Rise: A Coroika Spin-off:

By BlackHoleQueenn

2.4K 44 58

This remixes canon events in the manga, Splatoon does not belong to me I do not own the characters. Y/N has a... More

Destiny in Inkopolis:
Restless and Reckless:
S+ Ranker Rider:
Danger Zone:
Not much Comfort:
Bad to Worse:
Catching a Break:
Y/N's Bad Memory: Bonus:
S4 Member: Aloha:
Party Rock in the house:
What about Y/N?: Bonus:
Mask's Sub Weapon Hell:
A/N: - 1#
Trick or.. Splat: (BONUS!)
Back Alley:
Takedown: 1

The Names Army:

123 1 3
By BlackHoleQueenn

You sat back down on your couch.. and Army somehow made curry in your kitchen..

After he made the curry.. he served it on 2 plates and sat down next to you..

"Sorry I didn't show up.." You said.

He then sighed, "It's alright.. you probably didn't know I'm not the best with patience.. or.. did you..?" He then glared at you as you ate his wonderful curry..

"..well.. before anyone really.. talked.. to me.. I liked to people watch.. so I know a little bit about everyone.." you told the truth.. you just felt pressured.. and nervous.. you didn't know what he would say..

"..I see.." he said in his usual tone.

He didn't say anything else after that.. and you did the same.. then you finished the curry..

"...finished.. that was really good, Army.." you said.. trying to ease the tension.. you did start to feel a tiny bit better after that.. but still not the best,

"You feeling better?" Army then asked you..

"Yeah..." you lied..

Army knew you were lying.. but whatever happens to you, is now your fault, not his..

"Well.. about that battle.." Army then said and declared it to start in half an hour..

"Oh okay.. I'll make it this time.."

"Just don't be late.." Army said and then disappeared..

Then you were alone..

And you felt like coughing heavily.. it hurt so much, but you tried to move on.. and got prepared for the battle.. and it was on flounder heights.. the same stage that team blue beat Army's team on.. but also-

You got ready and left your apartment.. and headed for the lobby..


(You then remembered what happened with your old team..)


"..." You were stunned..

"Just like we thought, your all just weaklings.." Skull said before the rest of the S4 left the stage..

"..." You just sat there.. feeling hurt..

Then your team leader spoke up..

"Y/N.. it's your fault.. you just aren't good enough.. your off the team.."

"..." Then the rest of your ex teammates just.. left.. into the cold.. sorrow night..

You trained endlessly.. and vowed.. to never be on a team.. ever again..

(End of Flash Back..)

The flash back then ended in your head and you realized that you were standing in the lobby.. at the entrance to the private queue..

You wiped away your tears.. luckily nobody noticed you.. hopefully..

You then walked in to see.. obviously Army's team orange.. member of the S4.. standing before you.

"Your 15 minutes early.. impressive.." Army then said.. with a proud smug on his face..

"Oh- um..." You didn't really know how to respond to a compliment.. you still felt a little off.. and tired.. but you knew that you'd probably be alright.. right..?

You then realized what you just got into.. if you won, you'd go head to head against Aloha.. then Mask.. and lastly.. Skull himself.. this all depended on you, and only you.. if you lost.. what could happen to not just you.. but everything else..?

You suddenly were very anxious and worried.. but you tried to keep your head high.. but it felt impossible.. it was showing a little bit on your face too.. Army just stood there.. waiting for you to answer.. but he knew.. he knew everything.. he just wasn't sure if he should help you..

"Well.. what are you waiting for.. To The Arena!" Army then said and you proceeded to spawn into the map..

You began to ink.. you didn't feel so confident.. and just couldn't stop getting bad memories from this..

You felt very tired.. and restless.. last night really did do something to you.. was this actually planned..?

You felt a hint of anger.. if this was all planned.. they definitely were playing more to an extent than you.. and you needed to step your game..

You began to rapidly paint the map.. and then you found one of Army's teammates.. unfortunately you almost forgot that they knew everything.. more of the unexpected to.. screw team blue.. they rigged it in their favour.. could've they.. not been stupid..?

You then got splatted after being lost in thought..

After respawning.. you noticed that your base was no longer your color.. it was orange..

Unfortunately they were secretly behind you while you were inking earlier.. and took the chance to paint your base..

You felt mad at yourself for being so foolish.. and decided to translate it into your fight..

You kept running towards the central area.. you just kept running.. and running.. but then tripped on a stray stick..

You then got off the ground as fast as you could.. but you were too late.. Army's team already surrounded you..

Luckily your special was ready.. (and your special is splash down for this battle.. don't mind it, okay?)

You activated your splashdown and was able to splat a few of Army's teammates.

unfortunately you did get splatted right in the chest by Army.. that made you REALLY sore..

"ugh-" you said to yourself.. you felt weak.. what the heck did you get yourself into..

"Hm, and I thought you weren't weak.. perhaps I was incorrect.." Army then said and it just hurt you HARD.

You respawned.. your arm didn't seem to heal in the respawn process.. it felt very numb.. 

This is gonna be a rough battle..

Word Count! 854

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