TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1...

Autorstwa AlwayzzAndForeverr

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Book 1 of my Bennett Supernatural story... rewritten/updated This is an updated rewrite of my TVD story, Benn... Więcej

S1: Characters
1)From The Perfect Start-
2)Night Of The Comet
3)Sport Is A Dangerous Game
5)Sexy Studs Fire Wash
6)Halloween Horrors
7)Happy? Birthday, Stefan
8)Emily Bennett
9)Bennett Hole In One
10)Faulty Decade Dance
11)Inhumane Hypocrite
12)Spelling Bennett Trauma
13)Miss Mystic Falls
14)Right Or Wrong?
15)Founders Day
S2: Characters
16)Happiness Is Overrated
17)Vampoline Carnival
18)Rings And Silver
19)The Moonstone
20)Masquerade Ball
22)A Blonde Distraction
23)Progressing The Plan
24)A Show Of Humanity
25)Vampires, Witches and Werewolves
26)Historical Learning
27)Dinner With A Dagger
28)The Martin Witches
29)The Power Of A Hundred Witches
30)Dance Till Your Dead
31)Klaus's Curse
32)Natures Goddesses
33)Sacrifice Ritual
34)The Hybrid Deal
S3: Characters
35)Hybrid Journey
36)Rebekah And Kol
37)Help At Home
38)New Year, New Trauma
41)Stolen Coffins
42)Happy Birthday, Caroline
44)Abby Bennett
45)A Double Brother Dinner
47)Mikaelson Ball
48)Natures Balance
49)To Link Or Not To Link
50)Never Let Me Go
51)Dance Of Immortality
52)New Beginnings
S4: Characters
53)Dark Consequences
54)College Try Outs
55)Hunters And Tombstone
56)Another Year, Another Crown
57)The Start Of Expression
58)On The Second Day Of Sacrifice My Hybrids Said To Me
59)Fifty Shades Of Mikaelson
60)Out Of Control Bennett Twins
61)The Bad And The Even Worse
62)Girl Gone Wild
63)Silas Is Going To Be Trouble
64)Forced Humanity Switch
65)Expression Triangle
66)Graduation Day
S5: Characters
67)Does This Count As A New Start?
68)Qetsiyah, What Do You Know?
69)Goodbye, Bonnie Bennett
70)Will This Woman Ever Die?
71)Anchor Me To Life
72)Therapist Bennett
73)Sorry You Haven't Moved On
74)Chris' Double Scandel
75)One Girl Gone. One Girl Returned
76)Blonde Wonder Twins
77)Other Side Of The Problem
78)Everything That Could Go Bad, Has
79)The End?
S6: Characters
80)A Quick Check On The Outside World
81)Twilight Zone Of 1994
82)Depressively Endless Months
83)Somebody's Watching Me
84)Will We All Make It Out Alive
85)Fighting For Survival
86)Strangers, Friends or More?
87)Parker And Bennett, Past And Present
88)Behold, The Gemini coven
89)Investing In The Little Moments
90)Can We Find The Magical Solutions?
91)A Way On Both Sides?
92)Escaping The Prison?
93)The World Turned And Left Me Here
94)Spending Chris-tmas Alone
95)The Gemini Effect
96)Happy Birthday To The Bennetts
97)This Feels Like Time Travel
98)Back To Life. But Is This Reality
99)Snow Date In 1903
101)Preparing For The Worst
102)A Wedding To Remember

43)Klaus' Obessions

607 28 31
Autorstwa AlwayzzAndForeverr

<Don't forget to comment and vote>

The Woods,
Christopher's POV:

I walked through the cemetery around where my ancestors graves stood. I looked around in wonder of how I even got here. One minute I was at home and the next I'm here

'Sheila Bennett - Beloved Grandmother' One of the gravestones read. I missed her so much

Walking past more of my ancestors gravestones I began to properly wonder What am I even doing here? Or again better yet, how did I even end up here?

