βœ… When π•Šπ•‘π•’π•£π•œπ•€ Fly (𝔹𝕠...

By princesssuniversexxx

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Miles is now devastated as his girlfriend would not wake up from her coma. He was alone. Of course, he had hi... More

A/N: Welcome to Book Two
Chapter 29- A Turn of Events Pt.1
Chapter 30- Old and New Pt. 1
Chapter 31- Old and New Pt. 2
Chapter 32- Old and New Pt. 3
Chapter 33- Old and New Pt.4
Chapter 34- Old and New Pt.5
Chapter 35- Seriously?
Chapter 36- This Better Be Good
Chapter 37- That's Interesting..
Chapter 38- Not Today.
Chapter 39- A Turn Of Events Pt. 1
Chapter 40- Swinging
Chapter 41- Troubled Times
Chapter 42- Weird...
Chapter 43 ~ Some Things Never Change and Sometimes They Do (Pt.1)
Chapter 44- My Myself and I... And Him.
Chapter 45 - Get Along Children
Chapter 46- The Origin of McKenzie Stone/Wolf Spider Pt.2
Chapter 47- Different Worlds
Chapter 48- My Weird Significant Other
Chapter 49 - No Friends, All Foes
A/N: Future Plans and More
Chapter 50- The Plan, Pt. 1
Chapter 51 ~ Preparing for Battle
Chapter 52- Finale. Pt.1
Chapter 53- Finale Pt.2
Chapter 54- Cute Moments
Chapter 55- New Beginnings

Chapter 55- Wedding

336 8 18
By princesssuniversexxx

Before I start the chapter- Here's everyone's aesthetics/outfits.

The Bride and Groom:



Bridesmaid Of Honor: (McKenzie)

Second Best Man (Peter had to come first, LMAO) (Am):


1 Hour Before The Wedding:

Miles paced around, already in his suit, but he was feeling anxiety, as he had never been married before and he didn't know what it would be like. Would he mess this up for the love of his life? Would he marry her happily ever after? Miles groaned, sitting on the floor of the empty church, as the Pastor was not there yet, and Amadeus patted his shoulder.

"Miles you're going to be okay man,"

"You don't know that, Am," Miles says as he whimpers, being scared of what will happen.

"Well you got this far, didn't you?"

"Not helping,"

"Well you did! She accepted and you guys have been planning this for months. Its going to be perfect, and everything will be okay,"

Miles sighed. "For as dumb as you act for the seventh smartest being in the universe, yeah you're right,"

"I know I am. Now get up, the Pastor and people should be arriving soon,"


McKenzie was sitting in a chair, righting her bun as Gwen was in the other room, putting on her dress. "Oh my god this thing is poofy," Gwen groaned as some shuffling came from behind the door.

McKenzie laughed. "I warned you when I told you you weren't gonna wear the most basic ass dress to your own wedding. Now come on, I wanna see your dress," she said excitedly as she turned towards the door.

"That is if I can fit my poofy ass in the doorway," Gwen groaned as the door clicked and the door opened, showing her in a baby pink dress that perfectly matched her figure. Gwen shuffled into the room, trying to keep the dress off the floor.

McKenzie's jaw dropped. "Oh my god you look amazing,"

"Talking to me or the dress?" Gwen joked as she adjusted the bodice of the dress. "This thing is squeezing my boobs to death,"

"Well later so will Miles-"


McKenzie laughed as Gwen blushed, throwing a comb at her. "Okay! Calm down, I'm joking, joking. I mean like, that's what happens on the honeymoon, doesn't it?" she asked as she stood up, Gwen rolling her eyes.

"I don't know, I've never had a honeymoon, or even walked down the damn aisle yet!" Gwen exclaimed as she sat down in the seat, about to rub her face, but stopped before she did, since she had her makeup on.

"Wedding jitters?"

"You have no idea. It's worse when none of my parents can walk me down the aisle, but its worse knowing none of my family members or my best friend can be there for me," Gwen sighed as Ken hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry, I know that might suck. But I feel like you'll have a great wedding," McKenzie said as she began working on Gwen's hair.

"How do you know? You've been dating Am for like what, a couple of months now? You ever think you're gonna marry him?"

