Let's be Friends || Black But...

By joey_l0ves

99.7K 5.5K 1.2K

Angels aren't common among humans, unlike the devils and grim reapers who go about their lives. So imagine a... More

To Smile is To Love
The Grim Reaper
The Phantomhive, The Devil, and The Reaper
Learning to Love
Pretty Women
Blood and Blush
Out of Place
The Start, Again
The Carriage
Art by Author
The Trancy and The Faustus
How to Upset an Angel
How to Discipline a Phantomhive
Art by Author 2
But a Child and Father
The Dawn Will Come Soon

The Hopkins and The Dog

5.8K 353 82
By joey_l0ves

"Such a delicate body. . . A silhouette the most dainty. . . A body simply. . . divine. . . !"

It came to a shock to you at first, seeing a human so excited upon seeing you. It challenged your own excitement of seeing humans! This Nina Hopkins woman was so very lovely. She greeted you with quite the hug!

This was the type of greeting you were accustomed to nearly your whole life! A love-filled embrace that made you feel snug, where it felt as if two puzzle pieces were being put together! You loved the hug she gave you. You could feel her admiration for you, and you thought it was very kind.

Ciel did not.

"Oh, lord earl! How long have you kept this adorable little thing hidden from me?" Nina exclaimed in delight, coddling you with your face pushed deeply into her chest.

"Let him go! You'll suffocate him before he even gets measured!"

Nina Hopkins released you and instead held your face. She pampered you with affection, her cheeks adorning a light blush.

Nina Hopkins was a woman of regular height who sported brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair was placed into a neat side ponytail, which was shaped into one large curl. She had a pair of glasses resting on just the tip of her nose. Her body was curvaceous, and she showed this off by having her cleavage and legs exposed. You, of course, did not know how strange this woman's attire was, so you could not understand how she could be seen as being inappropriate.

Nina jokingly whined to Ciel, "But my lord, I simply cannot help myself. Such a cute little boy with a cute little face! Like a tiny doll, or even more so, an angel!"

You held your hands over her own, allowing yourself to lean into her hold. You hadn't seemed to mind your face just moments ago being in between her breasts.

Your face was pink from appreciation. It was so nice to be loved.

You let out sweet chirps of laughter as you told her, "I am an angel!"

She, not knowing you were being literal, cooed to you with a kissy face. She squished your cheeks, making you form your own kissy face.

"That's right you are, my little angel. Such a cute angel, you are!"

Both Ciel and Sebastian watched in mild discomfort at the scene in front of them. The two of you were so. . . touchy.

Well, at least you found someone who was nearly as affectionate as you were. . . ?

Sebastian cleared his voice for attention and spoke aloud, "Greetings, Miss Hopkins. We have come today to-"

"Not now, hard-head." Nina darkly told him, not bothering to turn to his direction.

She let go of your face and instead took a gentle hold of your hands, giving them a tight squeeze. She smiled innocently at you, asking, "Now, what can I do for you today, angel?"

Your smile became brighter as you swung your hands with hers.

"Ciel was the one who was so kind to bring me here, so I think you should ask him!"

She gave you a joyful nod before turning to Ciel.

"Then, what gives me the great privilege of seeing you and your little friend today, lord earl?"

Ciel relaxed, relieved at how the strange overly-affectionate display finally ended, and explained, "I have come here with my acquaintance for you to fix him a wardrobe. He isn't particularly from this area, so he has no clothes well suited for Britain's atmosphere."

Nina held a hand to her chin in thought, resting the other on your shoulder.

"I see, now!" She replied. "Do tell me, where are you from?"

You looked up at her.


Nina paused and blinked before breaking into laughter.

She waved a hand at you, "You are too much. . . ! Er, say, what was your name again? How rude of me; I was so distracted, I completely forgot to ask for your name."

You shook your head, "Not rude, at all! My name is (Y/n)!"

She resisted the urge to once again launch herself at you, but instead gushed to you, "Such a fitting name for a cute face. I will make a wardrobe to perfectly fit you as well, angel!"

"Do not go overboard, please. The boy is merely an undertaker in training. He needn't much for such proper clothing." Sebastian added.

Nina ignored him without shame and guided you deeper into her shop, a hand placed on your back. She rambled on about what details she should include in your soon-to-be clothes.

"We'll obviously add lots of ruffles! Those dark palettes most boys wear doesn't fit you well. I suppose that means we'll go for much lighter shades! No, but white won't do it. It would flush you out greatly. How do you feel about a warm cream color? Or perhaps a beige tartan? No! Forget the tartans! We'll have lace, a nice and cute pattern. Actually, let's go with white. Yes, it will highlight your eyes and your cute little nose. Oh yes, that sounds most wonderful! I could see it now!"

