on tour || DNF

By gnfisluv

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When Wilbur's indie band embarks on a tour with the hottest new pop group, Dreams, the US is abuzz with excit... More

❥1 | rules
❥2 | dread
❥3 | first impressions
❥4 | unfair
❥5 | club lights
❥6 | rain on me
❥8 | like a rock star
❥9 | lyrics
❥10 | moves
❥11 | workaholic
❥12 | alcoholic
❥13 | royalty
❥14 | soft spot
❥15 | cant help but stare
❥16 | smile
❥17 | thorns
❥18 | birthday
❥19 | city that never sleeps
❥20 | star shopping
❥21 | sight seeing
❥22 | approved
❥23 | people write songs about boys like you
❥24 | under your nose
❥25 | calls
❥26 | hotel rooms and skyscrapers
❥27 | bugs
❥28 | dip in day dreams
❥29 | stars are made to burn
❥30 | right here
❥31 | better than ever
❥32 | sunny side up
❥33 | confront
❥34 | snitches get stitches
❥ 35 | talk
❥ 36 | final stop
❥ 37 | welcome
❥ 38 | spotlight
❥ 39 | receipts
❥40 | drift
❥41 | waiting
❥42 | wishing
❥43 | lovesick
❥44 | again
❥45 | impulse
❥46 | reality
❥47| never

❥7 | home towns

64 3 0
By gnfisluv

☆dreams pov☆

mentions of sex

We sat in the rickety pull out stands in the local leisure centre me and Sapnap discovered on our way back from breakfast, to get some exercise in. The familiar whiffs of sweat and industrial cleaner filled the air. All sounds, as in the quiet sounds of shoes scuffing and creaks of doors, were distorted, the strange echo forming the equivalent audio to a shower curtain.

I love gyms like this, I grew up in them. I spent many of my happiest moments in similar airless confines with a basketball in my hand, usually this is mine and Nicks "brother talk" but from his lack of maturity I would count him as my son.

I love the sound of dribbling. I love the sheen of sweat that starts popping up on my faces during warmups. I love the feel of peberly leather on your fingertips; that moment of nonreligious purity when your eyes lock on the front of the rim and you release the all and it backspins and there is nothing else in the entire world.

I took two steps forward, my arms feelings back and my knees slightly bent, and I released. Sapnap desperately jumped in front of me despite of the large height disadvantage he had.

I was 6'2 so I was the average height of the other people I play against, well I only play against some friends in my spare time. Sapnap on the other hand is 5'10 and was the height of my shoulder, possibly my throat if you count that silly cap he always had glued to his head.

The ball circled the rim for a long few seconds before finally plodding itself in.

"I give up!" Sapnap shouted, shaking his head and walking off to the empty bleachers,

I smiled victoriously and followed him too, picking up the basketball on my way out.

"loser!" I shouted back.

This certain basketball meant so much to me, all my band signed it for me a few years back after I broke my arm in a fall off the bleachers. My eyes trailed down to the rough skin of it and towards the jet black ink printed in it.

Everyone wrote their name, apart from foolish who mistaken it as a place for autographs, he wrote his signature like I was some fan. There was a few little drawings of stars and spirals Karl added in a dark green colour of sharpie. Then my eyes led me to the bottom, I spun the ball so I could get a better look it.

In black letters the name fundy was printed, in that pretty cursive writing he had with a love heart on the end, the way he swooped his letters made him look like a old time poet, it was beautiful.

"you coming dream?" Sapnap shouted in the doorway, I hadn't realised that I had frozen still on the squeaky flooring.

I frowned down at the ball and continued walking, holding it down by my side as I strode.

"mhm sorry." I whispered, he heard it anyway due to the loud echo.

We walked into the locker room to wipe off the sweat and he kept glancing back at me like I was a curious child in a supermarket; I was being the opposite, my head hung low to the floor and I didn't speak apart from my twitching lip.

"you really need to bleach his name off or something" Sapnap murmured, wiping his forehead with a small ragged cloth from his gym bag.

With offended eyes, I squinted at him "shutup." I told him, sliding my hands down to unbutton my shirt, as I was way too hot. With my chest exposed to the cool breeze of the barely working air con above us, I slipped the strap of my duffel bag over my shoulder and walked out.

