My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

נכתב על ידי ayemem215

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You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... עוד

Wedding Inspo


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נכתב על ידי ayemem215

Y/ns POV
Waking up alone is a different for me. I've become so used to waking up with Scarlett or before Scarlett it seems like a twilight zone. The house is eerily quiet, since Scarlett took Rose with her to the Outset office for some product testing. After my workout I try to make breakfast but get interrupted for the third time by Lizzie calling me. I guess I should stop ignoring her and answer the call.

"Yes Liz" I answer annoyed.

"Ahhhh fuck y/n something's wrong ahhhhh" Lizzie cries and my heart drops immediately hearing her yell.

"What's wrong?" I yell quickly

"My stomach hurts. Ahhhh Come outside"she yells and I run out my front door unaware I'm still in my shorts and sports bra. I see Lizzie's car coming up the driveway and hang up the phone and run to her car. She gets out of the car hunched over and holding her stomach and moaning. But a low painful moan. Almost like a growl.

"Lizzie oh my god what are you doing here?"

"You won't answer the fucking phone! I can't get in touch with Robbie, I have no idea where he even is. And I'm in pain! Y/n it's too early. She can't come out yet" Lizzie cries and begs me holding her stomach.

"Lizzie let's just get to a hospital. They will check everything out" I say and guide her to my car. I somehow grabbed my key so at least I have that. I get her into my car and she turns on her side and starts crying while clutching her stomach. God I feel awful. I jump into the drivers seat and text Scarlett what's going on as I drive to the closest hospital.

"Ughhhhh" Lizzie moans and curls up into a ball.

"Did your water break? Are you having contractions?" I ask

"Why the hell do you think I'm moaning in pain? Because She's kicking me? No! Yes I have contractions and no my water didn't break" Lizzie says through gritted teeth. I know she's in pain so I'll accept the attitude.

"Okay let me call Robbie and tell him to meet us at cedar Sinai." I say out loud and grab Lizzie's phone to call him but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Did he come home last night Liz?" I ask remembering Scarlett said she was waiting for him to get home for dinner.

"Nooahhhhhh oh my god" she grunts and squeezes her eyes closed. Scarlett's name pops up on my car screen and I hit accept so it goes over the speaker.

"Hey babe"

"Hiii honey, how's Lizzie doing"

"Go fucking faster y/n!" Lizzie yells and I laugh when I hear Scarlett laughing on the phone.

"She's okay. We can't get in touch with Robbie. Can I send you Marlanas number when we get to the hospital and you can see if she's seen him." I ask

"Of course babe. Rose and I will come after my meeting. Keep me updated" she says and I tell her of course before we say our love you's and goodbyes. I drive as quickly as I can towards the hospital as Lizzie is whimpering in pain. Thankfully I pull into the emergency lane of the hospital and a nurse comes out to yell at me as I get out of the truck.

As I open my trunk to grab a shirt, I yell to the nurse "My friend is 36 weeks pregnant and in extreme pain, please help her" I yell and the nurse runs in to the hospital and runs back out with a wheel chair and another nurse. As soon as I open the passenger door Lizzie is covered in a layer of sweat and has tear marks down her face.

"Hey Liz, we're going to get you in that chair and the doctor will look at you inside okay?" I say to the very tired woman in my front seat.

"No y/n I will not have this baby today. It's too early! And Robbie's not here! We had a plan!" She cries and it breaks my heart.

"Cmon Lizzie, let's just get checked out and Robbie should be on his way" I try to coax her. She sits up a little letting me wrap an arm around her back to help her scoot out of the truck. I gently slide her forward and her grip on my shirt tightens as I lower her to the ground. The second her feet touches the ground her water breaks and a huge gush of fluid comes from between her legs and drops to the ground splattering my truck and my sneakers.

"Jeez Liz, I barley touched you and I managed that" I smirk teasing her and she smacks my arm while I get her to sit in the wheelchair. They start wheeling her in as I look around at my car and shoes but notice the nurses stop and turn her around. She doubled over in pain holding her stomach but she looks right at me and says "get your ass over here."

