Promised Future

By danka0529

9.1K 173 2

* BOOK TREE OF DAMAGE PAST* Celeste De Luca has fully healed from her psychological scars, trying to move on... More

Intro and Warnings!
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Writer's message

Chapter Seventeen

303 7 0
By danka0529

The next morning Celeste woke up, rolling in bed she noticed that she was alone. sitting up and moving her hair out of her face she looked at the clock on the nigtstand, it was eight in the morning.

"fuck!" Celeste let out as she jumpped out of bed, letting out a hiss as the full body pain that shot through her from last night makeup sex. Celeste quickly got ready and made her way downstairs where she could hear Jack making Talia laugh, Aaron talking to someone. Celeste walked into the dinning room. She walked to Talia.

"good morning baby" she said giving her a kiss on her head.

"morning Jack" she let out as she did the same.

"Morning" Jack let out, Celeste ruffled his hair as she continue to the kitchen to get her coffee ready. Celeste smile as she saw her travel mug already ready.

"ah! there you are" Aaron let out as he appeared in the doorway, Celeste turned and gave him a little smile. Celeste then looked at the lady standing beside him.

"Hey Cameron, sorry I over slept" she let out.

"no worries, Hotch showed me around a little" she let out, Celeste gave her a nod.

"I feel bad that your going to be here all day alone" Celeste let out, Cameron let out a chuckle.

"part of the job, but I brought stuff to do. don't worry" Cameron said as she gave Celeste a smile.

"we need to go Ce" Aaron let out as he walked away, Celeste gave him a nod as she walked out of the kitchen and back in the dinning room.

"Alright kids, time to go!" she let out in a high pitch tone and her arms up, Making Talia laugh.

"You like that baby girl?" Celeste let out as she took Talia in her arms, Celeste and Aaron got the kids in the SUV and settled. Celeste closed the door and looked at Cameron who was standing at the door of the garage.

"if you need anything, call my cell" Celeste let out as she open the passanger door.

"Will do, have a good day at work" she let out as she waved to Aaron before walking in the house and closed the door, Celeste got in the SUV.

"Good morning" Aaron let out as he looked at Celeste with a smile, Celeste shook her head with a smile.

"morning" she replied.

Getting to Talia's daycare, Celeste got out and got Talia out of the careseat.

"Say bye to daddy" Celeste said, Talia looke at Aaron and gave him a air kiss with her hand.

"Bye baby, have a good day at daycare" Aaron let out returning the air kiss. Walking in the building Celeste took Talia's sweater off and changed her shoes, then walked her to the main baby room, standing at the door where the baby gate was.

"there she is" the young blonde educator let out as she walked to the door.

"How is Talia doing this morning?" she asked, Celeste smiled at the young girl as she passed her the baby.

"she's good, sorry for being late, had a late start this morning"

"No worries, everyone can have off days" the educator let out.

"Oh! so we have a new educator that started with us today" the young girl said as she turned around and looked at the other blonde that was playing with two babies on the floor, Celeste looked at her and noticed it was the Marshal.

"Her name is Melissa, she's going to be in the baby room with us for now" Celeste gave her a nod, Melissa looked up and gave Celeste a little smile before going back to the babie.

"Perfect, have a good day ladies" Celeste let out as she waved the the three educators before walking away.

Getting back in the SUV she put her belt on.

"Drop off good?" Aaron asked, Celeste nodded.

"yeah, they have a new educator in the baby room" she let out, Aaron gave her a nod that he knew that it was the Marshal. Driving to Jack's school, Aaron taking his belt off.

"I got him" Celeste quickly got out of the SUV, opening the door for Jack he jumpped out. Grabbing Celeste's hand they both ran to the door of the school, walking in they were faced with the principal of the school.

"Mrs, Hotchner" the tall lady said with a smile on her face, Celeste looked up at the woman.

"Morning, sorry were late" Celeste let out as she turned towards Jack.

"alright have a good day, see you later" she let out, Jack gave her a nod as gave her a hug.

"see you later, love you mom" he said as he backed up and quickly walked away to his class, Celeste stodd up straighter, floored by Jack calling her mom for the first time.

"So, I met the Marshal and stationed her as the teacher Assistant in Jack's class" the principal said, Celeste gave her a nod.

"thank you, it shouldn't be for to long" Celeste let out the lady gave her a nod.

"well I should be going" Celeste let out, the principal gave her a nod.

"have a good day Celeste" she let out, Celeste gave her a smile.

"same" she replied as she made her way out of the school. Getting in the SUV Celeste let out a deep exhale.

"you good?" Aaron asked, Celeste put her belt on before looking at Aaron with a raised eyebrow look.

"what?" he asked started to drive away.

"So Jack called me mom" she let out, Aaron looked at her and gave her a smile.

