My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

255K 5.7K 718

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


1.2K 35 3
By ayemem215

Y/ns POV
"Mama should we get mommy some fruit?" Rose asks from the hotel breakfast Buffett. This is the fanciest hotel Buffett I've ever seen. Who serves caviar with breakfast?

"Yeah I think she'd like that sweetie" I nod to Rose who gathers another plate to put fruit on and adds it to the large tray I'm holding with a bunch of different plates. Rose and I both woke up pretty early. She must be jet lagged, and I just heard her walking around so I woke up. I'm really excited for today because I have the best surprise set up for Rose. But breakfast comes first so we have to head back to the room after our little walk this morning.

"Want to scan the card flower?" I ask and hand her the key card. She grabs it excitedly and swipes the card against the door opening it. I remember I used to love doing that at hotel, it made me feel grown up.

"Mommyyyyy we got breakfast!!!!" Rose yells through the suite.

"Go into the room and yell. She can't hear you out here" I laugh and watch as Rose opens the door of the bedroom and yells it then slams the door closed giggling.

"Cmon mommy needs cuddles to wake up." I say and pick up Rose and run into the bedroom with her giggles and slam her into the bed lightly. Rose pops up but cuddles into Scarlett's side who wraps her arm around her daughter but refuses to open her eyes.

"Mommyyyy get up! We picked out a ton of breakfast!" Rose whines and Scarlett pops an eye open.

"Okay okay I'm up!" Scarlett says sitting up. I give her a look apologizing for waking her up before 8am but I can't say no to Rosie. Scarlett shakes me off and pats the bed next to Rose for me to lay down.

"If I lay down the breakfast monster will come and get me" I laugh looking at Rose.

Scarlett reluctantly gets up but I can tell she's happy she did because her eyes are glowing just looking at all the food we brought back.

"Is that caviar!?" Scarlett says making a face

"I had to! Who serves caviar for breakfast!!" I laugh

"Whats caviar?" Rose asks

"Fish eggs." I say and she makes a 'yuck' face

"People eat that!! What about the fish babies!!!" Rose squeals

"They take the babies out first!" I quickly blurt out and Scarlett looks at me like I'm crazy. What! I'm not going to let Rose think people are killing fish babies by eating them.

"Oh phew" rose says wiping imaginary sweat from her head which makes me giggle at her. She's so cute.
Scarlett picks up her coffee cup, I labeled it with her name, and then looks at me.

"Where's your coffee?" She asks

"Right here" I say lifting the cup up from my lap.

She grabs it from me and then shoves her cup into my lap so I can have it. I chuckle at her because I know why she did it. So I give her a look and she starts smiling. "You can drink the decaf." She says with a wink and takes a sip out of my coffee cup.

"How'd you know?" I laugh

"I didn't before yesterday! How dare you give me decaf!!" She laughs back "I need at least one normal cup a day. It was fine when Rose was in my belly. It'll be fine now" Scarlett says

"Yes queen. Anything you say queen." I mock and she sticks her tongue out at me.

Once breakfast is over, I can finally tell Rose what we're doing today. I go and sit down next to her and watch her play with some new dolls she brought back from her dads. It's cute that one of them is a soccer player, she definitely picked that one out.

"So Rose! I have a surprise planned for you. Remember how soccer season is starting soon, and you'll get to play real games now?" I ask and she nods eagerly listening to me.

"Well, you can't play soccer without boots right?" I say and she looks confused.

"How do you play in boots? Don't you need the shoes with the spikey things on the bottom?" She asks and I smile at how adorable she is .

"Yes. See boots is just what most soccer players call their cleats or shoes. And we are going to get some new ones for you today!" I say and watch her jump up and down on the couch

"No way!! Really?? Can we go now!" She asks and I look at Scarlett who looks done with eating.

