Abusive Lust

By boobearhazza1D

271K 4.6K 790

He's not who you think he is More

Last Day
Lies On Lies
Love or lust
Starting Over
Dinner And Desert

Abusive Lust

92.9K 459 69
By boobearhazza1D

"Seriously. Stop. I can't go tonight okay." I told Carol through the phone.

"Come onnnnnn it's ONE NIGHT. Can't you study some other time?" Carol tried to argue with me, but i still refused.

"Carol. I said no. Done. I'm hanging up." I said, taking the phone from my ear, hearing her scream through the phone, telling me to wait. I rolled my eyes, slamming the phone back to my ear and cringing at the feeling.

"Come on Haley! ONE NIGHT I promise I won't drink or anything i'll get you home at a decent hour!" She kept begging and begging. I was going to give in at any second.

"Don't you have any other friends?" I asked her.

"Yeah but they're no fun. PLEASE!" She screamed through the phone one last time.

"FINE. DEAR GOD ILL BE READY IN 20." I screamed, hanging up the phone. I gathered all the books and papers that were all over the table, shaking my head and rolling my eyes that i actually gave in to another party night with her. My phone lit up as I was putting my books away, a message from Carol saying she will pick me up in 30 minutes. I growled at my phone and threw it down, going upstairs to get myself ready. 

I came back downstairs after about 15 minutes of getting ready, grabbing my phone and looking through my messages, texting Carol that I was ready. I sat on the couch, getting an immediate reply from her saying she was here. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my jacket, slipping my phone in my pocket and walking out the door. She was holding my door open, rushing me to get in the car. 

"You can wait 2 seconds for me to get into a damn car, Carol." I said, getting in.

"Someones in a mood." She said with attitude before shutting my door. 

"Well you know i didn't want to come." I said, waiting for her to sit in her seat.

"Then why did you?" She asked me. I tilted my head and gave her my 'Youre an idiot' look.

"Seriously. Just turn on the radio." I said, leaning my arm against the window. She cheerfully turned it on, switching through the stations and going to the pop station.

"OH MY GOD NO." I screamed at her, shutting off the radio.

"WHAT?! Why?!" Carol asked, turning the radio back on.

"I AM SO SICK OF THESE KIDS." I said, getting frustrated.

"Why?! They're really good this is my jam! plus, they're fucking hoooot" Carol tried to argue with me, as usual.

"Whatever. they're just like every other washed up pop star." I told her. I looked at her face tense up and started laughing. "Wait, you actually LIKE these guys?!" I asked her, shocked.

"They're talented and hot! I mean they've come a far way!" Carol said, getting defensive.

"Oh save it. I can't believe what I'm hearing. These guys SUCK!" I said, laughing at the thought of her actually falling for a ban like this.

"Don't make fun of them! You don't know them." She said, starting to get mad.

"Okay Carol." I said, with a little laughter and some sarcasm.

"Were here." Carol said, stopping the car in an empty lot and in front of a club.

"Seriously? A club? You said you werent going to drink!" I told her, unbuckling and rushing out of the car to catch up to her.

"Im not!" Carol screamed back at me.

"Oh bullshit." I said with sarcasm, finally catching up to her.

"Look, just have a good time for once, meet a guy, I dont know. Just dont stress out for ONE night? Promise me." Carol said, grabbing my arms an making me promise her.

"Ugh. Fine." I told her, rippin my arms away.

"You have to make out with one guy before we leave." She said, taking up both into the club.

"I dont have to make out with someon to have fun, Carol." I told her, getting angry.

"Fine. You have to have one drink." She ordered me again.

"I dont have to drink to have fun!" I told her, gripping onto her arm.

"WHOAH HOT GUY. Meet here in 2 hours." Carol said, running off. I tired screaming her name, but she completely left.

"Great." I whispered to myself, not knowing where to go. I saw an empty seat at the bar, going to it hoping no one would take it. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket before sitting down, messing with it at the bar.

"Would you like a drink?" The bartender asked me.

"No thanks." I told him, not looking up from my phone. I felt someone stand over me, I froze and quickly locked my phone, setting it down.

"Yes actually, shell take one." The guy said. It was clearly a guy because his low raspy voice and tall shadow gave it away. I felt him brush against me, giving me chills as he sat down next to me. I was hesitant to look to my side, but as i did I saw big green eyes immediately looking into mine.

"Hello love." He said with his british accent and raspy voice.

"Hm. British." I said, looking down from his eyes and grabbing my phone. I heard him chuckle and shivered from it. 

"Yes, an your name is?" He asked me, making his legs go inbetween mine, causing me to turn around and stay turned aound.

"H...Haley. And you?" I tried my best to answer smoothly, but it didnt work.

