Angel of Mine (Jenlisa FF)

By MinkBa4ever

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Jennie is dead and turned into a guardian angel. She was asked to guard a certain brunette since child. Will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.2

Chapter 14

252 8 0
By MinkBa4ever

Jennie's POV

I feel warm...
Someone's holding me...
And I'm also holding that person...

I slowly opened my eyes and couldn't help but smile as I saw the person holding me.


We confessed what we felt for each other yesterday. I told her I love her...and I was so happy and surprised that she felt the same. We ended up kissing under a tree while it was raining. I felt whole...complete while I was in her I was really meant to be she was meant to be in mine.

After that long and deep kiss we shared...we just waited for the rain to stop. She even wrapped her arms around me as she noticed me shaking from the cold. We stayed like that for half an hour and immediately ran towards the motel when the rain stopped with her hands holding mine. I was shivering but...with her hand on kept me warm...

When we got to the motel we quickly went inside and grabbed a towel to keep us warm. She told me to take a warm bath so that I wouldn't catch a cold. I hesitated thinking that she should be the one first. After a few exchanged words as to who should go first, she grabbed me by the shoulder and kissed me again. It made me melt and respond to her. It wasn't long when she pulled away smiling.

" talk too much. Just take a bath...I'll also take a bath when you're finished."

I was so mesmerized by the way she kissed me that I hadn't heard a thing she said. I just nodded and followed her as she led me to the bathroom. I was surprised when she slightly pushed me inside, smiling and closed the door.

I didn't know what to do at first, but then I felt cold and decided to just take a bath.

We took turns and when we were both finished, we climbed at the bed and snuggled to each other finding the warmth that we both needed. It felt nice being in her arms again. I didn't ever want to be away from her...ever...

I couldn't help but kiss her lips softly and snuggled closer to her. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again with my Lisa in my arms...

Lisa's POV

Someone is holding me...
It's kinda awkward...
But nice at the same time...

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a mess of blonde hair. It's tickling me...but that's not the reason why I'm smiling. I looked down and found Jennie snuggled at my neck. I pulled away slightly to look at her. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked.

Yesterday's confession was kinda tiring...but was really worth it. I often do I get a chance to say 'I love you' to a person who also feels the same way? To tell you the truth, I kinda doubted that she feels the same way towards me. But the moment I saw her eyes...under that tree...her looking at me with so much emotion in her eyes...the fear and doubt just disappeared and I found myself saying what I felt.

I brushed some of her hair that's covering her face which made her mumble something and snuggled towards me again. I sighed and looked at the clock.

'It's 10 in the morning now...'

I decided to wake up the sleeping beauty by kissing her softly by the ear, whispering...

"J...wake up..."

Again she mumbled something and continues to sleep. That didn't stop me from trying though. I nibbled at her earlobe and again I whispered...

"J...c'mon...wake up...its morning..."

I watch her as she slowly open her eyes and found mine. She smiled as her eyes reach mine and pulled me to her tighter. She seems so happy...more like glowing...


"Morning to you too...sleep well?"

"The best..."

I smiled at her telling her that I did too. Who wouldn't, when you're wrapped up with your beautiful girlfriend.


Is that what we are now? I...I hope so. Geeez...thinking of her like that makes me smile more. I did and she noticed.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Oh nothing...just thinking how beautiful my girlfriend is..."

Hearing me say that made her smile more and her eyes light up. Maybe I should call her that more often...

"Well...your girlfriend is getting hungry..."

"Then I should probably take her somewhere to eat."

"You should..."

"I soon as she let go of me."

She laid her hand on my cheek, caressing it as she looked in my eyes. She has this warm smile that I always loved. It makes me feel warm and...the thing about the butterflies in my stomach? Well...let's just say that they're having a pretty damn good party...

"I don't think she can ever do that..."

I laid my hand on hers and gave her a warm smile...

"Don't worry...neither can I..."

Jennie's POV

After an hour of holding each other and saying sweet promises to each other which I really love by the way, we eventually get up and decided to have breakfast. We walked hand in hand even as we eat. I really can't let go of her. And apparently...neither can she.

We decided to walk around a bit when we finished breakfast. We didn't know what to do today...that's why she decided to just walk around a bit. I don't care really what we long as I'm with her...I'm happy...

"Lisa! Jennie!"

Both of us turned our heads to find Rosé shouting together with Jisoo, Spike and Katie. Rosé quickly ran towards me wearing a wide smile.

"Guess what?! Jisoo and I are together now!"