"Sure, let's all get dressed!" I say and she runs to her room to get dressed. I walk into Scarlett and my room in the suite and get dressed myself. Simple pair of joggers and sneakers and I put on my USWNT white soccer T-shirt. It says 'BEAT EVERYONE' I also gave Scarlett my USA jersey but she said if she wears it now it will ruin the surprise. Of course we brought Rosie's jersey but we are going to give it to her before we get to the game so it's more of a surprise.

For now, we are setting off to find some new boots for little Rosie! I set up a meeting at the Nike store so she can make custom boots. She's going to freak! The look on her face from just walking into the store is priceless. She scans over all the different styles and colors on the shelf and me and Scarlett watch intently as she makes her own decisions.

"I like these mama!" Rose runs over to me with a purple boot that fades into pink.

"Are you sure? Have you looked at all the options?" I ask and she thinks and looks around.

"I really like these but I also like the all white ones too because it will match our uniform." She says

"If only you could design your own pair....oh wait! You can!" I say and her jaw drops.

"Really!!?? I want to do that!!" She squeals and I help her up into the chair so she can play around on the iPad one of the workers brought that let's you customize every single piece of the shoe you want.

She plays around a little while Scarlett spots a mini goal and soccer ball next to us. I see her grab the ball and walk over to me and hand it to me. "Can you score a goal?" She asks slightly teasing but it's so sexy how she looks me up and down and shoves the ball into me.

"Maybe" I say before dropping the ball to my foot and juggling it a couple times. I I lift the ball into the air and and circle my leg around it and catch it with my foot as it comes down before it hits the ground. Then I trap the ball onto the floor and kick a soft but perfectly straight kick right into the goal.
I look up at scarlett who recorded the whole thing, and has a huge smile on her face which makes me smile. I shove the camera out of my face as she pushes it closer to my nose and giggle when she wraps me into a hug. "You amaze me more and more every day" she says to me and I kiss her lips quickly but it makes my own lips tingle, craving more.

"Mama! Mommy! I think I'm done!" Rose says over to us and we walk up behind her to see what she designed. It's an all white cleat, but the bottom part of the shoe, where the spikes go, is a rainbow color. It's like all the colors are fading through from front to back. It's cute. Then she shows us the back and I'm super surprised to see how beautiful the design is.

"You did that flower!?" I ask excitedly.

"I did!" She says and me and Scarlett look at each other impressed. It's a white cursive R that blends into the shoe but you can still see it. There's also a white Rose behind the R and acting as part of the line needed to make the R an R. It's marvelous, and extremely intricate, I can't believe she designed it!

"Rosie those are awesome!!" Scarlett gushes taking picture of Rose looking through her design one last time.

"Can I get it!?" Rose asks

"Of course sweetie!" Scarlett says and Rose does her little happy dance while we get a worker to help us with the next steps. Since it's a custom design, it's going to have to be freshly made, which means Rose will have to wait to wear them. But luckily, it's only 3-4 days and it will be delivered to our house in California! But my heart still breaks seeing the somber look on the little girls face as we leave the shop with just a new soccer ball.

"Rosie, it's okay to be disappointed about not being to have them in your hands right now, but don't let it ruin your day! You will get them soon. Plus, y/n has another surprise for you." Scarlett reasons with her daughter who looks up to me.

"That's right flower! Remember how we saw all those posters of the girls playing soccer?" I ask

"Yes! The ones wearing USA jerseys, like we have!" She beams

"That's right! What if I told you we are going to see them play today!?" I ask

"Really? What park will they play at?" She asks.

I don't think she realizes that woman can play professional soccer too. We've been to many men games before but she hasn't seen woman play at a higher level than in her level of school.

"It's at a stadium! Like the men play in! They are professionals too" I explain and see Scarlett roll her eyes. I know she's pissed over the fact they don't have as much advertising for female sports or even female characters so I understand what she's thinking.

"Woah! I didn't know that! When are we going?! Can we please go now!!" She asks and I laugh

"The game doesn't start until 1pm but we can go now, I'm sure we can find something to do" I say to the little girl who grabs my and her mothers hand and drags us through the streets faster so we can get back to the car.