I ditch my truck and leave it there and follow her inside. We walk through the hall for what feels like forever and they have to know she's in pain because Lizzie is now screaming on every contraction. If my clock in my head is right it's still 15 minutes apart. I quickly text Scarlett that we are here and I send her marlanas number. I've texted Robbie another two time and see it turn blue, which means his phone is on right now. As much as I'm itching to call him and scream at him to get here I can't because Lizzie is crying now and I feel like my attention is best to be with her.

I walk over to Lizzie who's finally on a bed in a private room and the nurses are hooking her up to a fluid bag. "Lizzie you're doing so good, you made it. You're here." I say and hold Lizzie's hand. She looks over at me and starts crying again.

"Where's Robbie?" She asks and I don't know what to tell her. Luckily a doctor walks in to check her out.

"Hi Elizabeth. Your doctor is on her way I'm just here to give you a little check. I'm going to check your cervix." He says to Lizzie who nods and he opens the gown to check her. I watch from the top of Lizzie as he sticks his hand inbetween her legs and deeper. It looks like, from this angle, his whole fucking arm is in her and i internally cringe.

"Wow 9 centimeters. Your almost ready!" He exclaims.

"No! No I'm not ready. My husband's not here yet!" Lizzie cries and squeezes my hand when a contraction takes over. I look at my phone see Scarlett texted and said Robbie was drunk at marlanas house sleeping. He's hungover and she's trying to wake him up but he's locked in her guest room. Fucking hypocrite.

I glance at Lizzie who seems to be calm at moment. They must have gave her something for the pain and I notice she has a contraption over her stomach now. It's like a band with a small circular thing on the middle. I see a nurse looking at a whole other monitor and there's a heartbeat on it. I see the monitor where Lizzie's heartbeat is so that means that's the baby's heartbeat. Looks strong.

"What's this" Lizzie asks me tapping on the dexcom on my arm.

"A new machine Dr. Pierce gave me." I say and pull out my phone to show her the app. It took Scarlett and I longer than expected to set it up. You would think we both were technologically challenged or something but I'm going to blame it on nerves. When you press the button on the contraption to release the little pod onto my arm that reads my sugar, it gets poked into your skin. I wasn't expecting it so when she hit the button, I flinched and may have let a tear or two slip. It did hurt and I tried not to show it but Scarlett knows me too well.

"It tracks your sugar?" Lizzie asks me and I take my phone and tap the phone to the pod on my arm and it takes just a second to load. 82. I show her the phone and she smiles.

"I'm proud of you." She says with pleased smile. "And I want to apologize for what Robbie said to you. He had no right. But I also want to apologize for not fighting harder. I should've known something was up. And I also didn't drop by or repeatedly text you like I know you hate"

"No Lizzie don't apologize. It's all on me. Don't worry I forgive you even though you don't deserve to be apologizing but if it's going to make us go back to normal and I'll have my BFF Lizard back then I'll say it" I laugh and she laughs too. But that is quickly interrupted with a bad contraction.

Lizzie has another contraction and almost breaks my hand but they seem to be coming quicker now. Thankfully a woman in pink scrubs walks in and grabs Lizzie's chart from a nurse before approaching Lizzie on the opposite side of me.

"Hey there Lizzie. I thought I told you I didn't want to see you until next week" the doctor laughs. She looks up at me and furrows her eyebrows a little but puts a smile on her face before she speaks. "Hi you're not Robbie."

"Hi I'm y/n. Robbie is .....we're trying to get in touch with him" I say and the doctor glances at Lizzie and then back at me.

"Okay can we keep calling him? I know Lizzie wants him here." She says walking and taking a seat infront of Lizzie's legs. She props her feet up and I move closer to Lizzie's head so I don't see anything. I don't need to have anymore nightmares.

"Y/n. I can't do this. I'm not going to do this. I need Robbie. I want my husband." Lizzie cries to me.

"You can do anything Lizzie. Remember when you were nervous before an audition you'd start spiraling like I do. But as soon as you stepped in there and got on stage you were in your own world. This is your stage Lizzie. And the end of the performance you'll be able to hold your little girl"

"Lizzie, she's right. Robbie is probably on his way but you are going to have to push soon. You have great support here with you." Her doctor says to Lizzie after doing her exam.

"No! I'm not pushing until Robbie's here. Y/n go call him again!!" Lizzie shouts and lets go of my hand almost shoving it away from her.

