The Ghost of You

By fh_criedthewolf

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Samanun is a ghost trapped in her mansion from 20 years ago. Everything changed when she met the new owner of... More

Chapter 1 - The Mansion, The Owner And The Lost Love
Chapter 2 - I'll Die Once Again
Chapter 3 - Life And Death
Chapter 4 - The Book
Chapter 5 - The Line Between Life And Death
Chapter 6 - Time With You
Chapter 7 - Empty Space
Chapter 8 - First (Part 1)
Chapter 8 - First (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 9 - Photograph
Chapter 10 - Pillow Talk
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 1)
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - One Last Time πŸ”ž
Chapter 14 - P. S. I Love You
Chapter 15 - The Ghost Of You
Chapter 16 - Past, Present, Future (Epilogue)
Story Breakdown (BTS, Fun Facts Etc.)
The Ghost Of You : Continuum
Chapter 2 - Quantum Entanglement
Chapter 3 - The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie
Chapter 4 - The Theory Of Colours
AUTHOR'S NOTE πŸ°πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Chapter 5 - Enamored
Chapter 6 - Down The Memory Lane
Chapter 7 - Dear Diary
Chapter 8 - The Moon Is Beautiful Isn't It?
Chapter 9 - I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter 10 - I Wasn't Yours To Begin With
Chapter 11 - Apocalypse
Chapter 12 - Post Apocalyptic πŸ”ž
Chapter 13 - Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Chapter 14 - In Sickness And In Health
Chapter 15 - Make A Wish
Chapter 16 - Mistletoe (A Christmas Special)
Chapter 17 - Butterflies And Fireworks (A New Year Special)
Chapter 18 - A Little Piece Of Heaven πŸ”ž
Chapter 19 - Heartbeats, Stars And... (A Valentine's Day Special 🌹🀍🏹)
Chapter 20 - Nightmares
Chapter 21 - Sweet Dreams πŸ”ž
Chapter 22 - Kiss Me, Heal Me
Chapter 23 - Blood, Sweat and Tears
Chapter 24 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 25 - Under The Rose
Chapter 26 - Not A Bed Of Roses
Chapter 27 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 28 - The Heart Wants What It Wants πŸ”ž
Chapter 29 - She Comes Undone πŸ”ž
Chapter 30 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 31 - Ungodly Hour
Chapter 32 - Golden Hour
Chapter 33 - Burning Desires πŸ”ž

Chapter 1 - The Red String Of Fate

1.7K 113 26
By fh_criedthewolf

No matter where, when, or how they meet, the two people who are bound together by the red thread are destined to be lovers. Although it might stretch or become tangled, this magical cord will never break.

"Mon lifted her pinky finger slowly motioning for Sam to take it. Sam took a deep breath, it was hard but she intertwined her pinky finger with Mon's making a pinky promise. Mon plastered a weak smile with Sam's touch to her finger." - The Ghost of You, Chapter 14.

It often imagined as an invisible red cord wrapped around the pinky finger of individuals who are destined to cross paths with one another for the reason that they are their true love. Therefore, assuming that those who are bound by it will always encounter one another until they eventually fall for each other.


Present Time

Once finished gathering back the books and papers, they both stand up and finally face each other.

"Have we... met before?? You look extremely familiar."

The short haired girl asked curiously.

"I don't think so. I've never forget a beautiful face when I see one."

Becky's POV

I accidentally bumped into a girl on my first day of college. She's slightly taller than me I think? I didn't get a good look at her as I was in a rush. But the moment she knelt down to help me, I can smell her scent as her long black hair was spread through her shoulder. She smells.. surprisingly good, and flowery. Our pinky fingers grazed each others when we were preoccupied collecting the scattered books and papers. I could swear there's a jolt of electricity went through our fingers. Or am I overreacting?

Then we finally faced each other. I might be losing my mind here but I seriously thought that I've met this girl before. But it seems like I lose that part of a memory somehow. You know that thing when we played LEGO, everything is complete but then there's a part missing, it didn't completely ruined the end product, it's just that.. it doesn't feels right without it. Okay, I am overreacting. I've never met her how come she felt so familiar? That didn't make any sense.

But God.. She's.. Uhmm how do I put it into a word?? Breathtaking! Yes, she's breathtaking. Her voice is sweet, the kind that can make you melt. And her eyes.. They're so mesmerising. I've never seen someone with eyes as beautiful as hers. It's like if you stare too long into her eyes, you'll drown into it.


