My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

De ayemem215

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You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... Mai multe

Wedding Inspo


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De ayemem215

Lizzie's POV
"Ugh Robbie turn your phone off" I groan tapping Robbie's arm.

"It's not mine babe" he groans back.

Ugh god what time is it?" I glance at the clock seeing it's 4:30. I pick up my phone seeing Scarlett calling me. She wouldn't call me this early unless something's wrong. But of course my racing thoughts and confused woken state make me miss the call. But a second later a text from her comes in but it's a link. I lean back on my headboard and open the link, squinting at the brightness on my phone.

"Oh fuck" I gasp and Robbie jumps up from the beds and yells.
"What! Is it the baby?"

"No it's y/n." I say and show him the phone. He grabs it and covers his mouth in shock. A paparazzi got a picture of her and it seems like she saw him too. She's staring into the camera with a smile on her face and a big thumbs up with one hand. But tears are pouring down her face and her make up is smudged leaving black marks following her tear tracks down her face. And there's a bottle of tequila in her other hand. She's showing it off, like she's proud.
"I told you I was being to hard on her! And you just had to hang up on her right?" I yell. Between my normal everyday anxiety and the hormones I get worked up really fast lately.

"I just wanted you to relax! You looked to calm and comfortable on the couch listening to graham and me play our songs I just didn't want her to pull you from that." He confesses. I think he's still upset about me leaving dinner to help y/n with a panic attack that happened weeks ago.

"You're right. But look at her now" I say

"Did you read the article?" Robbie asks handing my phone back. Shit. I scan through it and see where they comment what was said.

Reporter: hey! Any reason your looking so sad tonight?

Y/n: sad? I'm ecstatic.

Reporter:you don't look too great. What would you say to the person who made you this way?

Y/n: I did this to myself, I'm a lost cause

"Oh god Robbie. I need to go check on her"I sit up more and he rubs my back. I feel huge, and I'm literally 6 weeks away from giving birth. She is lucky I love her with all my heart because I wouldn't do this for anyone.

"Babe do you really think you should go? You barely slept last night and she's just gonna push you away." Robbie says to me.

"Robbie she's like my sister. I need to make sure she's okay." I say feeling panicked.

"You have her location. Right? Check it. If she's home at least try to get some sleep and we will both go over at 8." He says

He's right. I'm exhausted and could use a few more hours of sleep. I grab my phone and check her location. "Yeah she's home" I say

"Okay so get back to sleep. I will stay up and watch her location okay? I promise" he says standing and taking my phone. "I'm going to make some coffee. Please try to sleep and I'll wake you up later" he says and kisses my head. He's the sweetest and I couldn't have picked a better partner.

Y/ns POV

From tossing and turning for an hour, not being able to fall asleep, I finally get out of bed and wipe my tears. After my phone finally turned on, I texted Danny I wouldn't be in the office today considering the article that came out and I haven't gotten in contact with Scarlett, I think I just want to stay in the house today. He told me he would prep Dove some more then yelled at me for texting him at 5am. I walk into my kitchen and freeze, almost forgetting about the smashed glass everywhere. I go into the closet to grab a broom but get interrupted by pounding on my front door. It's probably Lizzie, although it sounds a lot stronger than her. Maybe Robert saw the photo and he's here to yell at me. The pounding doesn't stop so I whip the door open and I'm surprised to see Robbie.

"Robbie? What are you doing here?" I ask and I step back to let him in.

"I don't need to come in I'll be fast but you need to listen to me. You need to stay the away from my wife and leave her alone until after she has the baby. She's due to give birth in 6 weeks y/n! She's always scrambling around trying to help you And now you have her up in the middle of the night worried about you and that's not good for her or the baby. She's needs to rest, not be your damn caretaker. And when our baby is born I swear to you, you better be sober when you're around her or I will make sure you don't see her or Lizzie again" he seethes with anger not moving from right infront of the door way.

