on tour || DNF

By gnfisluv

2.5K 174 202

When Wilbur's indie band embarks on a tour with the hottest new pop group, Dreams, the US is abuzz with excit... More

❥1 | rules
❥2 | dread
❥3 | first impressions
❥4 | unfair
❥5 | club lights
❥6 | rain on me
❥7 | home towns
❥8 | like a rock star
❥9 | lyrics
❥10 | moves
❥12 | alcoholic
❥13 | royalty
❥14 | soft spot
❥15 | cant help but stare
❥16 | smile
❥17 | thorns
❥18 | birthday
❥19 | city that never sleeps
❥20 | star shopping
❥21 | sight seeing
❥22 | approved
❥23 | people write songs about boys like you
❥24 | under your nose
❥25 | calls
❥26 | hotel rooms and skyscrapers
❥27 | bugs
❥28 | dip in day dreams
❥29 | stars are made to burn
❥30 | right here
❥31 | better than ever
❥32 | sunny side up
❥33 | confront
❥34 | snitches get stitches
❥ 35 | talk
❥ 36 | final stop
❥ 37 | welcome
❥ 38 | spotlight
❥ 39 | receipts
❥40 | drift
❥41 | waiting
❥42 | wishing
❥43 | lovesick
❥44 | again
❥45 | impulse
❥46 | reality
❥47| never

❥11 | workaholic

55 4 0
By gnfisluv

☆dreams pov☆

The countryside lay before me like a divine fingerprint, curving and changing, no two parts the same. In all the world this view was unique, such is the way of the organic world. The dip and sway of the land, the patterns and species of flora, the ever changing sky and wind.

I hadn't seen much of george lately, he would have made the view ten times better.

Maybe if I hadn't been so bold he wouldn't have been so annoyed, is he annoyed? have I fucked things over between us?

I wanted to convince myself I was just being paranoid about him being pissed off at me, he is always pissed off at everyone anyway it would be no different.

All I could think of was his soft skin against my fingers, how easy his waist slid into my hands like magnets and how much I wanted it again.

"you missing someone?" Sapnap asked from the bed beside mine, my eyes flickered away from the window.
My eyes darted up at him with my mouth agape, "what? how do you know? is it that obvious?" I quickly ask, knowing i've been caught yet again day dreaming about someone I shouldn't be.

"you always pull that face, dude if you miss your mom just facetime her" Sapnap blankly said before returning to his phone.

"right. my mom, yeh." I agreed, half forcing myself into believing it's my mom I'm truly missing too.

sapnaps eyes suddenly looked enraged, I don't know what realisation he came to but I hope he doesn't  link to what I'm thinking of, george.

george, george, george. fuck.


Repeating his name in my head makes it even worse, each syllable, each thought and each interaction makes me more head over heels without realising it, im falling heart first into his trap.

"you miss fundy! you always pull that face. fucking hell dream" Sapnap sighed disappointed.

I took a deep breath of relief for his stupidity but then I listened to what he said, I don't pull a face whenever I think of fundy?

"no I don't. if anything I hate him more than anything right now" I hummed in reply, quickly tapping my finger against the space bar of my laptop on one of my thighs.

"uh huh sure.." Sapnap suspiciously replied, his eyes fixed onto my expression as of he was attempting to read me.

"what! i'm being serious. he is fucked up in the head." I snap back.

"glad you finally realise, well have fun thinking of your lover boy" Sapnap goaded, giving me a wink as he rose to his feet.

"i'm not thinking of him for the last time!" I replied defensively.

"okay fine I believe you, jesus dream i've never seen you get that feisty over him" Sapnap said surprised.

"good, now let me work"

"okay okay i'm on my way out. come join us later yeh? if it's not too dark by then we can play some basketball"

"no promises, i'm in the zone to work right now. but of course I can make some time for maybe one match" I grinned at him before clicking onto the document.

Sapnap finally gave that Sapnap style grin before closing the door behind him, leaving me alone with nothing but my own thoughts.

I stare at the blank sheet of paper that lies before me, feeling the pressure of trying to write something meaningful, something that will resonate with my listeners. I feel my fingers aching from repeatedly tapping the keys, but I push through the pain, knowing this is all part of the process.