"Hey w-wait! Thank you! Whatever your name is, stranger!"

"Sarocha! But you can call me Freen!"

She answered while turning her body and walk backwards a few steps just to give another warm smile and turn around again and left.

"Thank you Freen!"

Freen's POV

I.. I think I've lost for words. I never believe in love at first sight. It's.. ridiculous and doesn't make sense. At all. How can you said you love someone when you just met them? Love is something deeper than just meets the eye. You'll spend time getting to know them, learn what they love, what they hate. Goes through ups and downs but you'll never leave each other. But what was that? I had to leave as fast as I could or I'll be caught staring at her.

There's something about her. Rebecca.. I mean, Becky. I've never met you before, because if I did, I will never forget that beautiful face of yours carved by God himself. But somehow, it feels like I've seen those painted smiles before. Her slightly deep voice, her dimples.. And that slight touch of our fingers. Shivers. God.. Her face is imprinted at the back of my mind now.

I hope that I'll meet her again. Err.. There's no reason for that, she just seems like someone fun to be friends with. She looks like.. An angel. Is that even possible?? I'm glad I didn't blurted out "Did it hurt when you fell from the sky? Cause you're an angel." That would be so fucking cheesy and embarrassing. Damn it! I can't stop thinking about her smile. That smile.. That. Damn. Smile. Sarocha, what have you gotten yourself into?


None of them saw each other until a few days later when Becky saw the taller girl from afar.

"Hey. Do you know her?", She asked one of her friend.


"There. That girl. The one with the long hair in a hoodie sweater and a jeans short."

She pointed to Freen who's sitting with a small group of friends.

"Oh.. That's Freen Sarocha. She's a senior. This is her last year in college. There's nothing much about her but she's quite popular with the girls. But she didn't really show any sign of interest in any girls or guys who approached her. Usually minding her own business and stays lowkey."

Her friend replied.

"How did you know that?? You're a freshman just like me."

"I have my ways hehe. Why the sudden interest? Don't tell me you're one of the girls who's crushing over her."

"What? No.. I bumped into her on my first day. She helped me, we talked a bit and she seems nice. That's all."

"She is nice. I heard that she tutored some of the students in her faculty who failed the exams. Not to mention that she's a beauty with brains."

"Hmm.. Good to know. Alright I gotta go. Bye~"


Becky waited at the bus stop for someone to pick her up. It was already late than the time she was promised but all she could do was wait.

*Vroom vroom*

A white Mazda stopped in front of the bus stop. The tinted window of the passenger's side roll down.


Freen lowered down her head to get a better view of the girl.

"Freen?? H-hi!"

She moved closer to the car.

"If you're waiting for a bus, there's none at this time."

"Oh, no I'm waiting for my brother to pick me up. But he's stuck in a meeting so I had to wait."

Freen look at the watch on her wrist.

"It's getting dark, will your brother come soon?"

Suddenly Becky got a text from her brother. Her face slightly change to disappointment.

"Looks like he won't be here for another hour.", Becky sighed.

"Get in. I'll drop you at your house."

Freen opened the passenger's door.

"It's - it's okay! I can still wait. I don't want to trouble you."

"I insist. Plus, It'll be dangerous for you alone here when it's dark."

"I know thai boxing."

"Wh- Okay.. Good for you. But I still insisted. Please? Think of it as a sorry from me for making you late that day."

"O-okay.. Thank you khaa."

Becky slowly steps into the car. She adjusted her seat and continuously pulled the seatbelt.

"Oh! I'm sorry, that seatbelt is troublesome sometimes. You just got to struggle with it first. Here, let me help."

She took off her own seatbelt and moved closer to Becky, reaching for the seatbelt of the passenger's seat.

"There! All good. Is it too tight?"

"N-no.. It's good."

Becky was a bit flushed at the sudden movement but tried her best to keep calm.

"Send me your house location to my phone. It will be easier for me to find it."

"But I don't have your number."

"Right, I forgot."

She reads her number to Becky for her to saved it in her contact.

"... and saved. Did you get it yet? I already sent it to you."

*dind ding*

"There it is. This is quiet far from the college."

Freen started driving.

"I know, that's why I didn't want to trouble you."

