Our Little Devil Girl

By Rielomg

16.1K 403 33

Heyy I'm back with a new mafia story but this time it's gonna be different. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isabel... More

"*1: Tired*"
"*2: Horrible*"
"*4: Crumble*"
"*5: Broken*"
"*6: Awake*"
"*7: Smile*"
"*8: Cold*"
"*10: Torture*"
"*11: Pregnancy kits*"
"*12: Blunts and Alcohol*"
"*13:The party*"
"*14: The party pt 2*"
"*15: Drama*"
"*16: Hurt*"
"*17: Confusion*"
"*18: Hellhole*"
"*19: Kits and Sluts*"
"*20: Depression*"
"*21: Explanation*"
"*22: Lost*"
"*23: Secrets Blooming*"
"*24: Monsters*"
"*25: Unknown*"
"*26: Realization*"
"*27: Getaway*"
"*28: Bonding*"
"*29: Famiglia*"
"*30: Rage*"
"*31: Abused*"
"*32: Back Home*"
"*33: My Brothers*"
"*34: Strange things*"
"*35: Back Home 2*"
"*36: A Sad Merry Christmas*"
"*37: The Attack*"
"*38: Awaiting Doom*"
"*39: Disappointment*"

"*3: Bitch*"

606 16 1
By Rielomg

On the other side:
                           Luciano's POV

I don't know what to feel. Isabella took away the lives of our parents. I hate her so badly,she must be living her best life with her foster parents. Going to parties, drinking, fucking boys all around.

I look at all my brothers sitting here. Ethan, Aston, Xander, Xavier and Luca. Today is our parents death  anniversary and we decided to sit and reminisce in the good times when our parents were still alive,but there was none.

Ever since Isabella got kidnapped all they did was try to find her. They didn't even look when look when Luca fell down the stairs. All they did was concentrate on their work in order to find Isabella.

" If not for her our parents would still have been here and not dead. She must be living her best life with her parents, partying, drinking, fucking boys all around. I'm sure she is a bitch just like aunt Rosa" Xander mumbled under his breath.

"Hey guys we shouldn't blame Isabella for this it may not be her fault. She didn't kidnap herself rather she was kidnapped" Luca tries to make us understand.

Our aunt Rosa was a bitch. She married Uncle Romero and still had an affair behind his back. She was a jealous bitch because she also wanted a girl but only had boys and when Isabella was born all our attention was on her. So instead of showing love to her niece she decided to kidnap her and leave us devastated and broken.

" Oh please, what? So because she didn't kidnap herself I'll happily forgive her? No you're wrong it won't forgive her! She took away my Madre and Padre from me! And she will pay for it" Xavier said and left along with Xander.
Translation: Mother and father

I swear these twins will be the death of me  one day. Can't they just calm down and listen. Luca just shrugged and pulled out a bag of chips from somewhere and started munching on it.

Soon enough we started hearing angry screams followed by punch. I hope you are happy Isabella you ruined our perfect family.

Ever since we were young, when Isabella was born, I just had this feeling towards her and it's not a good feeling. She'd come to play with me but I'd refused even the boys. The only person she got to play with was Luca. I just wonder why.

         Isabella's POV

Ever since i started living with the boys,life has been better. I eat well, I sleep on a comfy mattress and my bruises are somehow healing but not really. I don't want to trouble anyone so I just keep it to myself.

" Rage! You are needed in the meeting room." Derek,one of our men called me. " Okay I'm on my way " I rushed up a flight of stairs.

When I got into the room the boys were sitting down with some of their trusted men. Arlo,Niko and Ap's parents were friends in highschool so when they all gave birth to their sons they decided become alleys with one another, since Niko's parents were the oldest they all decided to make him the capo and the rest should follow under him.

I thought they would fight for the capo stop but no they decided to give it to him because Niko's dad is the coldest and is best for the job,but inside all the ice and stone is the softest and most kind and caring man.

" Rage take a seat " Niko's dad ,Zeke said. "Alright we have a mission, the French are planning to bomb our warehouses and we have to get there before them, which means there may be a fight or a small war, perhaps " Zeke analysed everything.

