You Are My Obsession Till Ete...

By poojagg11

268K 9.8K 571

Pihu Gupta, a 21-year-old girl, possesses a gentle demeanor that radiates sweetness, innocence, and shyness... More

Character Sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 29
Chapter- 30
Author's Note
Chapter 34
My Dear Readers
My Dear Readers
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 60
Bonus Chapter-1
Bonus Chapter-2
Bonus Chapter-3
Bonus Chapter-4
Bonus Chapter-5
Bonus Chapter-6
Author's Note
New Story


4.2K 154 38
By poojagg11

Author's POV,

Rudra's realization that he now had a lead on Pihu's whereabouts ignited a spark of determination within him. He turned to Veer, his gaze intense, and issued his orders with unwavering authority, "Veer, I need every single detail about her. Find out exactly where she's living, who she's with, her activities over the past month, and most importantly, unveil who provided her the means to escape."

Veer's response was prompt, his loyalty to Rudra evident in his voice, "You can count on me, Rudra. I'll dig deep and gather all the information you need."

Rudra's resolve deepened as he added with a touch of urgency, "But I need all of this within the hour."

Veer nodded, his assurance firm, "Absolutely, Rudra. I'll make it happen."

With that, Veer exited the room, leaving Rudra alone with his thoughts. Rudra turned toward the vast expanse outside his office window, where the city lay before him. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, his determination to unravel Pihu's actions consuming him.

He spoke softly, almost as if his words were carried away by the wind, "Just a little longer, Pearl. Enjoy your fleeting taste of freedom. But soon, you'll be within my grasp once more. I won't even let you step out of my sight, let alone out of my room."

In those words was a complex mixture of emotions – a possessive yearning, a burning desire to reassert his control, and an underlying affection that he found impossible to suppress. The cityscape outside his window seemed to mirror the tumultuous landscape of his feelings, and as the minutes ticked away, Rudra's anticipation for the coming hour grew, knowing that it would mark the beginning of a new phase in the game he was determined to win.

After an agonizing hour, Veer re-entered with Pihu's information, and he began to relay, his words weighed with gravity, "Rudra, Pihu was residing in an apartment with Shivani. She applied for a passport, hinting at her intent to flee the country. As you're aware, Shivani's father, Samarth Singh, holds the post of police commissioner. He's the puppeteer behind her escape. Furthermore, he assigned an officer for her safeguard – one familiar to you – Shaurya Singh Shekhawat. He's persistently weaving into your affairs, seeking ammunition against you. And it seems they've formed friendship in these past months."

Unbeknownst to Veer, his words fanned the flames of Rudra's seething fury. A seething rage simmered beneath Rudra's composed exterior. The revelation that Pihu was not only escaping but also aligning herself with someone from his past ignited a fire within him.

His voice dripped with an unsettling mixture of possessiveness and ire, "So, My Pearl is conversing with another man, seeking solace and shelter in the arms of my enemy."

Rudra's words slithered out, smoldering with resentment, "I never envisioned that Samarth Singh would have the audacity to defy me. Worry not, he will learn his lesson. And that officer, he'll pay dearly for daring to cross my path."

His tone turned resolute, a shadow of possessiveness lurking, "Prepare my private jet, Veer. I'm heading to Varanasi to retrieve what belongs to me. I want my men stationed discreetly around her apartment, their vigilance impeccable. I won't tolerate any slip-ups this time. Ensure they remain concealed."

Veer's tone was cautionary, "I've stationed our men as instructed, and I will ready the jet. But we must address the media, Rudra. Your sudden appearance will attract attention, potentially tipping off Pihu."

A chilling smile curled upon Rudra's lips as he spoke, his voice dripping with a venomous satisfaction, "Feed the media a narrative that I'm in Varanasi for a business meeting regarding the opening of a new hotel. As for arousing Pihu's suspicions, trust me, they won't fathom the depths of my strategy. In their limited understanding, they assume that if we've located them once, we could seize Pihu without stepping into their territory. Little do they realize that it's not just about finding her—it's about making them understand the extent of my reach."