"I-I didn't drink it" I stammer and feel the tears building in my eyes and the lump coming into my throat.

"I don't give a shit. To the world you did. Did you hear what I said? You understand me right?" He asks making sure his words were clear.

"Yep. Got it. You don't have to worry about me. I hope to see you once the little squirt is born." I say choking back tears.

"Yeah" he says looking me up and down "me too" and he walks off and gets in his car and drives away. I close the door and let the tears fall from my face. Oh my god. Did that just happen?

I don't know whether to be mad or sad at Robbie. Part of me is so angry to think he can tell me what to do. And if Lizzie knew he said that she would be just as pissed. But on the other hand, I get it. He's just protecting his wife and baby. He's the one living with her and dealing with all the shit I don't see and I haven't been the best to Lizzie recently. So I get it. And I'll respect his wishes and stay away. But I need can't stay away from Scarlett any longer so I know I need to go see her.

I pick up my phone and dial someone I know who has a jet. After one ring she picks up. "Y/n you're a moron, you know that?"

"Yeah I know that thanks a lot. Do you have any kind of plane that can get to Brisbane now near LA?" I ask

"Let me call Paul and ask him hold on." She says and and I hear the line go silent. I quickly run upstairs with my phone and pack a small bag of essentials and two outfits. I throw on sweats and a cropped top tank top. I want to look good for Scarlett but I can't be bothered to actually dress up yet. "Y/n?" I hear come from the phone.

"Yes I'm here!" I yell into the phone.

"Hey so there's a private charter to Brisbane at 6:15am. Flying out of Santa Monica. You want in?"

"Yes thank you Ash! Wait it's not your plane?"I ask

"No mine is here with me in New York but I love ya so I thought I'd help." She says

"You are the literal best. I owe you!" I say and hang up. I jump into my car and head to Santa Monica. It's maybe a half hour drive but traffic will be killer going over there. I frantically drive to the small airport and luckily get there in time to buy a coffee and head onto the plane.

It's an all black small Beechcraft G36 Bonanza and I'm in awe staring at is as I walk closer to it on the tarmac. I see two guys in a pilot uniform standing by the narrow stairs.

"Hi I'm Jimmy and this is Ernest. We will be flying you to Brisbane today." The taller dark haired man says.

"Thank you" I say and they gesture for me to go up the stairs onto the plane. Once I get on I see them do the correct protocol and then fasten the stairs up. They go into the cockpit and start their check and before I know it we are in the air heading to Australia. At least the flight will give me time to practice what I'm going to say to Scarlett. I know I need to apologize, but I really hope she doesn't just shut me out and refuse to listen to me.

Time isn't slow enough though because before I know it I'm out of the plane and getting dropped of infront of Scarlett's rental. It's dark out and dark inside the house, but according to her schedule she shouldn't be filming so I hope she's home. I knock a couple times on the door but don't hear any movement behind it. I knock again and call out "Scarrrr, it's meee" like that will help. But I hear shuffling behind the door and she opens it surprised to see me. But then slams it in my face.

"I deserved that" I yell to her through the door. "I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, especially since you've probably seen that article but I was just sad. I didn't drink the bottle. Please open the door" I beg

The door creeps open slowly giving me a better look at her face. Her eyes are bloodshot and puffy from the crying and she's wrapped in a big fluffy blanket. "You're wrong" she says

"I know I was wrong but—"

"No you're wrong. You are the only person I want to see right now." She starts sobbing but opens the door letting me in. I step foward with my arms out not wanting to overstep but really wanting to hug her. She crashes her body into me and cries some more.

"I was worried about you. I'm sorry for leaving the way I did but when I saw that picture of you I think I almost died." She says crushing my heart

"I didn't drink it. Yes I thought about it. Yea I bought it. But I swear to you I went home with it and smashed" I say caressing her head against my chest.

"Why?" Is all she says.

