Sparks Fly | ✓

By gracaxcix

512K 36.6K 21.5K

Hendrichs is an egotistical man hiring a skilled mechanic for his automotive shop, more specifically a male m... More



6.4K 496 445
By gracaxcix

A Winter Wonderland Wedding

The soft, shimmering snowflakes danced gracefully in the crisp winter air as the enchanting hour of four o'clock post meridiem struck against the clock. She watched from the window of the tall building that she was in, a wing away from Hendrichs and his groomsmen who were also getting ready for the ceremony.

For the first time in her life, hair had been installed on her head and styled into an elegant shiny low bun with a deep side part including a crystal embedded statement piece that accentuated her look. She'd allowed the make-up artist to apply a natural yet stormy look to her face –which she had initially been skeptical about, but absolutely loved once she examined herself in the mirror.

"Nervous?" Her mother's voice penetrated her line of thought, but she did not need to look back to see that Sharon was standing a step behind her, already dressed in her beige pleated, metallic off shoulder A-line dress.

Shanae slightly nodded, her stomach tight because reality was finally settling. She was about to make a covenant before God, family, and friends – that she would choose Hendrichs always, that they were about to become one, and they would remain together in good times and bad. She'd seen the reality in marriages, but then she'd also seen the good side of marriage – and she only hoped that marriage would treat her just as good, if not better.

"It's marriage." She barely whispered, "It's not a relationship where you can quit. It's a commitment."

Her mother placed her hand on her shoulder. "It's simply you waking up each day and choosing him, and going into that marriage with a good communication system, with zero expectations, but goals you both can work towards together. It's dying to self, to serve your husband – and the same applies to him. It's not a title, it's not a paper – it's a decision you make today, and a commitment to fight for your love."

"Sounds kinda hard." She scoffed, and her mother lightly laughed.

"It is hard, but it becomes easier when you're both putting your right foot forward. Don't be nervous, everything will be okay." She lightly kissed Shanae's cheek, before hugging her from the back. Shanae placed her glittered, white manicured hand above her mother and closed her eyes, before letting out a breath.

"You think we're going to be okay?" She asked her mother, trying to ease the anxiety that crawled deep within her soul.

"I know so. When Hendrichs flew to Boston to ask us for your hand in marriage, your father and I prayed about it – it wasn't just our decision, because God gave us peace about it. That's your person, baby girl, have no doubts about that." She squeezed Shanae, before letting her go.

She turned away from the window to face her mother. She was still dressed in her white mink dressing gown, house slippers keeping her feet warm. "I know he's my person. I guess these are just pre-wedding jitters."

"Are you at least excited? Underneath all the nerves?" Sharon asked, thoroughly observing her daughter.

Shanae smiled, nodding and simultaneously letting out a breath. "Yes ma'am! It's been crazy planning such an extravagant wedding – I'm ready to see the fruit of mine and Hendrichs' labor."

Unlike most men, Hendrichs had been very involved in the planning of every single thing for their wedding day. Initially, it was supposed to be a small wedding – but Hendrichs suggested they do it big since it would only be a once-in-a lifetime event for them. They'd picked everything to be significant to their journey, from the winter wonderland theme, wedding team, all the way to the cake flavor.

Though initially supposed to be a white and lilac wedding, once planning started – everything pointed towards a white and icy blue colored wedding. She had loved how they spoke about every detail, and he had not just told her to do everything then he'd pay. He'd been so involved, that planning the whole wedding was so enjoyable for them.

"All I can say is, it's beautiful – and I am so proud of you for making it this far. I'm proud of you for getting it right on your first proposal. You've been doing better than me, and that is all a mother could desire."

"Aww momsy, don't make me cry." She cooed, her heart squeezing at the sound of the praise that left her mother's lips. "It might have started out as a bet to see if I could do better than you, but it never came to that. I'm just doing well for myself, and I'm glad that you are finally proud of me."

Sharon smiled, seeing the beauty that is her daughter standing before her. "Let's get you in that wedding dress before you are late for your own wedding."

"Are the ladies ready?" Shanae questioned, walking back into the bride's dressing room which had been separated from the bridal team's section.

"When I left they were getting into their dresses. Should I get Lena in here?" Shanae had selected Helena to be her maid of honor which did not come as a surprise to the wedding team, or their parents.

"Yes please." Shanae nodded, taking a seat on the cushioned chair before her. She looked at her gray wedding dress cover, awaiting Helena's arrival. Beside Helena, her bridal team consisted of Camisha, Annalise, and her cousin Kori from her father's side. Hendrichs had selected Logan as his best man, with Amaru, Lukas, and Mike as his groomsmen.

Soon enough the door slightly opened, and Helena gasped as soon as her eyes fell upon her sister in love. "Oh my goodness sis, you look so ethereal. What the heck?" She cupped her mouth with the palm of her hands, and Shanae blushed at the compliment.

"Thank you friend." She smiled. "You're looking so good as well. The hazel-green eyes are to die for!"

They briefly hugged, Helena grinning at the compliment she had just received.

