, breaking the eye contact.

He pulled her in by her arm, leaning down some to give her a kiss. He lifted her chin with his finger and gently pressed his lips on hers. As the kiss began to get more intense, Cinese remembered where they had to be. She knew if they went any farther, that little girl would not be getting her gift.

"Okay, seriously go get dressed." She said parting from the kiss, making Omachi kiss his teeth. Cinese laughed at his attitude switch.


"No, I put it in the back seat." Cinese said. They were in the car on the way to his cousins birthday party. They were already an hour late, and the drive was 40 minutes away. They had a long way to go. Cinese just hoped she got there in time before they cut the cake.

(A/N: Y'all should play the song! It goes along and it's so so cute)

Omachi started up the car, as Cinese connected her phone to the aux. "What you wanna listen to?" Cinese asked. Omachi shrugged as he turned his head to watch where he was backing out at. Cinese smiled and took advantage of being on the aux.

She clicked shuffle on her playlist as 'Love don't change by Jeremih' began to play. Cinese smiled because it's been a while since she heard the song. Omachi smiled at her, "Watchu know about this?" He asked, making Cinese laugh.

"What I know? What do you know about this?" She asked.

"I know that you don't know the song like I d— sh, this my favorite part!" Cinese interrupted, holding her finger up, signaling for him to shut up. "But when it hurts, I can make it better!" Cinese sang.

"Girl if it works, it's gonna be forever!" Omachi sung to Cinese, making her stomach flutter. "We been through the worst, made it through the weather!" They sang to each other.

"The problems and the pain. But love don't change." They sung. Cinese felt like they could relate to those lyrics. "This our song mama!" Omachi said, as he kept singing to her. Cinese furrowed her eyebrows, "Our song?" She asked, smiling.

"Yup. It's our song. You know it too." He said, making Cinese blush. As they continued to sing to each other, they couldn't help but smile at each other. She felt every single lyric as they sung along, and it made her feel happy. She was happy.

"But when it hurts I can make it better! Girl if it works, it's gonna be forever! We been through the worst, made it through the weather. Our problems and the pain." Omachi sung.

Cinese was  admiring him as he sung his heart out to her, feeling every single lyric. She didn't know to explain the feeling, but it was a good one. There was so much tension in the air.

"Our love don't change." Omachi said, now turning his head to look at her. Omachi almost forgot he was on the road, but the way they were looking at each other made him want to pull over. They had their disagreements, and their days, but he knew this was just their beginning.

He used his free hand to grab her hand , while steering with the other. He pulled her hand in and kissed it. "I can't with you." She laughed, making him smile.

"Do you know what time we gonna get there?" She asked. She was still nervous. She was about to meet all of his close friends and family. It made her stomach drop just thinking about it.

She loved long car rides, she just hated the sitting down in one posture part. "C, we not even on the freeway yet." Omachi said, making Cinese sigh dramatically.

"You so dramatic. It's only 40 minutes. We like 35 minutes in." He said, Cinese now rolling her eyes.

"No cause my butt starting to hurt." She frowned, making Omachi turn his head to look at her. "Adjust the seat. " He said, looking back at the road. She took off her shoes and reclined the seat back. Once she adjusted the seat to her liking, she layed down and sighed of relief. She could just feel Omachi's eyes on her.

"What? I can't be a passenger princess?" She asked.

"I never said that. You will always be my passenger princess." He said, making her chuckle.

"I don't wanna sleep because I know Imma have marks on my face." Cinese said. Omachi nodded his head in agreement. "And when you wake up you be having the meanest mug on your face. They gon think you mad or something." Omachi laughed.

Cinese shook her head. She knew he was right. He knew her so well.


They finally arrived at the place. Cinese caught one glance from the house and saw the house was beautiful. It was a nice house. "This house is so pretty." Cinese smiled.

"Yeah?" Omachi asked. Cinese nodded her head. Omachi got out the car, and walked over to Cinese's side, opening the door for her. "Thank you." She smiled as she grabbed his hand, getting up. She made sure to grab the gift.

As they were walking closer to the house you could hear the loud music in the background. It reminded Cinese back to when she was a child and all the functions. "You aight?" Omachi asked.

Cinese shook her head, making Omachi laugh. She was nervous. "I promise they gon love you. Just be you." He assured. He knocked on the door and waited. A few seconds later a woman opened the door. "Machi! It's so good to see you! How've you been?" She asked, giving him a hug.

The lady looked around to be in her 40's. Cinese noticed she had a nice body figure. Her skin was glowing in the sun as well.

"I'm good. How you been?" He asked. The lady smiled and nodded her head, "I've been good. I see you brought someone?" She asked, now facing Cinese.

Omachi nodded his head, "Yeah, this is my girlfriend, Cinese." He said. The lady's jaw dropped and gasped.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Cinese smiled. The lady smiled at Cinese and leaned in to hug her. Cinese was shocked at first, but hugged her back.

"Mpena? We're gonna have to talk later. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ohema, Omachi's aunt." She smiled. Cinese nodded her head and handed her the gift. She took it and smiled at her.