"I was upset. We had that awful day at the doctor. Then you left. And I had that stupid sugar problem this morning and I think Lizzie's mad at me. It's just getting to be a lot with all this health things and I didn't have anyone to turn to." I confess, ashamed.

"I'm sorry, that's my fault for not being there for you. Because you called and I didn't answer. And I promised you I will always be there for you even if we're fighting. So that's on me" she says

"It's not. It's all my fault. But I needed to fix us before I did anything else. You are what matters to me. And of course Rose and our furture babies, but I need you in order to have any of that. And I don't want to jeopardize that." I say

"Baby you're trying you're best. And I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry I didn't realize you are struggling this much again."

"Don't feel bad. I hide things pretty well." I say and she gives me a sad laugh.

"How'd you even get a plane out here?" She says

"I owe Ashley something huge" I say remembering she got me the plane

"You'll make it up to her. But I forgive you about the picture. Now let's talk about your heart" she says

"I can do that." I say and proceed to explain to her how the doctors think the insulin will help lower my blood sugar and it will bring me out of heart failure. When she hears the words heart failure again I could tell it made her sick to her stomach. But I tried to reassure her that it's not as bad as it seems and I'm only put into that category so I can get the proper medical treatment.

"I actually have to take my blood sugar you want to do it for me?" I ask and she nods her head sitting up from the couch better. I grab my black bag and she chuckles. "Now we both have little black bags"

"Hopefully not for long" I say smiling looking at her stomach.

"For both of us" she says and winks.

I gather everything out of the bag and lay it on the table and explain what each thing is. She has this concentrated look on her face and her tongue pokes out just a little when I explain it and it's so cute.

"It pokes you!? Does it hurt?" She asks

"A little, but if I hit a spot I've used already it usually doesn't hurt." I say "okay so clean my finger first, then we prick it. And she does it as gently as she can and it doesn't prick me. "Push harder, I promise it's okay" I say and she does this time pricking me. She sees a little bit of blood and gasps "oh god did that hurt?"

"It didn't. I promise" I smile assuring her.

"Now squeeze a little onto the strip and place the strip in the machine." I say and watch as she squeezes my finger so blood pools out onto the strip and then she places the strip in the machine and presses GO.

"How often do you have to do that?" She asks while we wait.

"I do it every morning and night. If I feel a little silly I'll check it then because usually depending what I eat makes my sugar go crazy." I say since I spent a small part of the plane ride reading about it.

She nods her head and the beep goes off on the machine pulling us to it. She reads it "86"

"That's perfect. Between 80-100 is what it should be at." I say and I can see her making mental notes in her head.

"So as long as your sugar stays between those numbers it won't affect your heart?" She asks

"Sounds right" I laugh and she gives me a look.

"I have an appointment with Dr.Pierce in two weeks, why don't we video chat then and you can ask her any questions you have." I suggest and she nods.

"Okay. That will help calm my nerves a little" she says. "I guess I forgive you for not telling me. I understand why." She says

"I just didn't want you to worry. You do enough of that" I say tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She looks up into my eyes and I finally see the spark back in them. "I missed you a lot. I'm glad your here. How long are you here for?" She asks

"I have to leave tomorrow morning. So not long" I say and she sighs. She sits down on the couch and pats the spot next to her. I go and sit as fast as I can making her bounce when I land on the cushion. 
My hands land on her waist catching her from falling and she giggles falling into me.  Her hands are on my chest and it's like everything moves in slow motion. Her head moves up before her eyes do and I watch as her eyes rake over the small gap between my sweatpants and crop top where my abs show. She takes her finger and traces over my abs down to my v cut tracing over my hip bone. It tickles a little but when I laugh her eyes snap up to me. They are darker than usual but they hold a look of dominance.
"Someone's horny" I tease and see her bite her lip while I watch her eyes turn darker.

"I've been a little frustrated lately and busy, so there's no time to get rid of that built up frustration." She says

"I can help with that" I say and she tilts her head like she's thinking about what she wants to say next.

"Did you think about me?" She asks

"Scar, what?"