"just saying, whenever you look at it you act like you've seen a ghost" Sapnap noted, his shoes scraping across the floor as he caught up to me trying to open the fire exit door.

"it's feels like I am seeing a ghost" I murmured, quickly walking back to the tour bus.

"still not over him then?" Sapnap asked me.

My body froze and turned to him in middle of the scorching foot path, my feet burned through my trainers and my head felt hot. still not over him?

My shoulders shrugged, "mostly, I don't miss him as a person. I guess I just miss having someone there like that" I hummed, trying to to dig myself too deep into the question.

"I'm always there mate, you haven't dated or slept with anyone in years" Sapnap reminded me.

"I've not found the right person." I replied.

Sapnap nodded understandingly and we continued walking, yapping on about random past memories.

"y'know Karl spent most of his childhood in that gym" Sapnap told me, laughing slightly as he looked back. I looked back too, I could see a faint warehouse looking building in the distance.

"Karl plays basketball?" I questioned.

Sapnap looked at me like I was joking and then started laughing while shaking his head, "no, he was a water boy"

"that makes sense" I agreed.

Sapnap and Karl first met through me, I saw some guy who posted videos of him playing piano online and I was memorised, I knew he belonged with us. The way his fingers gracefully danced across the keyboard to make the most majestic notes of songs had me swooped, so I did what any young guy desperate for a pianist and messaged him. I found out he lived close so me and Bad had a meeting with him and instantly got him on the team, him and Sapnap were love at first sight from there.

Karl was our most recent member but at the same time he had been here a good few years so it wasn't like he was a rookie or anything.

The sun beamed in my eyes as Sapnap continued to talk on about random things, like how we live in a simulation and how he hates flat earthers. I just pretended to listen with an occasional nod as he chewed my ear off.

The sun's rays danced across the sky, painting the clouds in a warm palette of orange and pink. It was a bright and sunny day. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the clear, blue sky.

I feel great, the sun is shining. The air smells just as good as a neighbourhood Barbeque. I know it's going to be a good day. I continue to walk but at a slow pace. It's such a beautiful day out that I want to observe and take in all that nature has to offer for the day. The sun is feeling amazing as a warm blanket on a cold day, I continue to hear the water of the fountain falling back into the river it came out of.

Sapnap laughed and asked me questions as we walked, like about my first kiss and the last time I cried, I answered them all truthfully since there was no need to lie to Sapnap.

When we arrived to the field we was camping on I was in a much better mood, the walk home really cheered me up.

As we ventured through the field a familiar voice called me over.

"dream!" Niki shouted.

Me and Sapnap stopped and turned to her, the whole band was sat around in a circle on some camper chairs mostly and it looked like they were working on something over a beer.

I was still pissed at the whole robbery they did of our time slot but it wasn't end of the world.

"hey" I greeted, stepping closer to them.

In middle of their little circle there was a wooden prop up table with sheets of paper stacked, all of them had ink stained on them in lists or mind maps, I could tell they were brain storming.

"do you want to join us? we finished all of that stuff" Wilbur told me, flickering his vision between me and the spare spot on the ground beside George, he was the only who was kneeled on the floor.

I looked over to Sapnap for confirmation but he just shrugged at me like a lost child, It felt rude to deny the offer so I slumped down on the floor beside the brunette, he didn't even cast me a look.

Sapnap sat on the other side of me and instantly hopped into conversation with Tommy and Tubbo about speaker settings for some reason.

"hey" I greeted, nudging George's knee to get his attention.

His face slowly turned to me with a dirty look and a lit cigarette hanging out his mouth, this time he gave me a nod to show he acknowledged me.

He was rude for some reason so I quit bothering him and fell into a conversation with Niki who was on a camper chair beside George.

"is there actually alligators in florida?" she whispered in a scared tone.

At her remark, I chuckled and nodded "yes actually, my brother got chased by one when we was teenagers"

Her face dropped and she looked shocked, enthusiastically pressing more questions at me like we was in an interview.

"we was just mucking about in the marsh and he stepped on something, like the idiot he is he continued to jump on it and it turned out to be a tail. I don't think i've ever been more scared in my life for him" I told Niki, explaining some more bits in greater detail.

It seems like everyone else has picked up on our chat since they all started asking out America's wild life you get.

