A Pirate's Value || Sanji Vin...

By Maria555556

129K 4.8K 670

.҉ .҉ .҉ Anamaria Sparrow. She is the younger sister, from another mother, of Jack Sparrow. The infamous 'Cap... More

Character Profile
Albasta Saga
Sky Island Saga
Character Profile (Update 1)
Water 7 Saga
Character (Profile Update 2)
Thriller Bark Saga
Summit War Saga
Character Profile (Update 3)
Fishman Island Saga
Character Profile (Update 4)
Dressrosa Saga


3.9K 133 8
By Maria555556

"Relax, we'll be out in a minute" Luffy nods when he sees the fish opening his mouth to swallow them. The giant goldfish swallowed the ship, but the giants swung their weapons with so much force that it created a hole in the giant fish and sent the ship flying!

"WHOA! WE'RE FLYING!" Luffy yells in excitement as the giants yell to them.


"THANK YOU!" Anamaria turns to them while waving at them "FER EVERYTHING!!"

The ship safely landed in the water and sailed away while Little Garden continued growing further away.

After Little Garden was well out of the crew's sights, Luffy, Usopp, and Carue were busy playing around on the deck. Anamaria had decided to sit in the shadow of the boat for a bit as the other three played, jumping around the boat as she tried to learn as much from this new crew as she could before actually interacting with them, but that didn't seem to be fate's plan for her.

"Ana-chwaan!" Sanji came out of the kitchen carrying a small dish piled with small sweets "I made a few treats for you so please try one and tell me what you think of them"

Ana smiled widely, since she loved sweet food as much as her Captain loved meat, and picked one of the cute sweets from the plate. She ate it as the blonde observed every bite she took closely.

"Ish gweat Shanji" she said with her mouth full of the delicious food.

"I'm so happy you like it" the cook replied with heart shaped eyes.

Ana smiled up at the cook and licked the corner of her mouth as Luffy ran up to the pair asking for a treat himself, only for Sanji to push the boy away. Anamaria continued to see the dynamic of the people on the ship. In one of those moments as she stood up to get away from the fighting pair. She was forced to dodge Luffy as the boy stumbled back and then her back hit the shoulder of someone else. Ana tilted her head back to cross eyes with the mint haired swordsman from the crew.

"Careful there" Zoro said.

"Yeah sure" Ana responded.

"Hey, how did you manage to cut through the wax so easily back at the island?" the man asked her when the curiosity to see the blade she had used once more got the better of him despite still being wary of her.

"Oh, Fang" Anamaria puled the cursed blade from its scabbard, careful with the edge of it. Zoro bent to get a better look at the blade seeing how sharp it was and the color of the metal.

"It seems to be a normal sword, so how did you cut through the wax?" the man asked her.

"Oh it's a cursed sword" she responded with a smile.

"Cursed!?" Usopp shouted and Luffy went over to them when he heard it.

"Ohhhh. A cursed sword? How is it cursed?" the boy leaned over the woman's shoulder, staring closely at the weapon in Anamaria's hands.

"Oi! Give her some space!" Sanji kicked his captain away making Luffy's head go through the wooden wall besides them.

"Yeah it's cursed. My...uncle, gifted it to me" she explained "The curse it has basically makes a corrosive acid come from the edge of the blade. That's how I was able to cut through the wax"

"And how do you fight off others without hurting them?" Luffy asked after managing to get out of the wall.

"Well it's supposed to..." Anamaria cut herself off when she saw the happy look on the captain's face "...be used very carefully"

"Oh, that must be hard to use then" Luffy nodded his head, turning away from Anamaria. The woman noticed the look the mint haired man in front of her was giving her but she just shook her head.

"Hey Sanji. When are you going to make dinner?" the captain asked the blonde happily.

"I'll start now you glutton" the man said, biting down on his cigarette.

"Can I go with you? I want to see if I can help in any way" Anamaria told the cook.

"Of course you can come with me Ana-chwan" the man replied, clasping his hands together.

Anamaria followed the blonde to the kitchen and sat down on one of the chairs Sanji pulled up for her. The rest of the time that the man was cooking and cutting the food into dishes for everyone.

"Ooooooh" the woman poked her head around Sanji's shoulder to see what he was making since it smelled so nice.

"A-Ana-chan, could you p-please move back a bit?" Sanji asked her.

