All about the Benjamins (Augu...

By Missbhadd

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Money Money Money Moneyyyy More

××Chapter 1××
××Chapter 2××
××Chapter 3××
Authors note
××Chapter 4××
××Chapter 5××
××Chapter 6××
××Chapter 7××
authors note
××Chapter 8××
××Chapter 9××
××Chapter 10××
××Chapter 11××
××Chapter 12××
××Chapter 13××
××Chapter 14××
Chapter 15
The plan
Story update
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Sequel out
Pleaseee i beg of uuu

Chapter 16

3.9K 140 17
By Missbhadd

(4 years later)
"Mum,mum,mum" Iliana said repeatedly as she jumped on my bed
"Hmm" I replied pulling the blankets over my face
"Get up its time to get up"
"I'm up"
She then began pulling the blankets as hard as her little body could pull
"I'm up" I said as I pulled the blankets off of me
"Let's go make breakfast" she said smiling at me with her two from teeth missing they just had fell out a couple of days ago
"Okay I'll be down in a little you go down and wait for mommy"
She nodded and ran off
I looked over to the other side of the bed and sighed. Again.
August isn't here again I'm so tired of waking up to a empty bed, I'm tired of coming home at night to him gone or sleeping he could at least make time for his daughter. I got up and went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and smiled a little then sighed again my smile isn't even the same nothing is the same things changed since illy was born and I don't understand why at all I want things back to the way they were I want the old August back who called me every second of the day just to tell me he loves me I want the August who didn't let me stress what happened to that August.
I was knocked out of my thoughts by my phone ringing I went into the bedroom picking it up me not bothering to look at the caller id because I knew it wasn't August so I didn't care who it was.
"Hey babe what you doin" Nicki said from the other end of the line
"Just got up about to make breakfast what you doin.?" I asked
"I was about to go to bey's house....maybe u can come by and bring illy to play with blu and you come chill with us"
"Okay I'll be over in a lil"
"Okay" then she took deep sigh and began to speak again "hang in there Kayla everything happens for a reason baby girl"
"I know. See you later"
"See ya love"
Then the line went dead. Me Nicki and bey have been hanging around a lot since August had just made a song with meek mills called "right there" and of course I was there and so was nicki and also bey they hang around a lot and just started inviting me and so forth. The media now calls us "the 3 musketeers" but I don't mind it it's better than the label "August's girl".
I washed my face and brushed my teeth quickly then raced down stairs to see illy in the fridge squirting whipped cream into her mouth.
I laughed then I picked her up and put her on the counter and took the whipped cream from out of her hands
"Your just like your dad you know that.?" I said laughing
She nodded then wrapped her arms around my neck
"I wanna be like you mommy"
She always knows how to make my day, honestly she's the only reason I stay with August don't get me wrong I still love him I just think things would be different if illy weren't here I would of been left I wouldn't even put up with his bullshit.
I put her down and started on breakfast I made eggs and bacon just something simple, I placed illy's plate down and poured her a cup of orange juice, I didn't feel like eating now that I think about it I never feel like eating.
"Your food is on the table if you need me I'll be in the shower okay.?" I said smiling at her
She nodded then I made my way upstairs I stripped out of my clothes and didn't even bother to turn on cold water I put it on hot and stepped in i washed myself up several times with my strawberry mint body wash and I got out I put a towel around my body and one on my head I went into my room and put my black underwear on I still had to put illy in the bath bs my clothes would be ruined if I got dressed before i went downstairs and illy was sitting on the couch watching doc mcstuffings and still eating the whipped cream I took from her earlier
"Come on bath time"
She looked at me then down at my body and ran over to me
"What's that" she asked pointing to my bra
"A bra illy"
Then here came the questions..
"Why do u have it on? Do you have a butt there just like on your bottom.! Or is it just makes it look bigger when you put on a shirt? Can I have one,? It's just like daddy's frAwnd Lowie and y-