"Come inside! Nana's in the back." Ohema said opening the door some. They walked in as she closed door. She led them to backyard where everyone else was. There were multiple kids running around, while the adults were sitting at tables eating their food.

"We're about to cut cake soon." Ohema said before walking away. Omachi held Cinese's hand, and walked over to an empty table. "There's so many kidsss." Cinese smiled.

"Yeah." Omachi agreed.

"Your aunt was nice." Cinese said, facing him. Omachi's family was always welcoming. He knew that they would love Cinese. "I told you they was gon love them. You being all nervous for what." He said, making Cinese mug him.

"Shut up. I can't be nervous now?" She asked,
making Omachi laugh. She didn't find anything funny. Meeting new people always had her nervous. "Uncle!" They heard. She looked over, and saw a little girl running towards Omachi.

Cinese guessed it was the birthday girl because of her very hot pink tutu skirt, and her crown. Her dark skin was glowing in the sun, exposing all her melanin. The little girl ran into Omachi's arms as Omachi laughed and picked her up.

"Damn girl! You getting heavy!" He exclaimed.

"Am not. You're just not strong anymore." She shrugged, making Cinese laugh. Cinese wasn't even here for 2 minutes, but  she already knew the little girl has a sharp mouth. "Who are you?" The little girl asked, pointing at Cinese.

"Nana, we don't point at people. That's my girlfriend, Cinese." Omachi said, making Nana gasp. "You have a girlfriend?!" She exclaimed. Omachi nodded his head. Nana kicked both her feet signaling that she wants to be put down.

Omachi put her down and watched as Nana walked up to Cinese. "You're really pretty." Nana said, making Cinese smile. "Thank you! You are too." Cinese said. Little kids complimenting her always warmed her heart.

"Thank you! Do you like my ballerina skirt?" She asked twirling around. Cinese nodded her head, "You look beautiful." She said.

"How did you and my uncle meet?" Nana asked, resulting in Cinese laughing. She looked over at Omachi, seeing him shake his head. "Welll, we met at a restaurant. We didn't like each other very much." Cinese said.

Nana furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Well if you didn't like each other very much, how are you together?" She asked. Cinese was amazed at how quickly she speaks for a 5 year old.

"Uh—well.. um, we had went on a cruise together, and ended up talking. Turns out your uncle is really
cool." Cinese said, making Nana's jaw drop. "A cruise? Is that how you guys fell in love?" Nana asked, clearly very intrigued.

Cinese laughed and nodded her head. It was funny to her how interested she was. "Yes." Cinese smiled. "I want a boyfriend." Nana frowned.

"Nah, Don't start that mess." Omachi warned.

"Do you wanna see my room? My mom let me decorate it for my birthday." Nana asked, ignoring what Omachi just told her. "Sur— Nana, what happened to your friends?" Omachi interrupted. Nana quickly turned her head to look at her friends. Once she spotted them, she ran back over to them. Cinese frowned and mugged at Omachi. She was enjoying talking  to her. Nana was really energetic and interesting.

"Why did you do that? I liked talking to her." She said.

"I know, but  we gotta eat. I'm hungry, and I know you hungry too." He said. Cinese immediately smiled, making Omachi smile. He knew food was her weakness. One of the main reasons why Cinese came was because of the food. She heard a lot about Ghanaian food and was excited to try. "Oh yeah." She smiled.

As they were walking up to where the food was, they got approached by one of Omachi's uncle. Growing up, Omachi was really close with his uncle. He was like a second father to him."Machi! Is that you?" The guy asked.

"Uncle V? Where you been hiding at? I've been looking for you." Omachi laughed.

"Me hiding? You the one hiding! You never come to the family cookouts." The man said shaking his head. His eyes landed over to Cinese. "Is this..?" He asked. Omachi nodded his head.

The man started laughing and jumping up and down, making Cinese look at him in confusion. "Finally man! I thought you would've stayed single forever." The man said. Once the man stopped jumping up and down and acknowledged Cinese, he introduced himself.

"I'm his uncle. You can call me V though. I don't know how you deal with his hard headed ass." He said, making Cinese giggle. She watched as he put his hand out. She gave him her hand as he shook it. "Ohh, I'm Cinese. It's nice to meet you." She softly smiled.

"Man, I would've never expected you to pop out like this." V chuckled, making Omachi side eye him. As Omachi continued to catch up with his uncle Cinese's stomach began to rumble. "Bubs," She said, tapping on his back.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I'm gonna go get me a plate." She said. Omachi and his uncle have been talking for what felt like years. She felt like she looked stupid just standing there waiting for their conversation to end, so getting a plate won't hurt.

"Aight, I'll be there soon." He said. Cinese walked over the foods which were covered in foils. Cinese was greeted by so much of Omachi's family members and were very welcoming. She grabbed herself a plate and saw all the different foods. Both Omachi and Cinese came from very different cultures, so she was high key excited to try.

She saw some fried rice and put a portion on her plate. Just as she was about to put some plantain on her plate, she saw someone approach her. Cinese peeped he was tall. Not omachi tall, but tall. His skin was very clear and dark, and his dark brown eyes glistened in the sun. Cinese could tell his hair was very long because his twists went all the way down to his neck.