"come on guys animals aren't that interesting I doubt dreams even seen any of these leave him be" George commented when Tubbo and Tommy started spamming me with questions at the speed of a bullet.

Tommy childishly stuck out his tongue at him and quieted down, falling back into a separate  conversation with wilbur.

"thank you" I mouthed to him.

This time he casted me a warm smile before turning back to watching the clouds above.

"anyway! excuse us but me and dream have somewhere to be" Sapnap announced, getting up from the ground with a sigh.

His board hand reached out my way and I grasped it to assist myself getting up, casting him a puzzled glare as I did since I had no idea where we needed to be.

"karl's giving us a little tour around the town" Sapnap whispered to me.

Then it clicked, I faintly remembered Karl telling us he grew up here in Charleston north Carolina as a child. Which means we now have to listen to Karl talk about him self for hours straight. How fun.

"oh yes! sorry but you will have to excuse me and sapnap, we have to be some where" I repeated, remembering how excited Jacobs was this morning while yapping on about how much he craved to do this.

From the circle, we received a bunch of 'it's alrights' and 'go on then' from them all and it made me feel less guilty about leaving.

"have fun!" Tubbo chanted as I took to my feet, I nodded at him and put my thumbs up.

"what if he dies while he's out" George questioned, looking up at me innocently as if he hasn't put the thought of death onto my mind.

"don't say that george" Wilbur said, shaking his head slightly.

"well if I was to die, the blame would definitely be put onto you for saying that" I laughed, watching Sapnap trail back to the tour bus.

His eyes locked onto mine for a split second, one singular second, it felt like it lasted for years. his lips pointed up into a smile and his head nodded at me, I'm pretty sure he was saying something too but I was too busy focusing on his face to realise.

Then I snapped back.

They all fell into the discussion of their new murder mystery of me dying and I jogged over to sapnap who was already quite a few paces ahead of me. under his breath, he was gently cursing him self for forgetting about Karl's tour although we was way early anyway and it isn't even confirmed to happen yet.

"take a chill pill sap, it's fine" I promised him, planting a heavy hand on his shoulder for comfort.

He looked over at me helplessly with a slight weakened smile, "i'm sorry I just don't want him to be sad"

"he won't be sad, we have at least an hour" I told him.

It was quite sad on how much Sapnap cared for Karl, he always feared of messing up in the tiniest of ways to the point he was constantly paranoid of causing a little disturbance to his day.

When we reached the trailer they was all comfortably sat on the cheap sofa, the morning air filled the bus and everyone looked glum, it was obvious they had just woken up.

"have you just woken up?" I asked, looking over at Punz who had a pillow placed on his face and his back slouched against the wall.

Punz didn't bother to lift he head to answer me, I just got a groan that very faintly sounded like "mhm" and I laughed.

Foolish and Karl had their legs swung over one another on the sofa and was in a quiet conversation about something, it was too quiet for me to hear.

"quizzing foolish about his love life too, jacobs?" I questioned, seating myself beside the broad guy.

"I don't ask foolish because you are my only hope, foolish is a lost cause" Karl laughed.

Quietly, I let out a scoff and a snicker while Foolish dropped his mouth open, "I have many girls lined up right now! i'm speaking to a girl actually, that's more progress dream has gotten in years!" he argued, overly defensive Karl just said he doesn't pull.

"wow why are you judging me! i didn't even do anything" I laughed.

"plus i could get a girlfriend in minutes if i wanted to" I added cockily.

Foolish mimicked me and then started rambling on about this girl he likes, he is planning on taking her out on a date when the tour ends. For once I'm actually proud of him, I was starting to suspect he would of been childish for the rest of his life like Punz.

I put on some fur lined ankle boots, the night fell and we was all getting ready for Karl's overhyped tour. The air was apparently chilly out so I slacked on some grey joggers and a hoodie, it may of not been the warmest thing I own but its better than my usual wear, baggy ripped jeans and a tank top.

"is this meant to be casual and dressy karl wont tell us where he is taking us." Sapnap groaned, taking off his gym shirt and slamming open his draws to desperately search for something.

"do I look dressy to you sap?"

Quickly, his eyes flashed over at me and looked me up and down, it wasn't that hard to tell i was dressed like i was about to go on a milk run for my mother.