"Let's get you in this dress. I know that train is gonna murder me." She chuckled, before they got to work. Shanae's mother walked into the room as well, ready to lend a hand where needed. Soon enough the off shoulder white dress was out of its cover – the slight rays of sunlight catching the mirror crystal-embellished dress. The mermaid dress was delicate, so they helped her put it on – and soon the zipper was going up, and her mother was bringing the detachable skirt to them. Once attached, the two stepped back looking at her.

"Wow!" Helena exclaimed looking at the masterpiece that was Shanae. "Hayes is one lucky man, because damn Shanae. The dress compliments your body so well."

"I'm so glad." Shanae smiled before looking at her mother who's eyes had become moist.

"You look so beautiful." Sharon smiled, slightly shaking her head. "My baby is all grown up, ready to be someone's wife."

"Thank you momsy." She smiled, before looking at herself in the mirror. She wouldn't be Shanae if her wedding dress did not have a deep V illusion neckline, alongside a sheer bodice.

"Let's get your shoes on." Helena sniffled, and Shanae's heart squeezed, a pout forming on her face when she realized that her sister in love's face had tears streaming down.


The décor of the wedding ceremony was simply breathtaking, with twinkling blue lights and white decorations adorning every corner. Inside the glass-encapsulated hall, guests gathered, eagerly awaiting the moment when Shanae and Hendrichs would commit themselves to each other all because of their love.

The chatter simmered down, as the What A Beautiful Name piano instrumental started playing and Sharon appeared at the beginning of the aisle, a dazzling smile on her face. She walked down the aisle, waving at all the familiar faces that she knew in the crowd. Until she got to her seat which was on the left side of the aisle.

Hendrichs' parents went down next, arm in arm, waving at Sharon before settling on the right side of the aisle. As the piano instrumental played on, Hendrichs and Logan smoothly walked down the aisle – maintaining straight faces before they stood at the right side of the altar. Shanae's bridesmaids wearing icy blue dresses reminiscent of the winter sky, gracefully walked down the aisle, accompanied by Hendrichs' groomsmen who wore dashing gray suits. Then Karter appeared, and the music stopped — the room becoming quiet again.

A Dandelions piano cover began playing, and Hendrichs' heart nearly stopped as his eyes finally laid upon his fiancée, who looked radiant in her icy white gown. She stood at the beginning of the aisle with a smile that could light up the darkest of winter nights. Her arm was safely hooked into her father's. Her eyes sparkled with pure joy and anticipation as she clutched a bouquet of white roses and baby's breath, intricately tied with a blue ribbon – a nod to the winter sky. The gentle snow outside the tall glass lent an ethereal glow to the ceremony.

Her eyes fell on him, desire welling within her core as he was the epitome of elegance in his white tuxedo, with a black dress shirt on. His suit was embedded with matching tiny crystals – with a white rhinestone decorated tie. She could not believe that she was about to marry the man of her dreams.

Karter soon began walking, throwing the flower petals behind her. The room seemed to hold its breath as Shane's father escorted her down the aisle, tears welling up in his eyes. They held a mixture of pride and the bittersweet realization that his little girl was starting a new chapter of her life. She'd no longer be his little girl – she'd someone's wife, and soon someone's mother.

As Shanae approached Hendrichs, the love and admiration in his eyes were undeniable. Their eyes simultaneously became moist, before the tears tumbled down their faces. Then finally they stood close to the altar, and Shanae's father Omar wiped his tears, hugging her for a while and telling her that he loved her, before he handed her over to Hendrichs.

They took each other's hands, and the warmth of their touch melted away any lingering winter chill. A sense of serenity settled over the room as they exchanged loving glances, promising to love and cherish each other until the end of time.

A pastor from the church they both attended, stood before them as the officiant, and started the ceremony with a prayer, before getting into the reading that he felt most applied to them, and not just them but something the whole body of guests could apply in their lives as well.

His reading was from 1st Corinthians 13, from verse 14 to 12 – where he shared that love is patient and kind, that it does not envy nor is it arrogant or rude. He shared how love does not insist on its own ways, speaking towards being selfless, and how love is not irritable or resentful. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes for all things, and endures all things. He especially emphasized that love never ever came to an end.

With the reading, he shared with them how they could only paint this kind of love towards each other if God was at the center of their relationship.

"The bride and groom have prepared vows to share, I will ask the groom to speak first." The officiant said.

"Hi." He greeted Shanae, with a shy laugh, and she laughed too alongside the guests.

"Hi." She responded.

"I've told you before that the day we met will always be a day I remember for the rest of my life, because you flipped my world upside down, challenging this man I've always thought myself to be. I didn't realize then that I'd met my match – all I knew was that you were absolutely gorgeous, and I'd try by all means to keep my distance."

"Clearly, that did not work. You blew my breath away with every word you said, every step you took, the person that you simply were. I knew right then that you were different, and that avoiding you would prove to be difficult. An unfortunate situation pushed us into the path that led us to where we are today."