A dark fire danced in his eyes as he continued, his words laced with a cruel kind of adoration, "By sowing this deliberate fear, not only do I reignite apprehension in My Pearl's heart, but I also keep the flames of anxiety alive in those who dare to stand against me. The time has come to initiate the retribution she deserves for her escape – and mark my words, this is only the commencement of her reckoning."







The next morning, the newspapers were emblazoned with a startling headline: "Rudra's Unannounced Visit to Varanasi: A New Hotel on the Horizon." As Pihu's eyes scanned the bold letters, a suffocating dread clenched around her heart. The world seemed to tilt beneath her feet, and her hands trembled as she clutched the newspaper.

Rudra's presence in Varanasi had cast a shadow over everything. Her mind raced with anxiety, painting vivid scenarios of his arrival, his relentless pursuit, and the inevitability of being ensnared in his grasp once more.

Pihu's distress didn't go unnoticed. In a heartbeat, Shivani was right there, her touch a soothing balm on the tempest that raged within Pihu's heart. "Pihu, just breathe," Shivani's voice was a gentle lifeline in the chaos. "Remember, we don't have any concrete proof that he's here for you. It could genuinely be just a business meeting."

Pihu's voice trembled with fear as she looked up at Shivani, her eyes searching for solace. "But what if this is all a façade? What if he's already found me?"

Standing steadfast beside them, Shaurya's voice broke through, his tone unwavering. "Pihu, if Rudra had found you, his presence wouldn't be so silent. He feeds on control and dominance. He wouldn't bide his time."

Pihu's eyes shimmered with tears she fought to hold back, her grip on Shivani's hand tightening as if seeking an anchor. Her words came out as a fragile whisper. "I can't bear to be trapped again, Shivani. I just can't."

Shivani's gaze held a potent mix of empathy and fierce resolve. "Pihu, we won't let that darkness back in. We're here to shield you, whatever it takes."

Shaurya moved closer, a pillar of strength. "Pihu, trust Shivani. We've taken steps to safeguard you. Rudra won't get close."

Pihu's vulnerability was palpable, her trembling body echoing the turbulence in her mind. Her voice wavered with fear. "What if he's waiting for the perfect moment to strike?"

Shivani's grip tightened on Pihu's hand, her voice resolute. "Pihu, we're in this together. But consider another possibility – maybe he really is here for that business meeting."

The mere idea seemed to offer a glimmer of relief to Pihu, like a distant ray of light piercing through the darkness. She wiped away her tears with a shaky hand, drawing strength from her friends. "You're right, Shivani. Maybe I've let fear overtake reason."

Shaurya's eyes held unwavering determination. "We're not underestimating Rudra's cunning, Pihu. But if he were here for you, the storm would be raging by now. Don't worry, your passport is almost ready. In two days, you'll be able to leave the country. Today, I'll stay here, and tomorrow I'll make arrangements for both of you."

Both Shivani and Pihu nodded in unison, a blend of relief and gratitude washing over them. With Shaurya by their side, the fortress of fear seemed a bit more penetrable. His presence was a shield against the storm that loomed over them.





Two days later, Pihu and Shivani stood poised to leave the city, ready to embark on their journey to Delhi, where they would catch a flight to America. An air of anticipation mingled with their anxiety, a sense of stepping into the unknown. They had been trying to reach Shaurya since morning, their calls going unanswered. Just when worry started to set in, a message from Shaurya finally arrived, a glimmer of reassurance amidst the uncertainty.

Shivani's eyes scanned the message, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. "He said he'll message us, but why isn't he picking up his phone?"

As the minutes ticked by, their apprehension grew. Shivani's phone finally chimed with a message, and as she read it, her brow furrowed. "Dad wants me to come home. He says it's urgent."

Pihu regarded Shivani with a hint of worry, her voice tinged with caution. "Shivani, are you sure it's safe?"

Shivani offered a reassuring smile, though her own unease lurked beneath the surface. "Don't worry, Pihu. It's probably something he wants to give me before we leave for America."

Pihu's smile was faint, masking the instinctual unease that gnawed at her. She nodded, her trust in Shivani pushing her doubts aside. As Shivani left, Pihu settled into a restless wait, her gaze often drifting to her phone.