"no.. you look like you are just relaxing around the house in slacks" he hummed.

"exactly! its only a walk im sure karl would of told us before if he is going to treat us to a five star restaurant" i assured him, running a hand through my hair before leaving the room, my heavy boots echoing a loud thump as i walk.

"pick up your feet for gods sake!" sapnap shouted from in the room, not my fauslt the boots were heavy.

just as I entered the tight hallway, I almost ran face first into bad who was scolding punz. I stopped in my footsteps and listened, pretending to crouch down and tie my shoe laces as an excuse.

punz was desperately tugging on bads jacket.

"come on bad! we won't be out for long it's not like we will get kidnapped we aren't teenagers" punz argued.

Bad stared at him and sighed, you could tell he was hesitating the idea of letting us go.

"come on, karl is really excited about this and it's not dream and foolish can't fight of some people if something does happen, they basically live at the gym!" punz added, a victorious smile creeping on his face when he realised that he won our manager over.

even I celebrate when I hear bad let out a long exhale, that means he has agreed. I wrap my arm around punzs shoulder and guide him to the living room, congratulating him on winning bad over.

of course none of us told kalr that bad was trying to put his little tour to a stop, we didnt want karl to be upset with bad but everyone started giving in some enthusiasm after wards.

"oh! and you have to meet my parents they only live across town and they havent met any of you yet, my mom really wants to meet you sapnap!" karl jollily told us as he swung the door open.

the familiar field that we had been camping on for a few days finally came into view, we were leaving tomorrow. it is a shame really, i was starting to get use to this place and i now knew my way around the trees off my heart as me and punz ventured there a couple of times due to pure boredom.

we all filtered out the door together, everyone else was being immature and was making jokes about karls mom being a milf, even i chimed in, everyone but sapnap. he was awkwardly walking at the back, his eys basically glued to the green blades of grass he trod on.

you could visibly tell he was nervous, I could only assume he was shaken up about meeting karl's parents, he always spoke about how he feared this.

I slowed down, letting the others walk ahead. karl was at the front, pointing out random things while still shouting at punz and foolish who were continuing the mom jokes.

"you need to stop worrying about your relationship, from what i've heard his parents are sound. it's nothing to panic about." I whispered to sapnap, wrapping an arm around his shoulder with a grin.

sapnap childishly looked at me and shook me off but I didn't move. i only moved when i could tell he was at ease again, visibly anyway.

when we reached the streets it got a lot colder, I almost instantly regretted bringing a coat. the floor was still slightly wet but it wasn't a bother.

"this was the street I walked down every day to get to school" karl said, pointing a bus stop "and that's where I had my first kiss, sorry sapnap" karl added.

"wow karl, you was my first kiss" sapnap said sarcastically, acting offended as he looked over at the bus stop jealous.

"no it wasn't sapnap, we both made out with a group of girls at the movies when we was fifteen." I reminded him with a wink.

foolish erupted in laughs as sapnaps face dropped, "shush we don't speak about that" sapnap said.

I looked over to him and raised his eyebrows "she was literally grinding on you sapnap, in a public theatre with kids in it."

i'm glad sapnap perked up a little, even if it was because I was embarrassing him in front of everyone.

"you literally left to go to the bathroom with her and came back dripping in sweat! at least it wasn't that bad" sapnap argued back, falling into a fit of chuckled himself.

"yeh I lost my virginity that day." I said, not feeling ashamed of it.

everyone else looked over at us slightly disgusted and we fell into story's about teenage flings we had, foolish was definitely the worse out of all of us.

"on the beach?!" karl said, staring at foolish as if he was going to throw up.

"mhm, the sand gave me rashes for weeks." foolish complained, clearly proud of himself for it.

even I pulled a face at that until the topic changed to karl beginning a story about flinging eggs at cars.

although karl seemed innocent and kind, he still lived a little, we all have egged cars at least once or fling kitkats at random people walking down the street, or shot paintballs out of a gun while speeding down an empty highway.

"anyway! here is where I broke my leg on a skateboard" he said, pointing to a deep pothole while continuing a story about how 'his life flashes before his eyes'.

after a few long minutes of karl rambling about random things we passed such as: falling into bins, nightclubs kicking him out and even a target worker dragging him and his brother out by their ears, we finally moved onto a different topic.