The game is at RedBull Arena in New Jersey, so it's only about a 40 minute drive. The second we are back in the car Scarlett is in control of the radio, which means TSwift will be blasting as I start the journey to the stadium. After some traffic, a stop at 7/11 for bathroom breaks and slurpees, and Taylor's whole reputation album, we are pulling infront of the Arena. I help Rose out and then offer Scarlett my hand to get out of her car and she wraps her hand around mine not letting go as she steps out. Rose is bouncing up and down staring at the large stadium and I quickly give Scarlett my jersey while I help Rose into hers. Roses jersey is of a guy on the men's team, so maybe today we can get her a woman's jersey if she sees someone she likes. Scarlett is sporting my vintage Mia Hamm jersey and it looks so good on her. It falls at her upper thighs and lays on her hips perfectly, her black leggings and Yankee hat go perfect for the whole NY theme.

"Okay! We have to find Gate C and talk to Beth." I say out loud, mainly to Scarlett but Rose spots Gate C before all of us so I guess it was a good thing she was listening.

After successfully checking in, we are brought to our suite. It's spacious and has seat right on the edge of the wall so you could lean over it and see everything. But I also got front row tickets by the benches in case Rose wants to get closer. Luckily we spotted a shop on the way here so we are on our way back towards the shop.

"Mommy do you think Rose will play?" rose asks Scarlett who looks at me.

"Who's Rose?" Scarlett asks

"She plays for them. Look!" Rose says pointing to a huge poster of a girl with brown hair and wears the number 16. The name plastered across the poster is Rose so I'm assuming that's the girls name. She must be new because she looks young and I haven't heard of her before.

"Oh wow!! Isn't that cool?"

"So cool! I love that we have the same name!" Rose squeals looking at her picture inside the shop.

"I heard we have a special guest today!" We all hear from behind us and turn around to see a couple members of the team standing inside the shop. I'm totally fangirling right now looking at Alex Morgan and Carli Lloyd standing infront of me. But Alex spots Scarlett and her eyes go wide.

"You''re Scarlett Johansson! Which makes you y/n Johansson holy—" Alex rambles before Julie Ertz steps in pointing to Rose.

"Hi yea I'm Scarlett and this is our daughter Rose."

"Did I hear my name?" A voice pops out of behind the group and in walks Rose Lavelle.

I feel Rose tug at my pants and look down to see the biggest smile on her face. I decide to help her out and introduce her to Rose.

"Actually my daughters name is Rose too, she's a big fan of you all, especially you Rose" I say to the short brunette.

She crouches down to Roses height and sticks her hand out to shake. "Hi rose, I love meeting people with my name! Are you here for the game tonight?" She asks and arose is star struck looking at all the girls around her, but she's polite and nods her head.

"Do you play soccer?" She asks

"I play center midfield." Rose says confidently and I give Scar a look as if I'm the proudest woman in the world. She has that same look on her face.

"Would you want to kick the ball around with us?" The larger Rose asks the little Rose. Rose looks at me and Scarlett and Scarlett give her a nod saying it's okay and Rose smiles and nods to Rose.

"That would be awesome!" rose squeals and grabs on to Roses hand.

"First, I think you need a better jersey. A newer jersey." Rose Lavelle says to the younger girl.

Scar and I watch as Rose and the other girls walk around the shop trying different this on the younger girl. They put different hats and sunglasses and scarfs making Rose giggles as they wrap her like a mummy. It's so nice seeing her be so open with people she just met. She used to be very closed off, but I think from the love and support she gets at home now it helped shape her into a more confident little lady.

I see Alex walking over to us slowly, almost as if she's looking around the shop at the different racks to get closer to us. So I break the ice and ask her "hey, thank you so much for stopping by, it's made Roses day"

"Oh it's no problem! We love walking around the stadiums before the games to explore and I'm so glad we did! I would never imagine bumping into you two!" She gushes looking between Scarlett and I. "I'm such a huge fan of yours. I especially love Under the Skin. It was so unique and thought provoking." She says to Scarlett

"Thanks. It means so much, I had a lot of fun on that film. Do you want a picture?" Scarlett asks and Alex immediately shakes her head yes.