I beamed at her really happy at the news. Well...she's not the only one who has that kind of news...

"Really?! That's great! Me and Lisa are together too!"

We continue to smile at each other obviously happy with the outcome of yesterdays events. We continue to trade stories and well...I didn't even notice that I wasn't holding Lisa's hand anymore to see her talking to Jisoo, Spike and Katie...

Lisa's POV

I slowly tried to get out of J's grasp at my hand as they continue to recall what happened. I slowly went to Jisoo's side and looked at them. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Look at stories as if we weren't here."

Jisoo nodded looking at them too.

"Yeah...they look like best friends..."

I nodded smiling. J does need a best friend...Red would be perfect for her. My thoughts stopped when I felt Spike wrap his arm around my shoulder grinning. I frowned confused...


"Can't a guy be happy for his friend who finally got her love of her life?"

He winked and I just rolled my eyes.


"We gotta celebrate Lisa. This is big news for both you and Jisoo. Too bad I don't have a girl to celebrate too..."

"Well...why don't you go out with Katie. She IS a girl you know..."

Spike just raised his eyebrow looking at me. Again he's clueless that Katie likes him. I couldn't help but yelp as I felt Katie's foot stomp mine.

"That's for involving me with this crap.'s good you finally got the girl. Took you long enough."

I shrugged slightly with Spike's arm still wrapped in my shoulder. I looked at Katie with a knowing look and smiled at her.

"Yeah well...what do you expect when some girl looking like a monster told me she likes me like a little sister...and continue to tell me I'm a coward and all."

She smiled but is obviously annoyed.

"'s a good thing that you listened like a little dog that you are..."

I smiled too but like her...I'm also annoyed. We treat each other like this...but still...we like each other.

"Who's the girl who liked you Lisa?"

I turned to my right and saw J and Red looking confused. Jennie looked at Spike who still had his arm around me. He quickly let go of me noticing J's stare.

"Uh...sorry pet. Habit..."

J nodded and looked at me again.

"Who's the girl who liked you Lisa?"

"Just a friend...nothing more..."

She nodded and walked beside me as Red stood beside Jisoo. Jennie slowly too hold of my hand as she looked at Spike who's now telling us his plan of celebration.

"Cmon now. We gonna celebrate or what?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well where exactly are we going to do this celebrating thingy?"


Spike frowned and continue to think of a place for us to celebrate. It was Red who came up with where we could go. I wanted to gag her mouth when I heard what she said...and I think Spike also wanted to gag her...

"I know! How about we go to the fair? It's nice and we could have fun there."

Both me and Spike looked at each other knowing that we both disagree with Red's suggestion. I mean...the fair? Could it be more boring? I was about to say that it wasn't a good idea when I felt Jennie's hand squeeze mine...

"A fair? I...haven't been in a fair."

Red's eyes seemed bug out when she heard J's voice. Now I'm wondering what Jisoo see in Red. I looked at Jisoo who was smiling all the time as she looks at Red and J. I looked at Red again who was explaining to Jennie what she might see in a fair. I guess...even if Jisoo and I doesn't see eye to eye on long as their together and happy...I'm happy too...

'Geeez...I'm turning into a sap...'

"That sounds like fun."

J then turn to me smiling a little looking shy. I would have kissed her right here with how cute she looks...but with everybody here...guess I should contain myself.

" we go to the fair? I want to see what it looks like. Please...?"

Shit! Do I even have a choice? I looked at Spike who was looking at me like he's begging for me not to say yes. Either way...I have two choices: A...say no and suggest other places. Or B...agree in going to the fair which will obviously make J happy.

'A or B? Well...I fell for a chick. I guess I should stick to it...'

I sighed and looked back at J who looks like a child waiting for my approval.

'Sorry Spike. If my girl wants to go to the fair...then she'll go to the fair. Anything to make her happy...'

I smiled at Jennie and nodded. She beamed a smile at me and hugged me.

"Thank you..."

I pulled her away and just smiled seeing as how I made her happy. She leaned back and smiled back.

'Yeah...I just made my girl happy. Score one for me...'

I pulled away from her when I heard Spike groan. He was about to sneak away when Katie grabbed his arm tugging it a little stopping his escape.

"Hey! Don't back out now. This was your idea."

Spike groaned again. I would have been groaning too you know...if it wasn't for this beautiful girl I'm holding...

'Great...the fair...what fun...'

Jennie's POV

We made our way to the fair. It was so...lively. So many people are here. We headed towards the booths that have games and prices. Lisa and Rosé won which earned us and Jisoo some stuff toys. Hers was a panda...while mine is a blue pig. Lisa seemed confused as to why I choose the pig rather than the other toys. I just smiled at her saying...