I walk out of the room and take a couple steps away from the room. The first thing I do is take a deep breath. Instead of dialing Robbie first I dial Scarlett. I need to just hear her voice for a minute. It rings once before I hear the sweet low raspy voice I've fallen head over heels for.


"Hi my love" I say softly. My emotions are picking up on the heavy situation going on and hearing Scarlett's voice makes me break.

"Are you okay baby?" She asks

"I am. Lizzie is freaking out. Her doctor said she is going to have to push soon and Lizzie doesn't want to push unless Robbie is here"

"Marlana said she got him up and in the shower last I talked to her. Which 20 minutes ago. I was hoping for a 'he's on the way' text before I spoke to you but I'll keep you updated as I hear." She says

"You're the best Scar. Thank you for doing that for me." As I pace a little in the hall I see movement ahead of me and when I look up I look straight into the eyes of Robbie.

"Um, Robbie's here." I say into the phone

"What! Really? that's good!" She says "will you guys be okay in the same room" she says

"I don't plan on staying. I'll call you from the car okay?" I say before we both hang up.

Robbie approaches me quickly with a frantic look in his eyes. He doesn't reek of alcohol but the bloodshot eyes and bags under his eyes tell me all I need to know. "Y/n, thank you." Is the first thing out of his mouth.

"Don't talk to me. Just go help your wife have your baby" I say and push him to the side so I can head out to my truck. I stall a minute, lingering at the end of the hallway and see Robbie walk in the room. When the doors open slightly I can hear Lizzie crying in pain. But just as fast as Robbie walks in, he walks back out and looks down the hall to me.

"Y/n! Please don't leave! Lizzie is asking for you!" He shouts and my legs are moving before my mind fully registers what he says. I push past him and take my spot back by Lizzie's head. Lizzie sees me coming and reaches her arm out for me to grab and I do. I let her squeeze as much as she needs and I see Robbie stand opposite of me but Lizzie refuses to hold his hand.

"Hi Robbie, glad you could make it. Okay lizzie, we're going to start pushing okay?" Her doctor says walking in and getting herself into a gown. She puts gloves on too before sitting in the chair infront of Lizzie's legs.

"It feels like I have to push" Lizzie yells as a contraction hits her

"Good push Liz! Push!" The doctor encourages her

Lizzie pushes with all her might until her face turns red and she stops to take a deep breath. Robbie is just standing there, in shock, so it's my job to keep her spirit up.

"Good job lizard. That was a good push!" I say to Lizzie's who's death grip on my hand hasn't moved.

"Another one is coming" she says and starts to cry at the end

"You got it Lizzie. It must feel crazy down there right now but you can do this." I encourage and she sees me trying to take a peak and pulls me back by my hand.

"Don't you dare look at my vagina!" She yells through gritted teeth as she starts to push again.

"Good job Liz, I see a head!" The doctor shouts and I see Robbie take a step closer to look.

"Fuck I can't. I'm too tired" Lizzie says laying her head back on the bed. She is a sweaty mess and looks exhausted.

"Lizzie. You can do this. Cmon Liz no giving up. We don't give up" I say and smooth some hair out of her face. I tilt her head so she looks at me but her eyes are hazy. She's disassociating.

"Robbie get over here" I yell at the hairy man and he takes a large step up toward the head of the bed.

"Lizzie baby, your almost done. I can see her hair. It's just like yours."

"I can't. I have no strength" she says and Robbie grabs her face between his hands.

"Lizzie take a deep breath. And push as hard as you can. One more time babe. One more time" he says as they stare at each other.

"Fuck it's coming again" she cries

"You got this babe. Cmon push hard. Squeeze our hands" Robbie says looking at me.

Lizzie squeezes our hands, hard, and it's like a balloon pops because I hear a little pop sound and out slides the baby right into the doctors arms.

"Got her" the doctor says and hands the baby off to a nurse. To my surprise the doctor stays focused on Lizzie while the nurses rush the baby to a small cot with an incubator on top of it.

"Robbie go" Lizzie says and pushes Robbie towards the baby. Robbie goes next to the baby and the nurses and watches everything they do.

