My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

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You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


1K 28 2
By ayemem215

Y/ns POV
The dryness in my throat causes me to cough, waking me from my sleep. My head is pounding and when I feel the need to throw up but can't sit up because I feel too weak I know something's wrong. I feel around for Scarlett in bed and when I feel a body I begin to tap it with my hand. I can't tell how hard or soft I'm tapping her because I feel so weak but she must have felt it because she sits up quickly and turns to me.

"Baby? Are you okay?" She asks but I keep tapping her unable to form a sentence. My brain is foggy and I'm concentrating not being sick in the bed.

Scarlett sits up more and grabs my face to turn it so I can look at her. I guess from my hazy eyes and my tongue literally hanging out of my mouth she realizes something isn't right. She sprints out of the bedroom, im hoping to grab my insulin bag, and rushes back in onto my side of the bed and kneels on the floor next to me.

"Okay baby, I got your machine, I'm just going to prick your finger and test your sugar I'm sorry if the prick hurts you" Scarlett explains as she cleans my finger off and pricks it. Although I know what she has to do it means a lot that she explains it because I can barley comprehend what's going on right now.

"Mommy? Is mama sick?" I can hear Rose talking to Scarlett. She must have woke up when Scarlett ran out of our room. I hate for her to see me like this though.

"Sort of honey" Scarlett says shoving the test strip in the machine and hitting go. Once the machine is loading she turns to Rose who looks terrified at the door.

"What's wrong with mama!? She looks pale" rose says stepping closer to her mom.

"Mama is feeling a little sick, and I have to use this machine to check her sugar." She says pointing at the machine which thankfully goes off.

"Shit 289, babe you need insulin" Scarlett says but Rose starts getting concerned when Scarlett pulls the needle out of the bag.

"No mommy! No needles! Mama doesn't like them!!" Rose yells but Scarlett is quick to console her.

"Babe what's the conversion" scar asks me because she hasn't had to put insulin in me yet.

"T-toy emmel per hundy over" I mumble but I barley understood myself so there's no way she could.

"What? Rosie honey could you grab my phone" Scarlett points to the nightstand on the other side of the bed. Rose runs to get her phone and runs back giving Scarlett her phone. She climbs onto the bed and sits next to me, in the center of the bed. I feel her grab my hand and hold it.

"Mommy, mamas hand is sweaty" rose says

"It's okay honey, I'm going to fix it" scar says looking at her phone. "Okay 10ML per 100 digits over 90. Shes close to 300, will it hurt if I put a little extra?" She says out loud to herself as she searches frantically on her phone.

"Okay Rosie I have to put this is mama so look away." Scarlett says loading up the needle with insulin.

"Mama said no needles!! She doesn't like needles!" Rose yells and covers my stomach area with her body.

"Rosie honey I promise this isn't a needle that will hurt her. She needs it and I'll explain everything once I get it inside her" Scarlett tries to bargain with the 8 year old but the longer she waits the worse I'm getting.

I don't know how long it took Scarlett to get Rose off me because I ended up passing out. I was just so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. But when I wake up still in the bed with Rose and Scarlett both cuddling me, I figure it wasn't too long after I saw all black.

"Rose?" I question because she's laying on my chest and I feel like my bladder is going to explode.

"Mama!!" She squeals and wraps me in a hug putting her whole little body on top of mine.

My head hurts just a tiny bit but my throat feels a lot better and my stomach isn't twisting and turning anymore. I turn my body so Rose slides off me onto the bed and prop myself up on my elbow. rose still won't let go of me and I really wouldn't mind if I didn't have to pee.

"Rosie can I go to the bathroom and I'll come right back?" I ask the small child

"No, I'll come with you" she says

"You can't go with her, sweetie. Remember, everyone needs privacy in the bathrooms" scarlett explains

"But, what if you need help again. I want to be there to help you" she cries and my heart feels very warm but it aches at the small girls gesture. She cares so much about me.

