Good Enough

By coolaid__

1.8K 188 457

"I'm not good enough for you." "What are you talking about?" "I'm nothing compared to you.." ... More

Climbin' up to reach your land, Never done
Is it gravity or ocean wind that always bring me back, wanting you?
Let's be true, 'cause it's you.
Just let me wave to you, not wave goodbye. Let me stay by your side
'Cause it's good enough. Yeah, it's good enough for me.
Don't let me go back to darkness of blue. As long as I'm with you
I want nothin' more, nothin' more, nothin' more.
'Cause it's good enough, good enough, good enough.
Going back and forth and reaching for the place I know, that seems so far
Where you'll put your arms around my heart and keep me warm
It's not gravity or ocean wind, that always bring me back wanting you
I'll be true, it's just you.
Just let me wave to you not wave goodbye, let me stay by your side
'Cause it's good enough,yeah,it's good enough for me.

At the end I'm pulled away, Chances gone

141 18 21
By coolaid__

After class Gunil quickly shoved everything back into his bag and quickly rushed out of the classroom, totally not because he didn't want to miss Jungsu walking by, pfft no way..

"Hey Hyung !!" 

He looked around from the sudden shout thinking it was Jungsu, nope scratch that. It was Jooyeon, Jungsu's voice isn't that high anyways,,

"Oh Hi Jooyeon!" The longer haired boy sprinted over to his Hyung, almost running into the wall. If it wasn't for Gunil grabbing his arm before he completely smashed into the wall he most definitely would have injured his nose. 

"AHH- oh. You're a life saver Gunil !" 

"yeah yeah, anyways how was your first class?" Gunil asked as the duo started walking through the halls.

"It was good, I was just really craving Strawberry Cake.." Jooyeon huffed out.

The elder nodded "Maybe after classes the six of us could go to like a cafe or something? Then you can finally get that strawberry cake."

Jooyeon cheered as he heard that come out of the others mouth "This is why you're my favorite Hyung, other that Jiseok."

Gunil shrugged and nodded "Understandable."

"Hey look theres Seungmin and Hyeongjun !! Hey you guys !!" Jooyeon jumped up and waved his hands, trying to get the pairs attention. 

Seungmin looked up first, then tapped Hyeongjun's shoulder and pointed over to Jooyeon. Hyeongjun giggled and walked over to the two with Seungmin right by his side.

"Hi guys, sorry we didn't catch you guys this morning,. Seungmin was late to wake up so I had to wait forever for him," Hyeongjun spoke in an exaggerated tone.

The fox like boy scoffed and shook his head "I didn't wake up that late.. but anyways ! how are you guys doing?"

"Eh I'm d-" 

"I am EXHAUSTED ! I'm hungry, my first class was so BORING ! I just can't wait for after school because Hyung is taking us all to a cafe !! Oohh I should go find Jiseok and Jungsu and tell them too !! See you guys later bye !!" Jooyeon waved as he sprinted away to find his other two hyungs.

Gunil let out a breathy chuckle as he watched the younger rush away.

"So, you serious about the cafe? Cause If so I'd love to come." Hyeongjun switched his gaze from Seungmin to Gunil.

"Yeah I'd like too as well, well it's been a bit we've gotta get to class, see you later Hyung !" Hyeongjun waved as he and Seungmin walked in the direction of their next classes.

Gunil waved to the two as he also started making his way to his next class.

As Gunil was walking he noticed something, or someone? Oh man it was Jungsu. He totally forgot his and Jungsu's second classes were right next to each other. I mean he wasn't that mad, but it would be a bit awkward talking to him because of what he had figured out in first period.

"Oh hey Hyung!"

speak of the devil, Jungsu made his way over to Gunil with his bright smile.

"Oh Hi Jungsu,,"

Jungsu looked at Gunil with a confused look "You look unhappy to see me, did something happen?"

yes. "No nothing, just tired yknow? thanks for your concern,,"

"Why wouldn't I be concerned for my best friend? Anywho, Jooyeon told me about our plans after school I can't wait !! I've gotta head to class now, See ya Gunil !!"

"Yup see you,," He waved to Jungsu as the other walked into his awaiting class.

'best friend." That coming from Jungsu made a knot tie in his stomach. Like all the organs inside him just decided to tie a bow. 

He sighed and started to make his way to his second class.
Once Gunil sat down in his seat, someone actually sat next to him. The boy had blonde hair, very obviously bleached but it fit him well. He had a small silver stud on the side of his nose, along with silver earrings and a few necklaces. In Gunil's opinion, he looked awesome.

Though Gunil had never seen him before. As any person would do, he decided to start a conversation with the male.

"Hey are you new here? Uh- I'm Gunil.."

The blonde boy looked over and gave Gunil a dimpled smile. "Yeah ! It's nice to meet you mate, I'm Chan !" It was easy to tell the boy was most definitely not from here because of the noticeable accent when he spoke.

"It's nice to meet you too, where are you from?"

"Ah I'm from Australia. Is it that obvious I'm not from around here?" Chan chuckled out.

"Well it's just you have a small accent when you speak, it's not a bad thing, it was just a bit noticeable"

Chan hummed and nodded his head "Yeah that makes sense,,I haven't been living here for a while so please bare with me if my korean isn't good" He chuckled once again.

"Oh you speak english?" Chan's eyes widened with shock as he heard the other speak english.

"Holy shiii-uh snicker doodle. You know english?!?" The dimpled boy spoke as his face lit up.

Gunil laughed and nodded "I lived in the states for a bit so I learned some english, I'm not the best but I would say I'm fluent."

Chan nodded "That's so cool, I can tell we're going to be great friends."

Gunil smiled and nodded "Yeah, me too."
"I know right? Like-- I just woke up to him in my face and saying 'wakey wakey', It scared the living hell out of my man.. Oh shit- I mean shoot ! Ahh sorry for swearing.." Chan spoke as he quickly cupped his hand over his mouth

Gunil was laughing as he packed up his bag "That's crazy man, and don't worry you're fine I swear all the time. But dude your friends sound like awesome yet chaotic people."

Chan sighed and nodded "Yeah, It's like im a father of seven sometimes, yknow?"

"Right that's how I feel with my friends ! Like out of them all I'm probably the most mature."

"Exactly !! It was great talking to you Gunil, can't wait to see you tomorrow ! Bye !!" Chan gave Gunil his usual dimple filled smile and walked away to his next class.

"See you !!" Gunil Waved as he walked the other way. That was awesome, he made a new friend and completely forgot about Jungsu.

"Hyung !! over here!!"

Or so he thought.

"Oh hey guys ! Whats going ?"

 Standing there were Jungsu Jiseok and Jooyeon.

"Oh nothing we just missed you Gunil !" Jungsu spoke with a smile.

"Ahh alright totally."

"Wait no seriously though, what time are we all heading to the cafe?"

"I don't know maybe like,, 2:30?" Gunil said unsurely 

Jooyeon nodded "Yeah that's fine. well we'll see you there Hyung ! Byeeeee !!"

"Bye guys !!" Gunil shouted out as he started to make his way to his next class.

Huh. He felt more relaxed around Jungsu just now.

Ah so maybe that 'crush' thing was just a small little thought..

words: 1163

SECOND CHAPTER DONE !! got bored so added Chan, and over time might add some others ? lmk what you guys thought <33 

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