Sailor Moon: Black Sun (Harem...

By Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N): "Henshin!!!!!" ???: "Henshin." (Y/N) (L/N) was the first Century King who called himself is Black Sun... More

First Introduction: Black Sun
Second Introduction: Shadowmoon
Prologue: Black Sun V.S Shadowmoon
Chapter 1: The Masked Vigilante
Sailor Moon: Black Sun Opening
Chapter 3: We Meet Again/Childhood
Chapter 4: Black Sun & Sailor Moon Team-up/Bilgenia
Chapter 5: New Transfer Student
Chapter 6: Sailor Uranus & Neptune Meet Black Sun
Chapter 7: Black Sun Date Sailor Moon
Chapter 8: Black Sun V.S Bilgenia Round 2
Chapter 9: Shadowmoon V.S Outer Sailors
Chapter 10: Kaijin V.S Kaijin
Chapter 11: The Confessions
Chapter 12: Black Sun V.S Baraom Part 1
Chapter 13: Black Sun V.S Baraom Part 2
Chapter 14: The White Knight
Chapter 15: Black Sun Reunion With Shadowmoon
Chapter 16: Shadowmoon & Naru
Chapter 17: Black Sun V.S Darom
Chapter 18: Shadowmoon V.S Bishum
Chapter 19: Next Plans/Black Sun's Dates
Chapter 20: Black Sun V.S Colonel Dasmader Part 1
Chapter 21: Black Sun V.S Colonel Dasmader Part 2
Chapter 22: Our Future Daughter?!?
Chapter 23: Mamoru Reunion/Boys Fight Over Girl
Chapter 24: Saturn & Shadowmoon
Chapter 25: The World's Darkest Rider
Chapter 26: Black Sun V.S Gatezone
Chapter 27: Black Sun V.S Captain Gedorian
Chapter 28: Final Black Sun V.S Shadowmoon Part 1
Chapter 29: Final Black Sun V.S Shadowmoon Part 2
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Chapter 2: The First Century King Black Sun

1.4K 28 6
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Previously Of Sailor Moon: Black Sun.

(A/N: I love this one right is my favorite theme music.)

After the transformation was done and make the smokes clear out and the Sailors were surprise to seeing (Y/N) show his true Black Sun form right in front at them and they both saw his armor had a black and looks like thick thin and then he had a red eyes glowing up and he had an orange glowing aura from him. The true power of Black Sun for the Sailors that they gonna witnesses at it.

Sailor Guardians: "W-What the?!?!" They both said in surprise.

Sailor Moon: "*N-N-No way....he can transform?!?*" She thought herself.

Luna: "B-Black Sun....." She said in surprise and she saw the form of Black Sun for what he was become century king and the Gorgom cat was surprise and he was stepped back away from this monster. When (Y/N) goes his fighting stance and he use his right arm goes up and then his other hand that he was clenching hard and prepare to fight.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "I am the child of the sun....I am Kamen Rider Black Sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

Sailor Moon & Guardians: "Kamen Rider Black Sun?" They both said in surprise for what they heard of (Y/N)'s word.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "HRRRAAAAAARGH......." He was let out a deep sigh and make him was turn his head to look at Gorgom Cat and the creature looks like afraid and make (Y/N) was stood right there and then Gorgom Cat was definitely scared of him and he was got free and then he start to killing the other victims and then (Y/N) let out a growl and he let out a yelled out with his demonic voice charge toward at Gorgom Cat with his superhuman speed.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "HRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He roaring out in anger and make him running toward to him and he grab the neck and then he was lifting him up and he growl little bit.

When (Y/N) slam him down on the ground with judo flip and then he was got hurt by (Y/N) and then he was beating the shit out of him and make (Y/N) turn his head to look up at the monster who was slowly got up. Then the monster tried to fight back at (Y/N) and he was block the attack from him and then the monster tried to use his claws about to slash at (Y/N) and he dodge the attacks from Gorgom monster and then (Y/N) gave him a fly knee him in the stomach and make the monster spat bloods out of his mouth.