"Well, I feel okay right now. And I think it's because mommy was able to put that needle in me. Right? Did you help her with that?" I ask

"I did. She said it wasn't the kind that hurt you, and you needed it. So I let her do it and then you turned to normal color again. But I got scared when you didn't wake up but mommy said your were just tired." She explains and I look over to Scarlett who's listening to her daughter while stroking her hair. I'm sure she had a conversation with Rose while I was asleep about everything but I don't mind answering any questions Rose has.

"That's right. Thank you for helping mommy with that. I feel a lot better now. So can I use the bathroom and when I get back I'll answer any other questions you have about it" I say and she nods letting go Of my neck and letting me go to the bathroom. I do my business quickly and wash my hands before returning to bed.

"Are you going to die" rose blurts out as soon as I sit down. I look at Scarlett who looks a little shocked that she asked that but tries to hide it so Rose doesn't feel judged.

"Not for a very long time flower" I say and hold her hand. I stroke her hand a little but she still looks confused and like she wants to ask more, so I wait.

"Emma's dad had a machine like that. I saw it once when I was over here house" Rose starts and glances at Scarlett. Scarlett holds her other hand encouraging her to get her feelings out and when scar smiles at her, rose faces me again. "Emma's dad died. Emma said he was sick and the machine made him sicker. I don't want you to die Mama!" She says and her small innocent eyes start to water. Before I see a tear drop I gently pull her close to me and hug her tight.

"I'm not going to die sweetie. The stuff mommy injected with me is helping my heart beat normal. And when it beats normal, it makes my body and brain work normal. So that I can play with you, and cook and eat my vegetables so I can stay big and strong and alive." I try to explain to her. Although I feel like I'm confusing myself she tilts her head at me and nods.

"Do you have what Emma's dad has?" She asks me

"I'm not sure what Emma's dad had but I do know that what I'm doing right now seems to be helping me. I feel better in my body and my brain" I say tapping my head. Rose nods her head yes but I can tell she's still processing what I'm saying. And that's okay she can take as long as she needs and ask as many questions as she needs. I'm glad she walked in when she did because now I don't have to hide it from her.

After some cuddles and a movie I get out bed because we have to leave for the airport soon. As I'm packing up a couple things laying around, Scarlett tries to get up, but I give her my best 'don't you dare' look and it works. I know we have to tell Rose about Scarlett being pregnant but it's still really early. I'm also afraid that if we tell Rose she may blurt it out to someone else and we don't want anyone to know until she hits at least 3 months. I would've obviously told Lizzie, since Scarlett told Kate yesterday, but I plan on avoiding her still so I don't have to worry about that right now. Regardless, we're going to have to tell Rose soon, but I think she's old enough to know how to keep a secret. She is going to be 9 at the end of the month!

Before I know it we are back on the flight home and I'm glad I booked the private flight because Rose has been glued to my side and sitting in my lap the entire time and I know that wouldn't fly on a regular airplane. Luckily Scarlett ordered food from the flight attendant for me and I'm able to cuddle Rose a little more, lulling her to nap.

"Hey so the premier for the movie I just shot will be at the end of the month, in LA, I just don't know the actual date yet. But your going to come with me right?" Scarlett asks me.

"Yeah sure. I'll take off of work if needed but they usually don't start until night time right?" I ask

"Usually, but you never know. I just really want you to come. The cast is dying to hangout with you for more than 10 minute in my trailer." She says

"I am too. Kate was hilarious and Kevin too but yeah we didn't get enough time to chat" I say remembering how Scarlett was so busy most of the time so the one or two times I came to set when I visited was always rushed conversations and running from one end of the lot to the other with Scar.

"Oh another thing I wanted to ask was, do you still have your appointment with Dr. Pierce next week?" She asks and I try to slide my phone out of my pocket but it's too hard with Rose on me. Scarlett smiles seeing I'm struggling and helps get my phone out. I hand it back to her after she hands it to me and she looks confused. "Can you look in my calendar? I'm comfy" I say and wrap my arms around the not so small child on my arms. Scarlett smiles while putting her birthday in for my passcode. I hope I make her feel secure in this relationship, knowing how insecure she was when I first met her. I have nothing to hide.