"do you like the new band?" punz asked us curious.

a ratio of us nodded eagerly, another shrugged with no opinions and a small portion (sapnap) shook his head rapidly.

"the music is good, the people are shit. tommys pretty funny though" sapnap was the first to reply.

everyone agreed with a hum and another voice added "wilbur is too serious, but he knows what he is doing I have to respect him for that"

we fell into talking about each of the members, naming pros and cons of them all and wether they are good at their job.

"niki does everything so smoothly, it's nice that she kinda stays behind the scenes. I wish bad was like that" foolish stated with a scoff.

"her hair is cool" I said, thinking of the baby pink tint of her once upon a time blonde hair.

sapnap shot me a look and added on to what I said "her hair may look cool but wilbur definitely bosses her around too much, like imagine dream bossing bad around like that!"

sapnaps hand draped itself around Karl's shoulder as he continued talking about how bad treats us like kids.

"what about the drummer, I forgot his name.." punz asked, looking around at all of us when he realised he had just gave sapnap an excuse to yap on about nothing.

"his names george" I answered him, allowing myself to fall out of conversation.

"he is cute isnt he?" karl points around, looking at the other for approval. foolish nods in agreement in as he kicks a small pebble across the ground.

"he might look good but he is so bitchy, man, he always throws fits the second he is sober for once and has never said a nice thing to anyone." sapnap added, giving karl a disproving stare.

im pretending to not listen by looking up at the sky with a fake confused expression but the truth is that i dont even know if the stars are out or not, thats how little attention i have paid to it.

"sounds like someone dream would go for" punz scoffs, nudging my arm a little.

"does it?." I said.

"yeh everyone you have gone for is sassy and good in bed" punz added, referring to fundy since he is the only person I have actually gone for.

"hey he was sweet when i spoke to him.. he was crying though" karl frowned at the raven haired and punz.

"ooh! and emotional! now it really sounds like someone dream would go for" punz snickered.

from corner of my eye, I have punz an offended look and scoffed "give the guy a break"

he held his arms up in the air like he was being arrested and nodded "yes sir"

I was in my thoughts for a while after that, I vividly remembered how my heart skipped a beat when his doe eyes looked up at me with that mischievous glint, it feels crazy knowing that I want that glint to pull me in, to take me into his world for even just a day.

it sounds heavenly just thinking about it, spending a day with a pretty brunette drummer boy, not caring about anything in the world.

I also thought about that empty gut feeling I got when he walked away from the bar, but I ignored it.

"dream can like who ever he likes! anyway we are there behave." karl said, smiling over at me.

"I don't like him" I snapped.

in my head I thanked karl a million times before turning over to his parents house.

The cottage was at the main road end of an unmarked lane. Small windows and a sour lemon finish dobbed thickly over pebbled walls and a strawy thatched roof hung over the slate slightly.

As I looked at the cozy old-fashioned cottage, with its rustic timber frame and inviting front porch, a sense of nostalgia welled up within me, it heavily reminded me of a cottage me and sapnap use to visit growing up. it was abandoned ofcourse, the windows of the cottage we visited were shattered and crumbled but we spend most of our child hood in there.

from karl's parents house, a lush green ivy crept up the beige stoned wall and into each crack. matching thatch planters hung from the top of every window with snake plants in and a flower bag of an array of colours coated it.

it was beautiful house really, it was old fashioned but beautiful, it was much different from what I grew up in.

I was raised in a large family home that was a classic american home, with one of those stereotypical basketball hoops out the front.

when karl knocked you could see his excitement glistening in his eyes under the porch light. through the bay window at the front, a shadow got up from the arm chair and you could see them put a book down, the shilloette appeared in the shape of a woman and she bounced over to the door.

it was a awkward tension waiting for her to fiddle with the lock, karl and sapnap were at the front with me and the other two stood a step or two away, giving them space.

when the door opened we was all met with a woman with a kind, welcoming smile. she was quite short and her hair was tied up into a messy bun, it was graying slightly and she had weak eye bags under her eyes but she still looked relatively young.

"oh karl! my boy!" she greeted, pulling her son into a warm hug and rubbing his back.

punz whispered something to foolish which made him snort a little and the woman turned to us in turns.