I type in words, erasing them, typing something else, then erasing that too. I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels, going nowhere, but I know I have to keep going.

A sigh of frustration came out as yet another set of lyrics turns out to be a dud. I'm tempted to throw my laptop across the room, but I force myself to take a deep breath and refocus on the job at hand. I type in more words, erasing them again, starting over on a different verse.

It feels like I'm fighting an uphill battle, but I know that eventually something will click and I'll find the right words.

I type in a few more sentences, thinking I'm finally on the right track. I glance over at the clock, realizing that hours have passed without me even realizing it. I keep typing, not even caring how much time has passed.

I begin working on the next verse, and suddenly, it hits me. I finally have the right words and they flow out onto the page easily. I feel a sense of satisfaction as I type out the last line of the verse.

I'm in the middle of writing the last verse when all of a sudden knock thumps from the other side of the door. before I even get to answer my best friend walks in.

"Dude, you need to take a break. you missed dinner completely and we are performing tomorrow too" Sapnap said loudly.

I start to argue back, but he cuts me off. "It's not healthy for you to be sitting at the computer for hours on end like this."

I try to protest again, but he won't have it. "Enough, you're coming out of your room for once."

I sigh in frustration as he pulls the power cord out of my computer.

I stare at Sapnap, feeling a mixture of annoyance and guilt. On one hand, I know he's right, it's not healthy for me to overwork myself like this. But on the other hand, I feel like I'm on a roll and don't want to stop now.

My friend sighs, clearly sympathetic to my frustration. "I know 'you're in the zone right now', but it's for your own good." he says.

I start to protest again, but he holds up his hand to stop me.

"okay mom i'm coming out now, since when was you the one who bossed me about I swear you usually complain that I boss you" I sigh. closing my laptop shut and rising to my feet.

"since I wanted to play basketball with you" sapnap grinned, reaching under his bed and pulling out my basketball.

With the basketball now spinning on his finger, he casted me a look before leaving our room. Earlier we was looking at closest courts to play on and there was a public one right behind where the tour bus was parked.

I remember the countless afternoons spent on the basketball court with Sapnap. The rhythmic bounce of the ball against the pavement became the soundtrack to our friendship. We'd challenge each other, push each other's limits, and celebrate every improvement together.

After, we decided to work on our three-point shots. I was always the more accurate shooter, my form impeccable and my aim true. Sapnap, on the other hand, struggled to find his rhythm from beyond the arc. he just sucks. But that didn't deter us. I patiently taught Sapnap the nuances of the shot, adjusting his stance and guiding him follow-through.

As the hours passed, our competitive spirits took over. We started a friendly shooting competition, each of us taking turns to sink as many three-pointers as possible. The stakes? Bragging rights for a week and the loser buying ice-cold drinks.

With each shot, the pressure mounted, but so did the fun. The laughter, the friendly banter, and the sheer joy of playing the game we loved overshadowed any sense of competition. Every miss was met with encouragement, every made shot with cheers and high-fives.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, we realized it was time to wrap up. Exhausted but exhilarated, we headed to the nearby store to grab our drinks. Sitting on the curb, sipping our beverages, we reflected on the day's practice.

It wasn't just about improving our basketball skills; it was about friendship, support, and shared passion. Those hours on the court weren't just practice sessions; they were memories in the making, moments that strengthened our bond and enriched our lives. And as we walked home, basketball in hand and smiles on our faces, I knew that no matter where life took us, we'd always have these moments to look back on and cherish.

As I made my way back to the tour bus, basketball in hand and sweat trickling down my forehead, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of contentment. The court had been a temporary escape from the chaos of tour life, a sanctuary where my best friend and I could simply be ourselves.

Playing basketball with Sapnap was always a highlight of my day. It wasn't just about the game; it was about the camaraderie, the shared passion, and the unspoken understanding between us. We pushed each other to be better, not just on the court but in life. Our games were filled with laughter, friendly competition, and moments of pure joy.

even someone from the other band had came over and sat with us for a bit.

Today's session had been particularly intense. We had both given it our all, diving for loose balls, executing intricate plays, and celebrating every basket like it was the game-winning shot. The adrenaline was still coursing through my veins as I walked, replaying the highlights of the game in my mind.