"Yo." The guy called out. Cinese looked up at him and gave him a quick smile, putting her head back down and stuffing more food on her plate, hoping he would leave. But he did the exact opposite. He silently watched her as she continued to put food on her plate.

Cinese didn't know him, and didn't know if he was Omachi's family memeber, but she hated getting approached by dudes when Omachi wasn't there. She still was low key traumatized from what happened on the cruise.

"Can I help you?" She asked, in the nicest way possible trying not to seem annoyed. The man laughed and shook his head. "Maybe. You Machi's girl right?" He asked. Cinese nodded her head in slight confusion. His tone seemed off.

"Yeah." She said, bending down to pick up a sprite. She wanted to get out of his presence as soon as possible. "What you rushing for? I wanna talk to you." He smirked.

"Well I don't wanna talk to you." She said, bluntly. The guy chuckled and smiled. "Watchu playin hard to get fa'? I know you not happy with him forreal." He said, making Cinese furrow her eyebrows.

"First of all, you don't know me, and I don't know you. I'm very happy with my man." She said, giving him a nasty look.

"You know you not happy." He said. Cinese scrunched up her face. 'Who does this guy think he is?' She thought to herself. She didn't even know the guy and he was just assuming random things about her character. She tried to keep it as respectful as possible, since Omachi's aunts and uncles were around, but this guy was starting to piss her off.

"Who the hell are you to tell me if I'm happy or not? Again, you don't know me. I don't owe you any explanation to you about my relationship, nor is it any of your business." She said.

"I know Machi. He definitely knows how to find em.'" The guy said getting close to her. Cinese was trying so hard not to make a scene.  "I don't care if he was your brother, You don't know our relationship." She said. Cinese noticed he was getting closer to her. She turned around to leave before he could do anything, but she felt him grab her arm with a tight, firm grip.

"Just give me your number." He said.

"Get the fuck off of me." She gritted. She watched as the guys mouth part open to say something, else but cut off by someone's voice. "The fuck you doing?" Cinese heard Omachi ask. He immediately let go of her arm, once he heard Machi's voice.

"We ain't doing nun. I was introducing myself to her." He lied.

"Nah, why was you gripping on my girl like that? I saw that shit. You think I'm blind?" He asked. Cinese was relieved when she heard his voice. Some people just don't understand limits. The guy licked his lips and chuckled. "It ain't even that serious." He said.

"KJ, Lie to my face one more fucking time. Imma ask you again, why were you holding onto her hand like that?" Omachi asked, stepping closer to him. Omachi was taller and buffer than him, so when Omachi got closer, you could tell he was a little taken aback.

"Nigga, chill. I told you what it was." He shrugged. Omachi licked his lips and chuckled. "You lucky we in front of family. We both know how this shit would've gone down." He said.

Omachi watched as KJ walked away and kissed his teeth. He quickly began to make his way towards the house, Cinese following right him. "You aight?" Omachi asked her, closing the backyard door. Cinese nodded her head. "Are you alright?" She asked. She could tell he was still really heated.

"Yeah. What he do to you?" He asked.

"He was being a weirdo. He was talking about sum, 'oh, I know you not happy with him'. Then he asked for my number. How are you gonna tell me if I'm happy or not in my relationship?" Cinese said, getting heated all over again.

Cinese watched as Omachi's jaw hardened, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "That's when he grabbed yo arm?" He asked. Cinese nodded her head, "When I was about to leave, that's when he grabbed my arm." Cinese explained.

"He lucky we in front of family, on bro. On everything I would've beat his fucking ass." Omachi said.

"Who even is he?" Cinese asked, sitting down on the couch.

"My cousin." He mumbled. Him and KJ used to be real close growing up. Almost like brothers. One day he just randomly switched. Omachi got the vibe that he was jealous of him. He would never congratulate him on his wins, but instead bring him down. He even went as far to dating Anya after they broke up, just to make him mad.

When Omachi began to distance himself from him, KJ got even more upset. Which lead to them constantly fighting. Omachi thought he would've gotten over this jealousy as they grew up, but guess not. "Your cousin? And he's acting like that?" Cinese asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Blood don't always mean loyalty. He always tryna compete with me." Omachi shrugged. He was sick and tired of waiting to see if his cousin would change, when he constantly proved to Omachi that he wouldn't. He just needed to accept it.

"Ew. That's mad weird." Cinese said. She understood how he felt. She's been in his place multiple times, constantly waiting for people to change.

"But you gotta stop waiting for him to change bubs. If he's proved to you time and time again that he's not gonna change is it really worth your energy?" Cinese asked.

Omachi thought about what she said for a second. She was right. "I know C, but we used to be brothers. Nigga just randomly switched up." He sighed.

"Sit down." She said, patting on the couch. She watched as he slowly sat down next her on the couch. Cinese grabbed his hand and began to play with his fingers. It was starting to become a habit of hers. His hands were just so soft.

"I understand. But baby, I promise you he's not worth your time." Cinese said, searching his eyes. She saw that he was avoiding eye contact with her.

"Okay?" She asked, touching his cheek. He finally met her gaze and nodded his head. "Come." She said opening her arms, signaling for him to give her a hug. He leaned in to her hug, as Cinese gave him a big hug.

