A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no...

By CrownedCabbage

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{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket cha... More

Chapter 1- When in Doubt, Eat Chicken Nuggets
Chapter 2- Well He Could Use a Snickersโ„ข
Chapter 3- Welcome to Polar Star!
Chapter 4- Cooking for a Nude Man
Chapter 5- How Does One Obtain Such Power?
Chapter 6- We Have a Farm!?
Chapter 7- The Jiggle of the Jello
Chapter 8- No Misteak About It
Chapter 9- Duel of the Don
Chapter 10- Look at Me
Chapter 11- To Camp We Go!
Chapter 12- I Killed a Chicken With My Bare Hands
Chapter 13- Who's the Juggle Master? I'm the Juggle Master!
Christmas Special; Merry Christmas!
Chapter 14- Terror of Nine Vegetables!
Chapter 15- The Magician From the East!
Chapter 16- Two Big Losers
Chapter 17- Revealed Nemesis
Chapter 18- An Egg-citing Breakfast Buffet
Chapter 19- Camp's Completion
Chapter 20- Like Father, Like Son
Chapter 21- Midnight on a Mountain
Chapter 22- Preparation Revelation
Chapter 23- Stolen Possession
Chapter 24- Autumnal Elections Announcements and Cinnamon-Stick-Sniffers
Chapter 25- Keep Calm and Curry On
Chapter 26- Unexpected Dip
Valentine's Special; Happy Valentine's Day!
Chapter 27- The Festival
Chapter 28 - Splat
Chapter 29- Summer's End
Chapter 30- Nervous Nightmares; Autumn Election, Start!
Chapter 31- Of Curry and Courage
Chapter 32- Preliminaries, End! Beep Beep, LETTUCE
Chapter 33- Crab Cake Closure
Chapter 34- Party Games; Missent Messages
Chapter 35 - Quarterfinals, Round 1! ; Crabs and Cicadas
Chapter 36 - Don't Eat the Potato Salad
Chapter 37 - Got Beef?
Chapter 38 - Autumn Elections Finals! ...Where is the Exit?
Chapter 39 - Shiomi Seminar, and the Stegosaurus?
Chapter 40 - Stagiaire, Stage 1: Noodle-Doodle-Doo
Chapter 41 - Stagiaire, Stage 2: Ristorante F
Hot Springs Special - The River's Master
Chapter 42 - New Recruit
Chapter 43 - Scooters, Showers, and Unsolicited Teammates
Chapter 44 - Grocery Runs and Cursed Mascots
Chapter 45 - Revenge of the Cursed Mascots!
Chapter 46 - An A-bun-dance of Problems
Chapter 47 - Moon Festival, End: A Fireworks Finale!
White Day Special; Happy White Day!
Chapter 48 - Go Home
Chapter 49 - Salty Rice and Microwave Curry
Chapter 50 - Are You Chicken?
Chapter 51 - Frog Bread Friends
Chapter 52 - Scouting the Competition
Chapter 53 - Director Dumpling
Chapter 54 - Mr. Clean Michelin Man
Chapter 55 - Sparklers, S'mores, and Bonfires; Promotion Exams, Start!
Chapter 56 - Starry Nights in Sapporo
Chapter 57 - Count McChonkster and Kevin C. Cucumber
Chapter 58 - Promotion Exams, Stage 3: A Concerning Lack of Nipples
Chapter 59 - Reunions, Rooftops.... and Revolution
Chapter 60 - A Second Attempt at Snowball Assault
Chapter 61 - It's All Ogre Now; Down with the Empire
Chapter 62 - A Demon of a Dad
Chapter 63 - Osteoporosis
Goodbye, Joichiro (Bonus Backstory: Yasuo)
Chapter 64 - Your Cooking
Chapter 65 - The Meaning in a Name
Chapter 66 - Like a Hotdog Against the Windshield
Chapter 67 - Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo
Chapter 68 - Team Shokugeki, Start! ; Funny F-eel-ings and Broken Kitchenware
Chapter 69 - Bout 1, End: Rice Ball Assault and Garlic-Induced Grief
Chapter 70 - Bout 2, Start: Dabbing on da Hatersss
Chapter 71 - Teletubbies, Gaslighting, and Gacha Toys
Chapter 72 - Spillin' the Tea

Chapter 73 - A Hint of Goat; None Pizza, Left Beef

4.7K 164 482
By CrownedCabbage

(Name)'s POV

If I had a nickel for the number of times a person knocked on my door that night and I mistook them for Ryou (who was supposed to deliver my plushies hours ago), I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice.

"McChonkster!!" I exclaimed and seized the plush in an embrace. When I stepped back, however, I was greeted by a vacuum-sealed bag of my plushies. "Finally! Thanks a bunch, Ryou-kun!"

"Heh, I'll let him know you said that." I lowered Count McChonkster at the sound of the familiar voice, except it wasn't Ryou.


He anticipated both my screech and my violent-hug based on the way he didn't stumble when I tackled him, his boots planted firmly into the ground to stabilize both of us, while his firm arms supported both myself and the bag of plushies effortlessly.

"Oomph," he grunted when McChonkster, still gripped tight in my hand, smacked him in the face. "Hi."

I giggled and buried my face in his chest, relishing the warmth that exuded from him. Hibiki's hugs beat that from a plushie any day. "Hi."

It was as if my energy was renewed, and I ushered him into the room with haste and set another pot of tea to brew. Despite the fact that I'd just finished an entire pot of the cinnamon tea with Hayama, I didn't think I could ever grow tired of its flavor. Gone were the days that I had to ration the tea; I could always ask Hayama to make more!

"–and do you know what he said after that? Do you know what Mister Monochrome Mouse  said?" I ranted, recounting the time we Rebels met up with the Elite Ten to settle the rules for the Team Shokugeki. Time seemed to fly by with Hibiki as I caught him up on everything that had happened since the Moon Banquet Festival as if he were my personal diary, and he listened attentively, nodding at intervals and commenting when appropriate. He was truly invested. "He said that if we were to lose, he'd expel all of us and Erina-chan would have to serve Central for the rest of her life!" Just the memory of Azami's terms was enough to make my blood boil.

Hibiki gasped. "What!? That's — he can't do that! That's not legal, right??"

"I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around it," I grumbled into my tea. "It seems at this school that a chef is only as good as their word, and violating the terms of a Shokugeki when you lose is like tarnishing your honor. Or whatever." But if you asked me, maintaining one's honor and pride was stupid if it meant you were unhappy.

By the time I had caught Hibiki up to date, we'd finished the pot of tea and made a sizable dent on the remaining Sapporo snacks. I'd already given Hibiki his share of souvenirs: snacks for him to share with his family, a hand-woven blanket, and an 'I <3 Sapporo' shirt which he immediately slipped on over his current clothes.

Has it really been so long since we've spoken? It was true things had been hectic lately, and my conversations with the boy had grown less frequent, but I couldn't help but feel bad.

And as per usual, Hibiki seemed to read my mind before I could voice this aloud. "I get it. Things've been crazy for ya'. No one blames you, (Name)." The softness in his voice was enough to stir a fuzzy feeling in my tummy. "Ya' never need to apologize for taking care of yourself. To me, or anyone else."

It was exactly what I needed to hear. I had been so worried about everyone else that I'd almost forgotten myself, and the time I did take for myself always came with a sense of regret. Even now, I wondered if there was anything I could do to help prepare my surviving teammates for tomorrow. But Hibiki was right. It was almost annoying how he knew exactly what to say at times like these.

"Psh, since when did you become so emotionally mature?" I jested and let out a wistful sigh.

"I've always been the emotionally-mature one," he answered with a straight face.

It was true. While Hibiki had always been a crybaby ever since we were kids, his honesty with himself and his emotions had always been something I could never match. When my emotions became too much, I'd often withdraw and repress them until I burst like a dam; Hibiki, on the other hand, would feel bad, cry it out, and then pick up the pieces and address the problem at its source.

"Besides, Ryou's been updating me too. Though certainly not in as much detail," Hibiki continued after a moment, and I realized I'd been staring off into space again. I must've been exhausted for it to happen this much. He proceeded to state how he believed he'd mastered video-calls, and that he even learned about something called T*kT*k (but that it was too scary and he had his little sister delete it for him. I assured him it was for the best).