I looked beyond the graves and noticed that one of Klaus' coffins was just sitting on a stone pedestal past them. I walked closer to it whilst staring as my mind once again wondered

I reached my hand out and slid it across the fancy, pristine coffin that didn't look dusty at all considering it was just sitting in the middle of the woods

As I reached down to try and pull the coffin open to see what was inside I heard a whoosh behind me making me spin around to see Klaus standing a bit away from me "It's not like you to give up on a mystery" Klaus said mysteriously

"A mystery? On how to open the coffin you mean?" I asked while creasing my eyebrows wondering if he had followed me or even been the one to have put the coffin here to lure me

"I figured out how to open it" Klaus said as if he didn't even hear me speaking to him. He then vamp sped towards me and stopped right infront of me making my heart race "Can you?" He spoke deeply before he grabbed my neck making me scream

Before he bit into my neck everything went black and and I shot up out of my bed in shock with my heart beating as fast as it was in the dream

When I finally calmed down a little and everything came back into view I heard a scream coming from Bonnie's bedroom. I shot up out of my bed and rushed towards her room where she was stirring around in bed asleep

I ran over and shook her till she woke "Bon! Bon! Bonnie!" I shouted which finally woke her up in the same startled way I shot up after my dream

After breathing for a second Bonnie turned to me and finally looked as if she came back to reality "Chris? What are you doing?"

"You were screaming. Did you have a nightmare?" I asked kind of already knowing she most likely had the same spooked witchy dream I did

"Yeah. There was a... coffin and graves... an-" She slowly explained trying till remember until I cut her off

"I had the same one. It was in the woods and all the graves of our ancestors. Then Klaus tried to kill me over his coffin"

"I didn't see Klaus but our mom was there, I think?" She seemingly asked me to which I pulled her a surprised face since that wasn't in my dream

"Mom? That wasn't apart of my dream. Do these witch dreams have budget cuts now or what?" I said trying to lighten the mood. But the truth is at the mention of... mom my mood dampened

"Oh, really?" Bonnie asked curiously to which I nodded in response and so she wat up looking as if she was about to explain "Well, after finding the coffin I was suddenly inside of it and then I heard footsteps coming towards me. It opened and I'm pretty sure it was her that opened it. I mean I've only seen her in a picture before but, I did recognise her"

"What does this mean then? I had dream Klaus who said he knew how to open the coffin and you see our mom?"

"Maybe we need to find her and see if she knows a way to open this coffin" She says making a plan

"Then we can find the solution to the coffin and never ever see her again, yeah. Great plan" I said getting off her bed so she couldn't object


"Don't Chris me. She abandoned us and never bothered to get back in touch"

"I know, I know. But I'm lost and don't know how else to open that coffin. You don't even have to come see her" Bonnie said trying to convince me

"Sure. Your really keen on wanting to get this coffin open aren't you?" Bonnie said which gave me a great case of de ja vu

I chuckled to myself which made Bonnie look at me curiously "It's nothing. It's just Klaus said something like that about how he thought I should be more curious about it"

"But the Klaus in the dream wouldn't be Klaus its a dream Klaus" Bonnie said to me

"It wasn't a Klaus from my own head though. Its a witch dream Klaus. A vision Klaus to show us the way to the discrase that is our first home"

"First home?"

"Yeah. Our mom" I laughed while Bonnie pulled a grossed out face and jumped off her bed "Anyway get out so I can get dressed. We should go and get Elena"

"Why?" I asked her

"So she can help us find our mom and I want to finally tell her about the coffins" Bonnie told me

"Sounds like... an idea. And hopefully Stefan doesn't rip out our hearts out for doing so" I said before leaving the room so go and get dressed before leaving to go and fetch Elena from her house and go to the abandoned witches building to show her the coffins

Old Witches House,
3rd Person:

After Bonnies expression of wanting to find their mom, who abandoned them, so they could find out a way to open the magically locked coffin. They elicited the help of Elena so they had more people to help them discover where she was

But first they went and shown Elena the hidden coffins in the dark, dusty basement of the old house

"We think the dreams are witches trying to send us a message" Bonnie finished saying bringing her up to speed

"Probably on how to open this coffin" Chris said smacking his hand onto it

"I just can't believe you guys kept this from me this whole time" Elena said crossing her arms at them

"Well, when I found out about Stefan being a kleptomaniac I didn't want anything to do with this" Chris told her

"And now?" Elena asked

"Now with our mom apparently having some information about how to open the coffin, it kind of seems like I have to help" Chris said

"And you finally decided to tell me about this" Elena said looking at Bonnie

"Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were then Klaus could threaten the people you know to get the information out of you" Bonnie responded in apology

It was true, Elena would do anything for the people she loves, but evidently somtimes helping one member of her family, hurts another greatly

"So these are the rest of his family?" Elena asked walking closer to the coffins and gesturing towards them

"Yeah" Bonnie confirmed her question while walking over to the coffin layed upon the elevated surface "Elijah and two others"

"Kol and someone else" Chris said while luring over his coffin that he knew Kol was in after having a secret peak into it by himself earlier just to see him in the old timey suit again

"You know their names?" Elena asked

Chris looked up at her and chuckled awkwardly "No. I don't know the names of these originals we've never met. Why would you think that?"

