Healing Your Heart of Thorns...

By AmariannaRose

290 4 0

++++New to the GoT world but decided to try my hand at writing a story anyway.... while I watch the show itse... More

more about the twins 'made up' last name and Tyrion's nickname
The Bastard, The Imp And The Queen
What Stands Between You And Happiness
It's Snowing At Castle Black
Here's Where We Say Goodbye For Now
You Don't Know How It Feels To Be Me
A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
One Should Die By The Hands Of A Friend Right!?!
Entering The Lions Den
The Secret Keeper
A Heart Full Of Hate Cannot Love
Can I Get A Little Respect Around Here!?
⚔️🐺Our First Prisoner👩🏼‍🦰
A Whole New Monster
The Walls We Built We Must Defend
War Has Come To Our Gates
Scarred Souls
A Rayder With A Mance
How To Snær A Snow
Forgotten Table Manners
We Are All Truly F**ked
A Blessing In Disguise
Every Life Matters To Someone
F**k My Sideways
Do You Take Me For A Fool!?
A War Of A Different Kind
You Have My Sword And You Have My Bow And My Axe
A Bittersweet Reunion
Trial By Combat Of Words
If Only We All Could Live Happier Lives
💋Kissed By Fire 🔥Is The Best Way To Get Burned❤️‍🔥
He's Willing To Pay Freedom's High Price For His Family
Just Standing Here Wasting Time
A Dwarven Jesus And A Red Priestess Walk Into A Brothel

Meeting The 'Bastards' They Can't Live Without

77 1 0
By AmariannaRose


Tragedy hit the a region of the Narrow Sea the day Lysithea and Lysianassa Hesperides were born for both of their parents died on the same day within minutes of one another and if it wasn't for one of the cooks who worked for their parents it might have never have been known why that had happened their Uncle Anous.... who the cook did not give the name of.... had paid the her to poison their fathers food so he could have their mother all to himself and she was told to do it in small doses so it wouldn't go noticed by anyone but there was a particular servant who heard the conversation between the cook and the uncle and became angry for she has had a crush on Anous ever since she met him and she poisoned their mothers perfume and bath oils so she could claim the man she's wanted for a very long time they were raised by their grandmother and older brother named Lief who both are dwarfs yes I know it's unheard of for dwarfs to live in this day and age but with their title and money and the fact that neither their great-grandmother and mother refused to "give away" much less kill their child(ren) they were able to live the life they were "meant" to as a matter of fact if any of the children that never should have been born were found around the city/town that their family lived in they were brought into the city/town and given a life by being raised by the soldiers or servants it has been that way in that city/town for many many years it only stopped after their grandmother died and their uncle took over the land when they were 5 and their brother was 10 their grandmother made the biggest mistake of her life she took her grandkids to see their uncle and while they were in the town/city he lived in a group of people both adult and teenager in age threw stones at þekkr and killed him which broke Lysithea and Lysianassa and their grandmothers hearts they took him home to be buried in the one place he truly belonged another issue was Lysithea and Lysianassa HATE their uncle who in his own way tried to use them as the replacement for their mother mainly because of their beauty which they actually get from their grandmother or so people who knew her when she was younger claim for they tell them that they look like a taller version of her as a matter of fact when they first met their uncle they ran towards their grandmother acting like they were afraid of him.... which their brother found amusing.... because he was a stranger one neither of their parents spoke about so in truth they didn't know him in any sort of way and he honestly did creep them out.... 5 years later their grandma dies and they end up being forced to live with the creeper of an Uncle who snuck into their rooms at night but before anything could happen the girls yelled for the guards that worked for their grandmother and they came running into the room and dragged the uncle out of them this plus a few other things happened for a week then they ran away never to be seen in the city/town they grew up in ever again what pissed the girls off the most was that their uncle took complete control of what was to be their property though he never found where their grandmother hid their money so he never got to touch that and the first rule he made was to get rid of all the dwarfs in the city/town he wanted them all killed but Lysithea and Lysianassa made sure each and every one of them were able to leave the land before the others who lived in it could follow through and the only reason they succeeded was because no one would and/or wanted to follow said order and helped the dwarfs leave safely the houses that were built on the edge of the woods that surrounded the city/town were burnt down.... luckily without anyone inside them.... after the twins ran away the people who lived in the city/town slowly started to leave as a matter of fact that city/town no longer exists and their uncle went back to his original city/town to live once again.... during their travels Lysithea and Lysianassa change their last name to Völuspá and meet Daenerys and Viserys they befriend Daenerys but not her brother for much like their uncle Viserys disgusts them the self-entitled monster of a boy who thinks himself a dragon but is the weakest of the Targaryen family.... in the twins opinion anyway.... growing up either in the woods or on the streets Lysithea and Lysianassa get small jobs so they can make their own money and not have to steal for a living they had learned how to fight and wield not only a sword but a crossbow at the age of 6 but they keep that "talent" to themselves for a very long time Daenerys seemed to rely on them for a lot of things for in her mind they were stronger than she is especially since they never put up with her brothers attitude if he annoys them or does something they don't like they let him know and not in a nice way no they never use their fists just their words and he seems to shrink everytime they do for he seems to think that because of his title every person in the world will love him but he finds out that they don't and he hates that so he tries.... and fails to change that the fact that he fails pisses him off even more what's worse is that without his knowledge or permission one of the twins ends up falling in love with a "stranger" and the other one leaves the "family" for one day "out of the blue" Lysithea and Lysianassa both decide that they should find their own way and live their own lives Daenerys who was there when they had that type of conversation wasn't happy with their decision "I'll stay after all one of us should be free of the "dragon".."  Lysianassa says she says "dragon" with a sarcastic flare in her tone which makes Daenerys smile "if that's alright with you your majesty!"  Lysianassa teases as she playfully bows before her friend who chuckles and nods with a smile Lysithea hugs both her sister and her friend then starts her journey she ends up in Winterfell where she meets and begins working for Lord Eddard Stark and his family as a stablehand she befriends Eddard who is mostly known as Ned and his son Brandon who normally goes by Bran and his "bastard" son Jon Ned's daughters Arya and Sansa on the other hand dislike her and do their best to get her to quit her job and leave every chance they get which never works but we'll get to her "story" a little later....