"you must be sapnap! god karl never shuts up about you. you're as handsome he says you are" she smiled, wrapping her hands around sapnap in a motherly nurture. I could image the smile sapnap had on his face, all of his worry's just disappeared in one hug.

the lady hugged him for a good minute before turning to the rest of us, guessing our names from our appearances.

"you must be foolish! long black hair and a beautiful jawline. rather silly name though" karls mom said as she pulled him into a quick hug.

"oh you can call me noah thats fine-" foolish said, quickly getting cut off by karls mom shsuhing him.

foolish stopped the jokes he was saying earlier, he might be a bit inappropriate but the truth is that he is too soft to actually say something that could cause someone to not like him. foolish is too kind to do something like that.

"you can all call me kirsty, you must be dream, heard a lot about you" she announced, smiling in my direction and making her way over to me.

karl told us that his parents dont bother with all that 'technology crap' so they was still stuck on writing letters and newspaper rounds every morning, i dont blame them for that, if i had the choice i would get rid of social media too but i wouldn't have a career without it. i liked karls little childhood traditions, its funny watching karl order around sapnap to fix his computer since karl is brain dead at technology due to him not growing up with any.

when kirsty pulled me into an embrace i could smell the strong scent of lavender and liquorice lingering on her. she was a frail woman, her bones felt brittle around me and she was half my size.

you could really tell karl was a clone of her, she had a bubbly aura and smiled the whole time, her manners acted as if she has been practising them for years and even her laugh was almost the same as karls, she just had a raspier but higher pitched voice.

by the time she had guessed everyone correctly and invited us in she went off to the kitchen to make us some home made tea, sapnap went with her to give her a helping hand.

in the thin hallway that connected the rooms, the dirty beige walls were completely covered with photos, some of them were photos of karl and his brother as kids, some of maps of the globe, some with views of far away country's and others of birds.

"sorry about the walls, it is a little overwhelming if you feel claustrophobic thats completely normal" karl apologised as we all kicked off our shoes, he obviously noticed me admiring them.

"no i was just.. looking at them i guess?" i replied.

punz looked up and scanned the room "it doesnt feel claustrophobic, whats with the birds?"

karl lead us to the room while explaining that his dad is a bird watcher, when we entered the room it was obvious. in the corner of the room was a large tub of bird seeds that was almost empty with a pair of binoculars on top of the closed lid. i swear i saw a picture of a bird on the front cover on a book ontop of the coffee table too.

as we sat down the room was silent, karl was scanning our facial expressions as if something was wrong, punz was zoned out staring at the record player quietly playing david bowie, foolish was admiring the view of flowers at out the window and I watching room.

after a few minutes of small talk sapnap a kirsty walked back in, sapnap this time was holding a small detailed ceramic tray with some matching teacups on them.

they was laughing about something which made the tea almost spill from our the cups but sapnap put them down without a drop coming out.

behind them an unfamiliar figure appeared, it was a jovial man with a low laugh coming out, he was rather stumpy with almost a fully grey head of hairs, only a few mousy brown hairs struck out which was the same colour as karl's.

he looked more welcoming than karl's mom if that was even possible, he took a tea cup and sat down on the ragged arm chair before turning over to the rest of us.

"how are we all boys? enjoying north carolina so far?" he asked, finally making eye contact with me.

I nodded my head enthusiastically, "yes sir, the nature here is so much better than florida; the town is beautiful too".

"mhm that's one of the reasons I moved here, but it's getting to the season where all of the plants die, the town will be dull for a while which is disappointing to see." he replied, shaking his head while looking out the window.

"yes but it always comes back in a few months, I don't know why you are always so disappointed with some trees being bare for a short amount of time, frank" kirsty added, taking a seat beside karl on the couch.

"well plants die anywhere in the world during winter if it's cold enough" I smiled, not trying to come across as rude.

sapnap sat beside me and gave me a slap on the thigh before taking a seat beside me on the battered carpet, his hands holding two cups of tea. quickly, he ushered one into my direction and I took it without a glance at him. we was good enough friends to the point we crossed off manners, saying 'thank you' or 'please' every time I asked him to pass me the remote on the couch got a bit exhausting so we decided to put it off the table.

when I sipped the tea you could tell it was home made, it had a hint of jasmine in and had a strong scent to it, definitely didn't taste of store bought tea bags. the smell of the drink too was luxury, I get where the british get their tea obsession from.

punz was showering the drink with praises like he was worshipping a greek god, nattering on about how it is the most beautiful thing to have ever touched his lips.