She did so with a small smirk when she saw the completely red face the man was now sporting. As Sanji continued to cook, Anamaria couldn't help but watch him in awe. She admired his passion and skill when it came to cooking. The way he moved around the kitchen with such grace and precision was truly mesmerizing.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Anamaria finally asked, wanting to contribute in some way.

"Actually, there is something you can do. Could you set the table for me? I'll be done with the cooking in a few minutes" Sanji smiled at her, appreciating her willingness to help.

Anamaria nodded eagerly and got up from her seat. She quickly gathered plates, utensils, and glasses, arranging them neatly on the dining table. She saw Sanji start to come out with the plates of food piled onto his arms.

"Let me help you out Sanji" she said, taking a small pile from him.

"Thank you Ana-chwan" the man replied with his usual smile "I'll go call the others inside"

As the rest of the crew started to file into the dining area, Anamaria couldn't help but admire how unique and diverse this group was. Luffy's enthusiasm for food and carefree attitude, Zoro's stoic determination, Nami's intelligence and resourcefulness, Usopp's wild imagination, which she had already learned from the small quips she told her that sounded less than believable, they all brought something special to the table.

And then there was Sanji. The cook of the crew, with his passion for cooking, and his undying devotion to his friends. Anamaria couldn't deny that the obsession the man had with all women was a bit off but she couldn't help but respect that. Her brother and even herself, were similar even if not as eccentric. She felt like she was back on the Black Pearl. She missed Jack's silly attitude and Gibbs' comments and tales. Even the stupid pair of Ragetti and Pintel doing idiocies around the hull of the boat.

As they all sat down to enjoy the meal, laughter and conversation filled the air. Anamaria couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds she had formed with each of these individuals. They had welcomed her with open arms (except for Zoro who was still a bit sceptic).

"Ana-chwan, pass me the salt please?" Sanji's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"Here you go, Sanji" she smiled and reached for the salt shaker, passing it to him with a nod.

"Thanks, beautiful" he replied, flashing her one of his signature smiles. She enjoyed hearing the entire crew tell her of their adventures since they met, they all had very entertaining things to

"Hey Ana" Luffy turned his stuffed face to her "Where sis you get those awesome tattoos?"

"Oh, from an old friend" she replied with a smile, raising her right hand first to show the one on her wrist "This one is in honour of my name, my brother has the same one as mine"

"Cool!" the young captain explained.

"And I have another on my back that my friend gave me on Tortuga Island" she said.

"Tortuga Island?" the boy's attention shifted from the food to her.

"Where I come from, though I would prefer not to talk about that time" she replied.

"But where...?" Luffy was cut off as Sanji pushed his chair straight since he had been leaning it over Anamaria's.

"Leave her alone Luffy. Do you not have any tact?" the cook chided the boy "Sorry Ana-chwan"

"No problem Sanji" she told him. When Anamaria was about to eat her last piece of meat, her fork hit the empty plate making her look around.

"Luffy!" Nami chastised the boy whose cheeks were completely stuffed and swollen like a chipmunks. Ana laughed along with Usopp when the captain of the ship was being punished by the orange haired woman. Time passed quickly as she found herself though roughly, enjoying the day she was spending with them until soon everyone was leaving the table.

"Ana, don't forget that you share a room with me" Nami told her.

"Can Sable join us if she sleeps on my bed?" Anamaria asked the woman.


"Hey Nami" Ana called out to the woman.


"Are you feeling all right?" she asked the navigator who looked a little pale.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go lie down a bit earlier today"

Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Vivi and Luffy left the dinning room leaving only Anamaria and Sanji behind. Deciding to be helpful since she had been allowed onto the ship, she began to pile the dirty plates together and took the to the kitchen where Sanji was already washing the ones he had taken.

"Thanks again for your help, Ana-chwan" Sanji said with a smile.

"It was my pleasure" she replied, a small smile reaching her lips. As they finished up, Sanji turned to her with a grin.

"How about we go grab some dessert from the kitchen? I made chocolate cake" Anamaria's eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate cake.

"I'd love to"

As they walked towards the kitchen, side by side, Anamaria couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and contentment. Chocolate was a hard to come by where she was from yet it was still a sweet that she adored. While they entered the kitchen, the aroma of chocolate cake filled the air, making Anamaria's mouth water in anticipation. Sanji quickly retrieved a plate and a fork for her, presenting her with a generous slice of cake.