"Did you think of me when I left y/n?" She asks in a lower tone. I feel one hand slide up my chest almost like it's going to go to my throat but last second she moves it up to my cheek. Just that action alone made me extremely wet.

"Of course I did. You're all I could think about." I say and her other hand slides up the inside of my shirt and plays with the band of my sports bra. Her fingers on my skin send goosebumps up and down my body.

"I thought about you a lot too" she says lowly

"I thought about how much I would've loved to be in your arms after a long day on set. Or about how amazing you make me feel with just a single finger" she smirks and I groan because she is turning me on.

"But right now, I want to watch you squirm and come undone underneath me. To show me how bad you missed me since my trip home got cut short." She rasps out.

She slips her hands into my sweatpants asking for permission but I'd love to tease her a bit.

"Well somebody decided to leave early" I say and I immediately regret what I said.

She tilts her head to the side and smirks before slowly wrapping her hand around my neck very lightly. "That's because someone was a bad girl."

The throbbing between my legs intensifies and I get excited quickly. "It's this okay?" She asks looking at her hand on my throat.

"It's perfect" I say before she pulls my sweat pants and under wear down and pushes a little harder on my throat making me gasp. She sits back down on top of me and I didn't even notice her take her bottoms off but she did because I feel her wet naked core right on my pubic bone.

She still has one had around my neck when she leans in closer to nibble at my ear. "I think bad girls should be punished. Don't you?" She whispers in my ear but I know better than to answer that. She kisses down my neck and when she get near my collarbone she sucks harshly making my hands go to her ass. I squeeze feeling her skin in my hand but she quickly sits up making my hand fall from her.

"No touching. Or I put more pressure on your neck" she warns and I nod. Her fingers trail down my stomach while her kisses follow, leaving a trail behind. Since she's lower on my body her hand slips away from my neck but right before she's about to kiss my core she skips it, straddling me.

She rocks her hips once she finds a good position and I moan out feeling the pressure on my core.
"Scar please" I whine and she smirks.

She is grinding slowly and it's just barley brushing against my clit until I tilt my hips upward and her clit brushes over mine.

"Oh fuck yes" I moan out at the pleasure.

She rocks her hips faster placing her hands over my clothed sports bra. Every time she grinds up with her hips it hits the perfect spot on my clit and I can't help the moans and curses coming out of my mouth. I'm getting closer to my high and so is she because her grinding is getting sloppy. So I grab her hips to help her but her eyes snap open at me and her hands fly to mine, prying them off of her. She pushes my hands above my head and holds them with one hand and her left hand wraps around my throat.

"Bad girls don't get touch their wife." She says and grinds down on me faster. Oh fuck this is hot.

"Are you going to be a good girl from now on?" She asks and I nod my head frantically feeling my body heat up and my lower stomach start spasming.

"Only good girls can cum, you know that right?" She asks but I just moan from the pleasure.

"Are you my good girl baby?" She moans and tightens her hand a smidge around my neck and I feel my own legs start shake with her and I know she's just as close as me.

"Mhm" I moan out wanting to move my hands to touch her but I can't.

"Say it. I want to hear you say it...oh my fuck!" She moans and grinds even harder and faster.

"Fuck baby, I'm your good girl! I'm your—oh god Scarlett" I moan feeling my coil break as soon as I say it.

"Ahh yesss! Fuckkkkk" she moans as our orgasms take over at the same time. She grinds a couple times more before collapsing on top of my chest. our panting and the smell of sex is what lingers in her bedroom. But i don't mind.

"That wasn't too much was it?" She leans up to look into my eyes when she asks that question.

"It wasn't at all. It was fucking hot and you have my permission to do that every time I'm a bad girl" I says and wink at her making her blush.

"It was kinda hot wasn't it?" We both laugh. "I love you y/n."

"I love you more Scarlett."

Robbie's fucked up huh? Or do you agree with him.
At least Scarlett and y/n are back to being good.

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