As I approached the tour bus, I could hear the faint sounds of music and laughter emanating from inside. The rest of the crew was already getting ready for the evening's performance, but for now, I relished the solitude of the quiet parking lot.

I climbed aboard the bus, greeted by the familiar scent of leather and the hum of the engine. Sapnap was already there, sprawled out on one of the couches, a grin plastered on his face and Karl beside him playing with his hair.

"Another epic game, huh?" he said, chuckling as he caught sight of me.

I nodded, collapsing onto the seat opposite him. "Definitely one for the books."


"all you do is work clay! you don't pay attention to me anymore" fundy screamed loudly, swiping a piece of paper off of the desk in front of me and onto the planked flooring.

my eyes dug into him and I took a step towards him, "am I not allowed to work?! I give you plenty of attention, you're not even supposed to be in my office floris." I hushed across the room slightly aggressive.

"i'm your boyfriend i'm allowed to be here." fundy told me.

"I don't need to be watched twenty four seven. i'm capable by myself" I told him, scoffing and shaking my head.

everyone else was in the main room of the office and I could hear them laughing over something from downstairs.

"well I want to watch you all the time, let me join the band." he forcefully requested.

i tried not to choke up on my words and instead I stared at him with my mouth agape.

I never thought joining a band would lead to arguments like this. Sitting across from Fundy, the tension in the room was palpable. His proposal to join my band as a way to "keep an eye on me" had caught me completely off guard.

"Fundy, you can't just insert yourself into the band like that," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's not fair to the other members, and it's not fair to me."

Fundy's eyes narrowed, his frustration evident. "I just want to make sure you're okay, Dream. You know how the music industry can be. I've heard stories."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I appreciate your concern, I really do. But I need to make my own decisions. I can't have you watching over my shoulder all the time."

Fundy looked hurt, but his expression quickly hardened. "So, what? You don't trust me? Is that it?"

"It's not about trust, Fundy," I replied, trying to choose my words carefully. "It's about respecting each other. I need to be able to focus on the music, on the band, without feeling like I'm being monitored."

Fundy's jaw clenched, and he looked away, clearly struggling to process my words. "I just thought... I thought we were in this together, Dream. I thought we had each other's backs."

"We do, Fundy," I said softly, reaching out to touch his arm. "But having each other's backs also means giving each other the freedom to pursue our own paths, even if it means taking risks."

Fundy finally met my gaze, his eyes searching mine for a long moment. "Okay," he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll respect your decision. But promise me one thing."

"Anything," I replied.

"Don't shut me out completely," he said, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "Let me be there for you, even if it's just as a boyfriend and not as a band member."

I nodded, relieved and grateful. "Deal," I said, feeling the weight of the argument lift from the room. "You'll always be my best, Fundy, no matter what."

The atmosphere in the room had shifted once again, this time taking on a darker tone. Fundy's face hardened, his eyes flashing with anger as he pulled away from my touch.

"You know what, Dream?" he spat out, his voice laced with bitterness. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just stay out of your way completely. Clearly, my concern and support mean nothing to you."

I was taken aback by the sudden change in his demeanor. "Fundy, that's not what I meant—"

"Don't," he cut me off, his voice cold. "Just don't. I've tried to be understanding, to give you space, but it's clear that's not what you want. Maybe it's time for me to move on, find my own path."

"Fundy, please," I pleaded, feeling a knot of panic tightening in my chest. "Don't say that. I value our relationship more than anything."

Fundy scoffed, his eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. "Do you? Because it sure doesn't feel like it."

I tried to reach out to him again, but he pulled away, his anger palpable. "I'm sorry, Fundy," I said, my voice breaking. "I never wanted it to come to this."

Fundy shook his head, his expression unreadable. "Maybe we both need some time apart to figure things out," he said, his voice softer now, tinged with sadness. "I just hope that when we do, we can find a way to mend what's been broken."

With that, Fundy turned and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the echoes of our argument ringing in my ears. As I sat there, grappling with the sudden rift between us, I realized just how fragile relationships could be, and how easily misunderstandings could tear them apart.