"Man, I'm really glad you're here. Can't tell ya' how many times I wished ya' coulda been here this past year..." I leaned forward and sprawled my arms across the tea table, folding over it to press my face flat against the wood. He'd been of great help providing the ingredients for my battles, but his presence alone was a major source of comfort.

"Glad to be here! Feels like I've finally gotten a taste of yer crazy academy life." Hibiki pushed aside the snacks I'd carelessly crushed beneath my arms, then leaned down to press his face flat against the wood, mimicking my horrid posture. I knew his mom would give him an earful if she saw him sitting like this.

"I'd say it's usually more calm than this," I thought of all the other times I'd faced near-expulsion and dramatic Shokugekis, "but that would be a lie."

"With friends like yers, 'can't imagine ya' get many quiet days." The table rumbled with Hibiki's laughter. "But knowing you, I'm sure yer a major contributor to that, as well."

"Aw, no need for flattery, now..." I took his call-out as a compliment, causing him to laugh harder.

"But really, thanks for being here. And for being so patient with my friends earlier." I wryly thought remembered how they'd surrounded him like ravenous pigeons to bread crumbs. "I know they can be a lot when they're excited but..."

"-They're good people." Hibiki correctly predicted my thoughts.

I turned my head to look at him, the both of us still smushed against the wood, and found him only a short distance away from me. He was close enough that I could see how his apricot lashes stood out against his big, sea foam green eyes, complemented by a generous splattering of freckles across his tan complexion. I was again tempted to play connect-the-dots with his freckles; but last time we did that, he looked as if he'd been "mauled by a Marker Monster" (as my grandma put it), and we both got a lecture on ink poisoning. Perhaps we shouldn't have used permanent marker.

His eyes squinted when he smiled, one-side exaggerated due to his face being pressed against the table. "Like you. They're good people. 's 'only natural they'd gravitate towards ya'."

I smiled back, heart overflowing with warmth for my academy friends, and for the one here in front of me. "Yeah." Hibiki was right. "They're good people."

Then his eyes darted to the side as if remembering the way some of the guys sized him up. Or at least Kurokiba, specifically. "They're still scary, though."

I smiled wider. "Hehe."

It was only when Hibiki caught sight of the clock that he decided to dash. The red '11:32' that shone on the nightstand clock proved how many hours we'd spent together, yet it still didn't feel like enough.

"Sorry (Name), but I gotta go." He stood and moved towards the door.

But he didn't make it far.

"Huh?" He glanced down at my hand which held onto his pant-leg. "...Oh." He attempted to gently pull it out of my grip, but I held onto the fabric unashamedly and groaned.

"Noooooo, Hibi-kuuuuun...!" I punched his foot lightly whilst whisper-screaming. "Hibiscuits!!! Nooooo..!!"

He giggled at my dramatic display and conceded to my tugs, kneeling down next to where I remained seated on the floor. "C'mon, now you're acting like Miu."

I scrunched my face at the comparison, unabashed to act childish in front of my best friend. "Mm. I miss her tooooo..."

"She'll be over the moon when I tell her ya' said that." He flicked the tip of my nose softly.

I knew he had to go. He'd been gone for at least four days now and left his father with all the farm work; his father usually worked in the city to sell their products, but he came home to take over Hibiki's workload just so he could make the trip. It wasn't the best system, but it wasn't like they could afford more workers or anything of the sort.

Finally, I relented and released his pant-leg, dropping the distressed-act along with it. "Alright." I stared down at my lap, where a cinnamon-tea-colored spot stained the thigh of my pajama pants.

Then I looked up and shot him a thumbs-up. "Okay!"

Looking at him was a mistake, though, for he saw straight through me. "(Name)."

"Okay!" I repeated, mouth stretched in an uneven grin. Ah. Why do I even bother — it's impossible to lie to Hibiki!

"We'll be fine. It'll be fine. I'm fine. In a literal and aesthetic sense, too. I'm mega fine!" I did myself absolutely no favors the harder I fibbed, so I concluded my pathetic attempt with a second thumbs-up. Believe it.

I knew we'd be fine. I had faith that my friends would bring home the victory. Sure, it was my only option to believe in them, but that didn't mean that I necessarily felt fine. In this current moment in time, here with Hibiki whom I knew I could be honest with... I felt pretty crappy.

And I knew he knew it, too.

Hibiki didn't say anything. Too many times I'd put on a brave face for him, like all the times I'd ever scraped my knee or twisted my ankle, and Hibs had to carry me home, he was always the one crying. But instead of calling me out, he took my hand. It was something he hadn't done in forever, yet he didn't shy away.

His name rested on the tip of my tongue, but before I could speak it, he slowly leaned forward to hug me. It was gentle yet firm in the way he held me, and if I had to compare it to something, it felt like being wrapped in a clean, warm blanket fresh out of the dryer. And even though my hands (still in a thumbs-up) remained trapped between my chest and his due to how close he held me, it somehow didn't take away from the comfort of his embrace.

We'd shared countless hugs before. Of course this one felt familiar. But the way he squeezed me felt like he was saying more than goodbye. The only question was 'what?'.

"(Name)..." His tone was wistful, though it was hard to place why. It sounded like he wanted to say something.

Hibiki took a deep breath... and exhaled. He squeezed me once more and buried his face in my hair. "(Name)."

It was just my name. I'd heard him call it countless times before. Yet now he spoke it with such emotion that I found myself unable to speak. It was my name. It was just my name. So why did it feel so heavy?

And so we sat there in silence. Neither of us knew what to say. It wasn't often that words failed us, but we'd long since passed the point of needing words.

I managed to wiggle my arms free and return the hug. It was even more comfortable now, and I was reminded of just how dang good Hibiki's hugs were as I inhaled his scent. He smells sweet. Like apples — honeycrisp apples, to be precise — and his mother's handmade soap.

And then he did something new. He ran one hand through my hair, gently so that it didn't even hurt when he ran through the tangles, and pushed my hair back from my face.

He leaned down and pressed the gentlest of kisses to my forehead. He didn't care about my acne or the saltiness of my sweat. It made me feel warm and fuzzy, but most of all it made me feel... loved.

"Hibiki..." My voice came out breathless.

"Geh?!" I flinched when he suddenly placed his cap on my head and noogied me, shifting his hold so he was holding me in a headlock instead. That's what this was!? A sneak attack!?!?!!

"Ya' sure talked big 'bout those pals o' yers, so I trust you'll cheer 'em on in th'next round!" He laughed when I shoved him back and escaped his hold easily, despite his bulging biceps. "If they're anythin' like you, I know y'all'll pull th'win." His accent came out thicker than usual, a telltale sign of his embarrassment, but I was still recovering from his sudden sneak attack to comment on it.

"Heh, well, I'll call ya' when we do." I leaned back and adjusted the cap so I could see him, only to see he'd already stood up.

When I stood to face him, however, he immediately tugged the tip of his cap back over my eyes, and I was forced to adjust it all over again. "You better. I'm gonna go hit the hay now, but don't be a stranger, ya' hear?"

By the time my vision was restored, he was already halfway to the door. It would've been easy to catch up to him. But for some reason I remained where I was, watching him go instead.

Something felt different. Off. I didn't know how to explain it, but it felt like he was both rushed and slow to leave. I didn't even get to see his face one last time before he left. It felt as if he'd realized something — or rather, he'd tried to tell me something.

I took his cap off my head and held it over my heart, which I didn't realize was pounding so hard. It had been for a while now. My other hand rested over my forehead, where I could almost feel his feather-light kiss even now. The spot tickled. I resisted the urge to scratch at it like a fresh mosquito bite.

Instead, I shakily exhaled and brought the cap up to shield my face. The cap was clean, like he'd washed it recently, and it smelled just like him. Apples. Hand-made soap. And a hint of goat.

"Sweet mother mayonnaise," I whispered. That was. What. What was that. What was that.

I stared at the door he'd exited through and placed his cap back on my head. Whatever that was, and whatever just happened, I was still happy to see Hibiki again... "No cap."


