Burnout Heart | M.YG Bad Boy...

By TheBlueMatrix

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His skin was too tough to crawl under. His walls were too high to climb. His mind was too black to see. Hi... More

1 - Intro
This is perfect......


52 5 0
By TheBlueMatrix

After Yoongi's thumb dislocation recovery, he and you had been working hard to repair his crashed blue Stingray, the "Savage." Working with him was fun. You laughed, screwed around with stupid pranks and harmless play, and you watched your super hot boyfriend work all day, which also turned you on.

Repairs were finished 2 months before the next racing season. It was found that his back tires, the ones that blew and caused the Stingray to spin out and roll, were sabotaged. They had punctures in the rubber. They didn't go all the way through to deflate the tires, but to compromise their air pressure and cause them to pop. Perhaps somebody was trying to badly injure Yoongi, or maybe even kill him. Sabotage was against the rules in the races.

Summer was coming, and you were excited for beach days to come back so you could pounce on Yoongi in the sand and kiss him. The closing-in of summer also meant that your second year of being a couple was coming up. Time was flying by fast.

You called up Yoongi in disappointment and waited for him to answer.

"Yeah?" Yoongi's voice spoke through your phone speakers.

"Yoongi, get dressed in that suit we got you last year and come pick me up, like, right now." You sighed in irritation.

"Why? What's going on?"

"You've been invited to a fancy dinner."

"For what reason?"

"My uncle wants to meet you. He knows about you, and I hadn't even talked to him since my parents died."

"Why is he my problem now?" He questioned with sass.

"I don't know." You huffed again. "Just dress up and get over here. And you HAVE to look presentable."

"Do I really have to?" He sighed childishly.

"Yes. You have to. Straighten out your hair and look fancy."

"Ugh! I hate fancy!"

"I know. I'll see you soon. Love you. Bye."

"Yeah. Bye."

You tossed your phone on your bed and threw on a shoulderless sleeve lace dress.

(A/N: You get to choose: black, white, navy blue, wine red, or dusty rose pink.)

Soon, you received a text from Yoongi. He was here. You swung a chain purse over your shoulder, grabbed your phone and keys to stuff them inside, and ran out.

(A/N: Again, you get to choose: ash, scarlet, or black.)

You met Yoongi outside the building in his peach pink 1959 Cadillac Coupe DeVille and slipped inside.

"That was speedy." He mumbled.

"Just drive." You huffed for breath.

He did as you said and rolled down the street. "What's gotten into you? What's going on?"

"I just don't want to do this."

"Then why are we doing it?"

"Because I wasn't given a choice. My uncle has been after my dad's wealth for years. He was jealous. I'm sorry you're thrown into this."

Yoongi took your hand and weaved his fingers in yours. "It can't be worse than that crash last summer, right?" He said optimistically. Optimism was rare from Yoongi.

"You look nice." You commented to get your mind off what was going to happen next.

"And you look stunning." He returned the compliment.

You squeezed his hand.

Yoongi parked and you walked with him into the restaurant, holding his arm like any handsome couple would. You were allowed to roam the room since you were meeting someone even though it was a wait-to-be-seated kind of place.

You found your uncle at a round table and sat across from him with Yoongi.

"You're late." Your uncle grumbled at you.

"It doesn't help that you send me a surprise text to meet you somewhere with my boyfriend in 10 minutes." You bickered.

"It took you 15."

"She's just saying a bigger heads up would be nice." Yoongi casually spoke for you.

"Do not speak unless spoken to." Your uncle barked at Yoongi. "I know who you are. You're a Min. You have those features."

"And what does that make me to you?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"How do you know my family?"

"Business." Your uncle then rolled his head to you. "Y/N, how did you end up with such a... an exquisite stray? He's not very pleasant."

"He's skeptical." You said instead of answering the question. "He doesn't really like people very much. It's difficult for him to get along with anyone."

"I can see why. And you are okay with his solitary, antisocial behavior?"