While working at a stable (I'm sticking with stables for these two because of their age at this point in time) Lysianassa meets Tyrion Lannister who was visiting the town she was in at the time she quickly befriends the man and even falls in love with him what made her the happiest is that he not only proved but told her that he feels the same way.... Daenerys allowed her to go off on her own for a few weeks around her birthday but expects her to come back to where she is the day after her birthday.... this is the man she allows to do what so many have attempted but have never been allowed to do, take her virginity but before that they spend days getting to know one another she tells him what she knows about her family and her life he is surprised to know that she not only had one but two dwarfs in her family "apparently it's a family trait that skips a generation or two"  she tells him on the day he found out and he smiles what surprises him even more is how she seems to hate his family and she's never met much less heard of them before he spoke of them and then he finds out about not only her grandmother and elder brother but the people she grew up around hearing about the latter makes a lightbulb go off above his head and he knows who she truly is which is one of the biggest surprises of them all but he also THINKS he understands why she hides who she is until she tells him "my sister and I are "free" this way though you should know that better than anyone with the type of family you have, there is less expected of us than there is of you.... and I'm not speaking about your height"  tells him he chuckles with a smile then replies with a chuckle in his tone "I know"  he looks at her and says softly "knowing you is the freest I have ever felt in my entire life and I think.... I think I love you"  his voice becomes even softer when he tells her how he feels his eyes widen when he hears her whisper "I love you too"  she kisses his cheek then walks away as one of the men he came with walks over to him and he smiles for somehow he knew that man missed what she had just done that made his cheek feel extra warm he sighs at the memory then his facial features change so that the man doesn't ask any questions.... a few days later Tyrion walks into the building that Lysianassa is staying in and once she sees him approach she walks over to him and says with a soft coo in her tone "you owe me a birthday present!"  his eyebrow raises and he asks with a smile "what did you have in mind!?!"  she kisses his lips and his eyes widen at the sensual sensation of her soft lips caressing his "I don't want you to give.... if you are willing I want you to take!"  she whispers at first he was confused then he becomes eager once he understands what she means and says "I'm willing"  she takes his hand in hers and leads him to her room once they are inside she locks the door and her lips meet his once more they take their time stripping and exploring one another's bodies with their hands and lips then make love to one another on her bed he ends up falling asleep with her in his arms and a big grin on his face and the last thing she heard him whisper before she fell asleep was "happy birthday Siana"  and she smiles at the sound the next morning was one of the worst mornings for both of them for they had to leave one another "come with me!"  he says softly after they have breakfast together "I made a promise Týr"  she replies softly he smiles and nods then says with a tone that makes it sound like he's making a promise of his own "when I see you again I will marry you!"  she smiles then says "I don't think it's wise for your family to know of me or what we've done just yet I.... I'm not ready for that kind of attention and if I'm correct in my assumption if you speak of me to anyone in your group especially if you let them know what we just did not too long ago they will do whatever they can to find me and though I know how to defend myself I am not that well protected"  he nods with a sad smile as she continues "one things for sure I will never forget this day"  his sad smile turns into a happy one "but with your family not knowing you are no longer a virgin...."  