As soon as Hibiki left, he realized he had no idea where he was going. This huge hotel was already intimidating enough, but to try and navigate after the move he just pulled?

He pulled out his phone and shakily hit the first number on speed-dial. It answered on the first ring. "Ryou–"

"You're lost, aren't you." It came out as a statement, not a question, and Hibiki laughed guiltily at Ryou's level-tone.


Ryou mumbled something along the lines of, 'I TOLD her not to let him wander aimlessly...' before he sighed. "I'll be right there."

"You're the best!" Hibiki gushed, not at all surprised by Ryou's reliability.

"Tell me that when I get there."

Hibiki waited, expecting Ryou to end the call, but he didn't. And Hibiki didn't want to hang up either, so there was a pause before Hibiki spoke up, "She did great today."

And based on the way Ryou hummed in response, he already knew who the 'she' in question was. "Better than great, actually. Not only did she defeat the Fifth Seat, she went head-to-head with the Second Seat as well."

Hibiki remained silently confused. Fifth... Second seat... They'd explained the Council to him before, but it honestly still confused him. He'd only pretended to understand the girl when she'd explained the more complicated parts of her school-life to him.

But unlike her, Ryou realized this and took the liberty of dumbing-it-down for him. "If this battle dictates anything, it proves that Homura's in the top three to five chefs at the academy."

Hibiki thought back to how packed the venue had been, with well over a thousand students in their first year alone, and how his childhood friend now ranked within the top one-percent of the entire academy. He always knew she was amazing, but... dang.

"Yeah." Ryou agreed with Hibiki's speechlessness. "She's come a long way since our Stagiaire, you know. Not only did she pull off that crazy stunt of storing the sauce within that noodle sphere, she's improved significantly when it comes to handling poultry. And on top of that, she somehow managed to prepare a glace de viande for the loud guy, too?"

Hibiki listened to Ryou prattle on about the girl, except this time he was praising her rather than complaining about her. But what surprised him even more was how genuine he sounded.

"There you guys go with your fancy chef talk again," Hibiki said wryly.

"Says the person who asked if a colander was a type of animal."

He laughed, guilty as charged. "I really am hopeless in the kitchen. Guess I'm lucky my best friends are gourmet chefs."

"True. We'll keep you fat and fed till the day you die," mused Ryou. Hibiki liked the sound of that.

Then Ryou huffed. "And although Homura lost, it was good to see her cooking onstage after what happened in the Elections. My mom's screwed her over twice now, yet she somehow manages to rise above it all every time."

Again, Hibiki was speechless at this onslaught of praise for their mutual friend. While Hibiki was the one who brought her up in the first place, it was Ryou who kept drifting back towards the topic as if he couldn't help but pour out more compliments for her. Hibiki suspected he was only saying as much to him because he could never say it to her face, of course.

"If she keeps this up, she just might beat me someday." There was a brief pause on Ryou's end after this confession. "Don't you dare tell her I said that."

Hibiki's lips pressed into a taut line in attempts to suppress his amusement. "Just the last part or..?"

"All of it." Hibiki spun around when Ryou's voice came from directly behind him, and he lit up at the sight of his friend who bore his signature frown, phone in hand and his eyebrow lifted in that typical Yanagawa-manner. He didn't know if Ryou knew, but he and his cousin shared a lot of similar expressions.

"Ryou!" He lit up, receiving a wave in response.

"Hibiki." But despite his mild response, he moved close enough for Hibiki to seize him in another bone-crushing hug.

They then proceeded to where Hibiki would be rooming and talked along the way. Hibiki talked about the farm and Ryou's family, relishing the way Ryou blushed when he emphasized how his aunt and uncle kept asking about him. Ryou did just as much talking, detailing his time in Hokkaido and some of the laughs he'd gotten from their mutual friend's dumb stunts, along with the fun-times he shared with the others. Hibiki could almost explode out of happiness for Ryou — he finally had friends (plural)!

"She seemed worried, though she wouldn't admit it," Hibiki explained when asked how she was doing. "I tried to comfort her, but I honestly didn't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," was Ryou's immediate answer. "You're Hibiki."

The farm-boy tilted his head curiously. "What's that supposed t'mean?"

Ryou only shook his head. There was no other way to explain it. "You know her better than anyone else, despite your time apart. She's changed, of course, but she's essentially remained the same person at her core." The brunet fiddled with the collar of his shirt, a habit he'd kept since their days as children. "And that's good since she's a, uh. A good person."

Ryou took a deep breath in and out. "And (Name)'s helped make me one, too, so I guess there's also that."

'(Name)?' Hibiki knew she and Ryou were on gradually-improving terms, though he always suspected they mimed their getting-along till now. If he recalled correctly, she called Ryou by his given name, but Ryou seldom referred to others by anything more than their surname (his refusal to bother with formalities had landed him in trouble more than once). But it proved that, even without his presence, the two clicked.

The thought made Hibiki giddy all over again. Not only did his best friends get along, they were best friends, too! Or was that the proper term for their friendship? He knew they'd likely gag if he referred to them as such.

In the end, Hibiki took the silent victory in correctly predicting that (Name) and Ryou would better each other. Everyone needed their foil, after all. He hid his stupid grin and tried to take advantage of Ryou's newfound talkativeness, instead (that was another thing that had changed. He was more open about his feelings and talking in general).

"I'm kinda jealous, y'know." Ryou nearly tripped over the hallway carpet at Hibiki's words, before recovering and fixing him with a look of astonishment. It was as if he was shocked that Hibiki could feel such an emotion. "What's that reaction for? I'm human, too!"

"We both know you're Homura's favorite," Ryou countered, misunderstanding him.

"I'm not jealous because of that," Hibiki huffed. Since his arrival, all Ryou seemed to talk about was their mutual friend, and Hibiki could only feel conflicted because wasn't that what he wanted? For them to get along? But it wasn't like Ryou talked about him like that, too.

"Hibiki?" Ryou pressed, still lost as to what he meant.

Nah. There's no use confusing him like that. Hibiki settled to toss his arm around Ryou's shoulders and lean against him instead. "Aaaaagh, it's nothin'. Just missed ya', is all."

Ryou scoffed in an affectionate manner but allowed the taller boy to lean on him the rest of the way. "Weirdo."

"Well, this weirdo's got weight." Ryou was given no chance to decipher his friend's words/warning when Hibiki suddenly placed all his weight onto him, squishing him downwards like a hydraulic press.

"Agh! What—  what are you doing? Stop that!" Ryou wheezed out as he fought to support both their weights. Hibiki wasn't even pushing down, his body was simply heavy enough to crush Ryou's more lithe frame. "I will drop you!"

Hibiki called Ryou's bluff, knowing he'd never do such a thing (to him, at least), but relented right as the brunet's knees began to shake. He regained his balance so they could stand straight again. And despite his attempt to flatten him like a panini, Ryou didn't pull away from his hold after. He'd certainly grown more patient these past months.

"I can't believe you're still pulling that stunt," Ryou grumbled, recalling the many times Hibiki had attempted to crush him under his weight in their younger years.

"Hm?" Hibiki smiled innocently. "I'm sure I don't know what ya' mean. I'm simply grateful t'have such a strong friend to support me when 'm feeling faint~"

At this, Ryou did pull away from his hold and shot him a spooked look. He even went so far as to rub his arms as if to stave off the goosebumps that formed there. "Ugh, don't do that. I can't believe you've fooled Homura into thinking you're this perfect, innocent sweetheart all these years."

Hibiki flushed bubblegum-pink at the comment. "O-oh, golly! Did she... did she really say that about me?"

Ryou shuddered harder. The change was too smooth, too easy. At least with that Isshiki-guy, it was obvious he had a sketchy, two-sided personality; yet Hibiki had someone managed to play the part of the naive, innocent farmboy for years. And he didn't know if he was glad he was the only one to know of it.

Hibiki chuckled, his mischievous side sated, then traced back to what Ryou said before. "You're wrong about what you said earlier, though."

"Huh?" Ryou didn't bat an eye when Hibiki snaked his arm back around his shoulders.

Hibiki tilted his head so he was resting it on Ryou's shoulder and eyed him from the close-distance. "Deep down, you've always been a good person. You just needed others to help ya' see it."