Ken bit her lip as she thought. "I don't know, but I have a good feeling about him. He's definitely not like other guys-"

"He's Spider-Man and the seventh smartest being in the multiverse. No shit he's not like other guys,"

McKenzie rolled her eyes. "Jesus, that's not what I meant. He's weird but in a cute quirky way if you get what I mean, hm?"

"I mean, yeah I guess so,"

"Yeah. But today is your day, Gwen. Miles knew what he was doing the exact second his knee hit the floor, and you both have been planning this for months, and today's going to be one of the most treasured days of your life."

Gwen sighed. "When did you become a TED talk guest?"

"I never did, apparently I just know the right thing to say. The best advice I would give, brutally being honest, is don't fuck your own wedding up, but that's not super helpful, so,"

Gwen laughed. "Fair point- Ow! Don't pull my hair back so tight!"

"It's not my fault you can't stay still!"

Gwen groaned, rolling her eyes.



Miles was standing at the altar, as all the guests and the priests were here. Jefferson was in the front, subtly crying as the wedding began to start. Miles's entire family had come to celebrate his wedding, and there was excited anticipation and chatter going on as some soft music began to play. Miles straightened up nervously as he held in his breath. The doors creaked open.

Usually the bride's mother would come down the aisle, but since she was not present, Miles had stepped forwards first. Many of his family members began to get teary, whispering in quick Spanish as Amadeus followed after him, going to the altar and standing to the side. Amadeus took a seat next to McKenzie, who squeezed his thigh in excitement.

Mayday, a young two-year-old waddled down the aisle, throwing pink and red roses down the aisle happily as the flowers decorated the aisle. She tripped, and some people gasped, but she just giggled and waddled her way to her aunt, who picked her up from the left side of the first aisle. Behind her came Mary Jane, wearing a knee length pink dress that had a floral design, holding Mayday's brother, Ben, as she walked down with him as he babbled, carrying two golden rings, one for the bride, and one for the groom resting on a miniature snow-white pillow Mary Jane kept it out of his reach as he giggled, getting a few awws out of the guests. She stood behind Miles, and Miles held his breath as he knew who was coming next.

His bride.

Peter had come into appearance first, wearing a black tuxedo, having his hair slicked back, and his face clean-shaved. His arm extended as a familiar hand was holding the inside of his arm. Gwen appeared, holding a bouquet of flowers in her free hand. Miles felt his breath hitch as he took in how beautiful she looked in her wedding dress. He felt tears prick the corners of his eyes and he didn't hold them back as the wedding anthem began, as Peter and Gwen slowly made their way down the aisle. Miles felt tears run down his face as this was one of the most important milestones in his life. The day he married the love of his life.

Once they had reached the end of the aisle, Peter whispered something to Gwen, and she smiled, kissing his cheek in a friendly manner as Peter smiled as she walked up the steps, standing in front of her soon-to-be-husband. Peter walked over and sat down next to his wife as he took baby Ben, beginning to tear up.

"I always cry at weddings," Peter whispered to his wife, as she rolled her eyes playfully and patted his knee, looking back up at the altar.

"You look incredibly beautiful and I can't wait to be with you for the rest of my life," Miles whispered as the wedding anthem began to recede, and Gwen smiled, holding his hand with hers.

The priest cleared his throat as the music ended. "Thank you all for attending this beautiful wedding today, celebrating the bringing together of Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy and Miles Gonzalo Morales."

"Weddings are used to bring man and woman, man and man, woman and woman together, but this pair has already been prepared for each other. They have been soulmates from the beg-"

Suddenly, a few multicolored portals opened in the atmosphere, and the guests gasped in shock and confusion as the priest was cut off as he looked above as many people came out of the portals.

"Oh my god, your wedding?!" Peni exclaimed as she looked around, getting a few surprised looks out of people. SP//dr beeped, looking excited.

"Why is this wedding so...blue?" Noir asked as he looked around.

"That's red, buddy," Ham patted his leg. "You'll get better at it."

"Wait hold up, we help Spider-Man and his chica, but we don't get invited when they're getting married?"

A few guests gasped as Gwen looked at Miles puzzled, and Jefferson slowly put the pieces together. "You're Spider-Man?!" he yelled, confused.

"I think they didn't know that, America," Kamala said as she shook her head.

"Doesn't matter, still BS in my book," America said as she crossed her arms.

