Best Thing I Ever Had

By normalgirl0810

16.9K 604 38

- when two people from two different walks of life come across each other at a nightclub, soon developing a b... More

twenty one
Thirty one

twenty two

343 15 0
By normalgirl0810

via story @indialove

"life going great..."

India Westbrook
New York City, NY
11:30 PM

Touring with chris has been okay for the most part, since the first show tour dates have been going by so fast. We've been traveling from city to city with chris performing at sold out arenas, seeing him in his own world when he's on stage is something different. He's putting his all into what he's doing and putting on an amazing show every night.

Speaking of chris we're currently in New York for his fifth show, his crew and myself arrived a few days earlier so everyone could do some sight seeing before show. We're all at this nice restaurant that's located in time square, it's all of Chris's dancers and his friends hoody and sinko.

As everyone eats their food a few conversations are being conversed throughout the table, since we've been here I've been talking to Della and Taylor — there two of chris's female dancer on the tour. At the begging of the tour chris introduced me to everybody and let them know that who I am to him, I've grown close with some of the girls along the tour.

"so when did you and my bro meet?" Della asked me, as she sat across the table from me.

"we meet at a club, me and my friends had went our for my best friends birthday. When we were standing in line he was kinda staring me down before he went in, then some a few minutes later some security guard came and got us and took us to his section." I explained

"you around his type so I could see why he would be attracted to you, I'm glad he not messing with no more blasians", taylor joined in the conversation.

"right, glad he got somebody that's about fully black I know you a mixed." Della said throwing shade towards chris and his preferences of woman that he seems to be attracted to.

No hate towards chris and his preferences of woman that he may be attracted to, but he need to switch it up a little bit because some of the girls he involves himself with are just dealing with them for their own personal reasons — such as fame or a uplift for their careers if they have one.

" hey not to much on my man, but I agree with y'all." I said as I dug into the plate in front of me, eating a little bit of what's on the plate.

"della you seem like you really be looking out for him." I said

"I do, thats my brother. He always looking out for us, he doesn't even treats us as people who just dance for him he sees us as friends. I've known him for quite a while so we got our lil bond, but I definitely have his back even when people be talking shit I be right there to defend his name." Della said

"that's good because you don't come across people like you everyday who stand up and actually do what a friends supposed to do." I said

After talking more about me and chris for a bit, our conversation drifted of to other stuff such as life and other things. We wrapped up our conversation by saying our goodbyes to each other right before everyone started getting ready to disperse to do there own things.

Making my way towards chris I see his is talking to some of his boys, coming closer to where he is I notice that he is starting to wrap up his conversation with the guys by dapping them up. Passing by the guys they all say byes as I walk them, finally making her way towards her man who is leaning up against the car watching her make her way to him.

"hey babe" I said as snaked my arms around his waist.

"hey mama" he said returning the gesture along with a quick kiss, "you ready to go?" he asked.

"yea" I said, he opened the car door for me sliding right in before the door was closed after I got in. Going to the dirges side he settles himself in before driving along the streets of new york.

"so are we heading back to the room before going out or going straight to where ever we going?"

"we gone chill at the room for a bit, since we been out for a while today. Then we head back out later once it's a little dark", Chris said as he kept his eyes on the road.

" ok", I said as I relaxed into my seat feeling kinda tried all of a sudden. I've been getting that feeling again but this time it's not the sickness — when I was sick a couple of weeks ago I thought it was just bug because of how fast it went away but I believe it's more to what's going on with me because I've been feeling weird and I know when something is going on with my body.

"can you stop me by a cvs or something, to get something for my head. I don't know what just happened but I just got a huge headache out of nowhere." I said

"aight, if it's to bad we don't gotta go no where else if you not feeling any better later." he said

"I'll be fine, just need to take some  advil and sleep on it for a bit but I'll be fine for later."

"ok, but let know if you not okay." chris said

"okay." I said

After driving for 5 more minutes chris pulled up to cvs, hopping out I made my way into the store heading for the aisle where I knew I could find what I was looking for. Not long after searching I found exactly what I needed pregnancy test — looking over the course of brands in front of me I chose the brand that would give me the most accurate answer.

Grabbing one I made my way along the other aisle to get some advil, since that's what I said I came to get for my "headache". After gathering all my items needed I made my way to checkout, once I was down I took the test and put it into my small purse. Getting back inside the car chris pulls out of the parking lot and makes his eye ti the hotel.

No later than 10 minutes we were right at the room, as we entered the room I sat all of my things down and took of my clothes and put on some more comfortable ones before rushing straight to the bathroom.

Once I was in the bathroom I pulled the test out of my sweats pocket, opening it up and reading the instructions of what I needed to do —following what it said I peed on the stick, once I was done I took care of that then sat it on the counter.

After I was done I waited for a while until it was ready, being nervous I stared at the test the whole time just waiting to see what it said. Another minute or two went by before three dots appeared indicating that the results were about to appear.

All of a sudden it disappeared then the results I wasn't hopping for popped up in bold letters,



Let me hear y'all say uh oh.....

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