To this, Ryou sighed in a wistful and possibly disbelieving manner. He wasn't listening. "And you've always seen the good in people, even when it's not there." He shook his head before Hibiki could try and argue. Two-faced or otherwise, that didn't change the fact that Hibiki had a good heart. "But — it's whatever. What matters now is I'm trying to be better. And," he cleared his throat, "I'm... happy."

Hibiki's protests died on his tongue. For the third time that evening, he wanted to burst with happiness at the news. "I'm glad. I was afraid for your poor blood pressure with how angry you get. Or that you'd have frown lines at age sixteen, if I'm being honest."

Ryou frowned. "Oi–"

Hibiki poked the side of Ryou's mouth, proving his point. "Ah, ah, ah."

He glowered at Hibiki, who smiled coyly, and Ryou finally conceded with an strained smile. It almost hurt to look at. "You look like (Name) the time I asked if she wanted to go birdwatching," Hibiki ribbed.

The comparison caused Ryou to snicker silently as his smile transformed into a real one, revealing the dimple on his left cheek, which Hibiki reached out to poke with his finger. "There it is~"

Ryou lowered his hand, still chuckling. "You're a weirdo, y'know."

"Then what does that make everyone else at this school?" Hibiki asked, already used to the title.


At that moment, they passed one of the guys whom Hibiki recognized from Ryou's dorm, his eyes shielded by a head of shaggy auburn hair while he toted an entire tree trunk over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing. He nodded at them in acknowledgement as he passed.

They nodded wordlessly and allowed the boy to pass. It was only when he was down the hall and out of sight that Hibiki asked, "Where did–"

Ryou shook his head. "Don't ask."


(Name)'s POV

I woke up bright and early the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun shining through the window, its rays kissing me with its gentle warmth as if nature itself was wishing me a gentle good-morning.

At least, that's how I wished I'd woken up.

The downside to sleeping in a room in the inner-section of the hotel was that there were no windows and thus, no friendly Good-Morning-Sunshine. My bedroom back home, my dorm-room at Polar Star — heck, even my room on the train had a window. Here, there was only the darkness of the room made barely visible by the light from under the door, and the digital clock on the nightstand, whose red-light did little to illuminate its surroundings.

Mm... I feel great, though. I hummed in content and rolled to face the nightstand. After drinking all those energy drinks, cooking two bouts in a row, and hosting three different people into the wee hours of the night, I slept like one of Shuu's rocks. In fact, I didn't feel tired at all!

"Time to start the day." I sat up and stretched, then looked at the clock.

'10:34 AM'

I smacked my lips and blinked once, twice. Weird. Wasn't the next bout set to start around this time? I knew it was in the morning. At... ten o'clock......oh crap.

"Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!" I threw the covers off and crashed out of bed, lying limp on the floor for only a moment before bear-crawling towards the bathroom like some horror-movie ghost to freshen up. "Late! Late late late!"

I can't believe I slept in! I was used to waking up early on my own, but I'd forgotten to set my emergency alarm(s) in case I didn't wake up. I must've passed out right after Hibiki left. I gotta hurry! I hope they don't finish before I get there!!

In record time, I managed to throw on a different pair of pants as well as my coat and my shoes, opting to leave on the same hoodie I'd slept in. I was expelled anyways, so what did it matter if I didn't wear my uniform! What mattered was getting to the venue!!

I made my way to the bottom floor of the hotel from which I could hurry to the venue. It wasn't until I had already passed the massage-chairs that I realized someone was calling my name.

"Oi! Homura-chin! Are you ignoring me!?"

I backtracked and stood before Kuga, who was lounging in one of the chairs in the hotel's complimentary robe. "Ah, Kuga-senpai. Sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush because I slept in!"

His entire body rumbled along with his voice when he spoke, "What's the rush? You should really try these massage chairs. They're soooo relaxing after all that hard work. I even took a hot bath earlier. C'mon, join me!"

The offer was certainly tempting, but I'd promised to be there to support my friends, even if it was from the sidelines. I shook my head. "Sorry, Kuga-senpai. Maybe next time. I gotta go support the others!" But I would definitely return to try these chairs later.

He arched a brow at my insistence. "You're gonna go watch the bout? Shouldn't you rest, too? You must be tired after your match against Rindo-san."

"Oh..." He pursed his lips expectantly, waiting for me to continue. I'd be lying if I said I felt 100%, but it's not like I had to compete anymore. "Aww Senpai," I changed the subject, "are ya' worried for me?"

I'd always taken Kuga to be the self-absorbed type, so to see him concerned for my well-being was amusing to say the least. He didn't get embarrassed, though, and even seemed to bloat with arrogance at the observation, instead. "So what if I am? Can't I, your amazing and caring senpai, worry for the well-being of my cute underclassmen?"

He spoke again before I could answer, his tone now serious. "Besides, you're the only one from the Second Bout who's attending today. Mimasaka-chin and I are taking the day off, and even Rindo-san and Tsukassan are in their rooms, still."

This was news to me. I didn't blame Mimasaka and Kuga for taking a much-deserved break, but to think both the First and the Second seat had to rest, too? And they weren't even eliminated...

Ah, no time to dwell on it! I still have to get to the venue!

"Don't worry about me, Senpai! I feel great, in fact!" I flexed my biceps as if to prove my point.

My upbeat nature must've sated his worries because he chuckled and closed his eyes, dropping the subject. "Talk about crazy stamina. Give everyone my regards, then."

He remained like that, eyes-closed and reclined in the seat, and I took that as his form of 'goodbye and good luck'. Except there was one last thing I wanted to say.

"I dunno if I said this yesterday, but you were really cool before."

Kuga peeked one eye open at me, unable to hide the expectant sparkle in his eye as he awaited his praise. "Go on."

I laughed and flashed a thumbs-up. "The way you incorporated my and Mimasaka's ingredients into your dish was awesome! And you really helped me when it came to test-tasting my spice-mix, too."

His mouth twitched up at the end, as if unsure whether or not he should smile. "I still don't get what that was about, but it was nothing! Just remember it was your dependable upperclassman who helped you face off against the Second Seat!"

It's true that I hadn't asked Kuga for much during the match, and I had multiple reasons for this. While I'd prepared an entire ingredient for him, I didn't want to take away any of his focus from his match against Tsukasa. And all I really needed was a spice-experienced tongue; Kuga's tongue just happened to be the closest one not locked in a cage (looking at you, Hayama). If my initial mix wasn't enough to blow away Kuga, then I knew I had to step it up.

"I also heard you helped Soma-kun beat Hayama-kun, so thanks for that." Kuga opened both eyes to properly look at me this time, his body still shaking from the chair.

"What is it, my birthday? What's with all this praise? You're gonna make me blush. No need to stop, though." Kuga's head seemed to physically enlarge as he launched into one of his egotistical soliloquies. "It's nice of you to notice how amazing I am, Homura-chin. It's true that it is not often you meet someone such as I. In fact, many parents cry when their child is born because they know they'll never be as amazing as I, Terunori Kuga–"

I giggled. "Yup! You're nothing like I expected after Soma-kun destroyed you at the festival~"

"What was that?!" he barked and sat upright. "Need I remind you that I placed first all the other days..!"

I laughed at his reaction, still sore about his loss even though it was months ago, and took my leave. "Rest well, Kuga-senpai! I'll see ya' later!"

He harrumphed but fell back into his chair, letting me go but not without a muted grumble along the lines of, '–like Yukihira-chin... lucky she's cute...'


"SORRY I'M LATE DID IT START—" I tumbled through the entrance and scurried over to where my friends were gathered/jailed. It was only by the power of a vending-machine fiber-bar that I had the energy to get to the venue in record time.

"(Name)-chan, you're here!" Isshiki waved as I took my place beside him.

Erina uncrossed her arms yet remained in business-mode when she greeted me."We decided to let you sleep in after all your hard work yesterday. As a matter of fact, you're the only one from yesterday's bout who's attending today."

"Oh?" A glance at the Central-team confirmed this when I saw no Tsukasa and no Rindo, and I already knew both Kuga and Mimasaka had taken the day to rest as well. Kuga was right.

