pretty girls make graves [jas...

By sept1st1989

382 2 2

"i could've been wild and i could have been free, but nature played this trick on me" book 4.. read the other... More

Heavy Lies The Crown
The Four Horsemen
A Lie Guarded
The Tinder Box
We Will Rise
Gimme Shelter
God Complex
Die All, Die Merrily
The Other Side Of The Door

The Chosen

14 0 0
By sept1st1989

The rotunda was packed, the grounders were around it, and Skaikru was in the middle, as Jasper, Kane, Clarke, Artemis, Abby, Jaha and Bellamy stood on the ramp outside of the main office. "Jaha! What's happening?" A man, who Artemis recognized, Mr. Allen, asks as he neared them, his son Ethan on his hip. 

The grounders shut the door, locking Skaikru in the rotunda. People began banging on the door, and Jaha turned to Bellamy and Artemis, "Three out of four of these people are gonna die tonight. You still think you made the right choice?"

Abby, Kane, Jasper and Artemis sat in the main office. Artemis layed in Jasper's lap on the couch, fighting the sleep and focusing on the priorities. "Just hang in there. We're sending a team to get you today." Abby spoke to Raven on the radio, who was still at Becca's island. 

"You're sure about this?" Raven questioned. 

"Yes. We need you. Not just for the hundreds of things that we know you can fix, but for the thousands that we haven't even thought of yet." 

Raven sounded like she had tears in her eyes, "Thank you, Abby." 

"I'm just glad you're alright." 

"You will be too. My brain is healing. The seizures have stopped. When i get there, we'll use the same procedure on you. You'll be cured." This caught the ears of Kane, and he leaned on the desk, "Cured? What is she talking about?"

"We'll talk about that when you get here." Abby stopped pushing the button, setting the microphone down. 

Bellamy and Clarke walked into the main office, as well as Jaha, who shut the doors. "Our people are scared, Marcus. We need to tell them something." Jaha turned around to face them, and Kane continued to lean on the desk, "We just spoke to Raven, when she gets here, we'll have all of our essential personnel." 

"How many spots does that leave us with?" Clarke asked, and Kane looked at Artemis, who was in charge of keeping track. She peeked her head up from Jasper's lap, "After the essential personnel, and the spots we saved for the children under 16, we're left with 80."

"80." Clarke was in disbelief, and she hated more than anything that she was sending her people to their doom. 

"I can't believe we're talking about sending 364 of our own people to their deaths." 

"We're lucky they're giving us any space in this bunker at all." Clarke said to him, at that point, they were tired of hearing him.

Kane crossed his arms over his chest, "Look, I don't like it anymore than you do."

"Then let's fight this." 

"No, any sort of resistance will cost us all our lives." Kane kept his cool, "Our best course of action is to hold a lottery for the remaining spots." 

Jaha leaned over the desk, looking directly at Kane, "It's not gonna work, Marcus."

"It was your idea."

Jaha raised  his voice, "That was for the chance to survive." 

"And how is this any different?" Abby asked, and he looked at her, "Until 20 minutes ago, our people believed they were safe. They let down their guards. They picked out their bunks. They unpacked their bags. They imagined their futures. You try to rip that from them now, and believe me, they will fight." 

Artemis pulled herself off of Jasper and walked over to the desk, "No one is saying this will be easy, we need to make the people listen to reason." 

"Someone still needs to get Raven." Bellamy pointed out. "I'd like to volunteer." 

Clarke looked at him, "And i'll go with you." 

Artemis raised her hand, "Me too." 

"What? No. Someone else will go with him." Abby said, and Jasper walked up behind Artemis, "Yeah, you're not going out there." She turned around, "Jas, Raven needs our help. And i'm a medic, if anything happened with her, i could be needed." 

"Then i'm coming with you." 


"Yes." Jasper wasn't gonna budge, "I'm not gonna send you to your death, Artemis. I'm coming or i will lock you in a room and make you stay there until they get back." 

Artemis bit her lip and let out a sigh, "You better not do anything stupid." 

Jasper saluted her, "Scouts honor." 

"Well, you guys be safe." Kane looked at the four of them as they stood in a cluster, "There will be a spot for the four of you when you get back." 

"I'll meet you at the air lock." Clarke said, before looking at her mother and heading for the door. Artemis and Jasper followed her out, and they walked around the ramp, up to the stairs. 

Clarke pushed open the door, and they walked in, Clarke had already begun putting on her radiation suit when Bellamy, Kane and, Abby walked in behind Jasper.