I knew he was just convincing me he was the victim, he always told me that 'maybe we just need space'. of course he always got his way and made me seem bad. i'm just unsure on how to act on it.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, trying to process the fallout with Fundy, the door to the room swung open, and Sapnap walked in, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Dream, what's all the shouting about?" Sapnap asked, eyeing me warily.

I took a deep breath, struggling to find the words to explain. "Fundy and I had an argument," I said, my voice shaky. "He wanted to join the band to keep an eye on me, and I didn't think it was a good idea. Things got heated, and now he's gone."

Sapnap raised an eyebrow, clearly not a fan of Fundy's overprotective tendencies. "Man, Fundy's always been a bit much, hasn't he? I can see why you wouldn't want him hovering over you all the time."

"Yeah, but he's my boyfriend, Sapnap, I've been dating him since I was 16." I admitted, feeling a pang of guilt. "I just wish things hadn't escalated the way they did."

Sapnap sighed, taking a seat beside me. "Look, I get that he's your boyfriend, but maybe it's good for both of you to have some space right now. Sometimes people need to figure things out on their own."

"I hope you're right," I said, nodding thoughtfully. "I miss him already, though."

Sapnap clapped me on the shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "Give it some time, Dream. Things will work themselves out one way or another. Just focus on the music and let the chips fall where they may."

I nodded, taking comfort in Sapnap's words. "Thanks, Sapnap," I said, feeling a bit more hopeful. "I'll do my best to sort things out with Fundy. He's my boyfriend, and despite our differences, I can't imagine anything without him."

Sapnap grinned, his eyes twinkling with understanding. "That's the spirit, Dream. Just remember, you and him may have your ups and downs, but you both always bounce back at it again"

Taking another deep breath, I looked at Sapnap and then back at the door through which Fundy had exited. "You know what, Sapnap? Maybe you're right. Maybe Fundy joining the band isn't such a bad idea after all."

Sapnap looked surprised but then grinned, clearly pleased with my change of heart. "Really? You're willing to give it a shot?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding decisively. "If it means that much to him and it helps the arguing, then I'm willing to try. Plus, having Fundy around could bring a different dynamic to the band, something unique."

Sapnap chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Man, you really are too good for your own good sometimes. But I respect that. Just make sure you set some ground rules with Fundy, okay? You don't want things to get too complicated."

"and also, no sex backstage I beg" he added with a laugh, I responded by shooting him a death glare.

"I will," I promised, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "I'll talk to Fundy and make sure we're on the same page. I don't want anything to arise because of this."

Sapnap stood up, clapping me on the shoulder. "Sounds like a plan, Dream. Just remember, communication is key. And who knows? Maybe this will turn out to be a blessing in disguise."

Feeling more optimistic than I had in hours, I picked up my phone to text Fundy, hoping to initiate a conversation that would pave the way for his inclusion in the band.


My heart beating fast, my adrenaline pumping, I walk onto the stage, taking in the crowd before me.

It's a sea of people, all here to listen to me sing. Some of them are familiar faces, others are strangers, but they're all united in their love for music.

I feel a surge of energy coursing through my veins as I look out at the crowd, my body thrumming with excitement.

I take a deep breath and step up to the mic.

"hello vermont" I say into the microphone, my voice echos into the series of speakers situated across the crowd but I can't hear them when the screaming starts.

Stepping onto the stage, the bright lights casting a warm glow on my face, I felt a rush of adrenaline course through my veins. The familiar hum of the crowd filled the air, a mix of excitement and anticipation that never failed to energize me. This was it—the moment I had been waiting for, the culmination of hours of practice, dedication, and passion.

As the intro music faded, the crowd's cheers grew louder, their enthusiasm palpable. I took a deep breath, centering myself, and then glanced over at the band members beside me.

Time seemed to blur as the setlist progressed, each song building upon the last, creating a tapestry of sound and emotion that captivated the audience. The energy in the room was electric, a symbiotic exchange of energy between performer and listener that fueled the intensity of the performance.

As the final notes of the last song echoed through the venue, the crowd erupted into applause, their cheers and shouts of appreciation washing over me like a tidal wave of affirmation. I couldn't help but smile, my heart swelling with gratitude and joy.

Stepping forward to address the crowd, I thanked them for their unwavering support and enthusiasm, their presence making the night truly special. As I waved goodbye, leaving the stage bathed in a wash of colorful lights and echoing applause, I knew that this was just the beginning.