"really?" Celeste nodded.

"Well it was a matter of time, how did it feel?" Aaron asked, Celeste looked straight ahead and bit the inside of her cheek. She turned and looked at Aaron again.

"Warm and fuzzy" she let out, Aaron gave her a smile as he reached over the middle console and grabbed her hand.

They both got in the BAU.

"Early morning delight got you running late?" Morgan let out with a mishivous smile.

"Morgan" Hotch let out in warning as he continued to his office making Morgan chuckle, Celeste looked at Morgan and shook her head.

Aaron walked in his office and was met with Dave sitting in one of the chair in front of his desk.

"Morning" Aaron let out as he closed the door and walked to his desk.

"Not really" Dave let out, Aaron raised his eyebrows at him. Dave sat forward and pushed a envelope towards Aaron.

"What's that?" Aaron asked as he sat in his chair.

"it's for you" he said, Aaron grabbed the envelope and open it, taking out the single piece of paper. He looked at it.

Time is ticking Agent Hotchner, Making me wait is not wise...

"Who brought this in?" Aaron asked, Dave shook his head.

"I checked, it was just a regular postman. Are the Marshals in place?" Dave asked, Aaron gave him a nod.

"Hows Celeste?" Dave asked, Aaron put the paper down.


"it's about time you two had sex" Dave let out, Aaron looked at his friend as he shook his head with a chuckle.

"What are we going to do about that?" Dave asked, Aaron let out a deep breath as he sat back in his chair.

"Nothing" he let out.

The day wasted away, Aaron and Celeste picked up Jack and Talia and made it home with Cameron who made supper, Celeste walked into the dinning room where the food was put on the table.

"Cameron, you really didn't have to" she let out as she looked at the brunnette pouring water in the glasses.

"If I'm going to stay here all day, might as well do something useful" she let out, Celeste walked around the table and took her usual seat. Aaron put Talia in the highchair then took his seat.

"Thank you Cameron" he let out, Cameron took her set beside Celeste.

"this looks amazing" Celeste let out. Everyone digged in and had small talk about there day. After supper Celeste got Talia washed and put to bed while Aaron was doing the same with Jack, both meeting in the hall to switch rooms.

"Night bud" Celeste let out to Jack as she planted a kiss on his forehead and pulled the blankets up.

"I love you, have sweet dreams" she said as she walked to the door.

"Love you mom" Jack let out, Celeste smiled as she walked out of the room and closed the door a little. Celeste made her way downstairs and looked at Cameron sitting on the couch.

"did Aaron show you where your room is?" Cameron shook her head, Celeste gestured for her to fallow her and she turned around and made her way down the hall behind the stairs.

"We have three spare rooms, one upstairs and two down here plus the office" Celeste let out as they walked down the hall.

"this house is amazing" Cameron let out, Celeste let out hum in agreement as she walked into the bedroom and turned the light on, the room was big. It had a huge king size bed againts the back wall with two ceiling to wall windows on each side, dresser on the right side and a sitting area on the opposite wall of the bed with a flat screen tv on the wall.

"you have a full bathroom threw that door, which is full of towels and whatever else you need" Celeste let out.

"wow, thank you" Cameron let out Celeste gave her a nod.

"well have a good night, will see you in the morning" Celeste let out as she walked to the door.

"good night Celeste" Cameron let out.

Celeste made her way back upstairs and to the master bedroom where Aaron was already set in bed, Celeste closed the door and grabbed the baby monitor on the dresser beside the door and turned it on.

"Cameron all settled in?" he asked as he was looking down at his book.

"yeah" Celeste let out as she walked to the bathroom and got ready for bed. Once all ready Celeste jumpped in bed making Aaron chuckle.

"God, I couldnt wait to get in bed. I'm so sore" Celeste let out, Aaron put his book away and gave her a amused looked.

"why are you sore?"

"You know why, you dick" she let out making Aaron laugh.

"yeah my dick was the cause of it" he let out, Celeste let out a laugh.

"Weirdo" she said. Both getting settled in the bed, Aaron looked at Celeste with his serious look.

"what?" she asked, Aaron let out a exhale.

"I got a note from Bertram today" he said, Celeste's face went blank.

"what did it say?"

"Were running out of time, she's getting impatient" he said, Celeste let out a hum.

"well she should come out and play so I can beat her ass" Celeste let out, Aaron gave her a look.

"I know, I know"

"I know you want to catch her, but we need to be careful if she's anything like..."

"Aaron..." she let out as she closed her eyes, they both then looked at each other.

"Let's go to bed will talk about this tomorrow" Aaron said. Both laying down. Aaron moved closer as kissed Celeste.

"I love you Mrs. Hotchner" he let out, Celeste gave him a smile.

"I love you more Mr. Hotchner" she replied, Aaron turned and shut the light off

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