"Under normal circumstances I'd send you back to the hotel to regain your well-deserved rest," Erina glanced at me, a calculating look in her eye, before a small smile snuck its way onto her face, "but something tells me you wouldn't listen to me even if I dragged you back."

"What Erina-chan means to say is she's happy to see you here!" Isshiki translated, and by the way Erina flinched and looked away pointedly, I guessed he was spot-on.

"Glad to be here, too, Erina-chan." We giggled at her shyness.

Isshiki was kind enough to catch me up on what I'd missed. So far, only Momo had served her dish — an elegant bouquet of apple rose tarts — which had been a hit with the judges. The other contestants were still hard at work: Soma and Somei with their butter-themed dishes; Takumi and Eizan with their beef-themed dishes; and Momo's opponent was none other than...

"Thank you for waiting. Please enjoy." My attention snapped to the stage as our first server stepped up, and my heart skipped a beat once I recognized the figure.

"MEGUMI-CHAN..!!" I screeched with all the power of a Republic XF-84H jet. "Destroy! Conquer!! Fighting!!!" Our friends followed my leading cry, shouting their support to the girl, and we looked up to see what showstopping dish she created to defeat the Third Seat.

"A dorayaki??!" The girl had baked a humble and plain-looking dorayaki for the judges, no doubt paling in comparison to her opponent's dish appearance-wise based on the way they skimmed past any comments on her plating.

The filling of shiroan, white bean paste, and apple-chunks released a juicy aroma throughout the venue, and our friends held their breath as the judges bit into it. However, I witnessed firsthand the brutal training that Shinomiya put her through, and I lifted my chin with pride as the judges began to hurriedly stuff their faces with the pastry.

Her ace, however, wasn't revealed till the judges reached the middle of the dorayaki, where a delectable filling of apple confiture hid within the cream. Apparently, she'd gotten the idea to use chopped ginger from Takumi's dish and incorporated it into her own — a common tactic we learned from training together on the train.

She explained how she used the tartness of the ginger to bring out an even deeper flavor from the shiroan paste. "The apple butter and confiture... They may look similar, but the difference in their flavors and the change they cause..." her usually small voice raised a level higher as she lifted her chin and declared, "That's the final trump card of my dorayaki!" We went wild at the dramatic reveal, having not expected such a sneak attack from Megumi.

I could almost visualize it, a determined Megumi going head-to-head against her opponent in a boxing ring, Shinomiya coaching her from the corner pole, as she delivered one jab after another in a swift, deadly manner with her boxing gloves.

...What I'd give for her to punch me—

We gasped when the board lit up with the judges' decision.

Megumi lost.

I wiped the drool from my mouth, still reeling over the outcome. Despite her attempts to pack numerous surprises into her unassuming dish, the judges determined Momo as the winner in a 2-1 vote. However, Anne cast her vote in favor of Megumi so as to "give her credit for cleverness and the possibilities she brought out."

But as Uraralmond shouted Central's victory over the speakers, Soma and Takumi were quick to reassure their teammate with smiles and compliments. Everyone was quick to follow, urging her not to worry, voicing our pride for her excellent work, and even Erina stepped forward to congratulate her on a job well-done.

"Thanks. I really am sorry, though." She smiled politely, and my stomach twisted at how off it felt. "I need to apologize to Coach Shinomiya, too. But I do feel like I did everything I could." The last sentence hit a chord within me. The wound of my loss yesterday was still fresh. "Going up against a third-year from the Elite Ten is an amazing accomplishment for me. So..." My throat tightened while Megumi's voice grew strained. "So..."

Megumi... I brought my hand up to cover my mouth, unable to watch as she ducked her head and cried in front of Erina. The blonde made no move to touch her and watched with a sullen-frown, clearly conflicted on how to comfort her.

But I found the strength to walk to her side, if only to provide my support. I lifted my arm, as if to place a hand on her shoulder, and spoke, "Hey — oh!"

I blinked when she swiftly turned and buried her face in my shoulder, but it lasted only a moment before I wrapped my arms around her in a comforting embrace. I paid no mind to the way her tears stained my clothes, or the way she gripped at the back of my shirt as she pressed further into me. "You did great." Besides a simple hug, I could only offer words of comfort, for I knew exactly how she felt right now. "You fought so hard. And you did great."

It was a brief hug, no longer than 5 seconds maybe, but it felt like a century in which we gripped tightly at one another, communicating more than any words could. She smelled warm and sweet, like the apple butter in her dorayaki. And it was as if her warmth permeated every bit of my being, emanating from my chest outwards to the tips of my fingers...I prayed she'd mistake my sniffing to be me sniffing my tears, and not her scent.

When she pulled away, however, she revealed a strong, determined expression, the same one she'd shown onstage when serving her dish. I wasn't surprised though, for if anyone was going to be able to pick herself up every time, it was Tadokoro Megumi.

We exchanged a nod of understanding with Erina, and I reluctantly let go of her so that she could cup her hands and shout towards our remaining teammates, "You've got this, Takumi-kun! Soma-kun!"

"Crrrrrush the competition!" I shouted alongside her and our friends, and both boys visibly amped up at the sound of our support.

At one point, Soma waddled over to Takumi's station where he was kneading dough, commenting, "Man, you're good at that! Could you give me some pointers on how to make good pizza crust?"

Takumi paused his ministrations to shoot him an annoyed side-glance. "Go concentrate on your own dish, Yukihira."

I giggled at the exchange. So Takumi was making pizza... and wasn't the theme for his dish 'beef'? I suddenly began to sweat. There was no way... He wouldn't. He couldn't. I don't think I ever sent it to him before. No. Yes. Of course I did.

"There's no way he'd make that..." I muttered to myself, and Megumi fixed me with a frantic look.

"Make what?"

A bead of cold sweat dripped across my face at the mere mention of it. "None pizza, left-beef."


"Look at that volume! And it looks oh-so-juicy!" Urarachnid's description of Eizan's beef forced a cringe out of me, the screen zooming in on his annoyingly tasty-looking dish. "Look at that beautiful slab of roast beef!"

Even Nikumi couldn't resist commenting on his technique, and our friends began to murmur with reluctant-awe at his abilities as a Seat on the Ten. But upon remembering what he did to our dorm, it was but a moment before they all rallied behind Takumi once more.

"You've got this, Takumicchi! Don't lose to that genius yakuza guy!"

Eizan turned to exchange some words with Takumi, no doubt heckling him in the process, and I could tell from our teammate's stiff posture that he was not a fan of him. "At the very least, I don't hate you," I managed to hear Takumi say from my position near the stage. "I'm just here to win. That is all." But despite his cool words, I could feel a new fire ignite in the way Takumi stood a bit taller. And while the enemy might mistake his drive for recklessness, I knew just how incredible Takumi could be once he set his mind to something.

His opponent seemed to back off for a while to focus on his own dish, but something felt fishy in the way he kept grinning creepily towards Takumi. It wasn't until Takumi's pizza was in the oven that Eizan revealed his trick. "Your shigureni is a dish that brings out a rich sweetness. What do you think would happen if you happened to eat a bunch of artichokes right before? You've still got about ten minutes before that pizza is done baking. My dish will be done first."

I quickly recalled the ingredients in Takumi's dish and paled upon realizing what Eizan had done. Eizan's main ingredient was artichokes. Artichokes are high in cynarine, which are known for their bitter flavor. I recalled the traits of cynarine from Jun's lectures. It can inhibit the taste receptors on a person's tongue, confusing the flavors, which can fool it into thinking other foods taste sweeter than they are! In other words, Eizan was gonna serve artichokes to the judges first, so that Takumi's dish would taste overly sweet in comparison!

Why, that dirty, conniving weasel..! Our friends shouted in outrage at his underhanded plot, but the judges refused to eliminate him, declaring he'd merely analyzed his opponent and determined the proper strategy to defeat them. "He hasn't done a single thing wrong."

Now that was a load of bull. "'Hasn't done a single thing wrong'?!" I roared, causing Megumi to jump at the sudden volume. "Have you seen his hair?! Bro looks sixteen going on forty-seven!!"