Artemis grabbed two off the shelf, throwing one to Jasper and putting the other one on, "At these radiation levels, any amount of exposure is harmful. Keep your suit sealed at all times." Abby spoke as Artemis pulled the suit over her body. 

Jasper zipped his, as well as Artemis', due to the complicated zipper that had her annoyed. Abby walked around, placing watches on each of their wrists. "You have 23 hours before the death wave hits. On a good day it takes 10 hours to get to the island, and 10 hours to get back. That doesn't leave you with much room for error." 

"Mom, i know, okay? We'll be careful." Clarke said as Abby placed the wrist band on her right wrist. And Artemis turned to face Jasper, "You okay?"

"i'm okay, are you okay?" Jasper's green and brown eyes glimmered in the florescent lights, and in that moment, Artemis knew that her and Jasper could make it through anything. If they can make it through the drop ship and the war that led up to that, the mountain men, and ALIE. She knew that could do anything. "Yeah, i'm fine." She gave him a small smile. 

"Red looks good on you by the way." Jasper complimented the radiation suit she had on, and she broke a smile, "Thanks." Artemis grabbed her helmet, turning to face the others. Abby looked between the four of them, "Take care of each other."

Bellamy nodded, "Yes, ma'am." 

With that, the door opened, and the faces of John Murphy and his girlfriend Emori appeared. "Got room for two more?" John asked, allowing the door to shut. 

"Murphy, what are you doing here?" Bellamy's displeasure was applauding, but Murphy didn't let his saltiness effect with, "We heard you were going after Raven. We just wanna help."

"I've been to that island dozens of times." Emori piped up, "No one knows those waters better than me." 

Artemis knew that John didn't just wanna help, and he proved her point when he said, "And maybe it'll help our chances if we bring home the chosen ones." 

Abby looked at John, "There's a lottery. I'll make sure your name is in it." 

"And Emori?" He gestured to his girlfriend and Abby looked at her, "I'll do the best i can." Abby turned to her daughter, pulling her into a hug, before opening the door and walking out. 

Artemis looked around, "Well, let's go save Raven." 

With their suits and helmets on, they walked up the stairs and out of the hatch. Artemis held onto Jasper's hand as they stepped into the outside. Clarke shined a flashlight, "This way." The six of them began to follow her, Artemis not even noticing that Bellamy and Murphy had stayed back while Bellamy sternly questioned what he was really up to. 

They followed Clarke to the rover, Jasper, Artemis, and Emori, were in the back. Clarke got in the passenger seat, and they waited a few moments before John opened the back door, hopping in, and Bellamy got in the driver's side. He started up the rover, and their adventure to the island began. 


They had been in the rover for over 4 hours. None of them in the back did much talking, none of them had the urge to speak, and had nothing to say. Artemis watched out the window as the light from the sun reflected on the snowy ground. 

Jasper had his hand wrapped around her waist, holding her tight as the rover hit the bumpy road. Before they knew it was even happening, The rover was moved off course, chucked by gravity even. Jasper held Artemis, her body would have been thrown around the back of the rover if he hadn't. Bellamy held onto the brakes as they crashed into a tree, the engine stopping. 

Artemis caught her breath, "Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, you?" Emori looked at her, asking the question in a friendly way, "I'm okay." Artemis nodded. They heard as Bellamy opened the driver's side door, and was immediately hit by a man, dragging him to the ground. Artemis saw as more grounders ran towards the rover, "Bellamy! Clarke! In coming!"

John pushed Emori behind him, and the grounders began trying to take down the back door, and once they had successfully done that, Artemis, Murphy and Jasper tried their best to keep them off of the rover. Kicking their faces and hands, but Artemis was pushed back into the rover, and Emori, Jasper and, John were being pulled out by their feet. Artemis was grabbed and pulled out of the rover, and thrown on the ground. A man jumped on top of her, trying to rip her suit off her body. 

The man gripped her throat, holding her there. She kicked and fought and tried to get him off, but he gripped her tighter, and she started to  gasp, the lack of air finally hitting her, and just before everything went black, the man on top of her was shot in the neck with an arrow. Artemis turned to see an archer on a horse, the archer shot more shots at the grounders who attacked them. Helping herself up, Artemis looked at Jasper, who didn't have any injuries. As a man tried to grab Artemis' shoulders, she grabbed his hand and flipped him onto his back in front of her, the archer hitting him. 

The archer got off her horse, throwing ninja stars at the grounders, as she ran over to Skaikru to help. She pulled out her sword, and Artemis grabbed a knife from one of the grounders, stabbing the man gripping John. Out of breath and out of words, John looked at Artemis, giving her a nod, which she returned. Jasper looked around,  "What the hell just happened?"