You looked at her in admiration as she continued speaking mostly to herself, subconsciously holding her hand again.

"I'll wear anything you make, Miss Hopkins. I already know I will love whatever you plan to do!"

She pinched your cheek as she guided you into a short stool.

"That's what I like to hear! Stay right there, now. I'll be right back." She told you, gently placing your hand by your side.

You rolled back and forth on your heels as you stood on said stool, watching as Nina urgently left the room to retrieve something. Ciel sat down in a nearby chair. Sebastian stood behind him, hands resting at his sides.

You expressed your joy to Ciel by thanking him once again, talking about how much you enjoyed meeting a new and nice human.

Ciel dismissed you with a wave of his hand.

"Nina has always been an eccentric woman. It's only natural that you like her. Then again, you like everyone, don't you?"

You nodded in an animated manner, "Of course! What's not to like about everyone?"

Ciel teased you a bit, resting his chin on the back of his hand, "What is to like about everyone? I don't understand how you do it."

You stopped rolling on your heels and poked your cheek in thought.

"It's not me being able to love everyone so much as having no choice to love everyone. I find it much harder to dislike someone than to like them. . . Really, everyone here is. . . worth so much. They're all so special and have their own thoughts and ideas, their own admiration and opinions! They all learn new things and pass that knowledge onto others, not for the reason of selfishness, but for the unintended sole purpose of building a stronger community. To better yourselves as one big family, and to grow stronger together!"

You held your hands together and looked down with a small grin.

"The human race. . . I think it's so lovely that despite not knowing it, you're all so loving and kind. . ." You laughed. "How could I not love all of you?"

Ciel looked at you idly and exhaled in defeat, "I was only joking."

"Yes, well, I wasn't. And I never will be when it comes to anything of that sort!" You exclaimed with a puff of your cheeks.

You all fell into a moment of silence again after that statement, with you beginning to play with your hair and Ciel fiddling with a ring he wore on his thumb. You only now seemed to notice he tended to always have it with him. Still, you pushed it aside. Humans were strange about what they wore, anyway.

Bored, you suddenly called out to Sebastian.

"Mister Sebastian, is your head really hard?"

Ciel's eyes widened and snorted in shock.

"Pardon?" Sebastian questioned, his brows bunching up together.

"Miss Hopkins called you 'hard-head'. Is your head harder than others or something?" You looked at him in genuine curiosity.

He told you bluntly, "I am not a hard-head."

"Alright. . . Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think that's healthy. I'm quite sure everyone's head is supposed to be hard." You spoke worriedly, before snapping your fingers. "Oh! You can try drinking milk! I've heard that makes one's bones nice and strong!"

"I apologize but that simply is not what I mean-"

Ciel began to smirk in amusement, though it ultimately fell when you suddenly turned your attention to him.

"And you can try drinking some more milk to become taller! You're quite short- Oh, not that that is a bad thing!"

Sebastian took advantage of your attention leaving him and instead also commented on his master's height.

"His heeled shoes will do him just fine, for now."

"His shoes?"

Ciel tensed as your eyes dropped down to the very shoes he wore.

You gasped, "You're shoes are so tall!"

"Quiet!" He yelled in embarrassment.

"What's all that noise? Is that Mister Hard-Head bothering you two?"

Nina returned back to the room, an agitated face toward Sebastian.

You shook your head happily upon seeing the nice human again, explaining to her that nothing of that sort was happening. Instead of telling her about Ciel's shoes or height, you simply settled on telling her that you were worried about Sebastian's head.

She proceeded to tell you that men like Sebastian weren't worth caring for. The made you frown a bit in confusion.

So, naturally, you asked her why.

"I only care for boys fifteen years of age or younger. As soon as they become a man, I could care less about them." She stretched out a long piece of measuring tape as she said this, giving you a wink and a smile, "So try not to grow up, yes? You're perfect just as you are now."

You deadpanned at her words, looking to Ciel and Sebastian in confusion. They offered you no explanation.

So you told her, "But I wish for you not to dislike me! My age is something that I cannot control!"

Nina shrugged, walking towards you, "Unless you are a woman, It is inevitable for me to not care for you after you become sixteen!" She laughed carelessly.

You pouted.

She laughed at this and gave your head a pat.

"You are so funny, you know that? So desperate for my affection, you're like a cute little dog! Alright, let us settle down and get to work, shall we? Lift your arms for me. . . There you go, that's good."

After that, you quietly stood around and waited for her to finish measuring you. Once she did, she asked you to step off the stool and go take a seat while she went in to fix you a wardrobe. You obediently did so.