Once he parted from the hug Cinese pecked his lips twice. "It's fuck him." She said, making Omachi laugh.


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear, Nana. Happy birthday to you!" They all sung. They were all gathered around about to cut the cake. "Thank you." Nana smiled.

"Make a wish!" Somebody exclaimed. They all watched as Nana closed her eyes about to say her wish. "I wish for a big—You're not supposed to say it out loud girl!" Nana's dad, Issac interrupted. Cinese had met with half of Omachi's family already. Including Nana's dad. They were really nice and welcoming people.

"Oops!" Nana said; closing her eyes again. Once she made a wish she blew out the candles and everyone began to cheer. They handed her a knife to cut her cake. "Manny come take our photo." Issac said, handing a random dude the phone.

Everyone began to gather around the table including Omachi. Cinese didn't know if she should join the picture or not, since she wasn't considered family. "C, cmon." Omachi said, motioning with his hand so she could come.

"Nah, it's family only." KJ interrupted.

Omachi opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by Cinese. "It's okay, I don't mind taking the photo." Cinese said, quickly. She didn't wanna come off wrong, or start any problems between the two. Again.

"Nah, Cinese get in the photo." Omachi said. He hated the fact KJ was starting this in front of Nana."It's family only Machi. She ain't family." KJ said, with the most devious smirk.

"Yes she is. She's uncles girlfriend. Plus she's my new friend, so that technically means family!" Nana said, smiling at Cinese.

"Exactly. Cinese get in the photo." Omachi said, but in an odd tone. Once she heard his tone, she knew he wasn't asking, he was telling her. "KJ, don't do too much." Ohema said. Cinese awkwardly walked over to where Omachi and the others was standing.

"Nah fuck that. Y'all being so friendly for what? Y'all know the bitch ain't family." KJ said, walking away before Omachi could say anything. Omachi was gonna go follow him but his uncle held him back. "Don't even." V said, to Omachi.

"V, let go of me." Omachi warned.

"He's not worth your trouble." V whispered. Omachi sighed and shook his head. Him calling Cinese a bitch really just crossed the limit. "Nah, V.. He just called my girlfriend a bitch?!" Omachi semi- whispered.

"Don't." V said. Omachi chuckled and nodded his head. He knew he was gonna catch him one day or another. He was tired of KJ always getting away with shit.

Omachi felt Cinese hold his hand under the table, making him smile. Her touch always had an effect on him no matter his mood. "Don't mind him okay?" Cinese whispered. He nodded his head slowly, trying to take in Cinese's advice.

"I know." He said.

"Who's ready for gifts?!" Ohema exclaimed. Nana immediately smiled and jumped out her seat. "Me! Me!" Nana exclaimed.

"You don't want cake?" Omachi asked her. Nana immediately shook her head no.

"No. I already had a lot of sugar." Nana said, making Ohema laugh. At least she was aware.

"Cinese, did you get me a gift?" Nana asked, walking up to her. Cinese smiled at her and nodded her head. "Of course I did. It's on the gift table." Cinese said.

"I like her Uncle." Nana said, making everyone burst out of laughter. "Cmon let's go open your gifts." Cinese said, holding her hand. Omachi pretended to follow them but secretly went inside to find KJ. He was still bothered at the fact he called Cinese a bitch.

He could tell that Cinese was still bothered just by her  her facial expression. He knew Cinese long enough to know she hated getting embarrassed. Especially in front of a group of people. He walked in the house, and went to the kitchen. His eyes immediately landed on KJ, but he was on his phone.

Once KJ noticed Omachi, he began to smirk.

"Yo girl still mad? Tell her to toughen the fuck—" Before he could finish the sentence, Omachi punched him right in the nose, him now falling out the chair. KJ's nose began to bleed as he got up. "Yeah pussy. Her name is Cinese." Omachi said.

"Fucks wrong with you bruh?! Y-You fucking broke my nose!" He exclaimed holding onto his nose. "I warned you. You keep pushing my limits. Doing me is one thing, but my girl? Nah." Omachi said, shaking his head.

He didn't want Cinese to be in the middle of their beef. "Next time it'll be more than just a broken nose." Omachi spat. He turned around and walked away,  leaving him on the floor.

He walked back outside and saw Cinese playing with Nana. He's never seen Nana so happy. Seeing Cinese playing with his  baby cousin warmed his heart. He never knew she was so good with kids.

"Mommy! Look what Nesie got me!" Nana squealed. Omachi furrowed his eyebrows. Nesie? That was new. Cinese turned around and caught Omachi staring at her. "Where'd you go?" She asked, walking towards him.

"I just went inside. Bathroom." He lied. Cinese slowly nodded her head and hummed. Omachi leaned down signaling for a kiss. Cinese went on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, repeatedly pecking his lips.

"Ew! Don't be doing that in front of my children!"  Issac yelled, making Omachi kiss his teeth. Cinese laughed at his commentary. She looked down at his fingers now noticing they were bleeding.

"Omach- what happened to your hands?" She asked, grabbing his hand. Omachi pulled his hands away, "Nothing." He answered. Cinese gave him a look.