Lizzie turns to me, with oxygen in her nose now and frowns "why isn't she crying?" She asks

I glance over to the baby's station and see the nurses suctioning her nose. "She will." I say and glance back over to Lizzie who looks like she wants to cry. Just as I'm thinking of what to say to keep her calm there's a baby squak in the room that makes me and her freeze.

"See Lizzie, your baby's a dinosaur so she doesn't cry, she squaks" the doctor laughs. "And lucky for you no tears, so no stitches." The doctor informs Lizzie.

"We are going to take her to get weighed and checked over by our pediatrician, is it okay if Dad comes?" A nurse asks Lizzie and she glances at me.

"I'm not leaving" I assure her and she nods to the nurse. Robbie follows the nurse and the little baby out of the room and I turn to Liz. There's a nurse pushing on her stomach while the doctor sits back down infront of her.

"Okay Lizzie, time for your second birth" the doctor says and my eyes go wide.

"You're having twins!?" I gasp and Lizzie laughs a little.

"No you idiot. My placenta" she says

"That thing comes out too!!?" I question making the doctor laugh.

"It does." The doctor says

"Good thing your learning now, so when Scarlett gets pregnant you'll be a pro!" Lizzie teases and I forgot I never told her yet.

"About that...." I say

"Nooo don't give up! It was only your first try" Lizzie say's disappointed

"We didn't give up. We actually tried again. And it worked." I say

"Shut up!" She gasps "scar is pregnant!?" She squeals asking.

I can't help the proud smile on my face.

"She is. It's really early still and we don't even go to the doctor for another 3 weeks but the blood test confirmed it" I say proudly.

"Ahhh!!! Yay!!!! I can't believe it!!!!" She squeals and pulls me in for a hug the best we can.

"Speaking of, I should call her. I told her I was heading home and didn't leave. And that was 2 hours ago" I say and take my phone out. I quickly text Scarlett what was going on and I should've known she understood. She said she would be by later with Rose but I offered to come pick them up after her meeting. After Lizzie pushes out this alien looking blob, a nurse comes back in with the beautiful baby girl all wrapped up in a hospital blanket and a cute little pink beanie on, with Robbie right behind them.

"Baby is looking healthy, we just have extra oxygen on her since she arrived early.  She is 4lbs 2oz. And is considered a preemie so go buy the little teeny tiny diapers for at least the first month. Those will fit her best. But good news is she passed all her tests with flying colors and is staying warm on her own so no need for an incubator." The nurse explains and Robbie finally smiles.

Robbie comes over to Lizzie handing her their baby and I see the sparkle in Lizzie's eyes. I can't wait to see Scarlett and our baby for the first time. It seems as if the baby's appearance makes all the dislike for Robbie dissapear from Lizzie. But she does break down as soon as she holds her little baby girl.

"She's beautiful" Lizzie cries and looks at Robbie. "Does she have all her fingers and toes?" She asks Robbie which makes me laugh.

"10 and 10 baby. She's perfect. You made a perfect baby" he gushes. She smiles and looks at me laughing and laughs too.

"It was a real worry that she would come out without all her limbs. I had nightmares!" Lizzie laughs.

"She's beautiful Liz. Congratulations. Let me get a picture of the new family of 3!" I say holding my phone out. Robbie leans into Lizzie and I take a couple pictures. When Lizzie and Robbie look at each other smiling I snap that one. And get one where they are both smiling at the sleeping baby in her arms.

"What's something you couldn't eat while you were pregnant but you really wanted?" I ask Lizzie.

"Italian sub from Joes in Hollywood. And a glass of Rosè from the vineyard by my house!" Lizzie blurts out quickly as if she's been thinking about that for a while.

"I got you. I'm going to pick up Rose and Scarlett and we will be back. Okay?" I ask

"Yes yes. Go I'm good here!" She says

"Are you sure?" I check

"I'm sure y/n/n. And thank you for everything today." shesay sincerely.

"Always Lizzie. Your my lizard." I say and smile at her before leaving the room.

Wow, Lizzie's a mom! I know this next chapter of her life will be amazing and she is going to be the best mom in the world. It does make me think about Scarlett and Rose a little harder. I can't wait to expand our family, and soon that will be coming true. 8 and a half Months to go.


Ahhhhh!!!! Lizzie's mothering!!! Any ideas for names???

This was fun to write. Hope you enjoyed it.

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