Our Little Devil Girl

By Rielomg

16.1K 403 33

Heyy I'm back with a new mafia story but this time it's gonna be different. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isabel... More

"*1: Tired*"
"*2: Horrible*"
"*3: Bitch*"
"*5: Broken*"
"*6: Awake*"
"*7: Smile*"
"*8: Cold*"
"*10: Torture*"
"*11: Pregnancy kits*"
"*12: Blunts and Alcohol*"
"*13:The party*"
"*14: The party pt 2*"
"*15: Drama*"
"*16: Hurt*"
"*17: Confusion*"
"*18: Hellhole*"
"*19: Kits and Sluts*"
"*20: Depression*"
"*21: Explanation*"
"*22: Lost*"
"*23: Secrets Blooming*"
"*24: Monsters*"
"*25: Unknown*"
"*26: Realization*"
"*27: Getaway*"
"*28: Bonding*"
"*29: Famiglia*"
"*30: Rage*"
"*31: Abused*"
"*32: Back Home*"
"*33: My Brothers*"
"*34: Strange things*"
"*35: Back Home 2*"
"*36: A Sad Merry Christmas*"
"*37: The Attack*"
"*38: Awaiting Doom*"
"*39: Disappointment*"

"*4: Crumble*"

517 12 0
By Rielomg

                      Apollo's POV

"What do you mean by 50/50,huh you're a doctor do your job" I roared at the doctor.
"Sir please control yourself. If we can start the surgery now she may or may not survive it so please have faith" he explained.
" Fine, start with the surgery now but if anything happens to her you'll be next" Nik threatened him.

I fell to the ground after the doc left.
"Issy you can't leave me. No you c-can't" Nik came to me and wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed into his shoulder.
" Nik, s-she can't leave me. She is my sister I love her to much "
" I know, she our sister we all love her. She will survive it ".

2 hours later...

We have been for two hours. Please God help Issy to come out alive.
I sat on the ground not caring about my image. My hair ruffled my eyes and cheek tearstained.

" Ahem" I stood up when I heard the doc's voice.
" Doc,how is she,is she fine, did the surgery go well please tell me" I sighed in frustration.
" Calm down sir she is stable now but we have to observe her for a few days " he explained.
" Okay can we see her?" Zeke asked
" Sorry no,she needs to rest and needs a quiet place "

We went back home and walked into the living to see lily in the kitchen making some pie. If I wasn't so sad I would run and munch my way into the pie and the twins running around with bubble guns.

" Well hello there,how was the mission I made some pie since I figured out that you all would be hungry when you got back. Where's Isabella and Arlo?" Lily asked.

" Um.... She-I um...he-I we um " I was so frustrated that I couldn't even make a proper statement.

" What happened? You guys are scaring me" she dropped the pie and walked to us.

" Are they alright?" She asked and I burst into tears.
" No,they aren't alright they both got stabbed but Isabella took most of the stabbing,w-when we got to the hospital they said Arlo is stable but Isabella was a 50/50 chance but she came out okay but I'm not sure if she will wake up" I started crying again.

" Appy, is Isabella okay?" Rodney asked. I forgot they are here. I wiped my cheeks and smiled at them.
"Yes she is fine,she only has a few ouches but she'll get better soon" I reassured them.

The just smiled and nodded and ran off to continue playing.

The smile on my face got wiped off.
" Lily, please the twins shouldn't have knowledge of this. They may not be able to take it" I held Lily's hands.

" No problem I understand " she smiled.

" Okay everyone,I know we are in a depressing moment but for the twins sake we have to put on a smile and let's all get some rest" Zeke said.

I walked upstairs to Isabella's room and took a shower there and layer on her bed.
Isabella has been one of my best friend since I can remember. She and the boys have been family to me. My real family has been there just that my parents have always been all about my older brother Arius because he is like their heir so they put much attention on him and left me.

When I met Arlo and Nik,they took me into their family's care and gave me all the love and support I craved for.
When I thought my life was worst, Isabella's life has been more worse. We were 10 when we met I got to school and I saw her with a bruised face and everyone mocking her stood and didn't do anything while people where throwing paper at her.
I wanted to go and help but then I saw a boy come and push her to the ground but before I could help she attacked the boy and beat him up until he bled. I ran and pulled her off him and dragged her to the girls bathroom. Thank God no one who inside so I helped her out.

" Hey you alright" I asked.
" Yeah I'm fine" Isabella responded.
" I think you'll need some cleaning up. I'll help" I offered.
" No thanks I got it" she kindly rejected.
" No I'll help and I'm not taking no for an answer" I said firmly.
She sighed and gave up when she saw the determination in my eyes. I pulled down her hoodie to get a good look at her face. It was covered in quite a bit much bruises.
" So what's your name" I asked while cleaning the wound.
" Why do you care?" She snapped.
" Hey chill I just wanted to be friends" I replied.
" You want to be my friend? I don't know you, I don't know your name and I don't know if you'll kidnap me" she backed herself up.
" How can a ten year old like me kidnap you?" I was shocked.
" Wait. Have you ever been kidnapped before" I asked and she tensed up.
"N-no I haven't. Are you done? Thanks so much" she began walking away.
" Wait I never got your name" I said.
" I doubt you'll need it" she was about to open the door.
" Wait" I said and she turned around." I'm Apollo and I'll get your name" I said with all determination.
" Good luck Apollo I'll be waiting" she walked away.

Flashback over

I eventually got her name when I was eleven then I told the boys about her. Soon after we became friends and when she was thirteen she finally told us that she was been abused. When I heard it I was enraged I promised her that I'll save her from her misery and then I told that me and the boys were in the mafia and I was shocked when she was happy and wanted to join the mafia but we said no that she can be and hidden helper so thats why she always wears a mask so that no one would know her.

I cry myself to sleep and pray for the grace of God on Issy.

I wake up and go to the bathroom and get dressed and go downstairs.

Everyone is so glum. Issy was always there to brighten up the day even after a loss in the business.

" Morning y'all" I strut to the kitchen and grab an apple.
" Morning Ap " Nik said. I look over and see his tired face.
" Morning Appy!" I turn to the twins who look extra happy.
" And what makes you guys extra happy today? Hm" I asked.
" We are going to the park today and that we will come back and swim" Rebecca said.
" Well I hope you guys have fun out there and remember stay with mom and all times, if you need the loo make sure mom goes with you, both of you,don't run around and away from mom, okay" I recited it.
" Okay Appy" they both giggle.

I smile and look towards the window and see the bright sky. I hope Isabella will be okay.

QOI: I love you and also love yourself ❤️

Thoughts on this chapter please ✨❤️

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Would really make my day.

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