"Omachi, you don't have to lie. You can talk to me." She said, looking up at him. Omachi shook his head. "I'll tell you about it later." He said brushing her off.

"No. Tell me now." She said. She hated when he did this. Omachi kissed his teeth and sighed. She widened her eyes waiting for an answer. "Hello? Am I not talking to you?" She asked.

"I punched KJ." He finally said.

"Oh." She said. Omachi was confused. He thought she would've gone off on him. "You not mad?" He asked. Cinese shook her head. "No? Why would I be? I don't know what's going on between yall, but If you punched him, it had to be for a reason." She shrugged.

She knew Omachi wouldn't just go around randomly punching people. But she did know it was because he called her a bitch. "Did you get him good at least?" Cinese smiled, making him laugh.

"You already know." Omachi laughed.

"You gotta clean your hands though." She said. It bothered her to see his hands bleeding. "I think there's first aid kit in the bathroom upstairs." He said.

"Okay, let's go. I can't stand seeing your hands like that." She said. Omachi chuckled and led her to the bathroom. When they got upstairs, Cinese saw the house was even more prettier. "I'm so inlove with this house." Cinese smiled.

"We gon get our own one day. Don't worry." Omachi said making Cinese's stomach drop.

"We are?" She laughed as they walked into the bathroom. Omachi nodded his head. "When we settle down, yeah." He said. It made her happy knowing he sees a future with her.

"Well I can't wait for that day." She smiled. She opened the mirror trying to look for the first aid kit. "It's under there, C." Omachi said, sitting on the toilet seat.  "Oh. I knew that." She said, bending down to get it.

She opened the kit and saw so many bandaids. She grabbed the alcohol and a tissue. "It's gonna burn for a few seconds okay?" She informed. Omachi slowly nodded his head. "Aight."

She a poured a little bit of alcohol on the tissue. She grabbed his hand and gently rubbed the tissue on his bloody knuckle. Omachi hissed at the burning feeling. "Fuck." He groaned.

"I'm sorry. I told you it was gonna burn." She said. Cinese kept the tissue on for a few more seconds tryna clean the cuts. "You done yet?" He asked, getting

"No. Stay still." She said. Omachi began to shriek like a little girl who fell off the slide, making Cinese burst out laughter. "Bruh, I can't with you." She laughed.

"That shit burns ma." He said.

"I didn't tell you to punch him." She said, grabbing his other hand. Omachi playfully rolled his eyes and chuckled."You know he deserved that shit." He said.

"It's only a small cut. I don't know why you're bleeding so much." She said. She grabbed a bandaid and placed it on his knuckle. "There you go." She smiled.

"You proud of yourself, huh?" He asked.

"Yup. I'm a CNA to remind you." She said, making Omachi laugh.


The sun was beginning to set and half of the guests already went home. It was 7PM, and they were helping clean up. "Thank you, Cinese for coming. It really has a been a pleasure to meet you." Ohema said.

Cinese smiled and nodded. "It's not problem."

"I'm just so glad to see him happy. You are that spark he needed. When I tell you, you'd think I'm lying. I've never seen him so happy." Ohema said, making Cinese laugh. It warmed her heart to hear his aunt say that. "He never smiled?" She asked.

"No! He was always so moody and always frowning. I almost forgot how his smile looked like." Ohema joked. Cinese enjoyed hearing his family talking about how he was before he met her.

"Aight, that's enough stories Aunty." Omachi said approaching them. She felt Omachi's arms wrap around her waist, making Ohema playfully roll her eyes. "Cinese, You're gonna have to come over again. So next time I could teach you Twi." Ohema said.

"Teach who Twi?" Issac yelled, making Omachi chuckle.

"Cinese!" Ohema yelled back.

"Oh yes. Machi why you ain neva teach the girl Twi?" Issac asked, walking up to them. Omachi shook his head and shrugged.

"Yeah, why didn't you?" Cinese asked, turning around to face him.

"Why you ain't never teach me French?" Omachi asked, flipping the question. Cinese went silent making Omachi laugh. "Oh, you speak French?" Ohema asked, shocked. Cinese nodded her head.

"Yeah. I'm Senegalese." Cinese said.

"I like her." Ohema said, to Issac, making Omachi and Cinese burst out of laughter. She's heard that once a few times.

"Okay aunty, we should get going now. I'll call y'all. Tell Nana I said Happy Birthday." Omachi said.

"Bye!" Cinese waved. Ohema watched as they were holding hands as they walked away. "He's so inlove." Ohema sighed dramatically.

"Happy for him. He deserves it." Issac said.

"They remind me of how we were when I first met you." Ohema said reminiscing.


While Omachi was driving, Cinese was scrolling through Instagram. She was scrolling through the stories and came across Alonah's close friends story. She saw that Alonah was at a nearby carnival. She forgot today was the last day they were opened.


omg ur @ the carnival right??
Seen just now

yess!! you should come, i came w my boyfriend

should i?? machi & i are in the car otw homee

girl yes! i haven't seen you since the cruise🥲 we needa hang out more booka
at least swing by for a minute

literally 😫
we're otw

Cinese shut her phone and turned to Omachi. It really has been a while since she's seen Alonah. "Babyyyy." Cinese playfully sung. Omachi hummed in response and slightly turned his head, locking eyes with her. He knew she was about to ask her for something.