Unfortunately, Eizan was too busy making digs at Takumi to hear my rage, going so far as to compare him to Soma. "I'm sure Yukihira Soma would've been able to overcome this! Unlike you!"

He flashed one of his signature creepy-faces for everyone to see, and I instinctively recoiled when he suddenly pointed down at me from the stage. "Even a boorish country-girl like Homura could defeat me! You're just a pretty-boy chef with no wins to show for it!"

"(Name)-chan, no!" Megumi gripped my arm when I raised it to throw my shoe at him (I even wore my snow boots today).

"Aim for his glasses, (Name)!" Kiyoko screamed from the cell where both Hayato and Ryou were holding her back from throwing her own shoe. "Bet the b*stard's never felt the throw of a boorish country-hick like us!"

We both stopped when Takumi lifted his hand, signaling us to calm down, and I realized this was not my battle to fight. I'd have plenty of chances to unleash my wrath upon the guy later, but for now I had to trust Takumi would crush him to pieces.

The judges unfortunately took delight in Eizan's dish, emphasizing over and over how wonderful the artichokes tasted.

"I can't even hide my curiosity..." Soma glared at the stage. "What does a dish with so many artichokes taste like?" An intense aura rippled out around Soma from the sheer amounts of curiosity. "I'm curious... I'm so friggin' curious. I want a bite."

"Ah, so that's what you're curious about..." Megumi sweat-dropped.

When Anne offered for the two of them to taste the dish, I turned my head and grumbled. Under normal circumstances I'd have jumped at the opportunity, but right now my pettiness outweighed my hunger (thank you, fiber bar).

"Cynarine directly impacts the taste receptors," Marui analyzed Eizan's dish.

"Yes. It coats the top part of the tongue, which senses sweetness. This is what the judges are feeling right now. The sweetness is subdued, and the bitterness is sharpened," Alice explained in lecture-mode. She proceeded to explain how the next dish would allow the effect to wear off, but the sense of sweetness would be magnified due to previously being suppressed. This was how Eizan planned to sabotage Takumi's dish, just as I'd concluded.

Behind Alice stood a gloomy Kurokiba and Hayama, forming a humorous trio with the generally-cheery girl in front of them. Kurokiba nodded when our eyes met, but I paused when I noticed Hayama. His bangs were right back in his face again (how badly I wanted to go at him with a pair of scissors), and while his hair was pulled back in his usual ponytail, it was wavy rather than straight. My eyes traveled down to his wrist where a familiar green ribbon was tied in a bow, solidifying my suspicions. He'd kept in the braid I gave him all night!

He fidgeted under my gaze, likely from the smug look on my face, and Alice even paused her lecture to look between us. "Hey, are you two flirting while I'm talking!?"

Hayama flinched at the accusation, an angry tick appearing on his forehead. He opened his mouth to protest in a mix of annoyance and embarrassment, but Kurokiba beat him to the punch. "I wasn't flirting," Kurokiba said, blinking at her in a slow, lethargic manner. There was a pause as Alice stuttered, and he continued, "...did you want me to?"

While Alice unleashed her wrath on Kurokiba, Hayama released a sigh of relief and glanced at me once more. I smiled, still fluttery from the idea of him keeping in my braid, and he nodded minutely and looked away.

It was shortly after the judges finished moaning over Eizan's dish that the timer on Takumi's oven went off. His pizza was done baking! Eizan jumped at the opportunity to taunt him, suggesting that the judges drink some water to clear their palates, but Takumi wasn't having it.

"That won't be necessary. I'll still win," Takumi answered with a rather refreshing smile, and I could hear Isami murmur an awed 'Bro...' from the jail cell. Throughout the entire match he'd kept his cool; he'd come so far from his match in the Autumn Elections.

"What's this?! The shigureni is only on half of the pizza!" We gasped at the sight of the dish: half the pie was topped with the beef-shigureni, but the other half was just cheese.

While everyone else fretted over what Takumi was thinking, said chef walking towards the front to serve his dish, I dealt with my own dilemma.

Okay, so at least it's not 'none'-pizza. There's clearly toppings on there. I shut my eyes tight and held back tears. But it's still left-beef...!!!

"Are you okay, (Name)-chan?" Megumi worriedly murmured at the sight of my tears.

"Yhmm. Yah," I croaked, voice thick with emotion. He. He really served left-beef pizza...

"Bon appétit!" Takumi recited his signature line. The judges appreciated the appearance despite its simplicity, and all seemed to be going well till Takumi made one simple request: that the judges eat the shigureni-side first.

Everyone else panicked at the suggestion. "Wouldn't the artichokes work against the shigureni if they eat it so early? What are you thinking, Aldini?!"

A few months ago, I might've reacted the same. But I held my tongue and waited. I'd seen up-close and personal just how calculating Takumi could be; he wouldn't make such a request unless he had a specific reason in mind.

And sure enough, it was a hit with the WGO. "This has an amazingly refined deliciousness!" I hummed in satisfaction at the sound of the judges' amazement. Good ol' Takumi does it again!

Takumi proceeded to explain the strategy to his dish; he took into account the cynarine early on and modified his own dish to use the minimal amount of sugar, whilst adding more yuzu fruit to bring out the tartness. That's right, Takumi knew Eizan would try to screw him over with cynarine.

Eizan never had the upper-hand nor did he ever blindside him — Takumi predicted it from the start!

This alone was a clear sign of how much he'd grown since the Elections. Not only did Takumi manage to keep his cool amidst his opponen's taunts, but he'd turned the tables by utilizing Eizan's tricks to his own advantage.

"Because of this arrangement, the flavor is now much more complex than eating just the shigureni alone," Charme gasped.

In other words, Takumi used Eizan's dish as an opening-starter for his own, making Takumi's dish the main course! Somehow, the disrespect of having your dish demoted to an appetizer felt worse than any shoe-attack I could've pulled off.

"Oh snap, he appetizer'd him." I rasped, still reeling over this reveal. "Get appetizer'd, Zan-chan!"

"You can't be serious! You rearranged the sauce recipe?" Eizan pointed in disbelief at the boy, stating how he'd carefully waited until after he saw Takumi's shigureni to decide to use artichokes, so he wouldn't catch on. "So how did you figure out I'd use artichokes?!"

"I knew from the start," was Takumi's simple answer. Eizan wobbled at the sight of his knowing smirk. "I knew as soon as our theme was set... that you'd be using artichokes."

He knew from Eizan's Shokugeki-history that he often resorted to neutralizing his opponent's signature flavor. He then narrowed down potential ingredients that sabotage sweetness to the only one that would last a short period of time, so as to not interfere with other Central dishes: artichokes. "I continued to observe you and traced your thinking. You let yourself be led to the one ingredient I needed you to pick. Just like I planned."

No way... I couldn't believe it. He didn't just improvise his dish on the spot. It was the exact opposite of our redheaded teammate, who was renown for his ad-lib cooking feats, and whom Eizan had compared him to earlier in the match; no, Takumi had anticipated and manipulated his opponent to play right into his hands, all from the very start!

"I think I feel a very strong sense of vengefulness..." Nikumi and Yuki sweated at the uncharacteristic cunning from the boy. "Yeah! He seems different from the usual Takumicchi!"

"I never thought he'd be the type to hold on to a grudge," mumbled Shun.

Marui was quick to counter him, "You're kinda the same way." Shun merely hummed in response.

"He's almost like Mimasaka-kun," Ryoko added. That would make sense, considering how the boy used his Trace ability to simulate mock-matches for us against the Ten. He pulled off a mean Eizan impression with the wig, glasses, and creepy expressions to match.

Everyone appeared more intimidated than impressed by Takumi's manipulative-side if their frowns were anything to go by, and I understood their concerns about this more... observant side of Takumi. And how it could be perceived as a tad unhinged, bordering on obsessive.

But me, personally?

...What does it say about me that I like it?

Wait, what.

I slapped my hands together as if in prayer. "Holy Cheesus." I pressed my hands against my flushed-face. I always considered Takumi an extremely honest person, almost to a fault. I didn't think he could lie even if he wanted to. But he played his opponent like a fiddle — he freaking traced his mindset and manipulated him to serve his own goals! "He really saw his chance and cheesed the opportunity." The insight. The preparation. The absolute disrespect to Eizan's dish.

