Holding You Down

By nundria_dee

9.2K 374 258

This is the sequel to The Thug Love Never Expected More

New Years Eve !
Happy Birthday
Same Old Thing
Same Old Thing Part 2
I Lied
Caught In Action
A Little Something
Secrets I Keep
Moving Ahead
Moving Ahead Part 2
Still Alive
Nightmares Awakening
Crazy Drama
I Dont Why?
New Book !!!!
Cold Feet Uh?
Never Fails
Seperate Ways
Losing My Mind
Big Shocker
Cell Of Hell
Court Date
New Book
New Story Coming Soon

Baby Is Here

259 11 29
By nundria_dee

Paris Is In The MM
2 Months Later

Miranda Pov.
I was sitting in the hospital because my water had broke. I kept my baby gender a secret so I didn't even know what the baby was. I was in so much pain and Javontae wasn't making it no damn better. He kept bugging me about keeping calm and counting to 10 like I'm a damn child. I wanted to have natural birth because when I had Kanden I had got an epidural early like right when the contractions started. But this time I wanted to see how it really feel and when I tell you them contractions wasn't no joke. It's worse than period cramps. I felt like I was about to died for a moment. The nurse came in every 30 minutes to see how I was dilating. The first time she came in I was only dilating 3cm. I was so ready to push but I couldn't. The nurse told me in about another hour I'll be ready to push. My heart stopped for a minute. I was so scared and worried. When this one contraction hit me so hard I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was literally crying at this moment. Javontae ass was laughing his ass off and recording me. I wish I could just get out this bed and kill his ass right now. A few minutes later the nurse came back in to check and she ran out. I guess it was time! When she came back the doctor was right behind her. A smile creep on my face I was so happy.

~hours later~
After being in labor for 18 long damn hours I can finally breath. Oh my God the next child I have I'm not going through this shit. Natural birth is just some I disagree on. But I did find out I had a baby girl and so I named her Paris Unique Boyd. She was an angel and I was so inlove with her. The doctor had took her to run the test on her while Javontae was on the phone with everybody telling them that the baby is here. He even called Tasha who was excited she couldn't wait to bring Alaina to see the baby. Me and Tasha good now we had our lil talk and we agreed that bye gone will be bye gone. Few minutes later Javontae mom and Kanden came into the room. I was so exhausted I haven't gotten no sleep.

"Ma where is sissy" Kanden said standing next to me
"The doctors got her, they gone bring her back in a minute"
He nodded his head and went to sit on the couch by Vonte.
"How you feel hunny" Vonte mom said with a smile
"Exhausted I been in labor for damn 18 hours" I said with a laugh
"I feel your pain shit when I was pregnant with Vonte ass I was in labor longer than that"
"Really whoa I can't do it, first time and never again"

A few minutes later Nicole walked in with Tyrone and Carmen. I was so happy to see my boo. Her and Carmen gave me a hug and went to sit on the couch. We all was just talking and laugh until the doctor came in with the baby and behind him was Alaina and Tasha with two balloons and flowers. She smiled when she saw me. Her and Alaina gave me the balloons and flowers. I gave them both a hug then thanked them.

"I hate I can't stay long but is it okay if I leave Alaina for a few hours with Javontae?" She asked me
I nodded my head and she gave Alaina a kiss on the forehead and walked out.
"Aye yall want to see the video of Miranda in labor?!" Vonte said laughing
Everyone nodded at him but I just looked at his ass like if he do that he gone lose some that he need to produce kids with
"I can't show yall that then" he said with a slight laugh.

Javonte went to pick up Paris out the baby crib and everybody cooed around her it was so cute I swear. Paris was even smiling and that what made it seem so adorable.

"Damn Vonte this one is Miranda, only thing she got from you is them damn colorful ass eyes bruh" Tyrone said with a laugh

Everyone laughed at the joke then some hours later everyone start leaving one by one. Vonte mom left Kanden with us cause he acted like he was so attached to Paris. I'm happy my son love his little sister. Kanden end up fall asleep on the couch while Vonte continued to coo over Paris. Alaina was standing up by him as he was holding her it was so cute I swear.

Javontae Pov.
I couldn't be any happier man. Seeing my baby girl smile for the first time out the cooch made my day. Now I can really say I have another baby girl that I got to protect from all these boys that try to come her way. It was cute how Kanden and Alaina was trying to play with the baby. It was nice to have all my kids together just having fun with each other. Few minutes later Tasha came in with her boyfriend.

"Mommie look at my swissy" Alaina said point at Paris
"Can I hold her Vonte?" Tasha said reaching out the get her

I placed Paris in her arms. Tasha was smiling hard as fuck then she looked at her boyfriend and whisper some in his ear he smiled then shook his head. I tried ignoring it but I wonder what she said to him. She held Paris for a few minutes then she put her back into her crib. Miranda was quite the whole time.

"Well we should go now congrats you too we will see yall later."

They left and Miranda was out for the night. I can tell my baby was tired. Shit I was tired too and I wasn't even the one pushing but she was hurting my damn when she had to push. I'm happy boys don't go through no pain like girls do.

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