"Yes dad...I'm Spider-Man,"

"Holy sh-"

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed as he covered Mayday's ears.

The priest looked extremely confused as he had no idea what was going on. "I'm not paid enough for this shit," he said as he threw down the book while walking out. Gwen groaned as he walked out the door, and Miles sighed.

"Well then!" Ham said as he stretched his knuckles, popping them as he struggled to get up the stairs, and then hopped up behind the altar. "I'm pretty sure pigs are certified for weddings, and if not, you guys can always go down to a courting office and make magic happen," Ham said as he cleared his throat, licking his fingers and quickly flipping through the pages. "Oh my GOD, this is boring,"

"Can we move on with this? I kinda have a time limit and a universe to get back to," Noir says as he sticks his thumb back towards the door.

"This won't take too long cause I'm gonna wing it!" Ham says as Miles and Gwen share a confused look, but they shrug. Ham took a loud clearing of the throat as the guests were deathly quiet, confused and having not a clue what was going on.

Someone began praying in frantic Spanish.

"¿Miles es amigo de un cerdo parlante?" one of his aunts asked.

"No lo sé, ya se está casando con una no puertorriqueña, así que estoy bastante seguro de que no hay nada más extraño que pueda hacer." his other aunt replied.

"Shhhh!" Mayday shushed, giggling in Mary Jane's lap, and the women hushed, smiling at the toddler.

"Dearly beloved, we're here to get Miles and Gwen here to join in holy matrimony! Actually that part doesn't happen until the honeymoon," Ham says with a wink, looking around, waiting for laughter as a response, but there was none. "God! None of you have a sense of humor! Anyhow, Miles, you got vows?"

"Yeah, I do," Miles says as he looks at Gwen, who was looking at him fondly. "Gwen, the first moment I met you, it was before I became Spider-Man. It was before I knew who I truly was, and it was the moment I began falling in love with you. Your honey-blonde hair, your bluebell eyes, and your beautiful personality are all I need in life to go on, which is why I want to marry you. I want to put the ring on your finger, to be your husband, to be your support, and the person to be there when you need it. I want to grow old with you, have a family with you. I love every single bit of you and I never want to give that up. I love you so, so much and you look so beautiful right now, Gwen." Miles was now in tears, and Gwen's eyes were watering as she smiled, sniffling.

Ham wiped away a big cartoon tear, completely drenching someone in the front aisle. "That was so beautiful," Ham said as he shook his head. "Okay Gwen, it's your turn."

Gwen took in an inhale. "I've lost a lot in my life. My mom, my dad, my best friend, and it's been hell, the last few years. But not all of it has been hell. Miles, you've been there for me since the second we met in the hallway of visions, to this point in time where I'm marrying one of the best goddamn Spider-Men I've ever met. You're stronger than I am, and I feel like the universe did not want us to be together, but we're beating the odds," Gwen sniffled. "I love you to the end of the multiverse, and I'll be there with you every step of the way, Miles. I don't deserve you, but I feel like we both need each other." She met his chocolate brown eyes, which were crying, and she had tears running down her face. "God I'm so glad I have waterproof mascara on," Gwen smiled, sniffling as Miles softly laughed.

"Waterproof mascara or not, I'd marry you, still. Flaws and all," Miles said, getting a wide smile out of his bride.

Ham was full out crying. "Oh my god this is so cute!" he exclaimed as he nodded at Mary Jane. "T-The rings please."

Mary Jane handed the pillow to Miles, and he picked up the bride's ring, putting the pillow down and sliding the ring onto Gwen's left ring finger. Gwen smiled as she picked up the groom's ring, and she gently grabbed Miles's hand, slipping the ring onto his left ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Ham said proudly. "You may kiss the bride."

Miles proudly wrapped his arms around Gwen's waist as he swiveled her around, dipping her as he leaned down and passionately kissed her. Gwen kissed him, cupping the sides of his face. The guests clapped their hands happily, as the newlyweds broke apart, looking at their family happily.


The reception was, to say, an interesting one. Miles and Jefferson were going back and forth in a heated conversation about his secret identity, and Gwen and McKenzie were talking while holding glasses of whiskey.

"Can't believe I'm married now, huh?" Gwen says as she sips her wine. "Feels weird."