"I think pigs are cute..."

She nodded and looked at Spike who was trying to win also. He didn't though, which made Katie mad and decided to play the game herself.

"I'll hit those damn bottles..."

Lisa, Jisoo and Rosé laughed when Katie won herself a price. I couldn't help but smile as I heard Spike mumbling that Katie has three eyes that's why she won. Katie seemed to heard him and glared at him...

"Hmph! At least I can hit the damn bottles. And you call yourself a leader..."

They continue to fight even when they were paired up to ride the machine that goes round and round. (Ferris wheel) Jisoo and Rosé are in another and Lisa and I on another one. It's nice...I could see the whole town. It also remind me of...flying...

My facial expression must've changed when I felt Lisa's hand on my own. I turn to look at her and she had this cute frown on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Could I possible tell her? That I'm an angel sent down here to look for something that I can't find? That I've been watching her since she was born? But what will she say after that? Will she hate me? Stop loving me? Despise me? What now?'

Those thoughts seems to haunt me. I'm afraid to loose her...when I only found her. I looked away trying not to look at her gaze.

"It's nothing..."

I felt her squeeze my hand.

"I don't believe you...but if you don't want to tell's okay."

"I...I'm sorry."

"Don't be...just try not to think about it."

I nodded and looked out to the scenery. The sun is setting. I laid my head on Lisa's shoulder as I contemplate on what to do...

Lisa's POV

I felt slightly hurt that she wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I know it's none of my business to ask her that but...I wanted for me and her to honest relationship. You know...the 'I'll tell also tell kind of relationship. No giant wall between us. But...I guess if she doesn't want to tell me now...she'll tell me later...

'I hope so...'

I sigh and looked at her. She looks like she's thinking about something what with her gazing at the sunset. I couldn't help but frown as I continue to hear Katie and Spike bickering even in the Ferris wheel.

'Some things never change...'

We eventually got out of that ride. Even when we got out...Spike and Katie continue to fight. I was getting annoyed that I turned to them...

"Would you two just quit it?! You've been bickering for quite some time now and it's getting me annoyed!"

Both of them did stop their argument and just glared at each other.

"Lisa's right. Let's just shut up and get me some food! I'm hungry!"

Spike glared at her...

"Why would I have to bring you food?! Bring it yourself!"

Again...the bickering continued. I rolled my eyes and looked at J who is still occupied with her thoughts. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Would you like some food?"

She looked at me for awhile and then nodded. I smiled at her.

"Okay...I'll get some."

Again she nodded and I just walked to Spike and started dragging him away. Jisoo came with us. Spike shrugged my hand off mumbling how Katie is a bitch. I sighed and just ordered us some food.

Jennie's POV

I was left with Katie and Rosé who was now trying to calm Katie down. I held the stuffed pig tight as I continue to think of a way to say to Lisa the truth. I don't want to keep this from her. I want her to love as I am. An Angel...

I sighed and suddenly felt someone wrapped his arm around my breast trying to restrain my arms. I was about to scream when that person pulled out a handkerchief that smelled funny...that made it hard to open my eyes...


Lisa's POV

The food seems to be taking long because of all the people ordering. I couldn't help but roll my eyes waiting impatiently.


I turn to look at the person who called me to find Katie and Red running towards us. I frowned when I noticed that J wasn't with them.

"What's up? Where's J?"

They were breathing fast that they couldn't reply to my question. Red was the first to speak.

"S-She's gone..."

I frowned and took a step forward.

"What do you mean she's gone?"

Katie then took a deep breath and explained what happened.

"Me and Rosé here were talking and when I asked her a question...she didn't answer...she wasn't there. She dropped this..."

She handed me the stuffed pig that I gave her. It took only a second to react and run to look for her. Everyone followed me as I looked around.

'God...there's so many people...'

I continue to run and run shouting her name. She didn't answer though. I stopped for awhile trying to control my breath. I looked around as I took a rest by the entrance.

"Um...are you Lisa?"

I turned to see a man dressed in a shirt and pants with a brown hair walking towards me. I frowned...

"Yeah? Who wants to know?"

"Some guy threatened me...he keeps telling me to deliver this to a girl named Lisa who will come out of the entrance."

He handed me a letter and walked away leaving me confused. I opened the letter and began to read it. Spike and the others arrived just in time.

"Lisa...we couldn't find her...maybe she's in the motel now..."