"Because you just said-" Elena tried to say but was then immediately interupted by Chris

"Anyway, this is the coffin that won't open" Chris said unexpertly dodging her question making Bonnie and Elena cross eyes of confusion to one another "And we don't know who or what is inside of it. Only that stuff about our dreams giving us clues"

"It may be something to help us kill Klaus" Bonnie added on. This made Chris feel a little queezy, even though he has killed before to help his friends it still didn't feel right that his sister outright talked about killing. At least that's what he hoped the feeling was and not about anything else

Fast footsteps came from behind them making them all turn around to see who was coming, it was Stefan waltzing into the room with an attitude to fit 5 people "What the hell are you doing?" He madly said upon seeing the Bennett twins were standing beside the coffins with the one person he told them not to tell

Expecially because Klaus had already threatened her and got Alaric killed to try and get the coffins. Luckily for them Alaric has the Gilbert ring on

"We brought her because we needed her to know about the one that can't open" Bonnie told him

"And I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie! And you,-" He said pointing at Chris making Bonnie scoff at him "-you said you didn't want to be involved"

"It's getting quite hard not to be involved when you keep making Klaus angry by literally kidnapping Elena!" Chris shouted at him for what he did whilst he was trying to take care of Caroline "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"It was the only way to get rid of Klaus' hybrids. You can't complain because it worked, and I'd do it again"

Elena looked at him dead in the eye shaking her head "You've seriously gone off the rails, Stefan. You know how much that scared me. What are you going to do now? Huh? Kidnap me again so I can't tell more people about the coffins?"

Stefan turned and stared at Elena boldly "Don't temp me Elena" He said in a quiet chuckled voice

"You may aswell kidnap us all then. But I don't see that workint out for you" Christopher challenged Stefan

"I'm older and stronger. I could and would if any of you mess this plan up" Stefan threatened

"And we're two strong witches who nearly killed the strongest vampire alive. I don't see how you have a chance, squirrel muncher" Chris argued back trying to stand up straighter to look more intimidating in the face of the vampire who was currently off the rails

Stefan glared at him and took a step towards him when "Would you two stop acting like children!" Bonnie shouted making everyone look at her "We have bigger issues to deal with than your male egos right now. Like the coffin and how we kill Klaus. Any of this ringing any bells?"

"Fine" Stefan grumbled

Bonnie gave a mean stare at her brother who was staying silent "Yes, fine aswell"

"Thank you. Now, I think I know who can open the coffin, so I would've had to tell someone else anyway Stefan for some extra help in finding this person" Bonnie told him seriously

"Find who? What are you talking about?" Stefan asked

From an earlier conversation Chris already knew who she was on about. Even with his discretions about said person, Bonnie's version of the dream managed to force her mind to think they need her help

Mother Bennett

Bonnie pulled something from out of her back pocket, it was a little picture card that she passed to Elena "Oh, my god" Elena took a breath recognising the woman in the image

Stefan snatched the picture from Elena and observed it. The picture shown a young woman playing on the swings with her two little kids, one boy and one girl "Who's this?" Stefan asked in confusion tilting his head a little like a lost little dog

Chris decided to respond to him when the others exchanged a few looks with one another "It's our mom"

Gilbert Residence:

The Bennet twins, with the extra help from Elena who also got help from Sheriff Forbes, gathered every file possible on women with the name 'Abby Bennett'

They sat at Elenas dining room table with the files that she called up Sheriff Forbes to help gather for her. Elena was sat at the end of the table whilst the other two sat beside her on each side of the table opposite one another to make it easier to pass the files around

"Ugh, how many are there" Chris whined looking at all the folders and pages that were scattered across the table in a litter

Elena picked up another file to search "A lot. How about this one?" She handed a piece of paper to Bonnie

Bonnie shook her head while breathing out a puff of air "Pfft, I wish" Then disguarded the file into the 'not mom' pile

Elena handed one of the files to Chris "Na she's too old" Chris said disguarding it while shaking his head

"I know things have been a bit weird between us because of Jeremy. So thank you for helping us Elena" Bonnie told her with a smile

"I can't believe after all this time we're going to find where our mom is and then actually go to her" Chris sighed throwing yet another file to the not mom pile

"You know you both don't have to, right? Let Stefan obsess over this coffin business" Elena told them laughing