"What did you say.?"
"Can I have one.?"
"No before that"
"Just like daddy's frawnd Lowie"
"Who's lovie"
"Daddy's frawnd"
"Who's daddy's friend"
"No baby where did u meet lovie"
"Me her and daddy went to dinner together"
Usually I would be sad but I wasn't sad at all I was angry so I angry that I could chop his and her head off I was so tired of coming home and cooking and cleaning and taking care of illana by myself and staying loyal to someone who could give two fucks.
"Are you okay mommy I'm sorry" illy said hugging my legs
"No mommys okay let's go get you that bath"
"Let's listen toooo this" illy said pressing play to a song on iTunes
Then bitch better have my money by Rihanna started to blare through my speakers and I didn't bother to turn it down
I got out and made sure Iliana was buckled in her seat belt correctly then I got back in the front and started to drive to bey's house. Once I got there nicki and her were on the porch laughing I got out and unbuckled illy from her seat belt and locked the doors
"I'm liking the red paint on your bmw" bey said as she hugged me
"Thanks just got it a few days ago" I said hugging nicki after
"You don't even need him boo you flexing without even tryin" nicki complimented me
"Speaking of which Iliana told me about her dads new 'friend'" I replied putting quotes around the word friend
"Are you serious" bey asked shocked
"Yeah I wish I was kidding"
"So he had another woman around your daughter" nicki asked trying to stick with the conversation without exploding
I wanted to explode myself literally I really wish we could just go back to the way thing were a while ago , I want my August back.
"Yes girl the trick name is lovie"
"Lovie.?! That bitch from the strip club?" Nicki semi yelled
I struggled my shoulders and sat in the third chair on the porch
"I don't know her or of her but she know of August so she gotta know of me"
"Girl lovie is a HOE, suck dick Nd ear twat she disgust me if August cheating for her he a damn fool" bey said taking a sip from her wine glass
"That's nun of my business" I said pouring myself a cup
Me and illy just pulled into the drive way she's sleep in the back seat and I put her in my arms then closed the doors and pressed my lock on my keys just to be sure I locked them once we got inside I put her in her bed and took off her shoes I kissed her forehead and closed her door and Made my way to my room when I got in there August was there sitting on the bed my heart kinda dropped due to me remembering about the girl Lovie.
"August get out" I said not making contact with him
"Why baby what I do"
"Just get out"
He paused for a moment then he came and hugged me from behind
"Baby what's wrong"
I unwrapped his arms from around me then looked at him
"Who the fuck is lovie"
Once I said that he tensed up and looked away
"What happened to I would never hurt you.?!" I said turning so I was directly in his face
"I'm sorry Kayla okay"
"I can't do it it's over August I officially give up with you, you mean to tell me I cook and clean and keep myself pretty and do my hair and buy new underwear and perfume and keep my body healthy for you and you can't even,stay loyal to me.?! Is this the same bitch u cheated with the first time?!"I yelled
"KAYLA CHILL" he yelled back
"No,fuck no I been chillin a long ass fuckin time August,actually to fuckin long if you don't leave I am and I'm taking my daughter with me"
Then he grabbed my face roughly and brought it to his
"If u leave then fuckin go but u not takin my daughter out this damn house" he said sternly
"No nigga u got another thing comin if you think you about to be puttin yo hands on me!" I said yelled
"Mommy Daddy what's wrong"illy said walking into the room rubbing her eyes
"Nothing baby go lay down" August said
"No mama go put ur shoes on" I said quickly
She looked at both of us confused and just laid in our bed and began to doze off I put my tims on along with a white beater and I still had my jeans on from earlier I put my hair in a sloppy bun and called Chris
"Wassup Kay"
"Hey can u meet me some where I need someone to talk to"
"Who the hell you talkin too" August said coming into the guest room
"Yeah You can come to my place" Chris said
"Nun of your business and okay Chris I'll see you in a bit" I said hanging up the phone
"You fuckin my friends now" he asked chuckling
"Your so retarded" I said pushing past him