Then he gave him a beautiful roundhouse kick at the monster in the face and make the monster was stepped back and then he tried to bite him and (Y/N) grab his head with both arms around and he throw the monster to the wall and send him through to the wall.

Sailor Moon: "*Whoa...he's strong! He can fight that thing!*" She thought herself.

Sailor Mars: "Mercury, can you give us information about this guy?" She asked Mercury.

Sailor Mercury: "I don't know I tried to scan him but...he was unknown mysterious, Mars." She said to her and then Jupiter said.

Sailor Jupiter: "You mean this guy ain't around here?" She asked them and make them nod their heads and then they both watching at him was walking toward to the monster and looks like the monster got hit so hard by (Y/N). When the gorgom cat jumped out from the wall and make it landing his feet down on the ground and he turn his head to look at (Y/N) with growling and he said.


Sailor Moon: "Creation King?" She asked herself.

Luna: "I'll explain later, Usuagi. But first....let's watch the battle." She said.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "You can let them come....and I'll be the one their execution." He said to Gorgom Cat and make the monster was let out a roar in rage and he tried to charge toward at (Y/N) with his speed and then (Y/N) seen this and make him use his right fist glowing in orange flames. When (Y/N) was waiting for him to come at him and then he was jumped up and he shout out.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "RIDER PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and then he was jumped up and punch the gorgom cat monster in the face so hard and knock the monster to the wall and then waiting for 5 minutes later and blowed up right away.

Sailor Guardians: "WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They both said in surprise and they saw how strong of (Y/N) really was and he just defeat the monster with one punch hit the creature and blow the monster up with a finisher move. When (Y/N) turn his head to look at the fires from the monster that he just killed it and then he was still staring at it and make it is burning up right away and (Y/N) was stare at it...and after the flames died down and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at the Sailor Moon and Guardians.

Sailor Moon: "W-Whoa...." She said in surprise.

Sailor Guardians: "T-That was awesome." They both said and then (Y/N) was thinking of this and make him just start to walking away from here and before he leaves and he heard Sailor Moon called (Y/N).

Sailor Moon: "Wait!" She shout out to (Y/N) and make him was stood right there and then he turn around to look at her who was stood there and she asked (Y/N).

Sailor Moon: "I-I don't know what to say....But thank you! For helping to fight the monster!" She said to (Y/N) and make him was silent and he doesn't know what to said and he said.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "Don't get too easy, Sailor Moon. There were more monsters out there that you don't want to know how many of them are....there is a lot of them." He said to her and the other sailor guardians and make them both surprise for what they heard of (Y/N) said to her and the sailor guardians and then he said.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "You and Sailor Guardians aren't ready for the battle. These things out there...they are going to strike the humanity anytime and where." He said and once he was hop on his bike and he start the engine of his bike right away and then he turn his head to look at Sailor Moon and he said to her.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "Fight them will getting you and your friends killed, Sailor Moon. They don't want you....they only want me." He said to her.

Sailor Moon: "But, when we will see you again?" She asked him.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "Perhaps we will meet the other time, Usagi Tsukino." He said to her with her real name and make Sailor Moon and Sailor guardians are surprise then (Y/N) drove his bike going faster and goes speedster right away and leaving the Sailor Moon and guardians and then he was drove his bike away from here. After he was disappeared and Sailor Moon is surprise for what she heard him called her identity real name of Sailor Moon and she was confuse about what happened.

Sailor Moon: "H-H-How did he know my name?" She asked herself.

Sailor Mars: "T-That was mysterious guy....." She said to Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Guardians were walk to her and then she heard Venus said.

Sailor Mercury: "So he said there were more of them out there....that means we aren't alone." She said to them and make them both were thinking about what to do and they have no idea what threat has coming for them and they both seeing how strong of these monsters out there and they are hurting an innocent peoples.

To Be Continued.

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