Even when true, Chris still thought that it was a bit of a selfish thought since Stefans basically in this situation because he wanted to save Elena and got dragged around by Klaus for months just like he was

"The coffin's spelled shut. That makes it a witches problem. So we need to fix it before it spirals into more" Bonnie told her

"It seems that every one of these problems is a witches problem. The tomb, the moonstone, hybrid ritual, making sure Stefan doesn't get us all killed. I wonder what crazy thing will happen next?" Chris wondered while holding his chin with his elbow on the table

"Because our friends can't seem to stay out of trouble" Bonnie sarcastically laughed looking at Elena a little before moving back onto searching for their mother

The front door to the house opened with a voice coming into the kitchen "Abby Bennett Wilson-" Damon walked in holding a file in his hand "-Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls Hospital, graduated Mystic Falls high, blah, blah blaahh" He walked over to the table and tossed the fils onto the table where Chris immediately picked it up hastily "A little compulsion helped speed the process up" He smirkingly bragged to Elena making Bonnie cross her eyes suspiciously at them both

Chris opened up the file and inside, it had a picture of her with all the information, he then turned the file around to show Bonnie their mother "This is definitely her"

"Yep" Damon clapped his hands together "Road trip. I call shotgun"

"Yeahhh. Nope" Chris demanded while popping the 'p' in his word "You are not coming"

"Fine, if it matters that much I'll sit in the back with Elena. It's no big deal" He smiled at Elena

"I don't mean the seat choice, Damon. We haven't seen our mom in like, over 15 years. We don't need you to come along and ruin it with your Damon personality"

Damon turned to Elena pulling a fake sad face "Sorry, but no. Your not coming" Elena agreed with Chris

Damon and Elena stared into eachothers eyes, making Bonnie and Chris look at eachother in suspicion "What's going on with you two?" Bonnie asked them curiously

Damon turned to her and spilt the beans "We kissed. Now its weird" Bonnie and Chris became wide eyed. Damon then looked back at Elena basically laughing on the inside with a giant smirk "Have a great trip" He said in glee as he left the house knowing he left Elena in a moment to confront what they did to her friends

"You did what with a who now!?" Chris shouted to her in shock

Bennett House:

Tomorrow Chris, Bonnie an Elena were going to go and take a trip over to see Abby Bennett to see how to get this coffin open

They wanted to go earlier, but with the reveal of Elena kissing Damon, Chris needed some time to himself away from her while he processed this information

He was arriving back home alone while Bonnie stayed at Elenas a little longer and when he was about to walk inside the wind opened the door a tiny bit making him confused as only he and Bonnie had keys

He walked in hearing music coming from the stereo in the living room and sighed thinking one of them left it on all day while they were out. He shut the door and walked into the living room "Oh hey, Klaus" Chris said picking up a remote and turning the music off. He then paused himself and slowly turned around properly seeing Klaus sitting on his couch with a glass of burbon he somehow found "What are yo-? Did you break into my house!?"

"Legally I can't deny or confirm" Klaus said making Chris' face fall very unamused "Clearly I'm joking about the legalities. I'm an Original. I'm just here to get you to talk some sense into your psychotic mate"

"Your going to need to narrow it down. But could we first get back to how your even in here?"

"Nevermind that. I'm talking about Stefan. I got all of my hybrids to leave town and he still hasn't gave me my family back" Klaus told him

"And what does your Stefan troubles have to do with me?" Chris asked

"Well, if he doesn't give me back my family I will start getting impacient and begin to do things like ram more cars into your friends" Klaus said reminding him of when his hybrid ran over Alaric

"Then thats when Stefan fulfils his wishes of dropping Elijah in the ocean" Chris told him

Klaus began to laugh to himself "Ha, ha, that's right. Crazy Stefan. How do you think that's working out for him? Do you even still like him? I mean he did try to kill your precious Elena"

"I mean I've not really liked his attitude recently but Stefan is still a good guy" Chris said

"You just want to see the good in the world. Don't you?" Klaus asked

"No. Your the one who did this and made him go all crazy. So, stop acting so innocent. You literally broke into my house" Chris reminded him

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It led me to this great conversation with you though didn't it?"

"You think this is a great conversation? I've had way more drama that has went on today and I honestly can't deal with you on top of that. So get out of my house and go find Stefan yourself" Chris demanded him

"Why? What's happened?" Klaus asked

"You don't really care" Chris said but then saw the concentrated look on Klaus' face which made him truely think he was listening to him "Do you?"