"Bon appétit, Ana-chwan" he said with a grin.

"Thank you, Sanji" she replied, taking a bite of the cake.

It was rich and decadent, just as she had expected. She savoured every bite, enjoying the sweetness and the moment of quiet companionship. As they sat at the kitchen table, eating their cake and chatting about their adventures, Anamaria couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her.

"You know, Ana-chwan, I really appreciate your help earlier" Sanji said, his tone sincere.

"Anytime Sanji" Anamaria winked at him making him blush "Goodnight, Sanji"

Anamaria went to the room that was clearly Nami's and got into the hammock that the orange haired woman had given her due to the spontaneous 'hire' of the black haired woman. The orange and blue haired women were sharing the only large bed in the room and the both of them were sleeping soundly.

Ana slid into it smoothly, appreciating the softness of the rather large swinging bed. On the Black Pearl she had to share the room with all the men there and the floors were usually cold and wet from the small leaks on the ship as it was on most pirate ships.

"Maybe one day" she muttered under her breath.

There was a knocking on the room's door and someone opened it. Anamaria saw it had been Sable who was sneaking into the room. The snake found it a bit hard to get through the door but managed to do so. Luckily the room was quite large so the sable coloured snake easily curled on the floor underneath Anamaria. The woman made the decision and climbed down from the hammock, cuddling with the snake on the ground. Sable was soft and cool enough that it was comfortable for the woman to sleep there with the animal. Ana's eyes slowly closed until she managed to make herself fall asleep.

'In her dreams, Anamaria found herself back on the Sea Serpent, her beloved ship. The wind was blowing through her hair as she stood on the deck, her crewmates laughing and joking around her.

The ship was full-sized once more, sailing smoothly through the ocean. Besides them was the Black Pearl, sailing as fast as only the black sailed boat could.

"Ana! I missed you!" Jack called out to her from over on his ship, somehow miraculously jumping onto the Sea Serpent with a small rope "Where have you been?" (Loca)

She was going to respond but then, the dream shifted. The ship underneath them began to shrink, the wood creaking and groaning as it transformed into a small bottle. Anamaria's heart ached as her brother took her over to his own vessel and she watched her ship disappear before her eyes, trapped in the confines of the bottle.'

She woke up with a start, her heart racing. The reality hit her once again. She was most probably going to be stuck here and not be able to go back home. Ana looked down at Sable, who was still curled up beneath her. The snake's presence was a comfort, a reminder that she was not alone in finding her place in this new place.

Ana had been through too much to all of a sudden become homesick. She got up from the floor and put the bottle back on the shelf. She knew that she had to keep pushing forward, keep searching for a way to break the curse and save her ship. And she wasn't alone, she had her new crewmates and Sable by her side.

And as she stepped out into the sunlight, Anamaria couldn't help but feel a glimmer of happiness through he depressive state of mind. The journey ahead would be strange for sure, but she was ready for it. With her new crewmates and her loyal snake she would be able to someday return to her brother's side.

"Good mornin'" she said to the green haired man who was already on the deck, lifting an absurd weight on a large bar.

"Mornhig" the man grunted back, placing the weight back down and raising himself from the ground.

"Where are all the others?" she asked, finding it strange that no one else was already awake.

"Sleeping still" Zoro said dryly. Anamaria grumbled since she was used to waking up and eating very soon in the morning.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to make breakfast then" she said with a determined smile.

As she busied herself in the galley, preparing a hearty meal for herself, Anamaria couldn't help but reflect on what had happened to her up until then. She managed to make herself a quick scrambled eggs without burning them and cut herself some meat, burning it slightly as she miscalculated the time of cooking it, but it was better than mouldy cheese and hard bread.

She stuffed her mouth quickly while she waited for the rest of the crew to wake up, hoping that Sanji would be able to make her something more sweet. The door of the kitchen opened and Sable slithered through it, slowly climbing onto the table where Ana had placed a large piece of meat for her. The woman washed the last of the eggs down with some water before exiting the kitchen.

She went back into her room where Vivi and Nami were to see if she could wake them up. Vivi was easy to help sit up, but when she went to wake up Nami she saw the pale skin colour the woman had, paired with flaming red cheeks. Anamaria touched the woman's cheeks and forehead, retracting her hands when she felt exactly how warm Nami was.