It was as equally sneaky and cunning as Eizan, yet when it was Takumi doing it...

I blushed deeper.

Dang, Takkun.

As much as I liked his honest side, I... I found I wouldn't mind if vengeful Takumi came around more often, either.

And as if that wasn't enough, Takumi revealed his final trick: the terzo piatto, or 'third dish'. The cheese-half of the pizza.

"Now for my actual dish, the Doppio Mezzaluna Pizza..." Mezzaluna? I squinted at the pizza and gasped. How did I not see it before? The pizza looks like two half-moons, or two mezzalunas! "This is its true flavor." And despite its unassuming appearance, the cheese-half was the homerun that secured Takumi's victory, tying it all together with a blend of saltiness.

As the cherry on top, he began to monologue. He credited his numerous experiences baking pizzas, his training during his Stagiaire, and even his battle against Mimasaka, which I knew had resulted in a lot of turmoil for him being such a devastating loss. But Takumi had found the strength to learn from his mistakes and use them to better himself, both as a person and as a chef, and I began to see him in a new light. "The countless tests I've faced and the bitter failures I've tasted... That's what created this dish." Needless to say, it was an inspiring speech that had every single one of us smiling from ear-to-ear.

"First a 'diner brat' and a 'boorish country-girl'." Takumi leaned forward in a mocking bow, placed one hand on his chest, and winked. "Tell me, Eizan-senpai, how does it feel to lose to a 'pretty-boy chef' as well?"

Soma quirked his brow, one finger digging in his ear. "Is he talkin' about us?"

I exhaled out my nostrils in faux annoyance, yet was unable to suppress my glee. "Heh. He'd called you a country-girl, Soma-kun."

"Curse you... first-year brat!" Eizan seethed in classic Doofenshm*rtz-manner.

"And the winner of the 2nd match of the third bout is... From the rebel forces..." Anne gestured to our side as the big screen lit up with a familiar name, "Takumi Aldini!"

And with all the flourish of any self-respecting Italian, Takumi lifted his fist and declared, "Grazie!"

"YES!!!!!" We rejoiced.

Takumi returned to us, triumphant, and made a beeline to where his twin stood within the cell. They exchanged a high-five through the iron bars while everyone gushed over his victory. "That win was definitely worth it! Now both teams only have four people left!"

"You were amazing, Takumi-kun!" Megumi exclaimed. Erina and I nodded in agreement.

Isshiki sparkled and clasped his shoulder. "Excellent job, Aldini-kun! I expected no less from an honorary member of Polar Star Dormitory!"

"Thank you all," Takumi accepted our praise with humility and came to stand beside me.

"The next match is..." The screen lit up with the proper names. "Saito Somei-senpai versus Yukihira Soma! And their theme is 'butter'!"

Takumi's cyan eyes were quick to meet mine and smile, and I realized this was our first time interacting today due to my belated arrival. "Hey. Thanks for being here."

Suddenly self-conscious, I discretely wiped my face in case there was any dried toothpaste from my rush this morning. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world." And for some reason, I found it difficult to look him in the eye. So I focused on the single strand of hair that always hung in front of his forehead instead. I wondered if he styled the strand, or if it naturally fell that way? "Besides, you were super cool up there. In fact, you even made my heart skip a beat a few times!" I clamped my mouth shut after this half-joke, half-confession, finding my attempt at humor only flustered me further.

"Really?" His voice betrayed him with an eager lilt, but he was quick to regain his cool. "Ahem. Did it now? You flatter me." He rubbed his nose, attempting to act humble again, but it was obvious that my words made him happy by the way he rolled his shoulders and stood taller.

"What I would give to try a pizza that pizza..." My stomach rumbled at the thought, and he lit up at the suggestion.

"Right, there were a few slices left! Hang on—" I watched as he dashed onstage again, abandoning his cool and charismatic persona to snatch the remaining pizza from his station. Soma paused his cooking to joke/ask, 'Ya' saved some for me?'; but Takumi brushed past with a brisk, 's'for (Name)-chan', resulting in a pout from the redhead.

He returned holding two slices, one of each side, and thrust them into my hands. He didn't bother trying to hide his expectant look, eyes boring into me as he waited for me to taste.

"Ah, uh, thanks..!" I stammered. I didn't expect him to run all the way onstage and do that, not to mention he didn't bring enough for anyone else, either. Perhaps this was the last of it? These thoughts were forgotten the instant I took a bite, beefy, cheesy goodness flooding my senses.

"Dough my goodness, this is—!" I offered a very aggressive thumbs-up, incapable of offering a proper compliment at the moment. I even found myself wishing I'd tried Eizan's artichoke-dish, if only to further enhance the flavors of Takumi's.

"I take it you like it?" He visibly inflated with pride.

"It's like a slice of heaven," I managed to say through a mouthful of cheese. The vending-machine fiber bar paled in comparison.

We returned our attention to the match, where Soma and Saito were hard at work. Or at least they should have been. Instead, I was met with a piercing look from our teammate, eyes zeroed in on the pizza in my hand, and I sweat-dropped from the sheer intensity of it. Is he that jealous because Takumi didn't give any to him?

The match otherwise continued as planned, and soon enough Saito stepped up to serve his dish: a buttered seafood rice bowl. The judges eyes visibly sparkled at the dish, and it was deemed a hit amongst the WGO bookmen, to no one's surprise.

I'd sensed it early on, but something about Saito felt different from the other Central members, especially in comparison to Eizan. Aside from the whole samurai-getup, he actually seemed to hold some shred of... honor? Perhaps it was my appreciation for his cool-sword talking, but I had to respect the third-year.

According to Isshiki, apparently Saito's mother was also a sushi chef who had fallen ill after mistreatment at an elite sushi restaurant. It was this that fueled him to master the ways of a sushi chef (samurai?) and take over his family's restaurant.

But that's what I don't get. If Central's mission is to eliminate all small businesses for the sake of an 'ideal world', doesn't that include his family's restaurant as well?

Apparently I wasn't the only one with these thoughts, for Soma halted his work and spoke up. "Man, your cooking really is amazing. So why the heck did someone like you side with the Azami Administration?"

Saito considered his question for a moment before answering something along the lines of, "bushido and protecting the weak"; but regardless of his intentions, it didn't change the fact that our butts were on the line with this battle.

"All right, order up! Dig in!" Soma finally completed his dish and presented it onscreen. "I call it Yukihira-Style Toasted-Butter Pilaf Inari Sushi!"

While the judges dug into their food, I narrowed my eyes at the delectable-looking dish on the big screen. "I want that." Despite the fact that I'd just finished two large slices of pizza. "Gimme that."

He explained the components of his dish, from pan-frying the rice for his pilaf, to the secret mochi white sauce consisting of soy milk and kirimochi, all topped with a blend of cheeses. It was a lot of moving parts that should have been overwhelming. And Soma's secret to this harmony was none other than...

"It's Miss Tadokoro Megumi's apple butter!" Anne exclaimed. "Its refreshing taste cuts back on the greasiness."

"Aahh, Gumi-chan!" I leaned over and bumped our shoulders together, to which she giggled and leaned into me naturally. It was flawless! This was what we had been preparing for all that time on the train! This was teamwork!!

"So you are also truly a warrior of bushido," Saito commended.

"Nah, I'm just a plain ol' first-year kid," was Soma's plain response.

"But I've faced off with a lot of people. That might be how I get all these ideas. I'm pretty sure everything I've learned from everyone at Tōtsuki is right here backing me up." He crossed his arms and held his head high. "I'm a Tōtsuki Academy High School first-year, and a member of the 92nd graduating class. I'm Yukihira Soma!" Even the crowd felt inspired by this speech while our team erupted with cheers.

"It is unanimous. The winner is Yukihira Soma of the resistance!" As we all screamed our heads off in victory, Soma removed his headband, and sweating and hunched over with exhaustion, he still managed to deliver his signature line, "Glad you liked it!"

"U-u-unbelievable! Yukihira Soma has defeated the Fourth Seat, Saito Somei! He beat a third-year in the Elite Ten!" The score lit up to reveal the outcome of this bout, with one win for Central, and two wins for us.