"Damn, I told Amadeus not to leave the wine out for that long," McKenzie shakes her head jokingly as Gwen nudges McKenzie, laughing at her.

"You're a mess."

"Well aware, my friend."

Gwen sighed as she looked over at her husband who had laughed at something his father had said and she smiled. "It feels good too, after everything we've been through this year with Tinkerer. It's been crazy, but I think we'll be okay."

McKenzie smiled as Amadeus walked up behind her. "Hey guys."

"Hey Am," the girls chorused as they waved.

"Great wedding by the way, Gwen. You and Miles deserve this."


The Spider-Gang walked over just as Miles had walked over.

"This wedding is so amazing!" Peni says as she sips the wine. "This really weird tasting apple cider is cool too,"

Noir swiftly took that from Peni's hand. "I may not be able to know things in this universe well, but that sure as hell is not apple cider,"

Peni quickly spit it out as Gwen and Miles laughed.

Ham was proud of himself, puffing his chest out. "I can't believe I married two of the cutest couples in the multiverse,"

"I'm pretty sure they're not legally married since you're a pig and all," Peter argued.

"Before we battled Kingpin, you were more of a pig than me," Ham snorted.

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed as Ham snickered.

SP//dr beeped disapprovingly. "Yeah he's right, you guys are being children," Peni said as she leaned against the robot.

Gwen shook her head. "This is one event we'll remember for sure,"

"Riiiight, cause everyone has a wedding with a shadow, a piece of pork in Spandex, an old man, a Walmart Iron Man/Spider, an anime character with a robot, and two people who might I may include are from two different universes," McKenzie said as everyone looked at her offended.

"I might be dressed in all black but everyone could see me," Noir said, offended. Everyone made disapproving sounds as they looked at each other, and he sighed.

Ham got a hammer out from his pocket. "I am not a piece of pork in spandex!"

"Porker, what did we say about the hammer, man?" Miles groaned as Ham ignored him.

"You know, I may be a cartoon but I could smash anyone's brains in if they called me a piece of pork again. But you know, it's Miles and Gwen's wedding, so I won't do it... for now!" Ham exclaimed as he threw his arms up, the hammer going flying in the air and landing in the cake, making frosting and cake bits splatter everywhere. Ham's eyes widened as he looked around, seeing the guests as they were covered in cake. Gwen and Miles winced as the others looked directly at Ham.

"Did I do thaaaaat?" Ham says, shrugging awkwardly with a sheepish grin.


The Honeymoon

Miles and Gwen were sitting on the balcony of their beach house as they laid back, looking at the stars. Miles and Gwen were in their sleepwear, and they both wanted to take a look at the night sky.

"Hey that constellation looks like a heart," Miles pointed at the sky with a smile, and Gwen smiled, glancing at him as she looked back into the sky.

"That one looks like a smiley face," Gwen said, pointing to the sky.

"Oh yeah, I see it," Miles chuckles as he looks at the sky. They both were silent.

"Hey Miles, I see a special one,"

"Which one?"

"I think it looks like two lines,"

"Two lines? What?" Miles looked at her puzzled.

"You don't know what two lines mean when it comes to constellations?"

"Not really."

Gwen then grinned widely as she held up a positive pregnancy test, two lines lining the screen. "It means I'm pregnant,"

Miles quickly sat up and looked at her surprised. "Dios mio!" Miles exclaimed as he looked at Gwen. "You're pregnant?"

Gwen smiled, nodding as Miles being elated, sat up, bringing her up with him. "Oh my god we're gonna have a baby!"

Gwen laughed at his excitement. "Yes, yes we are my love."

Miles happily kissed her, and they shared a passionate kiss as Gwen lowered the hand that held the pregnancy test.


The Reveal




Oh my god I'm so freaking happy we've reached the end! Before the announcement I said I would have, I've like had so many edits of this story that it's insane, but biggg bigggg thanks to my friend Hope for giving me ideas about Miles and Gwen and Amadeus and McKenzie. She's my best friend and I love her so damn much, cause like man I would have not had the ideas about McKenzie and Am. I've had so much fun spending THREE YEARS writing this book series.

And now for the big announcement...


The cover below, ladies and gentlemen, they/thems,

Coming soon in October....

Until next time,

Your friendly neighborhood updater on Wattpad,


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