"Would I still be here?" Klaus smiled

"Well Bonnie is still at Elenas because I walked out after learning that she kissed Damon! That isn't unreasonable? Or is it? Am I overreacting to all this? I mean more important things are going on right now in my life" Chris began to ramble to Klaus who listened intently while chuckling a little "Oh I'm sorry are my problems funny? Your the one who asked"


"You know I always knew you were a bit of an ass. I don't even want to tell you now" Chris huffed

"Too bad because you already told me. You really don't like Damon do you?"

"Oh my god, Klaus, It's like your psychic. What gave that away? Besides me always saying it" Chris said sarcastically

"What did he even do to you to deserve this kind of hatred towards him?" Klaus wondered making Chris suspicious of why he wanted to know

"A multitude of things. Nothing important" Chris said

"If it's not that important then I'm going to-"

"So-" Klaus smiled knowing he just played Chris to keep talking. Chris saw his dark blue eyes that looked as if they were beckoning him to tell him what was troubling him. It made Chris feel a little wanted expecially after all this trying to find his mother who abandoned him "-he got my Grams killed. Indirectly"

"And you still hold blame towards him?" Klaus thought to himself knowing he did kill Jenna and tried killing Elena

"Of course I do! He stormed into this town and completely flipped my life over, all because of some stupid girl!" Chris began to shout "And now Elena is liking him even though Stefan, the guy she basically thought was her true love, is struggling and it seems like he's not even on the list of her priorities now!" Klaus just sat there listening to him "I know she did try and help when we left town with you but after all that she then kissed his brother! It's despicable and I can't even"

"Whoa, love calm down before you blast your windows out" Klaus stood up and walked towards Chris who was walking back and forth getting out of control. Klaus put his hands on Chris' arms to stop him "Everything will be fine. I think you just need somebody to talk to. Clearly someone who isn't Elena"

Chris chuckled a little "I don't hate her. She's my best friend, we have always had little squabbles but this supernatural stuff is escalating things so much"

"If anyone could handle this, then I think you could" Klaus assured him

"I wouldn't have to if it wasn't for you" Chris said

"I'd never be able to correct the damage I've done to you but all I want right now is my family. I'm sure you understand that"

"Your family" Chris nodded and hummed "The family that are in litteral coffins right now?"

"You should be thanking me. If you think I'm ruining your lives imagine four other Mikaelsons in town"

"Mikaelsons?" Chris questioned

"It's my last name"

"I spent months with you and I still didn't know that. But I guess you make a point. Trying to live with immortals does seem painful, expecially if they're your siblings"

"You have no idea" Klaus laughed before beginning to slowly move forward

Chris' heart pounded and it felt as if time had slown right down. In his eyes Klaus moved in fractions leaning towards him. His breathing became heavy as his mind raced with the possibilities. As Klaus' face came close to his he uncontrollably turned away and coughed "I've got a big day tomorrow and wasn't expecting company tonight"

Klaus brought on a not so subtle ear to ear smile trying not to feel offended at this slight rejection. He could hear Chris' heart but wished he could hear his thoughts "I've got plans myself. Now I'm trying to build a family home with no hybrid helpers"

"Sounds like we've both got a lot on our plates" Chris said walking Klaus to his front door where he saw the door was a little open again. He pulled it and saw it was broken and wouldn't close. He huffed and turned towards Klaus "Really?"

"I apologise. There was no way else to get inside" Klaus explained

"I may be a witch but I'm also a human. A human living in a paid for house with only my dad's occasional money to live on to split between two people because we refused to leave this house" Chris began complaining to him again

"I know, I know. Sometimes I forget not everyone lives as I do. Just send me the bill and I'll reimburse you" Klaus came up with a solution

Chris thought on it for a moment "Hmm, well... you better. I may be able too create fire with my mind but I'm still broke"

"I'll keep that in mind" Klaus chuckled amusingly to himself before stepping outside "I'll be seeing you, Chris"

"Really? Why?" Chris asked in a quicker tone than he wanted

"If Stefan doesn't comply then I'll need more options to get my family back" Klaus reminded him

"Oh yeah, right" Chris said looking down a little

"Why?" Klaus smirked

"Why? Why nothing" Chris scrambled to say "Just run away before my sister gets home. Okay bye" Chris then slammed the door which then slowly opened again since it was broken

Klaus was still stood on the other side with an amused look on his face "I'll see you another time, love" Klaus then pulled the door shut and sped away from the house

Chris leaned up against the door keeping it closed and took a huge breath with his eyes closed thinking about what just nearly happened between them

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