"Nami? Nami?! I think there's something wrong with her" her voice grew louder, now making Vivi nervous for her friend "NAMI! HEY, EVERYONE! WE GOT A PROBLEM!" Anamaria shouted, calling everyone's attention as Vivi panicked around the two women. Everyone freezes at her voice then run out to the deck to see her on the upper deck now holding Nami in her arms only for the woman to get down shakily trying to stand.

"We need to take the helm and steer the ship south!" Zoro doesn't move from his spot as he looks at the others.

"Why should I take orders from you moss head?!" Sanji twitches a curly eyebrow at the command.

"Just shut up and do it! We gotta lower the sails, so we can catch wind from the port side!" Nami shouted out despite the little strength she had left.

"Got it!" Usopp and Luffy call out as they go to lower the sails.

"Why the sudden change in course Nami-san?" Sanji heads to the helm then turns to Nami, who's looking out into the ocean.

"I have a bad feeling in the air. I think there's a storm coming up ahead" she quietly pants while she keeps her brown eyes on the horizon.

"And you, need medical help" Anamaria stated as the orange haired stumbled.

"OW! Hot! Hot! We need to bring you to a doctor right now!" Luffy cried out after he had lowered the sails and went over to Nami patting her forehead, then immediately recoiling it.

"That's just my normal temperature Luffy!" the navigator interjected as she once more struggled to get away from the steady hold the pirate behind her had on her.

"The redness on yer face is normal skin tone then?" Ana asked the woman who was struggling, not too hard, to get out of her hold.

"It's just from being in the sun too long!"

"Nami, I know you want to help Vivi, but you shouldn't push yourself too hard" Sanji looks over Nami worriedly.

"I told you I'm fine!" the woman protested "Put me down Ana!"

"Nami, I think you should...!" Usopp looks over them nervously.

"JUST SHUT UP AND TURN THE SHIP AROUND! I'M FINE DAMMIT!" Nami shouted, finally getting down from Anamaria's arms.

The others rush to turn the ship around until they start heading south. Vivi goes to the upper deck then looks at Nami for a brief moment before she turns to the others.

"Guys, I'd like to talk to you if that's alright" the princess told them. Everyone shifts their attention to the princess as she continues "I know it's not my place to make requests since you allowed me on the boat, but with the emerging crisis in Alabasta, I need to go there as soon as possible"

"Of course, we'll get you there just like we promised" Nami pulls on a weak smile while she nods. The others stayed quiet when Vivi spoke up.

"I'd like us to go there as soon as possible, which is why we need to find a doctor for Nami immediately. Once Nami gets better, we'll head straight to Alabasta. That's the fastest way for us to make it there right?" Vivi asked.

"Yea, can't get much faster than that!" Luffy nods with a toothy grin.

"Are you sure? Aren't you worried about the million people in Alabasta?" Usopp quirks an eyebrow at Vivi's decision.

"Of course, that's why we need to get Nami to a doctor as soon as possible"

"I'm sorry for making you worry, but please don't overexert yourself" Vivi nods before she walks over to Nami. Nami slowly nods.

"Sorry about this Vivi..." she started to collapse but Vivi caught her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders to keep her up. Before anyone can say anything, Luffy looked out onto the horizon and widened his eyes at the sight.

"WHOA, WHAT'S THAT?!" Everyone looked out in shock to see a giant hurricane passing the place where the crew was moments ago.

"Wasn't that where we were heading?!" Usopp widens his eyes at the direction of the storm.

"That's exactly where we were heading a minute ago. Talk about a close call" Sanji slowly nods as he keeps his eyes on the hurricane.

"Give 'er to me Vivi" Anamaria held out her arms once more and carefully took the orange haired woman back into her.

"Incredible, storms on the Grand Line are unpredictable, but she managed to sense the storm coming" Vivi looks at Nami in shock as their new crew member keeps her arms around her to keep her up.

"'Oly shit" Ana said with a smile, confusing Vivi and Sanji when they saw her smiling "Sorry I just love these kind of things" that didn't make the stares any lesser "I'm gonna put 'er to bed" she told them awkwardly as she went back into their shared room.

"I'll go with you Ana" Vivi said with a concerned look on her face.

"Alright, let's set sail to find Nami a doctor!" Luffy snaps out of it first before he smiles at the crew.

