Broken Lives On

By Purplymaiden06

869 295 123

"What are you so afraid of?" he asked, stepping closer until I couldn't move. I felt trapped between him and... More

Broken lives on 1
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Broken lives on 11

41 16 0
By Purplymaiden06

As I sat there with Lyssa and Ellie at the breakfast table, my mind seemed to wander off to some unknown place. Lost in my thoughts, I found myself completely oblivious to the conversation happening around me.

My head hung low, as I absentmindedly twirled my spoon in my cereal bowl, creating small whirlpools of milk. The murmur of voices and clinking of cutlery faded into the background as I delved deeper into my own world.

I could sense the concern in Ellie and Lyssa's eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to them or even respond to their words. My mind was consumed by something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

Suddenly, Lyssa's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. "You're not even listening are you?" Lyssa said her voice mixed with both annoyance and worry.

Ellie cut in, with a concerned expression on her face. "Avery, Lyssa called you multiple times. Are you okay? You seem so distant," she complained, her voice filled with worry.

I blinked, trying to gather my thoughts and piece together what she was saying. What was wrong with me? Why was I so disconnected from the present moment?

Unable to find any answer to their questions, I drummed my fingers on the table, wrestling with my thoughts. I decided to tell a white lie. I replied, my voice lacking conviction, "Oh, I was just lost in my thoughts about the company picnic."

It was a feeble attempt to cover up the truth, to reassure her that everything was alright.

They exchanged gazes then looked back at me. "Okay" Ellie said with uncertainty in her voice.

"Its just a picnic Ave, not a wedding" Lyssa said reassuringly and I smiled half heartedly.

But deep inside, I knew that my mind was elsewhere. It was as if an invisible thread tugged at my thoughts, pulling me away from reality. I yearned to share my emotions, my worries, and fears with someone, but I couldn't even understand them myself.

I watched as Lyssa and Ellie continued their lively conversation, each word and gesture passing by me like a distant echo. They laughed, they debated, they shared stories, but I couldn't grasp the essence of what they were saying.

My mind remained trapped in its own turmoil, locked in a realm of confusion and uncertainty.

I wanted to burst forth and pour out my heart, to let them in on my hidden turmoil. But the words would not come, and my silence persisted. It was as if my thoughts had become a maze, entangling my every emotion and action. And so, I remained a passive observer, a mere passenger in my own mind.

As the breakfast table slowly emptied, the remnants of my uneaten cereal in front of me, I longed for a moment of clarity, for a respite from the storm brewing inside me. But it seemed elusive, slipping through my fingers like sand.

I stood up from the table and walked over to the sink. I threw out the uneaten cereal and I grabbed a sponge.

As I stood at the kitchen sink, staring blankly at the dirty bowl in my hands, once again my mind wandered off into the depths of my thoughts. The warm water cascaded over my fingers, but my mind was far away.

Suddenly, a gentle grip on my wrist snapped me back to reality. I turned my head to find Lyssa, looking at me with concern in her eyes. Her touch brought me crashing back into the present moment, reminding me of the bowl I was absently washing.

"Uh" I said finally noticing that the bowl was already clean. I looked up at Lyssa offering her a slight smile.

"Avery...." she fell silent as she just looked at me scanning my face.

"Uh....I should probably get my boots" I said turning to leaving quickly as I felt her gaze on my back.


I grabbed my shoulder bag and Lyssa's car keys from the couch. I exited the apartment following after Lyssa and Ellie. I walked towards the lift where I found them waiting.

Suddenly I found my nerves getting all worked up. My breathing heavy as I drummed my fingertips on my left thigh.

I was about to speak when the lift arrived. Wasting no time Lyssa and Ellie walked in. They turned to face me as confusion etched their faces, when they noticed me just standing there.

"What're you waiting for? come on" Ellie said confusion evident in her voice.

"Uh...I...l...I...I forgot something. Go on I'll catch up" before they could say a word, I threw Ellie the car keys and turned on my heel my steps hastened. As soon as the elevator closed I walked towards the stairs.

Finally on reaching the exit, I walked out to find Lyssa waiting alone by her car, all her attention on her phone.

"Where's Ellie?" I asked looking around.

"She figured out, you weren't gonna come anytime soon" she said looking at me over her phone.

"Oh okay" I drawled as Lyssa slightly raised a brow looking at me questionably.

"What?" I couldn't understand what it actually was for.

"Nothing" she shrugged her gaze not shifting from my probably confused face.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" I asked confusedly.

"Nothing" she said raising her brows.

"Okay" I just walked towards the passenger side and held my hand out to open the door but Lyssa spoke.

"Am not driving" she suddenly said and I definitely wasn't looking forward to hearing that.

"Wait what?" I froze looking at her serious face.

"You heard me" she walked over to me and shoved the keys into my hand and entered the car, sitting on the passenger side.

I just looked at her my mouth slightly agape, utterly speechless. She put on her seat belt then looked at me.

"What are you waiting for. Get in we're late" she said taking out her laptop.

I just shook my head as I walked around the car and entered the driver's side.

"You know you could've told me that I was driving" I said putting on my seat belt.

"I did" she said most of her attention on her laptop.

"And when was that?" I asked rather surprised.

"Just now. Now hit the road and make dust. Lets go" she screeched and I just rolled my eyes starting the car and drove off.

As we turned onto the long road leading to the venue, I looked at Lyssa, who was effortlessly checking herself in the mirror.

She was clad in a navy blue blazer that was tailored to her feminine figure. The blazer had golden buttons, adding elegance and sophistication to her outfit.

Underneath the blazer, she wore a crisp white shirt that highlighted her professionalism and attention to detail.

She paired the blazer and shirt with a short fury red skirt that hugged her curves, showing her confidence and allure. The skirt had subtle pleats, giving it a playful touch that showed her charm while still looking professional.

She completed the look with stylish classic black high-heeled boots. The boots made her legs look longer and improved her posture, making her seem even more confident and in control.

Looking out the window, I admired the beautiful view of the city skyline with its iconic buildings rising high in the sky.

As we slowly approached the parking area, I noticed the impressive lineup of elegant cars nearby, shining with their sleek designs. There were luxurious sedans and powerful sports cars, adding a touch of sophistication to the event. It was like a display of the city's richness and luxury.

But amidst all the grandeur and elegance, I couldn't help but feel annoyed. The crowd was getting bigger, and the thought of being surrounded by so many people made me uneasy. I felt a growing frustration inside me. One of the major issues I didn't want to attend this thing.

On the other hand, Lyssa was beaming with excitement, eagerly anticipating the festivities. She was checking herself now and then, making sure everything was perfect and orderly.

As I got out of the car, I looked around at the beautiful atmosphere. The High Line was just the perfect place for the company picnic.

The area was decorated with vibrant lights, creating a magical ambiance. The view from here was stunning tall skyscrapers against the clear sky, providing a beautiful backdrop for the gathering.

"How do I look?" Lyssa snapped me out of my thoughts.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and said, "You look amazing, Lyssa. I've already told you that multiple times. It's getting annoying."

"Jeez, relax. It's just a question," she said, fixing her black hair which was in the most neat and beautiful high ponytail I had ever seen.

"A really annoying one," I said, taking out my phone to check the time.

"Let's get this over with," I said, walking away with my boots clicking on the concrete driveway.

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