"Opposites attract."

"Indeed. Quite literally."

"I don't like your attitude." Yoongi snarled through his teeth at your uncle.

"And I don't like yours, boy. I know who you are, Agust D." Your uncle raised his voice, making Yoongi's thin cat eyes become big and wide. "I see your life story in your eyes. You're poor. Weak. Defenseless. Helpless. Hopeless. You have nothing. But you want everything. You know what I think? I think you want luxury. You wonder what it feels like, so you manipulate Y/N to get what you want because she has it and you don't. You want to know what pleasure tastes like."

Yoongi slammed his hands on the table and jumped out of his seat. "You know nothing about me!"

"Do I? Then how did I come to have this?" Your uncle held out a folder of papers.

"My brother's case files..." Yoongi breathed in shock with wide eyes. "How did you get those?"

"You tell me."

"Just shut up and hand them over."

"Not so fast. You didn't say 'please.'"

"I never beg. No matter how hard you try, I will never bow down to the likes of you. You can call me a stray dog all you want, but your kind are pigs. Nobody likes a snobbish swine that stuffs his face and rolls around in his own filth he calls money. You. Are. The devil."

"And devils don't make deals with animals. I'm keeping this until you learn to know your place and some manners. And Y/N," Your uncle began to speak to you next. "Tame your pet. I don't have time to converse with uncivilized wild beasts. They're all bite and no bark. He should know that barking is more efficient."

"You want to see what a wild animal looks like? Come closer and I'll show you how ugly I can be!" Yoongi impulsively challenged, his anger fuming.

You launched up from the table and embraced Yoongi, repeatedly telling him gently that his stream was flooding into a river. "Uncle, don't start fights with everyone you meet. You got on Yoongi's bad side almost immediately." You defended your boyfriend.

"Good. Then you can see the monster he really is." Your uncle spat back.

Yoongi removed your arms from him and stomped out before he could blow up and cause a scene.

"Only you're blind enough to not see that you're the monster, and instead you accuse others." You scowled.

You took your purse and jogged outside to find Yoongi. Yoongi was marching up the block towards the car. You called his name, but he didn't stop. You clutched his shoulder and turned him around to you.

"What?!" Yoongi snapped.

"Will you stop and breathe for one second? You're not thinking straight." You huffed to catch your breath.

"What does it matter to you? I'm just your pet!"

"No. He's lying. He's trying to turn you against me. I won't let him. He used your anger against us. Don't listen to him."

"You brought me here in the first place. Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I know who you really are. I understand your trauma and your fears. I know what it feels like to have loss change you. You are not what he's trying to turn you into. You are not a stray. You are not an animal. You are not uncivilized. And you are not a wild beast. You are extremely intelligent and supportive. You are my boyfriend who cares and loves me, and I love you so much." You began to pet his hair at the sides of his head. "Calm this river down. I'll never let him near us again and we can go back to living our normal lives as a couple."

Yoongi's chest was noticeably rising and falling from under his suit. He just stared at you with his unreadable eyes. You slipped your arms onto his shoulders and pressed a kiss onto his lips. You didn't move your face away from his after you were done and let it hover very close.

"You are so much more, Yoongi." You whispered softly.

His stare relaxed to a gaze. He was still silent for a while.

"He's gaslighting you." Yoongi said lowly out of the blue.

"I know. I just—" You paused.

"Don't give him what he wants. You're not his puppet."

"I know. I just..." You took a second and breathed. "I just wish he didn't come back. I feel so threatened having him here in the city."

Yoongi closed your body in on his. "I may have lost it tonight... but I'll protect you next time he comes back. He won't get under my skin again." He reassured you.

A cold spring breeze touched on your delicate skin, blowing your dress in Yoongi's legs.

"Get inside." He directed.

The old car was behind him, so you both split up and sat in its black and white seats. To get away from the location of your uncle, Yoongi drove off, holding your hand the entire time and leaving the radio off.

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