"Alonah's at the carnival and she wants us to go. Can we swing by there for a minute?" She asked.

"Now?" Omachi asked. Cinese nodded her head. "You ain't tired from Nanas birthday party?" Omachi asked. He knew if they went, they wouldn't be leaving till' 10, and he wasn't really in the mood bf

"No, not really.. Pleaseee? I wanna see Alonah." Cinese pleaded. She wasn't planning on staying there for that long either. She was just gonna hang out and then go back. "Mmtch." Omachi kissed his teeth.

"Please baby. Only for an hour?" She smiled. She knew he was gonna say yes. He never told her no. "Aight. One hour, and one hour only. I wanna sleep." He yawned.

"It's not gonna be bad. Think of it as... a double date!" Cinese tried to reason. Omachi shook his head and sighed. "I dunno. I just wanna lay down and cuddle."
Omachi said, making Cinese laugh.

"We always do that." She said, playfully rolling her eyes. Omachi shrugged his shoulders, "Ion care." He said.


Cinese got out the car, and closed the door, thanking Omachi for opening the door for her. "Where they at?" Omachi asked, as soon as they stepped out. Cinese shrugged, "Let me text her." Cinese said, opening her phone.



the ferris wheel

You liked 'the ferris wheel'

"Shes at the ferris wheel." Cinese said. They could spot the ferris wheel all the way from the road. They began to walk towards the ferris wheel hand in hand. "Which ride do you wanna go on?" Cinese asked, making Omachi scrunch up his face.

"Rides? Who said anything about rides?" Omachi asked, making Cinese laugh. He didn't think they were going on rides. He thought it would just be Cinese & Alonah meeting up.

"You stupid? We're at a fair. We're getting on rides bubs." Cinese smiled. Omachi shook his head. "You getting on rides. Not me. I just ate a bunch of Jollof rice, ain't nobody got time for rides." Omachi said, shaking his head.

"You're lameee." Cinese said, laughing. Omachi shrugged his shoulders. On a normal day he would, but he ate too much. "Did you like my family?" Omachi asked, changing the subject.

Cinese nodded her head. "I loved them! I can't wait to see Nana again." Cinese said. She got excited just by the thought of it. She felt like she immediately clicked with them. "I'm glad." Omachi laughed.

"Now you gotta meet my brother next." Cinese smiled. She knew they were gonna get along. Omachi reminded her of her brother so much "How old is he?" Omachi asked.

"28. He's engaged with a baby on the way." She replied.

"Damn! 28? He old as shit!"'Omachi said. Cinese kissed her teeth and side eyed him. "Don't even do my brother like that. You're three years away from him." Cinese said.

"Even still." Omachi said.

"Oh, look it's the ferris wheel!" Cinese pointed out. She squinted her eyes and saw Alonah in line, talking to her boyfriend.

"Ain't that Alonah?" Omachi asked. Cinese nodded her head and smiled. She grabbed Omachi's hand and dragged him towards Alonah. "Yeah, cmon." Cinese squealed.

Cinese walked up to Alonah, not even caring about cutting in front of people. Once Alonah spotted Cinese she gasped. "Cinese?! Oh my goshh!" She exclaimed, jumping in her arms. They both jumped into each other's arms as if they hadn't seen each other in years: It's crazy how quickly you're likely to bond with somebody.

"How have you been?! Oh my goodness, I missed you so much." Alonah smiled, as they parted from the hug.

"I've been good! I missed you more girl." Cinese smiled.

"Is that Machi?" Alonah whispered as if he wasn't right there. Cinese nodded her head. She doesn't really
post about her relationship like that, so she understood the confusion.

"Yess." Cinese said, flashing her promise ring.

"Bye, not the promise ringg! Oh girl you won." Alonah said, making Cinese laugh.

"Alright, enough small talk, let's go get on the ridess! Come, let me show you my favorite one." Alonah said, grabbing Cinese's hand.

"Wait! I need to buy a wristband first." Cinese chuckled. She knew she should've bought a wristband before they met up. It would've saved so much time.

"Oh sure. Let's go, Cmon." Alonah said.

"What about the guys?" Cinese asked. Alonah shook her head, "Oh they'll be fine. Kyson is done with rides for today." Alonah said.

"Okay let me go tell him." Cinese said, walking back over to Kyson and Omachi, who were already laughing. "I'm gonna go buy a wristband with Alonah. I'll be right back." Cinese said.

"Aight. Have fun." He said. She quickly pecked his cheek as she jogged back over to Alonah. "Okay. Let's go." Cinese said, smiling like a 9 year old who just got on her first roller coaster.

____ 2 HOURS LATER  ___

Cinese and Alonah had already went on all of the rides and were on their second round. Cinese felt like a kid all over again. She hadn't had this much fun in a while. She realized she needed to get out of her comfort zone and start going out more.

