Burnout Heart | M.YG Bad Boy...

By TheBlueMatrix

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His skin was too tough to crawl under. His walls were too high to climb. His mind was too black to see. Hi... More

1 - Intro
This is perfect......


51 4 0
By TheBlueMatrix

It's been three months now you've been dating Yoongi. All the guys knew within the first week, but it became more and more prominent as time flew by.

In your relationship, you took turns housing the other and basically hosting a sleepover because you found it easier to sleep with Yoongi by your side than without him. Yoongi's also proven to be a good cook; better than you, even.

He's also shown a pattern of buying gifts with your own money because you're rich and he's flat broke. Sometimes he's swift about it and you don't even notice, and sometimes... he doesn't even try to be sly and you would notice right away.

Yoongi did end up getting you your own motorcycle helmet so you wouldn't have to keep borrowing his or somebody else's. And by that, he used your money to buy it.

You brought your helmet every time you went to his place in case you both ever decided to go on a ride.

He had a habit of pickpocketing you, stealing your phone, keys, or wallet when you're not looking and won't give them back unless you notice and ask. If you're with the guys and you find something was missing from your pockets, you always know it's him. The worst part was that he's so cunning that you never even notice when he pickpockets you.

With time, you grew to understand more and more the kind of person the lower city built Yoongi up to be. By law, Yoongi was technically a criminal guilty of theft and gambling through illegal street racing, but the last two parts you already knew. You were guilty of gambling and betting on him in the past.

You actually stopped placing bets on the four boys at the races because you felt it wasn't fair for them if you cherry-picked Yoongi/Agust D as your favorite all the time just because he's your boyfriend. You wanted to support all of them equally, because you loved them all equally. Except you loved Yoongi a lot more in a different way for obvious reasons.

You also learned that Yoongi dropped out of the university you and Jungkook went to. He would always avoid the question of why he did it, though, so you would assume his current status was the reason, but you didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Yoongi was a great help with your assignments and schoolwork. All the guys were, in fact. You were able to get a lot of hands-on experience with Yoongi at the repair shop, and you learned a few tips and tricks from him that Professor Ahn never taught you.

In your three months together, by his own accord, Yoongi ended up getting an orbit ring pierced into his left ear. It was a nice accent for his two hoops in each ear, and the earring itself wasn't flashy or shiny. Most of the time, you forgot it was even there. That's how simple the piece of jewelry was.

Today in your repair workshop classroom, you were standing with Jungkook while you were listening to your professor finishing up his lesson before class ended.

You noticed the professor's eyes kept drawing somewhere else. Then he finally said: "It can't be. Is that who I think it is?"

"Doc." A very familiar voice replied.

The whole class turned their heads to Yoongi leaning in the exit doorway with both his arms and legs crossed. He was just in deep blue jeans, a hoodie, and a black letter jacket over it. Pretty comfy and warm for a cold day like today. You had no idea how long he's been standing there.

"We're in the middle of class here. Can I help you with something?" The professor tried not to be rude.

"Ah, I'm just here to pick up Kim Y/N, but it looks like I'm here early." Yoongi answered.

"Well, while you're here, would you like to demonstrate what the final would look like, mister Min Yoongi?"

"Is it still the same?"

"It never changed."

"Sure. Maybe I can beat my old time." Yoongi strolled to the professor from the door.

You overheard one of the girls say very quietly to her friend: "He's hot."

That's my boyfriend. You strictly said to her in your head.

"I don't know. I think Jeon Jungkook is a little cuter." Her friend replied.

Yoongi stood near the Honda while Professor Ahn held a stopwatch and told him his goal: search for the singular problem hidden in the car. On his way over, he took off his jacket and hung it over your head, making you smile. The professor gave him a countdown and Yoongi got in a running stance as if he was about to run cross-country.

When Professor Ahn told him to go and started the stopwatch, Yoongi snatched a car creeper and rolled on it beneath the back of the car. In seconds, he popped back out from the front and threw open the hood, looking under and reaching inside. After checking everything, you watched him replace a part. When he finished, he swung the driver's door open, sat inside, and turned the key. The engine buffered for a second or two, then the car started. He pressed the gas a couple times to listen for any other problems, but it sounded smooth.

Professor Ahn stopped the stopwatch. "What was the problem, Mr. Min?"

"Faulty spark plug. It only takes one to cause misfire in the engine." Answered Yoongi confidently, and quickly.