Suddenly, the barred-wall of the prison cell fell to the floor in one fell swoop as our friends trampled through! "You're amazing Yukihira!" Yuki screamed before she and the others dog-piled him on the cold floor. I resisted the urge to add to the pile for Soma's sake (we still needed him for future bouts) and snapped a picture instead. Fun.

"Way to go, Soma-kun!" Megumi called out from my left, before Takumi appeared on her opposite side.

"Tadokoro-san, we won as a team," he reminded her. "Your help was a big part of why Yukihira won, and he's very aware of that, as well." My heart grew warm at the exchange, due to both Takumi's kindness to remind Megumi of her part in this, and pride for Megumi's achievements as well.

"He's right. All three of you should be proud of what you did today. I'm so glad your teamwork paid off!" I gushed, pressing both my hands against my face to partly conceal my idiotic grin. "I feel like a proud mother hen."

"I think it goes without saying that you played a vital role in today's win as well," Takumi redirected his compliments to me. "Isn't that right, Tadokoro-san?"

"Of course! It was thanks to you that our team has been able to get this far, and our training together, too!" Megumi agreed.

"Okay, okay, we're all awesome. C'mere, you two." I ignored my burning face and tugged them both into a hug, remembering all our hard work together in the weeks past.

"What are you trying to act all cool for, Takumi-cchi?" Yuki's shrill voice alarmed us, and I released Megumi right before the horde could attack.

Luckily the girls settled for a regular hug when they congratulated her. "You were amazing as well, Megumi!" But Takumi wasn't so fortunate.

"Congrats, Big Bro!" Isami threw his entire body at his twin in a good ol' anime-girl glomp, forcing a wheeze out of poor Takumi. "You were great! I'm so proud of you!"

"I-Isami..!" Takumi croaked, eliciting a laugh from me before I decided to join as well.

"Yeah, congrats Takkun!" Another, higher squeak erupted from Takumi's throat, and I worried he might faint if his dazed expression was anything to go by. And this was the same chef who played Eizan for a fool only minutes before.

"Woah!" I gasped when Isami lifted us both up and off our feet in a bear hug instead, before breaking out into ecstatic laughter. "Higher! Lift us higher!" I demanded the way Shuu would when we played rockets together (in which I launched him like a rocket).

He consented and lifted us well above his shoulders (gosh he was strong) before placing us down, and I stumbled away from the twins to go and greet our other victor.

"Oi, try not to fall flat on your face." A sturdy hand gripped my shoulder to steady me. "Your face is already a tragedy as is."

"Ryou-kun!" I lit up and moved to pinch his chubby cheeks. He dodged. "C'mere, you handsome rascal, you!"

"Agh, gross, get away!" he grouched and released his hold, stumbling back as he gripped his arms in a shudder.

Kiyoko appeared beside him donning a pleasant expression, clearly in a good-mood after this bout. "Ryou-kun was so adamant that everyone let you sleep in this morning. A few suggested we wake you up saying you wouldn't wanna miss the match, but there was no getting past Ryou-kun." She snickered at her cousin, a mischievous glint in her eye. "He reminded me of our old guard dog from when we were kids. Ryou, do you remember—"

"What matters is that you weren't gonna pass out like a drunk in the middle of the venue, else the medics would have to drag you off like they did to that baseball-cap chick you totaled yesterday," he retorted.

"Again, that was from my cooking! Not the flip!" I clarified for legal purposes.

"Ooh, yeah. I liked that." Kiyoko's eyes narrowed wickedly at the memory, no doubt recalling the way I flipped her onstage for everyone to see. It was kinda scaring me, to be honest. "Do you remember how — oh hey, Hayato-kun!" She returned to her original, cheery smile, showing no trace of her previous sadism.

Ryou looked away pointedly as Hayato easily interlocked their hands, while I raised my eyebrows at the smooth rizz. "Everyone's headed to the greenroom now. Shall we get going?"

"Ah, right! Sorry to keep you waiting, darling." Ryou and I shivered. "We'll see you there, (Name)-chan." She waved, and Hayato offered both me and Ryou a firm nod of acknowledgement. We were left behind as the couple skipped away, hand-in-hand into the figurative sunset that was the break area.

"...Hey, Ryou-kun," I said, still staring at their retreating figures, "why don't you talk to me like that—"

"Bye." He caught up to them in record time.

I laughed to myself and returned to my original mission, which was congratulating Soma for his win. He was just finishing his chat with Saito onstage, and I managed to catch the end of their exchange in which Saito wished him luck.

"Thanks!" Soma said, and the third-year turned to leave, but not before offering me a small but polite bow as he passed.

"Wait, Senpai!" I called out before he could get away, the honorific slipping out automatically. He stopped and faced me with an expectant stare. Well, now or never. "I just wanted to say," I spoke unapologetically, flashing a thumbs-up to go with it, "cool sword."

I ignored Soma's choked laugh as the third-year stared at me before slowly looking down at the sheathed 'sword' in his hand. "...It's actually not—"

"—it's a Maguro bōchō blade, right? My father uses one sometimes, but his blade is nowhere near as brilliant as yours!" The compliments spilled out one after the other, and I didn't even realize how long I'd been holding them back till now. Regardless of his affiliation with Central, or his seniority as a third-year, nothing could dull my appreciation for a cool blade (not like the way my father dulled his blade after Shuu tried to use it for revolution-purposes)!

Saito continued to stare at me with a blank expression, and it was right when I began to sweat that he graced me with a small smile. "...Thank you, Homura-san."

"You know my name?" I asked, before realizing that was a dumb question.

"I always remember the names of my opponents. Especially those of a worthy warrior." And with a final bow, the samurai turned and left the stage.

"So cool..." I muttered as we watched him go. I'd given up holding a grudge against him for siding with the enemy. I didn't know he was chill like that!

"So did you come up here just to compliment his sword, or..?" Soma teased, though a hint of sourness marred his voice, a strange, expectant twinkle in his eye.

The opportunity to tease him was irresistible. "Mm, and what if I did?" His expression scrunched up for a miniscule of a second before he shrugged and crossed his arms behind his head.

"Then that's too bad. Guess I'll just have to eat the rest of these by myself then." He sighed and revealed a plate of his sushi-dish, and I immediately dropped my facade to scurry forward, grabby hands outstretched. "What a waste... I'm not even that hungry..." he sighed dramatically, holding it out of my reach. "Whatever shall I do with this—"

"OKAY okay, congratulations!" I cried, smacking his shoulders in frustration. "You were freakin' awesome! You served! Your dish was so much butter than Central's!"

But despite my frustration, I meant every word I said, and found myself grinning by the end of it. "The way you incorporated so many styles was incredible! Not only did you and Gumi-chan collaborate, but you also used Takumi-kun's cheese, and Yuki-chan's chicken stock! And that Béchamel sauce, was that something you learned from Shinomiya-senpai?"

"Hey, no need to butter me up — oh." Soma jumped when I clasped my arms around his torso in a solid hug, just as I did every other time he won a Shokugeki.

And whether it be from the thrill of his recent victory, or my excitement to taste his cooking, I was certain we could both feel each other's hearts beating out our chests in that moment. The expectant look from before disappeared from his face as he relaxed his shoulders, sated.

"Congratulations, Soma-kun!"


A/N: tehe... i promised y'all would get a kiss. and u got one <3 only took 73 chapters! Did any of y'all anticipate it would be our very own Hibs? How sweet of him! He is a very good friend, haha! ^^

This chapter featured a lot of my OCs bc I wanted to depict a side of Hibiki we rarely get to see, i.e. the stark difference in how he acts around the reader vs Ryou. Don't get me wrong, he is the kindhearted and sweet boy that the reader thinks he is. But with Ryou, he tends to act more mischievous/annoying than he does w other ppl >:O lowkey funny how we went from Ryou being jealous of reader stealing Hibiki, to Hibiki being jealous of Ryou gushing over reader lol

But rest assured! We will see many more moments with our love interests ;) 3 bouts down, 2 to go!! btw Takumi appetizering Eizan's dish is easily one of my fav battles from this arc it's so disrespectful i love it i love it i love vengeful Takkun

Next Update: August 14, 2023

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