As I basked in the afterglow of the performance, my eyes wandered across the sea of faces in the audience, searching for familiar ones among the crowd. That's when I saw him—George.

Our eyes met, and for a moment, the world around us faded away. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of excitement and vulnerability washing over me. It was as if time had paused, allowing us to share a private moment amidst the chaos of the concert.

I felt a rush of emotions—hope, anticipation, a hint of nervousness—as I held his gaze, his eyes seeming to reflect the same mixture of feelings. The connection was undeniable, a magnetic pull that drew us closer despite the distance between us.

The crowd's cheers and the noise of the venue became mere background noise, overshadowed by the intensity of our shared gaze. It was a silent conversation, filled with unspoken words and emotions, a dance of longing and understanding that transcended the spoken language.

As the final applause began to fade, George's smile widened, his eyes sparkling with a warmth and affection that melted my heart. I couldn't help but smile back, my heart swelling with a newfound sense of joy and excitement.

As I made my way through the crowd after the performance, George was there, waiting for me with a smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Great show, Dream," George said, his voice soft and sincere. "You were amazing up there."

"Thanks, George," I replied, feeling a wave of happiness wash over me. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." I smirked.

"oh god I can tell you've already let that boost your ego." he complained.

"you know it" I winked in reply, "how come you waited for me?"

"who says I was waiting for you?" george said smugly, his eyes not leaving mine and his voice echoing through out the outdoor stadium.

"I just assumed you was."

"I was waiting for punz actually but you're better, tell punz to meet me some other time." george requested.

why was I all the sudden pissed off at punz?

"punz?" I questioned, my voice getting stuck in my throat.

"mhm he wants me to show him something on the drums, i've never actually spoke to him though" george answered.

without noticing, we had slowly begun to walk back to the buses, his shoulder brushing against mine every few steps, his hand grazing my knuckles every once in a while.

"he's sound, he's the only sane one it feels like" I scoffed in reply.

"awh what about karl he's a sweetheart" george replied with a frown.

"his tongue is too busy shoved down sapnap throat, asks about my love life too much too. apart from that he is brilliant"

"he's nice, definitely my favourite out of all of you" george hummed.

"wow, i'm offended george what happened to me being 'so damn attractive' hm?" I questioned him, my eyes scanning his body. he looked more put together than usual.

"what happened to you being able to 'read me like a book'. if that was true you would of realised that it was a lie." george grinned between glossed lips.

"'awh what about karl he's a sweetheart'" I mocked him, repeating the same words he said moments ago in my fake british accent.

"you're hot though- hey don't mock me! fuck you" george spat, his fist playfully punching my shoulder.

"you just called me hot and said fuck you in the same sentence make up your mind." I laughed.

"well i've decided you are a prick." he said.

As we walked together, the playful tension between us was palpable. George's presence had a way of bringing out my more mischievous side, and our conversation quickly turned into flirty banter.

"So, Dream, do you always serenade your audience or was tonight special?" George asked with a smirk, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

I chuckled, feigning innocence. "Oh, is that what I was doing? I was just trying to make sure you were paying attention."

George laughed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Trust me, you had my full attention. But maybe next time, you could dedicate something to me? You know, for that extra personal touch?"

I grinned, enjoying the banter. "Only if you promise to be front row, center. I'll even throw in a wink just for you."

George pretended to ponder this for a moment, his finger tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, a wink, you say? Well, how can I resist an offer like that?"

The playful exchange continued as we made our way through the streets, our laughter mingling with the fading noise of cars zooming past. It was a dance of words and wit, a teasing game that kept us both on our toes and smiling.

As we reached wilbur's tour bus, George turned to me, his expression still playful but sincere. "I like walking with you but I still hate you. wilbur plans to go out collectively somewhere, probably a park knowing him. i'll see you there"

I grinned, rising to the challenge. "You're on, George. I'll be sure to bring my A-game."

George laughed, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Until next time, Dream."

i've not been able to sleep so i've just been writing, I randomly felt like going on a bit writing spree. i'm starting to become more of an ao3 gyal 💔.

shorter chapter than usual.

start date: 30th march 2024
finish date: 9th april 2024
words: 4361

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