Just as she was about to tell Alonah something, her her phone vibrated in her pocket. She quickly took her phone out from her purse and saw she had 3 notifications on her phone. She opened her phone and saw 3 missed calls from Omachi.

my heart❣️

Today at 10:23 PM

faye answer your phone
it's been two hours

we were on rides
Read 10:24 PM

nah fuck that, come back to the ferris wheel i'm ready to go home n ik you are too

bubs, u can go home😂 alonah will drop me off

call me

Cinese sighed and rolled her eyes. She pressed on his contact and called him. The didn't even ring for 2 seconds and Omachi already answered. He wasted no time. "C, what you talking about?" He asked.

"Nothing?" She asked, confused.

She heard Omachi kiss his teeth through the phone making her dramatically sigh. With all the time Omachi and Cinese had spent together, Cinese caught on real quick that Omachi does not like staying at functions for more than picked up that Omachi did not like staying at functions for too long. She was the same as well,  but in the moment, she was having too much fun. She thought he would be too.

"No we came together, therefore we leaving together." Omachi said making Cinese sigh. She didn't wanna leave just yet.

"The fair doesn't close until 11. It's only 10. You can go home bubs. I'll be fine." Cinese said.

"Nah bruh, Ion wanna leave without you." Omachi said. Cinese knew he was only doing all this because he wanted to go home and cuddle. He was so clingy when it came to her.

"Well I don't wanna leave yett. Can't you stay with Kyson for another hour?" Cinese asked.

"Aight." Omachi said dryly, before he hung up. Cinese groaned and rolled her eyes. Alonah looked at Cinese in confusion, confused as to what was going on.

"Sorry, he wants to go home." Cinese told Alonah. Alonah nodded her head in understandment.

"Girl I'm tired as w—" Alonah got cut of by her phone lighting up, signifying someone texted her. Cinese never understood people who put their phones to flash everytime they got a message. But she wasn't judging.

"Oh shit. Mia just texted me." Alonah said, surprised. Cinese unlocked her phone and went on Instagram to distract herself. She lowkey forgot about Mia for a second.

"She's here at the carnival!" Alonah squealed as she was typing.

"Don't tell her I'm with you, or came with you please." Cinese pleaded. She was just starting to forgetting about Mia, and she didn't want anymore issues in her life.

Alonah nodded her head as she continued type.

"Too bad we're not as close as we were." Alonah frowned.

Cinese raised her eyebrow and looked at Alonah in shock. She wasn't honestly shocked to hear that considering how close Mia and Alonah were on the cruise. "Really?" Cinese asked.

"Yeah. I got an off vibe from her, then from there we just stopped talking." Alonah shrugged. Cinese decided not to put her mouth there. It wasn't any of her business.

"Let's go back, I'm ready to go home!" Alonah said, turning off her phone, making Cinese giggle.


After getting lost 5 times, the girls finally met up with the boys. The park was just too big. It turned out they were farther from the ferris wheel than they thought they were. Once Omachi saw them walking towards them he sighed of relief. He was ready to leave. "Bye girl. I had so much fun." Cinese smiled.

Alonah nodded her head in agreement. She hasn't had that much fun in a while. "Literally.  But I'll text you when we get home." Alonah said.

Cinese watched as Omachi and Kyson dapped each other up, saying goodbye to each other. They had a long day and the fair was about to close. "I need to pee man." Cinese said.

"They don't gotta bathroom here C. Unless you go to the porta potty." He said. Cinese immediately shook her head no. She hated porta potties. They gave her PTSD from when she younger and fell inside of it. "No. Just no. I can wait." Cinese said.

Omachi laughed, "You don't wanna use a porta potty?" Omachi asked. Cinese shook her head again. "No. They scare me. I'll probably just go nature pee." Cinese said.

"Aight go nature pee. I'll bring the car." Omachi said. When they were coming, they couldn't find parking at all. They had to park like 2 blocks away.

Cinese was walking trying to find a place in the bush to pee. As she was walking, she spotted the perfect place. Once she finished doing her business she quickly pulled up her jumpsuit.

She was on her phone making her way to where Omachi parked, until she felt someone step on her shoes. She looked up and saw it was no other than Mia. "Watch out bitch." Mia said, looking her up and down in the most nastiest way possible.

Cinese rolled her eyes and sighed. She didn't have the energy for Mia this night. "You were the one that stepped on my shoes." Cinese said.

"So? You were in my way." Mia argued.

"I don't have time for you tonight." Cinese said, making Mia roll her eyes.

"I see you got a promise ring." Mia said, looking at the ring. Cinese honestly didn't have time for Mia's backhanded compliments. She knew Mias true intentions she paid her no mind. "Excuse me..You're in my way." Cinese said, dismissing her.

"I'm gonna cut to the chase." Mia said, making Cinese raise her eyebrow. She wanted to see the bullshit Mia was on about now. It was always some news with her. "He may be all lovey dovey with you, but the days he's not with you is the days he's all up in my bed. And DM's." Mia said.

Cinese couldn't help but laugh. It was so funny to her how she was so delusional over a guy who doesn't even want her. "Where's your proof?" Cinese laughed.

"You think I'm joking?" Mia said, opening her phone. She shoved her phone in her face and showed Cinese a bunch of random DM's. Cinese read the username and furrowed her eyebrows.