"YEA!" the crew continues heading south to find a doctor.

"Poor Nami" Vivi said softly.

"She'll be fine. Sable" Anamaria called out for the snake. Vivi and Ana watched as the large snake fit about the front half of her body onto the bed and slowly slid her coils around the sick woman. Nami sighed and relaxed a bit when the cold scales of the snake slid over her "Come on, lets go" Ana told Vivi.

Vivi nodded and followed Ana to the door of the room, glancing back at Nami one last time before closing the door a bit behind her. The two women stood in silence for a few moments before Vivi finally spoke up.

"Thank you, Ana" she said softly, "for helping Nami"

Ana turned to look at her with a small smile.

"Of cours'. Since I am now part of yer crew and I like to take care of family, this is the least I could do" Ana said.

Vivi smiled back, feeling grateful. Anamaria could easily see the difference between the pirates she knew and the pirates from this place. The StrawHats were nicer and much more loyal to each other, which was something Anamaria appreciated a lot, while in her home there was treason and 'coups' nearly monthly on every pirate ship. That was why she was glad she had agreed to leave with them.

As they entered their shared room, Ana gently placed Nami on the bed and pulled the blankets up to cover her. Vivi watched as Sable continued to coil around Nami, providing her with some much-needed comfort and warmth.

"Ana, do you think Nami will be okay?" Vivi asked, her voice filled with worry. Ana sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out to stroke Sable's scales.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. She seems tough, just like the rest of ye. And with Sable 'ere to keep her company, she'll be back on 'er feet in no time" Vivi nodded, feeling reassured by Ana's words. She knew that Nami was strong, and with the support of her friends, she would be able to overcome whatever illness she was facing.

"Thank you for being here, Ana" Vivi said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"No problem, Vivi. We're all in this together now, whether we like it or not" Ana looked up at her with a soft smile.

Vivi smiled back, feeling a warmth in her heart. She was grateful for the friendship and camaraderie she had found among the Straw Hat crew members. They were more than just a crew; they were a family.

"Sanji!" the cook of the ship nearly teleported to her side "Could ya get me a basin of cool water an' clean rags?"

"Of course Ana" the man responded with a rather serious look on his face.


Not much later, Ana, Vivi and Sanji were inside the room looking over Nami while Zoro tried to control Usopp and Luffy from creating anymore chaos. Anamaria tried not to smile in amusement when Sanji kept trying to move away from Sable. The sable coloured snake was somehow trying to cling onto the cook of the ship, her head landing on his lap and already engulfing the entirety of him.

"I'm going to make dinner" the man said.

That was when Ana realised that so much time had passed that they had forgotten to even eat lunch. She should have known when Luffy rushed to the kitchen earlier in the day.


About half an hour later, Sanji's voice went around the ship.

"Dinner's ready guys" he said. Luffy ran past everyone as he ran into the dinning room and sat himself before everyone else.

"Can we really leave'er alone here?" Anamaria asked Vivi as the two girls looked over Nami's still unconscious form.

"I can stay if you want, just bring me some food please" the blue haired princess told her.

"I'll try to make sure that Luffy don't eat everything" Ana replied with a small smile. The black haired pirate went to eat her dinner with the rest of the crew, making sure to ask Sanji to make two extra plates for Nami and Vivi.

"Ne Ana?" Usopp turned to speak to her.

"Hmmm?" she hummed in question as she shovelled her precious food into her mouth.

"I'm curious to know what kind of things you did before you ended up in Little Garden" he asked her.

"Weeeell..." Ana placed her eating utensils on the table as she thought to herself how to tell him "...well I was born from a nameless woman and me father was a...pirate?..." she wasn't sure how to explain exactly who her father was since she didn't know if any sort of pirate council existed here.

"So you became a pirate with him?" Luffy asked excitedly.

"Well, no. Me mother died in childbirth with me so I took to the streets from a young age" she said nonchalantly. She somehow felt that, like how pirates from where she was were more...ruthless, the differences were a bit bigger than in Tortuga Island or anywhere else for that matter.

"I got ta work at a bar when I was old enough to speak and I was taught to read and write there" she continued "My brother found me an' brought me onto his ship, taught me how to fight, etc, etc." she waved her hand as no one around the table stopped her, rather they had quite interested looks as she told them.

