Jedi Night

By Gil_Liane

157 7 4

In a modern city divided into Sith and Jedi territories, being a Force reject sucks. Jak is a teen with two J... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

22 1 0
By Gil_Liane

When I wake again, my neck is stiff, and I'm hungry. The empty hotel room looks ghostly in the pre-dawn light. I make my way shakily to the bathroom which turns out to be bigger than my entire room at home.

...Except not my home. Not anymore.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I whisper, "Don't cry," but my reflection doesn't listen.

It's a relief to cry.

In the shower, I cry some more, and then examine where the injuries were. Light bruises now. I've never been healed by a Jedi healer. How cool, as if it never happened.

Easy to forget.

Total lie. I'll never forget.

The shower gel smells like oranges. I wash my hair with it, like I can't get clean enough. Wish the memories would wash away too.

Out of the shower, I throw on a fluffy robe, hoping Red won't mind. Soft, like a plush toy. My face in the mirror is pale, my eyes huge. With wet hair I always look younger, but today I seem older.

Back in the room, my stomach rumbles. Should I go buy something? I don't have money. Heading to the mini-fridge, I grab a protein drink.

"Don't eat that." Red's voice makes me jump.

He must have come in while I was showering. Oh man, did he hear me cry? I put the drink back.

"Sorry. I won't touch anything." When he stares blankly, I add, "I'll get a part-time job, and pay you back. For everything."

Considering how good a healer Kesha was, it'll take a century—but I leave that part out.

"You okay?" He turns up the lights.

I nod, feeling weird. "Yeah, all good." How did I get here?

 He points at the sofa. "Sit."

Once I sit, he opens his backpack, pulling out bags of food. "Sorry I had to leave for a bit. I got dishes from Jim's." He pauses. "Pudding too. Junior said you like to eat it first."

Whenever I fight with my parents, Junior gives me sweets. Everyone in the city must know what happened.

"Thank you," I whisper, rubbing my eyes. Can't cry again.

Red busies himself taking out noodle dishes, potato cakes, meat skewers, some vegetable dumplings, 2 sodas, and another pudding.

"Junior gave me one too." He sounds proud, and I can't help smiling. Tough Enforcer, acting like a kid.

We eat everything. My last dumpling splits open and I stare in horror as red sauce splatters across a white, pricey AF sofa cushion.

"Sorry," I whisper.

"Look at me," says Red.

I meet his eyes, and surprisingly, he smiles. "Jak, I don't care. Trash the room if you want. Eat whatever. They fill up the mini-fridge on the daily. If you're hungry, press that button and order room service from the holo attendant."

How to say? "I'm broke. I can't pay."

"You're my Emissary. You're not supposed to." He pulls a card from his pocket. "I woke up a bank manager to get this. Maybe don't buy a moon." He grins. "Unless you really want one."

My mouth falls open. A silver Jedi card, with my name on it, and no limit? No way. Taking the card, I try not to shake, feeling like I robbed a bank. Or Red robbed one for me. "You sure?"

"We're a team." Pulling a holopad from his bag, he taps the screen. "You have to be comfortable. I'm not great at speeches, Jak. Things have gone haywire for you because of me. I'm sorry. But I promise we'll be okay."

He feels guilty? "It's not your fault. Things were weird before you showed up. And I'll figure out a way to help you too, I promise."

Instead of laughing at the idea, he nods, expression serious. "You're healed, but you need to sleep for a day or two."

The yawn comes out of nowhere.

"Go back to bed."

"You should sleep in it. Your room and all."

"Don't argue." Those grey eyes lock on my face. "Go to sleep."

Should I suggest we share? Would that that be odd? He heads for the shower before I can scramble together a sentence. Lying down, I'm asleep before he finishes.

Murmuring voices pull me awake. Who's here?

Opening my eyes reveals three Jedi on the sofa across from Red. The oldest looks important, holding out a holopad for Red to sign. Late morning sunlight fills the room.

Red waves a hand at the cart near my bed stacked with food. "Eat, Jak. Healing makes you hungry."

The older Jedi focuses on the documents again. The guy next to him checks out my robe, raising a brow. Smarmy. Good-looking. Full of the Force, and clearly full of himself. Now he's giving Red a thirsty stare that makes me want to roll my eyes. He reminds me of Amber.

I head for the bathroom to wash my face, hoping they didn't notice my tear-stained cheeks.

Red's right about the hunger. Back in the room, I scan the food, looking for a sandwich. My gaze stays away from the visitors. Red is an Enforcer. He'll probably have people over.

"Stop staring at him." Red sounds annoyed.

Uh oh. The air in the room seems to burn, and the youngest Jedi gulps. Probably an assistant or an intern. Cheap robes, and a rough haircut. The other two though, are big money.

"Relax, Red. He's staring at the food. You have to stop ordering half the menu." I smile at the terrified guy. "Come eat." Look at me, getting my social on.

"Go," murmurs the older man. The young guy hurries over, hovering near the bed.

"Just sit," I say. He acts as if it's an order. Is this what power feels like? "Eat whatever."

He starts eating like he's on a mission.

Taking a watermelon slice, I gulp a chunk before asking, "What's your name?"

He swallows a mouthful of seafood. "Sam." 

"I'm Jak."

"I know. Everyone knows."

"Right." Awkward. Grabbing a bun, I demolish it in two bites. "You an intern?"

"Yeah, legal."

Unpaid, then. I bet he's surviving on what he can. This internship must be his big chance.

Getting up, I find the empty bags from last night. Wrapping the dry stuff in paper napkins, I put it in one bag, filling the other with sealed containers: juice, cereal, biscuits.

Wait, why does Red need a lawyer? "Hey, what are they doing?" I whisper.

He whispers back, "Switching your guardianship to The Red Enforcer."

The words make me lightheaded.

"All done." Red stands up to stretch.

Sam jumps to his feet as the oldest Jedi rises. Guess that's his boss.

I hold out the bags of food, and he stares at them.

"Little Emissary, you have a lot to learn." The smarmy guy's smile has an edge. "Lawyers don't accept charity, kid."

Having Red in the room stops me from backing down.

"What charity? It's a friendship gift. The Emissary is a useful connection." Reaching for some chocolate, I add, "I'd offer you a gift too, but I don't like you."

The older Jedi lets out a rumbling laugh, shocking me. Least he's not angry.

Red grins. I throw him a chocolate. I like it when he smiles.

"Accept the gift Sam," orders the oldest Jedi.

Blushing, Sam takes the bags. "Thanks."

"It's not charity," I point out. "Red keeps ordering too much. He doesn't know what I like. I hate wasting food."

"Me too." For the first time, Sam smiles. "It was nice meeting you."

"You too." I'm surprised I mean it. A yawn takes over. "Need to lie down."

Red crosses the room so fast I barely see him move. Suddenly I'm under the covers again.

"Go back to sleep." 

His gentle tone makes me wonder, is this how it feels having an older brother? Like you're safe? Before I can tell him to stop worrying, I'm out.

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