Time elongated into an agonizing stretch, each moment heavy with an impending sense of dread. Pihu's inner turmoil was a testament to the tempest of emotions she wrestled with. A persistent unease tugged at her, a voice deep within urging her to heed her instincts. Yet, she pushed that voice aside, opting to cling to hope instead.

Amid the swirling storm of her thoughts, Pihu couldn't shake off the unease stemming from Shivani's prolonged absence. The void was suddenly pierced by the insistent ringing of her phone. Her heart raced, and her fingers trembled as she looked at the screen. Her mother's name flashed, and for a moment, she hesitated, recalling Shaurya's warning to avoid direct contact with her family. But the urgency of the situation overpowered her caution. With a deep breath, she answered the call, her voice quivering, "Hello, Mom. What's wrong?"

Her mother's voice trembled with worry and tears, carrying a heavy weight of distress, "Pihu, both of your brothers went to school, but they haven't come back. I've called their friends, but none of them know where they are. I even went to the bakery to find your dad to inform about them as his phone is switched off, but the shop was closed, and he's unreachable."

Panic gripped Pihu like a vise, her heart pounding against her ribs. She fought to steady her voice, attempting to inject some calm into her words, "Mom, where are you right now?"

Her mother's voice quivered, conveying the gravity of the situation, "I'm standing in front of the bakery."

Pihu's urgency surged, her desperation evident as she pleaded, "Mom, please, don't go anywhere. I'm on my way, okay?"

Her mother's response wavered, carrying a mix of fear and hope, "Okay."

Without a second thought, Pihu rushed out of her apartment, tears streaming down her face. Her instincts, once whispered doubts, now screamed in her ears that her fears were coming true. Rudra had found her, and he was making her pay for daring to escape his grasp.

Pihu hailed an auto, her heart pounding against her ribs as the city blurred past her. When she arrived at her father's bakery, her mother was nowhere in sight. Panic tightened its grip on her as she tried to call her mother, only to be met with a switched-off phone.

She turned to the nearby shopkeepers, desperation and worry evident in her voice, "Uncle, Have you seen my mother?"

A concerned shopkeeper met her gaze, his voice heavy with empathy, "Pihu beta, she was here a while ago, but she left. She seemed worried."

The puzzle pieces clicked into place. Her mother had vanished, just like her father and brothers. Fear clenched at Pihu's heart, her fingers trembling as she attempted to reach them. Her calls, however, fell into an abyss of silence. She thought of reaching out to Samarth, but his phone line was constantly busy.

Amid her spiraling thoughts, a message notification lit up her phone screen. The words sent a jolt of terror through her veins: "Pearl, you know my address. Come to me."

Pihu's heart seemed to pause in its beats. Dread consumed her as she realized there was no way to evade this confrontation. With a heavy sigh, she hailed another auto and directed it towards Rudra's anticipated location—the mansion mentioned in the newspaper article.

As she arrived at the mansion, her footsteps faltered. Guards intercepted her as they asked "Do you have appointment, Miss?", their imposing presence a barrier between her and the potential horrors within. Her brow furrowed in frustration as she insisted, "I don't have an appointment, but Mr. Rathore asked me to come."

The guards exchanged glances and disappeared inside to confirm her story. Pihu waited anxiously, her restlessness only intensifying. When the guards returned, they instructed her to wait, their unspoken intention clear—Rudra wanted her to squirm in anticipation.

The sun blazed down with unrelenting intensity, casting a relentless heat that added to Pihu's discomfort. The hours stretched on, the minutes crawling by like a sluggish river. Her anxiety grew, a palpable tension that gnawed at her insides. She longed for this ordeal to end, for some semblance of clarity to emerge. She wanted to know the fate of her family and confront Rudra if she must.

Finally, a guard approached her, his voice carrying a hint of respect, "You can go inside now, Ma'am."

Pihu wasted no time, her feet carrying her towards the mansion's entrance. As she stepped inside, her heart raced with a potent mix of trepidation and fury. Her eyes locked onto the sight of Rudra, lounging on a sofa with a chilling ease.

Her steps faltered as she saw him, a myriad of emotions colliding within her—fear, anger, helplessness. The devil she had managed to elude was right before her, his presence a suffocating reminder of her past torment.





To be continued....

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