"Do you know what your time was?"

"Uhh, same as last time?"

"57.8 seconds. Your last record, which was the course record, mind you, was 65 seconds. You beat it by 7 seconds."

Applause filled the entire classroom.

"Do you remember the point of this test?" Professor Ahn quizzed Yoongi.

"In case there's a dire emergency like a natural disaster and you need to fix your car—if it CAN be fixed—to outrun it." Yoongi answered again.

"Correct. And if you can't fix the car?"

"You're fucked."

The class giggled. Even you and Jungkook almost laughed.

"Alright, genius. You're done. Take my student and get out of my classroom." Professor Ahn playfully shoved Yoongi towards you and Jungkook. "Class dismissed!"

Yoongi swiped your backpack at your feet and threw it over his shoulder.  You put on Yoongi's jacket and walked out to the hallway with him and Jungkook.

"You're so cool, hyung!" Jungkook smiled widely. "How long did you study the first time you did that test?"

"I didn't." Answered Yoongi simply. "Can I have my jacket now?" He asked you.

"Aww! But it's so warm and smells good!" You fussed.

"Hand it over." He held his hand out.

You pouted, taking his jacket off and giving it back so he could put it on.

Jungkook soon broke off so he could go to work at the repair shop. You bought a snack to share with Yoongi at the cafe and lounged around to eat it.

Someone tapped Yoongi's shoulder. When he rolled his head to see who was disturbing his peace with you, it was one of the girls from your class. "Aren't you the guy that beat Professor Ahn's course final record?"

"Who wants to know?" Yoongi kept it vague, not confirming or denying.


"So what?"

"Min Yoongi, right?"

"What's it to you?"

"I was just wondering if you'd want to go out sometime. Maybe to a strip mall by the beach?" The girl offered Yoongi, wanting to go out on a date.

"So you're saying you want to strip for me?" Yoongi twisted her question completely with a neutrally flat tone, knowing exactly what she secretly wanted from him.

The girl turned red in blush. "If it makes no difference to you."

"I strongly suggest you turn around and walk away RIGHT NOW."

"Not interested?"


"By HER? She's not much to look at."

Yoongi became stiff. Somehow a dark shadow loomed over his eyes.

"Mind if I gauge your eyes out to improve your blindness?" Yoongi growled deeply, serious.

"W-What?" The girl stuttered.

Without any warning, Yoongi shoved her against a wall with chopsticks he took from the pocket of your backpack pressed to her neck just below her jaw, making her whimper as he threatened her. "You're pissing me off. If you want to keep your neck, you will do your best to shut the fuck up and not make another sound. It would be a shame to waste that pretty face of yours."

She was beginning to hyperventilate in fear, her eyes shining like gloss.

You had seen Yoongi act like this before. He was not well-known for his cool temper and impulse control.

Calmly, you placed your hand on Yoongi's shoulder and pried the chopsticks from his tight fingers, disarming him. "Yoongi. The stream is flooding." You told him in a soft voice.

Yoongi's furrowed eyes relaxed, his sharp glare neutralizing. He released the girl slowly and backed away. His gaze drew to you, the bonfire in his eyes reducing to a gentle flame.

"That's it. Let the stream flow. Don't let it rage." You kept your tone gentle for him, then wrapped your arms around him lovingly. "Don't let it be a river."

Yoongi took a breath, calming in your arms. "Sorry." His voice quietly husked.

The girl took her chance to leave as you spared her from him.

This was how you calmed Yoongi down when he would get out of control; similar to Black Widow and the Hulk in the Marvel movies.

You compared Yoongi's temper levels to a running stream of freshwater. The default comparison was a stream. Whenever he would get angry at someone or something, you would tell him that the stream was flooding to gently remind him to calm and control his temper.

You never wanted his "stream" to become a river. Rivers are known to rage, and Yoongi's temper could be dangerously destructive if he completely lost it. That was not something you could let happen. You were too scared to see it, and you didn't know if Yoongi would even be mentally there.

You were probably the only person that could ever truly calm him down.

"I love you." You whispered to him.

Yoongi melted into your body, his face beginning to burrow into your neck with an exhale from his nose crawling down your skin.

"What has the world done to you...?" You gently kissed his jaw, embracing him a little while longer.

In the '59 Cadillac, you cuddled together on the front bench seats until he was ready to calmly get back into the world again and drove off campus grounds.

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