The archer pulled her mask down to reveal Echo's face, "There might be more. We should get going." 

Artemis had a questionable look on her face, "Echo, what are you doing here?"

Echo looked at Artemis, her eyes sickly and her face sweating from the exposure, "I know about your bunker on the island. I just saved your lives. I'm hoping.. you will return the favor." Bellamy looked at Murphy and Emori, then back to Echo, "Well, unless we can get another ride, no one's getting to that island." Jasper and Artemis looked at each other, still out of breath, her helmet had blood around it, his was somewhat clean.

Artemis sat on the back of the rover, Jasper standing in front of her between her legs. Bellamy continued trying to get an answer off the radio like he'd been doing for the past three hours. It was dark, and the only light they had was from their helmets and flashlights. "Monty, do you read me? Over." Bellamy spoke again, "Monty, do you copy?" 

Clarke had given Echo their extra suit, which she had been grateful for. Artemis' had a head wound and bruising around her neck, but she couldn't do anything about it, and the water was infected with black rain, so she had no choice but to ride it out. 

"Monty, do you read me? Monty.." Bellamy spoke through the mic and into the radio, but there was still no response, "Monty, do you copy?" Finally Monty's voice was heard, and it peaked everyone's attention, "Bellamy, come in. Do you read me?"

"Yes. Monty, i read you. Where are you?"

"Two clicks outside Polis," He answered, "Almost there. Everything okay?"

"Not exactly." Bellamy replied, "Look, Monty, i hate to ask you this, but we broke down on the way to the island to get Raven. We need you to come reel us in."

It was quiet for a moment before Monty spoke again, "We're on our way. Tell us exactly where you are." With that, Emori started coughing up blood, and John rushed over to her, "No, no. Hey, hey, hey. Artemis--"

Artemis walked over to Emori, and she gasped, "Uh, you've been exposed."

"How's that possible? She- She's wearing a suit." Emori stopped coughing, as John's anxiety rose. "I-- I- Uh," Artemis looked at the lining of her helmet, "There's a tear in the seal of her helmet."

"Can you fix it?" Emori asked.

"We just need tape, that's all. It's gonna be fine." Murphy tried to comfort her, but Artemis had to lay down the facts, "We don't have any tools or weapons."

"So we give her the extra suit then."

Bellamy called from the rover, "We don't have an extra suit."

Murphy whipped his head around, "Yes, we do!" He looked at Echo, "Take it off. Now."


Echo gave him a stern look, "I saved your life."

"What were you gonna do if we didn't get attacked, huh? I mean, you guys seriously think she was following us out of the kindness of her own heart?" He looked at the others, then back at her, "No, she was gonna attack us the second we stopped. Give me the suit!" He darted for Echo, and Bellamy jumped in front of her grabbing Murphy, "Hey, Murphy! Murphy, No!" He pushed him back, "What?"

"You cut that suit and it saves no one."

"I'm not letting her die."

"Neither am I." Clarke spoke and everyone turned to her, and she took off her helmet. "Clarke, what are you doing?" Artemis spoke with nothing but confusion and annoyance. "I have nightblood." She answered.

"Untested nightblood." Bellamy commented, and she looked at him with a low glow in her eyes, "We're testing it now. Take off her helmet."

Artemis nodded, "Hold your breath." She spoke to Emori, and she obliged, holding her breath as Artemis took off the helmet. She rushed over to Clarke, grabbing her helmet, "There, quick." Artemis walked back over to Emori, putting the helmet over her head and sealing it. "It's not clean air, but it ventilates so it should help."

The silence was deafening, till Monty was heard through the radio, "Bellamy, you there? Come in." Bellamy walked over to the radio, picking it up and speaking into it, "Yeah, we're here. Head northeast from Polis, and Monty, drive fast." 


Artemis looked down at the clock on her wrist, it was at 11 hours and 43 minutes as it counted backwards to their doom. Her and Jasper stood next to Bellamy, waiting for Monty's head lights. Clarke walked up and stood near them, "We have to talk about it." 

"There's not much to talk about, Clarke. We missed the window, so if we continue onto the island we wont make it back." Bellamy concluded as he looked at her. 

Clarke looked back at Emori and John, "What about them? Do we just save ourselves?" 

Bellamy spoke up, "Clarke, if nightblood works then we need to get you to Polis, them too. We pull in as many people as we can, before the death wave hits. If your mom can make us all night bloods, we only need to stay down there until it passes. We can still save everyone."