"You are.?! Your mom was right you are a hoe" he said continuing to laugh
I turned back and looked at him and he stopped laughing and tears started to stream down my face uncontrollably
"Kayla I didn't mean that"
"No your right my mom was right, all my life I've been put down and called out my name and Mistreated and judged and I'm tired of it I'm so tired of it, your right August Ima hoe let the whole world know right.?" I said trying to my wipe my tears but they only got replaced by new ones
"Bae come on you know how I get when I'm mad"
"No August in tired of this, I'm so tired of everything when can I relax and find a man who take care of me and love me and only me"
I stood there and waited for his response but he never did I shook my head and grabbed my car keys and sped to Chris's house it was pouring rain but I didn't care, lately I've been talking to him a lot he's the only one who quiet understands me at this point in my life
When I got in his drive way I didn't even wanna get out anymore I turned the car off and just sat there and cried my phone rang and rang but I wasn't going to answer it
"Why couldn't you just give me a mom who cares.!" I screamed up at the sky
"Why don't you just kill me why did you bring me here only to suffer.!" I screamed again
I'm pretty sure I stayed there for hours until somebody knocked on the passenger side window and it was Chris
I opened the door and he got in he wasn't wet because of the umbrella he brought
"Why you sitting out here Kay"
He saw my tears then he leaned forward
"What happened" he asked
"I don't wanna talk about Chris"
"That's okay, just come inside and let me help you"
I looked at him and he slightly smiled I smiled back and I got out d the car and he ran over to me putting his arm around me and the umbrella over my head
Once we got in I slipped my shoes off and followed him upstairs to his room and he handed me a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers
"U can wear the boxers as shorts until tomorrow when your clothes are clean" he smiled
I returned the smile and I followed him to his bathroom and he gave me his body wash
"You tryna turn me into a man" I laughed
He laughed then he looked at me and his smile faded
"Anybody would be lucky to have you you know that.?"
I smiled then looked down and he lifted my head back up
"Don't do that embrace your smile it's beautiful"
"Daddy" royalty said coming into the bathroom I turned around and looked down at her and smiled
"Kaykay did you come to see me darling" she said holding her heart
I laughed and picked her up
"Just for you buttercup"
"But it's time for bed, kaykay will be here as soon as you wake up" Chris said getting her from out my hands
I closed the door and put I bet by Ciara on and stripped out of my clothes and got in
This song really matched what I was feeling and I wish I could sing it to August but obviously I hope I never see him again then i began to wander about illy ms what might she be doing at the moment
"I love you but I won't be a fool for you, that is just something that I wouldn't do bae, I mean I would stay if you could tell the truth, but you can't no matter how many times I ask, is that yo chick over there givin me that ugly stare the one with the silicone ass and the Brazilian hair,you ain't gone respect me no no no tell her I'm not here see I got you comfortable now you ain't really scared but I bet you start lovin me soon as I start lovin someone else somebody better than you" I sang loudly
Than there was a knock at the door
I washed off and went to the door to see Chris
"Do you want me to put your clothes-in the-the"he Said looking down
I completely forgot I was naked so put my body behind the door and handed him my clothes
"Sorry about that " he said laughing
I laughed and looked down and caught his interaction
"Might wanna take care of that" I said pointing to it
Then he tried to cover it up
And I couldn't help but laugh
"I'll be in my room" he laughed walking Away
I got dressed and let my hair hag down my back and went into his room where he was laying down watching t.v he looked at me and patted the spot next to him I climbed next to him and he stared at for a while
"You tired.?" He asked
I nodded then he slid closer to me and out his arm on my waist
"Goodnight Kayla"
I sat up and kissed his cheek
"Thank you Chris, for everything"
"It's not a problem"
I smiled one last time before
My eyes got heavy and I fell asleep.

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