"Was your brother a pirate?" Luffy interrupted. Ana could see how the boy idolised pirates.

"Yep, one of the more known ones. 'E had several bounties on his head and made a lot of enemies in his younger years" Anamaria said with a proud smile "He was quite stupid sometimes, even making deals with dangerous people, and tha' usually came to bite'im in the a....butt" she trailed off as she saw the innocent look on Luffy's face as he leaned over to hear her better.

"What was his name?" the boy asked her.

"'E was 'Captain' Jack Sparrow" she said "I doubt you 'eard of him but still, he was quite known for raiding the government and creatin' a lot of trouble"

"If he was so famous, how would we not know him?" Zoro asked her.

"We even managed to escape the Kraken" Anamaria ignored the swordsman, making the man grumble under his breath.

"The Kraken?" Usopp spoke up "Wow! I fought a Kraken once too you know"

"Really?" Ana asked sceptically "Did ya also make a deal with an octopus man named Davy Jones for yer life in exchange for another hundred random others?"

The sniper stammered as he tried to find his words.

"And free a goddess of the sea who then tried to kill you?" she continued.

The sniper backed into his chair sheepishly as he ran out of ideas for lies as the black haired woman continued.

"Wow! You really did all that?" Luffy jumped up from his chair creating a scrapping sound against the floor of the ship. Anamaria nodded, seeing the unsure looks that the only two right minded people on the table were giving her.

"I'll, go see 'ow Nami is doing and give 'er and Vivi their dinner" she got up from her chair and grabbed the two already prepared dishes before leaving.


When Anamaria left, Luffy and Usopp went back to scarfing down their food with thee rubber man taking food from the sniper of the ship who complained each time.

"Do you think she's telling the truth?" Zoro asked Sanji who had a thoughtful look on his face.

"I don't know. It seems a bit far fetched, but the circumstances in which we found her even in Little Garden were quite strange" the cook replied "But, what can we do about it now?"

Sanji's face grew his usual smile before he himself continued to eat his dinner. The green haired swordsman poked a bit at his food in thought and then continued to eat his dinner once Luffy tried taking it from him.


"Hey Vivi" Ana said quietly as she went into their shared room "Sable, ye can go eat now darlin'"

The snake hissed and slithered her way to where the smell of meat was coming from. Anamaria smiled amusingly as the familiar shocked shout from the blonde cook of the ship came in through the door.

"'Ere you are Vivi" Ana handed the blue haired woman the tray of food which included a small bowl of a sort of soft soup or puree for Nami.

"Thank you Ana" the woman smiled up at the black haired pirate as she took her own dinner. Anamaria decided to be the one to feed Nami. She slowly spoon fed the girl as Vivi finished her own dinner.

"I'll take your plates Vivi" Ana volunteered.

She carefully took the now empty plates back onto the tray and went to take it to the kitchen. Ana was used to it since the first years she had been on the Black Pearl she helped Cookie, the man that made the meals on the ship, clean up after all of the rest of the ship's crew.

"Thank you Ana-chwaan" Sanji exclaimed as he took the dishes from the woman.

"How did Sable eat?" Ana asked the man with a small smile.

"Ehhh, good Ana-chan, but I would prefer it if you kept the snake away from me" the cook said with a sheepish look as he turned to her.

"But look, it seems like she likes you a lot" Ana said with a smile.

"Huh?" the blond looked down to see the snake now curling around his feet "Aaaaaah!"

Ana didn't know why Sable had taken so much to the cook but she supposed it was because the man smelled so much of good food.

"Looks like you've got yourself a new friend, Sanji" Ana teased, leaning against the counter.

"I... I'm not sure if I can handle having a snake as a friend" Sanji looked down at the snake, his expression a mixture of fear and confusion.

"Don't worry, she's harmless. And she seems to really like you" Ana chuckled, patting his shoulder reassuringly.

"Well, as long as she doesn't try to strangle me in my sleep" Sanji sighed, giving the snake a wary look.

"I promise she won't. Sable's actually very sweet, for her massive size" Ana laughed again, shaking her head "Come on Sable, time to go to sleep"

The snake lazily followed after her with a small bulge in her stomach from her previous dinner. The food would last the huge snake a few days while she digested it. The pair slid into their room and their respective places to sleep. Anamaria had even taken down the hammock since she didn't use it anymore.

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