And Artemis then said, "Just not Raven.." her tone was sad, as she looked down, then back at Bellamy. They were quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say, and that's when the head lights of rover 2 were shined brightly in the four familiar faces. Emori and John looked at it, and Monty got out of the vehicle, as well as Harper. "We got here as fast as we could." Monty explained, walking up to them, "Clarke,  you're exposed. Come on. Let's get you into the rover." 

"No, Monty. I'm fine." She denied his need to help, but still Harper said, "I'll grab the extra helmet." Running back to the rover. 

"Guys, come on." John walked with his hands on Emori's shoulders, "Planet ain't getting any less irradiated.Artemis grabbed Jasper's hand, noticing that he hasn't said anything in a while, she looked up at him as they walked to the rover, "Is everything okay?"

"Hm?" He looked at her, "Oh, y-yeah. I- I'm fine." He was lying, and Artemis could tell. He always stuttered when he lied. "Don't lie to me Jasper." She stopped walking and turned to face him, "What's wrong?" 

"I'm just... tired of fighting. I'm tired of doing this." 

Artemis held his hand, "I know. Me too. But peace goes unrecognized, and we are born fighters."

Clarke began coughing up blood, and Artemis was pulled away from Jasper by the sound, "Clarke?" She walked over, and Monty held the suit in front of her, "Clarke, you need to put on the suit. The longer you're exposed the more harmful it could be. If we're still gonna make it to the island, we better--"

"We're not going to the island." Artemis cut him off, "Yes, we are." Clarke said, and she had the face of an idea on. 


"Nightblood doesn't work." 

Bellamy tried again, "We don't know that yet. Luna got sick before she got better, so--"

"Even if you're right, they won't let us all into the bunker if i'm still sick. It took days for Luna's resistance to kick in, and by that time, the death wave will already be here, and all of our friends will be dead. Are you okay with that?"

"You know i'm not. Clarke, unless i am missing something, there is no other way for all of us to survive."

Artemis pieced the pieces together and a smile lit up her face, "You are missing something, Bellamy."


When they made it to the island, Emori got them through the water, and before they knew it they were opening the door to Becca Franko's lab. This was like a dream to Artemis. Walking through the door, the eight of them stood by the stairs, where Raven looked up at them in disbelief. They took off their helmets, and Raven spoke, "What are you doing here?"

Artemis shook her head, "We're not leaving you behind." She walked down the stairs, meeting Raven, she pulled one of her best friends into a hug. 

"But there's no time to get back." Raven had confusion in her voice. 

"We're not going back.." Jasper spoke, walking down the stairs, "We're going up." He followed Artemis down the rest of the stairs, and Murphy scoffed, "Oh, don't be so surprised. It was all your crazy idea to begin with.

"Space?" She questioned, "Ding, ding, ding." Jasper set his helmet down as looked around the lab. 

"Uh, we don't have enough fuel to get back." 

Artemis looked over the computers, "Sounds like a five year problem to me." 

Raven looked at Clarke, "You're talking about the ring." 

"Seems like a shame to let a good rocket go to waste." Bellamy gestured to the rocket, and Raven's eyes followed, "Uh, how do we live?"

Artemis decided she would take this one, "They left a water reclamator there, and we know that go-sci has an algae farm. We just hook those up, and we have food and water."   

"Algae salads and recycled urine, sign me up." Murphy said sarcastically, and Emori sterned him, "Better than dying." 

"Yeah, you say that now."

"All right, slow down." Raven stopped them, "Breathing's important too, what's the plan for oxygen?"

Monty spoke up, "Based on what Murphy said about the light house bunker, i'm guessing--  make that praying-- there's an oxygenator there. We take it with us. You hook it up. Bob's your uncle." 

Raven turned to face Monty fully, "You're an engineer, Monty. You do know that there's about a thousand things wrong with that plan, right?" 

"Yes, and every one kills us. But staying here will kill us, too, so--" 

"Raven, we need you to get us off the ground before the death wave hits." Bellamy had a bit of stress and plead in his voice, "What do you say? Can you do it?" 

Raven looked at her friends who were cluttered around her, she walked over to get a closer look at the screen that showed them the death wave, and the amount of time they had, "What do i say..?" She looked at the rocket, "I say that death wave can kiss my ass." 

Artemis nodded, "Good. It's settled, then. We're going back to the Ark." Her and Raven made eye contact for a moment, before Artemis looked at the rocket, then at Jasper.



AHHHH im literally so excited about this season, i know that there's some missing dialog, but girl you come write four of these fuckers and balance your social life, it's hard. 

Anyway, i hope you're all enjoying it, dont forget to comment, i love hearing what you have to say!! The next chapter might not be as long, but i'm not sure, i just know that i'm excited for season 5. 

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