"Please!" She squeals with a smile on her face and Scarlett happily steps to her side. I hold my hand out, offering to take the picture but Alex pulls back and furrows her eyebrows.

"can you be in it also? My husband is kind of a fan of yours." She says to me and I'm a little shocked.

"Of me?" I chuckle questiongly.

"This is going to sound crazy but you represented Christian Pulisic when he was young. And Chris's best friend is my husband. And since that day in court he said he's followed a lot of your cases." She explains

"Wait your husband is Servando?" I ask remembering the,at that time, young boy.

"Yes!" She squeals. "He swears you can get anyone out of anything. He says you can convince a judge the sky is green" she outs her husband making me laugh.

"Sevvy was a funny dude, he helped Christian a lot on his case and always kept his nerves at bay." I say and she nods.

"That's why I married him!" She says and I look at Scarlett and say "yeah I know what you mean" and smile back at Alex. Scarlett is my calmness and class clown and everything I need her to be. I grab the phone and take a selfie including Scarlett, Alex and I with Alex in the middle. We do some funny faces too before I hear Rose call out for us.

"Mama!! They have your jersey!" Rose yells over to us and I smile because she's holding up another Mia Hamm jersey."

"She's having the best time already, thank you baby" scar whispers into my ear as she pulls me in for a hug.

"I'm so glad she is, I didn't even realize she didn't know woman play professional soccer. It's such a shame" I say to Scarlett who nods her head.

"We can work on making a change for that" she says with a smile. I love that she's always willing to use her platform to promote something good. It's so selfless of her.

Rose picks out Rose Lavelles jersey, duh, then a bucket hat and makes me wear a scarf and Scarlett has to wear the foam finger. We follow the team and Rose through the arena and into the tunnel until we are right infront of the field. Rose has told all the girls how she made custom boots and they all act very jealous of her. The girls bring Rose onto the field, just passing the ball around. I watch intently seeing all the new tricks Rose is perfecting. It's amazing to see how far she's come already. I feel a hand slip into mine and look over to see Scarlett watching her amazing daughter run around and show off in front of the team.

"I love seeing her smile" Scarlett says out loud.

"Me too. She deserves to be the happiest she can be" I say back, not taking my eyes off the small girl.

When Rose does a double crossover and actually fakes out Carli I gasp and start laughing. Rose freezes immediately and looks straight at me, knowing we were working on the move for so long and she didn't believe that it would work. Her jaw drops and I lift my arms up in the air. "Woooo Go Rosie!!" I yell and she giggles and I see her face blush red. Ha, that's the only the start of the amount of times I'm going to embarrass her.

A short while later, after moving on to a game of knock out, and Rose losing by one point to Carli, she's running back over to us all sweaty but full of love and happiness.

"They had to go get ready for the game, and I have to go to the bathroom" rose says and Scarlett laughs. Scarlett always complains because literally everywhere we went with Rose, she had to use the bathroom. I joked that she just wants to see the different types of bathrooms everywhere so she knows what she likes when she gets older and goes looking for a house. But Scarlett didn't think it was funny after reminding me of all the germs inside public bathroom. Which makes me on permanent bathroom duty, which I can handle perfectly!

"The game is going to start soon anyway! So the food will be in the suite soon as we can eat while they warm up. But I think I want to sit down here while the game goes on. Don't you?" I ask rose as if I don't already know the answer.

"Yes yes please!!!" Rose asks

"You have to eat some dinner first Rose" Scarlett warns but Rose isn't fighting since she's halfway back to the hallway so we can go and eat. I guess I won't be getting that steak from the hotel restaurant but this definitely beats a filet mignon. 


I'm enjoying the family time they are getting.
Once school starts, time will fly and that means the baby will be here before we know it!

Hoping to post another chapter tonight! I have a violent hangover that is getting worse as the day goes on 😭😭

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