"Harry." He said with a cheeky smile. I could barely look at this boy, he was complete perfection I mean the curly hair and the green eyes and the voice and that smile. "So what are you doing here alone?" He asked me, taking a drink from the drinks the bartender had just gotten us.

"My friend dragged me here." I told him, my voice chaning to puree irritation.

"Well thank goodness she did." He said, staring straight into my eyes again. I couldnt loose eye contact this time. It felt like he had complete control over my body. I looked back and forth from his lips to his eyes quickly. Ive never wanted someone this bad and this quick.

"Y..Yeah." I struggled to get the words out. 

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked me so bluntly, not loosing eye contact. I slowly shook my head, watching him smirk as i did. "Good." He said, taking another drink. 

"So, what do you like to do?" I asked him, trying to break the silence before i completely attacked him.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" He asked me, studying me and smiling.

"Am i suppose to?" I asked him confused. I grabbed my drink, taking a sip.

"I'm from that band, one direction." He said. I immediately choked on my drink, spitting it out and coughing. He grabbed a napkin laughing and handing it to me. "Are you okay?" He asked laughing.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." I told him, wiping my mouth and getting my last few coughs out. "She was right, you boys are quite attractive." I told him, crumbling the napkin and setting it aside, watching him smile shyly. 

"Thank you, I think." He said, flipping his hair back and meeting my eyes again. 

"How many of you are there?" I asked him, taking a normal drink this time.

"There's 5 including me. Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam." He told me, giving me information.

"So you guys are big, huh." I asked him, finally able to keep my cool and keep eye contact with him without wanting to sexually strangle him.

"I don't like to brag, but were only number one in only 47countries, no big deal." He said, twirling his straw in his glass. I laughed at his failed attempt to not sound 'show offy'.

"Wow. That is big. I said. I couldn't believe that I was talking to the boy i was completely bashing not even an hour ago. 

"So what about you, Love." He asked me.

"I'm a student. Tomorrows my last day." I told him, taking another quick drink.

"Stressed?" He asked me, coming closer as i set down the glass. I sat where I was before, but his face was closer this time. I looked into his eyes again, taking a deep breath and nodding, immediately feeling relieved.

"Y..Yeah. A bit. But it's all almost over so I'm just enjoying myself." I said, loosing my words again.

"Don't worry babe, it will all be over soon. Stress free by tomorrow." He said, resting his hand on my leg and moving it. I immediately got chills, staring at his hand and taking a deep breath. 

"Thanks." I said through a deep breath. He smirked and sat back straight up, finishing his drink.

"So, when will i see you again?" He asked me, standing up.

"Your leaving?" I asked him, my mood changing immediately.

"I have to, it's getting late and I have to meet up with the lads." He said, taking my hand and making me stand up with him. 

"Oh, okay." I said, letting go of his hand. He quickly wrapped his long fingers around my waist, pulling me close to him, making us completely touch. My chin rested on his shoulder and my hands messed with the back of his hair. His hands gripped tighter and tighter around me. I felt all of him, and I was quite turned on. His lips pressed into my neck, leaving a kiss there before breathing down my spine. I gripped tighter around his neck as his face met mine, our noses touching. He tilted his head a bit, making it so our lips could immediately touch. The feeling was completely overwhelming. I didn't know that in 20 minutes of talking to someone, I could think i was so in love. His lips were against mine perfectly. It felt like it lasted for infinity, although it lasted for only 3 seconds. 

"I put my number in your phone, I'll be expecting a text." He said, grabbing my neck and tucking me into him one last time before walking off and leaving me breathless. 

"Holy shit." I shakily whispered to myself. I stood there by myself for about 30 seconds, trying to recollect my thoughts. I turned around, grabbing my phone and and looking for any texts. I got about 5 texts from Carol asking where I was. Before i could text her back she pulled down my phone, grabbing my arms and meeting me eye to eye.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Carol screamed at me.

"I met a guy." I told her.

"Great, fantastic, we have to go now!" She said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the club. I tried my best to text Harry while she was dragging me out. We got out of the club and went to her car.

"So, sis you have a good time?" Carol asked, looking at me and smiling.

"Yeah, I guess." I told her, still trying to send the text to harry.

"Well did you meet anyone?" Carol asked, wanting the scoop.

"Yeah, there was a guy." I told her.

"OH MY GOD IS THAT A HICKEY?" She asked moving my hair.

"What?" I asked her confused. I pulled down her car mirror and looked at my neck. "Shiiiiit." I whispered.

"What happened tonight?" Carol asked, inching closer to me. I looked at her then looked down to my phone that buzzed.

Harry: "Me and you. Tomorrow.  I'll pick you up x" I read the text carefully and smiled, knowing i needed to explain things to a confused Carol.

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