she says after a small pause she adds "I think it would be a good idea to get used to the taste of wine or even something stronger"  he asks curiously with a short chuckle in his tone "why!?!"  she replies "because if I am assuming correctly as to what type of family you grew up in one of them may try to do you "a favor" and free you of such a sin"  he smiles a small corner smile she kisses his lips then whispers as the man he came with walks in "I will hold you to your promise and make sure that one day we meet again so we can lose our virginity all over again and now that you know what to do you can fake that too if you like and add to the "horrible" reputation you hold"  his smile grows then he leaves with the man he came with not seeing her for a very long time but he somehow miraculously is able to keep his promise and never falls in love with anyone else or has sex with anyone else well at least he never allows himself to enter anyone else like he entered her for like she predicted his brother hired a whore to play a game with his heart and after that day he gained a reputation he never wanted but believed he had to keep a gentle drunken whoremonger.... there is one thing I forgot to mention being the first born out of her mothers womb Lysianassa has scars on her face along her forehead and the upper part of her cheeks as well as all along her body.... which only Tyrion has seen.... that somehow ended up looking quite beautiful like vined flowers covering a brick wall or a wooden fence I'm not saying that her face looks like brick or wood well ok maybe that was a bad imagery example but according to Tyrion her scars add to her beauty and if someone as self-absorbed with a self-important air that worries way too much about their reputation like her uncle or Viserys could still want to bed her even with her scars then that must tell you just how beautiful she still is right!?!.... now we're going to get to Lysithea's "part" in the story but unlike with Lysianassa's we're not going to start with how she meets the man she falls in love with we're going to begin with how he finds out that she loves him and how she "sneakily" gets him to show her how much he loves her Jon Snow loved her first and she could tell by the way he shied away from her when she got close, how he looked at her when she was far away.... he still spoke to her but he always kept himself at a respectful distance from her no matter what, how people started calling her "Jon's girl" before they even started dating much less had their first kiss he was her first friend when she got to Winterfell and the only one other than Ned that she trusted just like Tyrion Jon was the one who knew her past what happened to her parents, her brother and what her uncle tried to do to her and her sister, he was the one who finished teaching her how to read and write and all the other important things one of Noble birth should know plus a whole lot more she knew his fears about his children being known as "the bastards son" but unlike him she didn't care about that for as she once told him she believed that "it doesn't matter what the parent is what matters is how much love the parent shows one another and their child other peoples opinion only gains the weight heavy enough to bury you if you let it and our child will know better"  his eyes widen at not only her words but her actions for she came to his door as he laid in bed ready to fall asleep, walked in and over to him with small sensual steps as she spoke those words ever so softly once she reached where he lay she climbed onto his bed laying above him and she coos as the tips of her fingers slide over his bare chest from abdomen to thorax making his body quiver "it seems you've already started!"  he says with a soft low nervous tone "n-no!"  she chuckles softly then whispers with a soft sensual tone "it's time to get over your fears Jon and the best way to do that is to face them but if you like we could just start with a kiss and see where that leads but if it leads to to one thing you fear most of all then you must allow it"  he nods nervously then feels her lips softly caress his and he answers her kiss as one of her hands gently grip his and place it on a "safe place" on her still clothed body.... her hip.... and though his mind tried to fight the urge his body wouldn't listen and his hands started to remove her shirt he feels her smile and he smiles they remove the rest of their clothes from one anothers body.... he was still wearing his underwear.... and slowly started to make sensual love to one another which was one of the greatest experiences of their lives "I love you Lysi I have always loved you"  he whispers "I love you too"  she replies softly he smiles.... the next day everyone knew that Jon had lost his virginity just by the way he smiled from dawn till dusk and all the men in Winterfell were jealous of him for they knew who "took it"

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