Nina left the room, telling the lot of you, "I'll be back in a jiffy!" before she began mumbling ideas to herself once again.

You took a seat besides Ciel, legs crossed on the chair. The two of you sat in momentary silence.

Ciel couldn't find himself something to speak with you about, and he wished not to bring up his height, so he became lost in his thoughts. Sebastian stood by quietly, as always.

The two subtlety perked up when you began humming. Though, it didn't seem you noticed you had began doing it. You were looking off somewhere, no where in particularly. It didn't seem like you were thinking either, but they couldn't be so sure on that.

You were quietly humming a song they had never heard before. The song was distinct.

It wasn't random. It was well put together, or at least, it sounded as if that were the case.

It made Ciel wonder if it was a song from Heaven, a melody crafted by angels. A song only angels knew of, he wondered. It intrigued him.

There was an entire world little to no one knew of, or would ever get to learn of. There was a place so different from his own, and no one alive would ever see or hear of it. But low and behold, you, the only one with the knowledge of that world, was sitting besides him.

You, as far as anyone knew, were the only being who was capable of letting people know about that world- your world.

That fascinated the Phantomhive. It made him feel just a bit giddy.

One could come to realize that this was because Ciel would be the only human to know of such a thing.

It wasn't unknown that Ciel enjoyed being knowledgeable. He liked being smart. He was smart.

It was crucial for him to be smart. Information was crucial for him.

And you?

Well, you had much information.

So he asked you, seemingly and deceivingly innocent.

"Is that a song from your home?"

Your humming quietly died down until you were completely silent. It took you a moment to come back to your senses. Eventually, you turned to him.

"Hm? What? Oh, well, it's. . . "

You smiled at him curiously.

"What?" You asked, lost.

"I asked if that song you were humming was from Heaven."

You stared at him a moment longer.

". . . I was humming?"

Ciel deadpanned and sighed, "Never mind."

You didn't sense his disappointment.

"Alright then. Was that all? I'd like to get back to thinking."

He looked at you in an intrigued manner.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked you, leaning onto the arm of the chair closest to you.

You let out a long hum before telling him, "You."


"Yes, well- No. Well, yes. But no." You babbled. "I was thinking about humans, I guess. You're a human, is what I meant."

"Is that all you were thinking about? The fact that I am human?"

"Not really, no. . . "

You looked off again. Ciel raised a brow.

"Ehem. Are you going to elaborate?"

"Huh?" Your eyes shot back to him in confusion. "What? Oh! Yes! I am!"

You then scratched the back of your neck as you sent him a small frown.

"It's only. . . I work for an undertaker, and I'm learning to be one, yet it never occurred to me that humans. . . well, they die!"

Ciel stared at you blankly as he processed your words.

". . . You witnessed someone die. You see corpses nearly everyday, yet it never 'occurred to you' that people die?"

"No, not at all! Obviously, I knew humans could be killed, but I completely forgot they simply die at one point. That's. . . terrifying. . . ! It's as if you don't get any time!"

He took a moment to process what you had said before he chuckled a bit.

Ciel Phantomhive was a damned boy. He knew that. He'd face an event greater than death, and he would have to admit that he knew he'd be somewhat afraid when that time came. Even so, humans have faced that issue of fear for millennium. Some people may still be afraid of the inevitable, but overall, people have come to accept it.

Clearly, that did not apply to your kind.

"Let me guess," Ciel sarcastically asked you, a charmed grin on his face. "Angels don't die, either?"

You shook your head hectically, making an 'X' shape with your arms.

"We absolutely do! I-It's just. . . not easy! It. . . it takes a lot. . . "

You uncrossed your arms and instead wrapped them around your waist.

". . . Angels do not die naturally. Not like humans. We stop aging and we live on forever. Happily. We live forever and we live happy. . . But. . . "


You looked at him in uncertainty, a finger poking your lower lip.

". . . Sometimes, things happen. And then, an angel dies. But, that only happens. . . once in a life time, I suppose. It's never really happened before, not twice, I mean. . ."

Ciel shifted onto the other arm of the chair.

"But 'once in a life time' for angels, would be all eternity, according to you. For the reason that angels have one continuous life. So an angel has only ever died once, correct?"

You looked down in unease.

"Um, y-yes-"

"They were killed."

You flinched upon hearing those words. You were regretting ever telling him anything at all.

But, he was buying you clothing, so answering his questions was the least you could do. . . right?

You answered him with a forced smile, "'They' were."

"But why would they be killed?"

You paused a moment longer, looking off somewhere.