Cinese took the phone out of Mia's hand and began scrolling through  all the DM's. Cinese shook her head and laughed, "That's a fake account." She chuckled. Luckily, Cinese already had Omachi's instagram username memorized.

"Oh it isn't?" Mia said taking the phone back. She watched as Mia scrolled, shoving the phone back in her face. Cinese furrowed her eyebrows seeing a guy in a bed. She couldn't see the face due to the fact the guy was turned around.

"That's not Omachi. You can't even see his face. Nice try. But he's my man." Cinese chuckled.

Cinese began to walk away until she felt someone tug her hair. She turned around and saw it was Mia. This just blew everything inside of her. Cinese ran up to her and punched her right in the nose.

Mia reacted immediately and punched Cinese right in her jaw. Cinese chuckled to herself and went right back in, punching her again this time in the eye, even harder.

Mia immediately fell onto to the floor as Cinese got on top of her repeatedly punching on her face with all her strength. "Bitch get offa me!" Mia cried. Mia was taller than her and really muscular so Cinese was shocked as to where she got this random strength from.

Mia began to slap Cinese, getting Cinese even more heated. As the fight got more intense, both Mia and Cinese heard screams and cries from strangers around them. Once Mia finally got Cinese off of her, she scratched Cinese face with her nails.

Cinese hissed at the burning sensation and held her cheek in pain. Mia then took the opportunity to punch Cinese's face, resulting in her now falling on the floor. Mia quickly got on top of Cinese and began slapping her.

Cineses mind honestly just went blank in the moment. She wasn't aware of what she was doing at all, all she wanted was to just beat Mia's ass.

Cinese tugged on Mia's hair, resulting of her wig coming off. As if it couldn't get any worse, Mia fell into the dirt. Dirt was all over her clothes, and all in her mouth. Cinese got on top of her again and punched her in between her eyes. She punched her so hard, her knuckles started to gush out blood.

She couldn't remember the last time she's been so mad. She was never the type to even fight, but Mia just pushed her limits tonight. Cinese just blacked out and took all her anger on her face. "Aye aye aye!" She heard someone yell. Seconds later she felt someone lifting her up off on Mia."C, chill!" She heard from a familiar voice.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Cinese yelled, kicking her feet.

She saw Mia get up with a bloody face, crying. Cinese managed to get out Omachi's grip and ran back up to her punching her in jaw with all her strength. Mia began to cry in pain.

"Nah hoe, don't cry now! You wasn't fucking crying when you was trying to be a home wrecker! Punk. ass. bitch." Cinese said, through out all the hits.

She felt Omachi pick her up, putting her over his shoulder. "Put me down!" Cinese cried, hitting him. Omachi ignored her and took her to the car as she cried the whole time.

Omachi opened the car door and placed Cinese in the passenger seat. He turned on the car light and saw her with a bloody nose, scratches and tears all over her face. "Fuck Cinese.." Omachi mumbled.

Cinese couldn't help but cry. She looked down and saw her hands were shaking bad, with blood. Omachi closed the passenger door and walked over to the drivers side.

"You aight?" Omachi asked. Cinese shook her head. She was not okay. This was so unlike her. "N-no." She cried. She was tired of people interfering with her relationship. First KJ, now Mia. She was just tired.

"Sh, shh, it's okay. I'm here mama." Omachi coaxed. Her face was fucked up.

"I-I don't know.. sh- she pulled my hair, and I-I just.. blacked out." Cinese sniffed.

Omachi nodded his head in understandment. "You're alright C. Everything's fine. We gon go home and clean you up. You gonna be fine baby." Omachi assured.

Omachi started up the car and quickly drove back to his apartment. He honestly couldn't stand seeing Cinese like this. Bloody nose. Tears. Bloody knuckles. He just couldn't stand it. They drive back home in silence with low music playing in the background.

Cinese was looking out the window, tears running down her cheek. She just didn't feel like herself. She's never hated someone so much.

Once they reached Omachi's apartment,they got out the car. He could tell was could due to her shivering from the cold air. Omachi wrapped his sweater around her as they walked into the apartment.

"Come, let's go clean you up." He said holding her hand. He took her into the bathroom as they both sat in silence. This was all new to Machi because he'd never seen his girlfriend that heated. It lowkey scared him.

Now that they were in light he could see all bruises and cuts on on her arms and face. "Shit, C.." He whispered, running his hands through her arm.

"Come, let's prepare your bath." He said.

Cinese was zoned out and wasn't even listening to half of what he was saying. "C?" Omachi asked softly, "Hm?" She said, her voice rasp.

"You want me to give you a shower or you can do it on your own?" He asked.

"I can do it.." She said, lowly. Omachi nodded his head and put the water to the setting she liked. "Your waters set, I'll pull out some clothes for you on the bed when you get out." He said, kissing her cheek.

"Thanks." She said, nonchalantly.


end of chapter 20!!

i gave yall a long chapter in thanks for 20k reads 🥳

she met his familyyy🥹

8,682 words wowowo 👏🏿

mia n cinese's fight?? beat that bitch tf up!


thoughts? don't forget to vote n comment 😘😘

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