Sigyn, Goddess Of Victory


836 79 10

"Don't be afraid, my love." they can't hurt you anymore. More

Sigrún and Loki
Nanna and Gersemi
Iwaldi, Hnoss and Freyr


17 3 0

The princess softly hummed a lullaby as she stroked the prince's hair. He lay sleeping in her lap, his chest rising and falling with each breath. She couldn't help but smile as she looked down at him, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. 

The lullaby was one her mother used to sing to her when she was a child. It was a song about love and protection, and it had always brought her comfort. Now, she sang it to the prince, hoping that it would bring him the same sense of security. 

It was just the two of them, and nothing else mattered. Sigrún felt Loki stir in her lap and hoped he wouldn't wake up, or at least move. Still, she couldn't help but remember what her mother said to her. It had been a month since their conversations about love. 

As the prince slowly opened his eyes, he found himself resting comfortably in the princess's lap. However, he could sense that something was troubling her. He gently lifted himself and looked into her eyes, which were filled with worry. 

 "What's the matter, my dear?" he asked softly.

Sigrún looked away for a moment, then back and the prince. Finally, she spoke. 

"Do you love me?" She asked. 

The prince was caught off guard. He had never been in love before and didn't know how to respond. He tried to think of the right words to say, but they just wouldn't come. He wanted to be honest with her, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings either. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he mustered up the courage to speak.

"I care for you deeply," he said, "but I'm not sure if what I feel is love." 

The princess looked disappointed, but she appreciated his honesty. "Of course. Do you think we could...forget I said that?"  She stammered. 

Loki smiled, though he was not sure he wanted to forget the question. "What question?" The two laughed nervously, then sat in a comfortable silence. 

Suddenly, a thought came to Sigrún's head. "Have you ever wondered what ended the battle of the Æsir and Vanir?" she asked aloud. "Or at least, what started it?" 

Loki hummed in response. "Well, I know what started it. My father, the king of Asgard, received a threat from Vanaheim. They wanted to take our realm and resources by force. They wanted to rule everything." Sigrún listened close. 

"It went on for a hundred years. Then my father received news from our spy in Vanaheim. The king and queen had children. When we got the news, the queen had just given birth to twins, a boy, and a girl."

Sigrún looked away. "What happened to the children?" She asked quietly. Loki sighed. "I am not proud of this part of my family history. My father stole the princess from her home. No one knows if he killed her or not." 

"That's terrible!" Sigrún gasped. 

Loki nodded, looking down, ashamed. "As I said, I am not proud of my father's actions. After, my father went up against the queen of Vanaheim, and she surrendered." He finished. Sigrún looked at him. "Do not be ashamed of your father's actions, for they are not your own." She smiled. Loki stared at her. "Which part of Alfheim are you from?" he asked suddenly. Sigrún was taken by surprise.

"I'm...not sure. If you're wondering about my ears, I don't know why they're like that." Sigrún admitted. Loki felt his face flush. "My apologies, it was not my intention to seem rude." He blurted out. Sigrún laughed. Oh, how he loved her laugh. "You're quite alright. My mother took me in after they found me. I'm not sure where I would be without them." Sigrún smiled at the thought. 


The princess walked through the grand halls of the castle, her heart beating faster with every step. She had just spent the day with the prince and had fallen deeply in love with him. She knew she had to tell Adaia, the queen. As she entered her mother's chambers, she took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "Mother," she began, "I have something to tell you."

The queen looked up from her needlework, sensing her daughter's urgency. "What is it, my dear?" she asked. The princess took a deep breath and spoke the words she had been rehearsing out in the hall. "Mother, I have fallen in love with Prince Loki of Asgard. I know it may seem sudden, but I cannot deny my feelings any longer." 

The queen smiled warmly at her daughter. "My sweet child, I am happy for you. Love is a wonderful thing, and I do not doubt that the prince feels the same way about you." 

Sigrún looked away. "That's the thing, mother. He does not feel the same way for me, and I am afraid if I tell him my true feelings, it will ruin our relationship." 

Adaia stood up. "Sweet girl, it is better to be honest about your feelings than to keep them bottled up. Tell him how you feel when you're ready." she kissed her daughter's forehead. "I advise you to talk to your mother. She might have better advise than I do." Adaia smiled. 

Sigrún knew what Aelsa would say, however. So she didn't tell her. 

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