"It says Thursday at 2pm." She says

"So Thursday. Want to come?" I ask

"Yes please I do. I'll call Kate when we land to let her know to push our meetings to Friday" Scarlett says out loud noting it on her phone

"Wait babe no don't change your meetings around for me. The Outset is more important than a doctors appointment."

"Nope. Don't you dare." Scarlett laughs "baby you are the most important being in my world besides my daughter and our future child, so I will rearrange the moon if I have to so I could be there with you." She says and I immediately feel warm and fuzzy all over. She knows how to make me feel like I matter.

"Okay my love" I say smiling and snuggling back into my Rosie.

I use the rest of the plane ride to think of a good way to take Scarlett out. She deserves a nice romantic dinner and something fun after that ends with a foot massage and face masks. Maybe I could do a spa day, and rent out a place. Maybe there's a restaurant that will teach us a meal and we eat what we cook? She loves to cook. I make a mental note to look some places up when we get home and luckily I feel the bumpyness of the wheels touching the ground and letting me know we landed.

"Rosie sweetie, we're—"

"I got her Scar, and don't touch the bags I tipped Scott extra to bring them to the car" I interrupt Scarlett. There's still a 40 minute drive to our house and even though it is the afternoon and Rose should wake up, I much rather her wake up on her own. No one wants a cranky kid. Scarlett actually listens and follows me off the plane and into the car so we are heading home.

Scarlett holds my hand while Rose sleeps against the arm she's holding and we enjoy the peaceful ride to our home. As soon as we pull into the drive way and the driver stops I stop a package on our doorstep. Scarlett sees it too because she goes to wake up Rose.

"Rosie, there's something at the door. Do you see it" Scarlett asks and she confused girl who just woke up looks around the car. I laugh and step out of the car helping Rose out and I see her walk toward the front door. I walk around the car and manage to get in front of Scarlett before she fully steps out and I hold her waist and gently help her out. I know she can do it herself but it makes me feel better knowing there's no way she will trip or fall. Some of these trucks are so far from the ground.

"Mommy it's from Nike! These are my boots!" Rosie squeals shaking the package infront of the front door.

"She said boots" I smile at Scarlett who laughs at me.
As soon as we get inside Rose is already testing into the box and trying her boots on. "How do they fit?" Scarlett asks

"Great! I'm going to play outside!" She squeals and runs into the backyard. It's not much fun to play alone and I miss playing myself so I decide to go out and play with her. "Hey babe, don't unpack anything, we'll order food for lunch and why don't you come hangout in the backyard and watch us play. You got that new book from the store before we left right?" I say to Scarlett who's now walking closer from the kitchen to me.

"Yeah I have it. That sounds like a good plan because I'm a little tired. From doing nothing. But yeah" she smiles. She finally within arms distance and I immediately place my hands on her hips. I love them, and the way they feel in my hands.

"From growing our baby, by the way, can we tell Rose soon" I ask and she smiles brightly at me. I can see the galaxies in her eyes and it makes me feel the love she's radiating out of them.

"Of course we can. Whenever you want." She says moving her head closer to fill the gap between us. I feel her breath on my lips and close my eyes feeling her lips brush against mine. She turns her head teasing me and ghosting my lips some more before she finally connects our lips in a heart stopping passionate kiss. One where our mouth and tongue are moving in sync as we switch positions and our arm are tangling into each other hair and body. It feels like we're kissing for 2 minutes and 2 hours before we both start to loose our breath and pull away for air.

"Cmon, you gotta go play with our daughter" she winks at me before kissing my cheek and pulling me outside with her. She gets settled on the couch with her book, and I race over to start kicking back and fourth with Rose. These are the times I'm going to want to remember forever.

Hate this chapter, but it's a needed filler one.

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