"I don't mind at all. I love driving. Speaking of driving.. Aren't you old enough to drive??"

She turned her head to Becky.

"Yes.. But I don't want to."


"I don't know, kinda afraid. I've tried driving before but there's just an uneasy feeling to it. So I don't trust myself with driving."

"Fair enough. Did you live with your family?"

"I live by myself but their house is close to mine. So my brother usually picks me up from college and my dad will send me off."

"What if none of them are free to send you off and pick you up?"

"My family.. Have a personal driver."

Freen turned her head again quite surprised.

"Damn, you're rich. You have a driver but your brother and dad still drives you? Then what's the point of the driver?"

"Business purposes. Like drives my dad to a meeting or something like that. Or when it's an emergency."

"Emergency like when there's no one to pick you up?"

"Hahaha yes, that kind of emergency. But my driver isn't here right now. He's with my dad in England."

"I guess that's where you're from? You're mixed blood right?"

"I was born here in Thailand, but my dad is British so yes, I'm half Thai half British."

"Interesting. I hope you don't mind I'm stopping somewhere else before dropping you off."

"Sure, that's fine. Where are we going?"

"We're picking up my camera. I left it at the store to repair. It's done now."

"You're a pro photographer?"

"Hahaha sure.. If taking shaky and blurry photos are called professional. I just do it as a hobby. And it's not that kind of fancy big digital camera. I love using film camera. Aesthetically pleasing."

After a few minutes of driving around, Freen parked her car in front of an antique shop and turned off her engine.

"You wanna come out with me?"

"Uhm.. Sure, I've never been in this kind of shop before."

They went into the shop together. Becky feast her eyes on the interior of the shop which was decorated with lots of antique stuffs. Some of them are for sale, and some just for display. Freen was busy talking to the shop owner about her camera. Becky ran her fingers on the gramophone, through the exquisite design and detailing.


The other woman suddenly called her making her changing her focus to the sweet voice. She turned her head around and..


The flash of the camera blinding Becky's eyes.

"I hope you don't mind, I'm just testing out my camera. I think it works fine now."

"That's okay, but I wasn't ready. It's probably gonna look ugly."

She replied half laughing.

"A face like yours? The word ugly probably didn't even exist."

Freen responded while still busy checking her camera. Becky can't help but smile to the compliment.

After paying for the service and thanked the owner, they went back into the car and continue to their destination.

"We're here. Oh, this place is very famous for the rich. Especially the penthouse. Which floor is your house?"

Freen is looking at the 10 storeys high end building.

"Err.. The top floor."

Freen immediately turned her head to Becky as she heard the answer.

"Isn't that.. THE PENTHOUSE??"


"Girl.. You ARE rich! You live alone in a fucking penthouse??"

"I really like the place and I want it all for myself, so yeah."

"Hahaha good for you. Maybe I can get a tour one day?"

Freen teased.

"Bring a girl to a dinner first, Freen."

Becky teased back and Freen just let out a soft laugh, amused. They both went out of the car.

"Thank you for the ride. I'll treat you to a coffee someday."

"Don't mention it, it was my pleasure. See you again. Text me when you arrived at the top."

"Worried much?"

"Hey, I just want to make sure you're home safely. I'm the last one who saw you, of course I'm responsible for it."

"Thank you khaa~ I really appreciate it."

Becky then proceed into the building. Almost five minutes later, Freen got a text.

*ding ding*

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️: Look up.

As she was leaning her back on her car, Freen tilted her head upwards to the very top floor. She saw the lights were turned on and there's a shadow walking to the curtains and opening it slightly and revealing the figure behind the shadow. Stood there on the balcony was Becky, waving her hand to the long haired girl downstairs. Becky looks quite tiny as she was up there but what Freen can definitely see clearly was the dimples that were on display on Becky's face as she was smiling at her.

Her face muscles automatically responded to Becky's smiles as she was grinning from ear to ear.


A/N: Freen's nickname is now Sarocha The Smooth Operator 😂 First the seatbelt, and then the way she got Bec's number? Real smooth Sarocha 😏

Hello~ We meet again. Did you miss me and my story? How many times have you read The Ghost of You while waiting for the sequel? 😂 I hope that you'll give as much love to this sequel. This is only the first chapter, give it some time to build up the story okay~

What do you think of this sequel? I love reading your comments and replying to them so make sure to leave some okay? 🤍

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