" Capo,what time do we leave " I asked. I'm in the mafia with the boys. I told them I want to be strong and to defend myself, the mothers decided against it they wanted to treat me like a princess with no worries but I assured them that I'll still be a princess but when it's time to get serious I'll be a badass bitch.

" We leave by 8:00pm and since it's 7:30 we only have thirty minutes so everyone get ready" Zeke rose from his seat." You all are dismissed ".

I walked to my room and got ready. I put on an all black overall with some black boots I tied my hair up and put on a mask. I went to the weapons room and grab my gun and added a silencer on it.

After everything I went to the twins room and kissed them good night before giving lily a hug.


I set off to the warehouse and I couldn't help but have this bad feeling that something bad was about to happen. I shrugged it off and got out of the car.

" Okay Me and some of the men will go east, Apollo and some of the men go west, Niko and some of the men go south and finally Arlo and Rage take some men and go North, go go!" Zeke said.

We all got into action. The french were dumb to come in from and attack us. Me and Arlo got to work using our daggers. We almost cleared out the path when a new batch of French men came back it and started shooting.

" Aargh!!" I turned to the bastard to sliced my hand, I rushed to him and stabbed his throat. That bastard couldn't even fight.

I was fighting some Frenches when I saw one creep up to Arlo with a knife in his hand.

" Arlo move!!" He couldn't hear me. I ran to him but it was too late.
" Ahhh!!" He fell to the ground.
" Arlo, stay with me okay" I applied pressure to his abdomen. I dragged him to the car to but him in the back seat when someone stabbed me in the shoulder.
" Aargh!!" I looked over to see the dagger sticking out of my shoulder.
I was ripped away from Arlo and was thrown to the ground.
" No!! Arlo! Leave him alone! Leave him-- aargh!!"
I was stabbed in the other shoulder. I was covered in blood from head to toe.

I stood up and spat some blood out of my mouth and ripped the daggers off my shoulders and turned to the bloody fuck.

" You will pay with your life" he couldn't even process anything when I stabbed his skull and gouged his eyes out.

" Ahh! Listen up you fucks! If you ever mess with me you will be sent to your early grave" I said in very low tone. I doubt they even heard me. This place is extremely noisy.

I started fighting them all at once. It may sound crazy but trust me I'm more than crazy, I'm loca.
After everything, I turned around to check if all of them were dead but one came out hiding and stabbed me in the abdomen.

I fell down. I couldn't give up now Arlo needs me.
I saw a stray gun and picked it up and shot the fucker in the skull.

" Aargh!" I hissed. The pain was too much to bear. I pulled out the dagger from my abdomen and applied pressure to the stab wound and limped to Arlo.

" Hey bud, you there?" No response." Arlo! Arlo!"
I forgot about my wound and picked him up and limped as quick as I can to the car.

As I got there I saw the rest there.
" H-help Arlo please" I staggered towards them.
" Oh God! Arlo! Isa! Quick! Help them to the car!" Zeke commanded.
" N-no! Help Arlo forget about me,first help Arlo"
" We will help to both! Now Niko drive"

And then I blacked out.


        Apollo's POV

Isabella and Arlo are both wounded but Isabella is wounded pretty badly.
We get to the hospital and two stretchers have arrived.
" Doctor please save them both do what you can I don't care they must survive or else it's your life" I said in a threatening voice.
" O-ok s-sir" they rushed into the operation room and started working on them.

1 hour later ( said by the SpongeBob SquarePants narrator)

The doctor came out with sullen faces.
" I-i uh"
" Ugh,just spit it out" I was already irritated.
" Arlo is out of danger" we all breath a sigh of relief.
" But-" really I thought the bad part was over.
" Listen doc,if you want to keep on living you better tell me what's going on" Niko spat out.
" Isabella's has to go through surgery but because of some of the injuries" he paused.
" What is it! Complete it" I was already scared.

" She may or may not survive it. In other words it's a 50/50 chance".

Hey hey....
Sorry for cliffhanger I just love them and also hate them.
QOI: You are beautiful no matter what anyone says.

Until the next chapter....

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Would really make my day.

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