You didn't understand yourself, or maybe it was that you simply refused to believe it, but your theory was. . .


"Fear?" Ciel asked, looking harder at you. "What could there ever be to fear where you're from?"

You thought to yourself about that question.

Did most people think there was nothing to fear in Heaven? Did they truly believe it was some paradise?

You looked at the ceiling as you thought more about that.

Well, you could see how it can be seen as a paradise. It's beautiful there. You have nearly all the freedom to do as you please. Nobody has a designated job or has to worry about what class you're in, like how humans do. Angels have nothing of that sort. You're all free. You all live to simply live, and along the way you all get the pleasure of creating art. Angels only do art. That, or they do nothing at all. But even then, doing nothing is it's own sort of art, wouldn't you say?

In the end, that does seem like the ideal life, doesn't it?

So in that type of life, one could assume there is nothing to fear. It certainly doesn't seem like there would be anything to be afraid of, anyway. But that isn't including any of the stories angels made. It isn't including the folk stories. It isn't including the obvious disdain for devils and those alike. It isn't including what happened to your mother, and it doesn't include your mother at all. It doesn't include what all angels were taught. It doesn't include what they've told you all.

So, what if it did? What could you say if it did include all of those things? That angels feared devils? That angels feared your mother?

You don't want that to be the case. You don't believe that's the case. Otherwise, how would have your father and mother ever gotten along? How could have love ever possibly bloomed if angels were supposedly afraid of devils? What causes the disdain for devils? Why would angels be afraid of devils?!

It doesn't make any sense to you!

To you, devils don't seem so far off from angels!

They both live with no true intended purpose other than to simply live. They both walk, they both talk, they both think. What makes a devil so far off from an angel that there's a separation between them?

The fact that devils consume human souls?


You suddenly snapped your head to attention.

You were a devil. . .

Ciel stared at you expectantly as you seemed to think hard. The smile you always seemed to wear had fallen into a straight line, and that blush that rested at your cheeks had completely gone away.

He wondered if the reason for that is because you were rethinking of the events that led to you coming to earth. Were you thinking of the possible dread? Were you thinking of the possible tragedy?

He wanted to know.

He wanted to know every single detail about you.

He wanted to know about why an angel would choose to leave Heaven. He wanted to know about what you feared. He wanted to know about whether or not that death was tied to the reason you were here.

He wanted to know.

He was surprised when you covered your mouth. He didn't know, but it was because you came to a sickening revelation.

You murmured to yourself, "Do I have to consume them?"


You jumped in your seat as your head snapped once more, this time to Ciel.

"W-what?" Your hand lowering in cautiousness, eyes widening before blinking rapidly. "Oh! R-right! I am sorry. My mind seemed to have wondered some place else. . . Erm, dogs, I think?"

Ciel's brow raised slightly as he sat up straight in his seat, no longer leaning on any arm of the chair. He had the great urge to ask about what you meant just then, about consuming something. He felt it had great importance.

Still, he bit his tongue and decided to ignore it.

Was it a mistake to do so? Maybe. Would he regret it later? Probably. Would it end up going well anyway?

No. It would not, it wouldn't. It would go horribly wrong. Terribly wrong. Exponentially wrong, even. Delving into that conversation would be a nightmare. The result of it would be something I would not even wish on my greatest enemy.

But anyway, Ciel decided to ask about the dog comment you made, instead.

"Dogs? Angels are scared of dogs?"

You scratched the back of your head as your brows stitched together.

"Um, well- yes? Something along those lines. It's only a folktale, I think. . ."

"Can you tell me more about that? What exactly is this folktale that makes dogs seem so scary?" He pushed on, giving you a smile. "I never would have imagined angels would fear such an animal."

You felt a sense of relief as he no longer had his attention on 'the angel who was killed'.

"The folktale was made when angels realized that there are no dogs in Heaven. Or well, it's the reason why dogs don't go to Heaven. It was sort of a theory for why they aren't there. Dogs are all distantly related to hell hounds, but at the same time have no soul. So, they can't reside in Heaven for those reasons. But, they used to tell us that if we committed sin, a dog, or a hell hound, would dig it's way up to Heaven and drag you into hell for damnation. There are more details, but that's basically it."

An amused hum came from Ciel.

"So dogs don't go to Heaven? How hysterical. Fitting, even."

You let out your own hum and tilted your head at this, your brows tilted a bit downward with an awkward smile.

"Ah. . . how so?"

Ciel looked at you directly as his grin became apparent.

His eyes were filled with an emotion you couldn't quite understand. Mischief? Dread? Sadness? Evil?

You weren't sure, but you either way were incredibly surprised when Ciel let out a casual:


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