I shook my head and looked ahead frowning.

"No...she's not in the motel...that bastard Mike have her..."

Jennie's POV

I can't move. Something's making me not move...

I slowly open my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I'm in some kind of unfinished building. I can feel the wind behind me, which means there's a window and were on the higher floor. I found myself in a chair...tied up...with a tape on my lips. I frowned and struggled to get free. A familiar voice stopped me from moving...

"Well, well, well...glad to see you awake now..."

I frowned and trying to see who the person spoke. I can hear footsteps slowly walking towards me and I couldn't help but feel scared. The figure stepped towards the only light of the place.

It's Mike...the person who stabbed Lisa...

"Looks like you recognize me now. Good girl...Don't worry...I won't hurt you. I'm just waiting for your cavalry to arrive..."

I struggled again afraid for myself and Lisa. He frowned and placed both his hand on both my shoulder.

"Hey! Stop it or I'll slit your throat."

"Do that or I'll fucking kill you..."

He frowned and turned and I saw Lisa standing on the doorway looking angry. Mike moved behind me with a knife on his hand.

"'re early. You eager to see your girlfriend dead?"

"Not as much as I'm eager to see you dead..."

"Heh...Now that's the Lisa I know and hate..."

"What do you want Mike?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want your head..."

"Why? So you can take my place as one of the three kings?"

"No you dumbass! I don't need your fucking title. I don't need the gang too."

"Good...coz apparently...the gang don't need a son of a bitch like you..."

I felt the sharp knife on my throat slightly touching it. Mike held my hair painfully grinning.

"I wouldn't say such things if I were you...or else I might butcher your girlfriend in front of you..."

Lisa seemed more angry and was now gritting her teeth.

"Good girl. Obedient, aren't you?"

"Let go of her...please...take me instead..."

My eyes went wide and if it wasn't for the tape on my mouth I could have yelled no to Lisa. I don't want her to sacrifice herself just for me...

"If I wanted you Lisa...I could have gotten you. I want you both to suffer you know. Kinda like a double murder..."


"And you know what? I'm getting tired of this talking. I guess I'll kill her first...say goodbye to Lisa...coz you definitely won't see her where you're going..."

Lisa's eyes went wide as he tugged my hair hard. I couldn't help but whimper as I felt the knife cut my neck slightly. I closed my eyes and waited for it to end. But somehow...he didn't do it. Something stopped him...

Lisa's POV

'I owe you Spike...'

I thought when a bullet went right through Mike. It's a good thing that dumb Mike picked a building with a large window where another building is. That's where Spike is with his favorite gun. A sniper rifle...

I watch Mike slowly fall down the floor. He looked shocked. I guess he forgotten about Spike. I quickly ran towards Jennie and picked up Mike's knife to untie her. I removed the tape on her lips and was replaced by mine when she hugged me.

I pulled away from her smiling.

"Missed me?"

"So much..."

I grinned and helped her up. I guess I was careless that I didn't realize it until it was too late that Mike is still alive. I didn't see him get up and run towards me ramming me towards the open window grinning the whole time...

"If...I can't kill...both of you...I'll just have to"

It happened so fast that both of us were falling down the building. I closed my eyes and the only thing I heard was Jennie's voice yelling my name.

'I guess this is it...Goodbye Jennie...I love you...'

I was surprised when I felt arms around my waist. I opened my eyes and found Jennie smiling. I frowned.

"What the?!"

I was surprised when she held me tight saying...

"I won't let you go...ever..."

After that she was surrounded in light. Both of us...but she was the source of it. I turned to look back and was surprised when we stopped falling. I looked back at Jennie who now has...wings?! Long white wings...

'Am I seeing things? Maybe I'm dead...'


She didn't say anything. She just held me tight, and we just continue to fly down.

No one's POV

Spike who was on the other side of the building with Katie stood shocked as to what he's seeing.

Lisa and Jennie flying
Jennie surrounded by a light...
Jennie who has...wings?!

Katie is also shocked at what she's seeing.

"What the hell?!"

She quickly got out of her gaze and ran towards Lisa and Jennie who was now descending on the ground. Spike noticed her and quickly ran himself.

On the ground Rosé and Jisoo shielded their eyes because of the blinding light that's coming from Jennie. Once they were on the ground, she let go of Lisa and slowly...the light was slowly disappearing leaving the vision of Jennie with wings to Lisa, Rosé and Jisoo.

Lisa frowned, confused as to what happened to Jennie...

"J...what the....?"

Jennie looked at her smiling a little.

"I'm an angel..." 

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