"like honestly miss, it is the most gorgeous thing to ever touch my mouth!" punz smiled, taking another sip of the jasmine tea.

foolish eagerly nodded along with his cup almost empty already.

"yeh because that's the only thing that's ever touched your mouth" I snorted, doing the same and taking a sip out the tea, he wasn't exaggerating when he said it was good though.

frank let out a low chuckle that lasted for a while, and he smacked the arm of the sofa, his eyes brimming with tears of laughter as he looked at me.

"you're friends are fantastic karl!" his dad pointed out, wafting a finger in my direction, it amused us for sure.

we didn't last long after that until the baby photo album was pulled out of the shelf and plopped onto karl's lap. it was that ancient he had to cautiously blow off all the dust off the leather cover before pulling the cover back to reveal the first group of photos.

karl pointed to each photo with an embarrassed look on his face as his mum leant over his shoulder to enthusiastically tell a story about each individual photo to sapnap.

the visit there goes well, his parents are genuine and seem to take liking to us, especially sapnap, his mum adores sapnap.

it was quite late when we got up to leave, all of us were yawning every few minutes and even foolish had briefly fell asleep on my arm for a quick power nap. he got woken up a few minutes later by karl meowing down his ear.

"that was fun!" sapnap grinned as we retreated back down the driveway onto the cobble road once again.

my arms were flung over Punz for physical support as we walked since I wa that tired but he didn't seem to mind.

none of us spoke much more than a peep during the journey back to the tour bus since we were all exhausted from the nonstop chatting for the past few hours, my mouth felt dryer than the Sahara desert.

every few seconds my eye lids were going. they felt heavy and sleep sounded so tempting right now, it was 11pm and we had just reached the camp site, most of the out door bits were packed away for the drive tomorrow and the lack of fold up tables made it feel bare.

two security guards walked around the edges of the field during to night to ensure safety, they were temporary ones since the ones my band has at home, bink and bonk don't come on yours with us.

"hey george!" I hear karl shout loudly towards a random spot on the field, everyone's heads cocked around and were met with boy planted in the ground, his legs crossed and a cigarette loosely hanging out between his fingers.

george looked up and waved back at karl with a tired smile on his face, then we continued walking. I kept my eyes trained on him, the way the smoke left his mouth looked like fluid art, watching it swish around in the dark sky even tempted me to smoke.

"remember what we said about him earlier" punz teased, nudging my shoulder before swinging open the bus door, everyone followed him in.

"oh shutup punz." I dryly replied before switching my attention away and walking in.

one thing I will never take for granted is the warm breeze the bus has when you first walk in it from the cold.

after everyone exchanged good nights we all headed to bed.

"i'm going to stay with karl if that's alright with you?" sapnap questioned me before pulling off his shirt and replacing it with a tank top, I decided to ditch the shirt completely it was way too stuffy in here.

"you don't have to ask me, it's perfectly fine if you don't fuck" I replied, kicking my socks off and climbing into the thin covers.

sapnap stared at me for a few seconds as if I have gone mental, "with bad sleeping in the room? you tkaing the piss? that guy has the ears and eyes of a hawk" he quietly laughed.

I could hardly see sapnap in the darkness, the only light being let in was from sapnaps phone in his grasp on the lock screen and the faint light seeping in from the paper thin curtains.

"shit yeh I forgot about that, well good night then sap" I hummed, turning around to face the wall so I could fall asleep.

"night baby" I heard sapnap wink before slipping out the door quietly.


merry christmas guys and happy new year, at the rate this is going it won't even be our before valentine's day!

also I apologise for how much my style of writing switches up.
this is mainly karlnap sorry for that!! next chapter will have dnf in it (their first private intercation whit woo). i'm writing in this while my mocks are going on wish me luck for my results. update on the mocks, I kinda got a bit tired when I reached the 20 mark question and rewrote what will be chapter 17.

longest chapter yet!!

start date: 3rd December 2023
end date: 24th January 2024 5:44pm
word count : 6439

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