"You have become my best friend, my lover, my companion – and there's no one I would rather build my life with than you. I love you with all my heart, and with all my soul. You're my love, my light, and my soulmate. Together, we can weather any storm, no matter the season of our lives."

"I promise to love you for who you are, and for who you are yet to become. I promise to be patient and to remember that all things between us are rooted in love. I promise to nurture your dreams and help you reach them. I promise to love you loyally, and fiercely – as long as I breathe and live. Thank you for choosing to be by my side, for choosing to be my best friend and my wife for eternity."

Her eyes were already full of tears, she did not know how she would speak her mind without her voice betraying her.

"The day I first met you, I swore I was going to hate you forever because your cover made it seem like you were going to be the very bane of my existence. For a moment, you infuriated me, and I just had to frustrate you as well. However, as I observed the type of person you are, and started getting to know – I now had to fight my growing feelings for you. You did not make it easy with your heart made of gold, with how you pushed me to be better, with how you loved me as a friend before we became lovers." She sniffled, holding on tightly to his hands. "Through all the uncertainties and trials in my life, you remained a constant – and my heart fell right into your palms."

"I love you, and I thank God for the love that has bound our hearts together – you are my soulmate, my twin flame, my best friend before Lena. As we start this journey, and make a covenant before God and our family and friends, I promise to look to you as a partner and a leader in our homes – I'll really hard to." She added, and the congregation laughed. "I promise to be faithful to you, and to be gentle with you, and to always be in your corner. Together, I know that we can do anything, and I am so proud to call you my husband. I promise you all of this and more with God's help to strengthen and guide me as your supportive wife. I give you my whole heart today, and forevermore."

"I love you." He whispered to her, and she smiled, before the officiant took over again.

"What beautiful vows you have shared. These vows are sacred, and are not just words you have spoken – as man and wife, may you fulfill these vows for God, for yourselves, and those around you." He smiled.

"Are the rings ready?" He asked the two, and they both nodded, turning so they could receive their symbol of love from the maid of honor and their best man.

"Shanae Love Daniels, do you take Hendrichs Hayes to be your lawfully and wedded husband, before God and men, to love and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death does you apart, according to God's holy law, and in the presence of God, and family?"

"I do." She smiled, and he did too.

"Put the ring on his finger, and say, 'with this ring, I thee wed'." He instructed, and she did as told, placing the silver steel band with a black lining on his finger.

"Hendrichs Hayes, do you take Shanae Love Daniels to be your lawfully and wedded wife before God and men, to love and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death does you apart, according to God's holy law, and in the presence of God, and family?"

"I do. In this lifetime, and the next." He boldly declared without any hesitation.

"Put the ring on her finger, and say, 'with this ring, I thee wed'." He instructed, and he complied, placing the first diamond band on her finger, then the engagement ring, followed by another diamond band.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

With that, they sealed their union with a kiss – Hendrichs gently holding her cheek as he poured all his love into their first kiss as husband and wife. The guests erupted in a joyous applause, whistles and cheers filling the room.

The officiant then prayed a prayer of blessing over the couple, as a closing of the ceremony.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Hayes."


The guests awaited the arrival of the newlyweds in the reception venue that was adorned by chandeliers, crystals, snowflakes, and different hues of blue to create an ethereal atmosphere. They mingled, and laughed, eating their food of choice from the menu that had placed above every guest's plate.

With her train detached from her dress, Shanae walked into the premises with her husband – forever by Chris Brown playing in the background as the bridal party, and the groomsmen danced into the venue. Every person in the venue sang along to the lyrics of the song at the top of their voices, absolutely enjoying the entrance performance.

As the evening progressed, the newlyweds were asked to take the center of the dancefloor, and have their very first dance. They'd both selected yet another piano cover to be the song they danced to – this time, they slowly danced to Ed Sheeran's Perfect, both singing the lyrics to each other. Their eyes remained locked on each other, constant smiles passing between the two. And when the dance was over, many more guests joined the dance floor, and danced the night away.

The couple sat at their table, listening to speeches from their loved ones, where people shared stories of them together, memories of the good and slightly bad, where Logan made the whole crowd laugh with his jokes, and Lukas and his girlfriend Naomi that Shanae met at her wedding, wished them the best of a lifetime together.

And as the evening ended for most, the couple had snuck out of the venue, and made their way to the bridal suite – ensuring that no one had followed them. With the doors locked, Shanae had removed the hair accessories that held her hair together, and the luscious voluptuous hair cascaded down her back.

Hendrichs simply moved her hair to the side, kissing her shoulder blade as he carefully moved the zipper down her back. She closed her eyes, her chest slowly rising and falling as she gently stepped out of the dress – embracing this new sensation.

In a room adorned with a moonlight glow, Hendrichs sucked his breath completely caught off guard by his wife's bare form. She looked celestial, and as she turned around to face him, the desire that had always swirled within him no longer felt wrong. She watched him remove his tie, before stepping closer to him and helping him remove his shirt.

His firm chest came into view, and she looked up to meet the hunger in his eyes, before finally taking his lips. She wanted to rush, but he slowed it down, sensually exploring her tongue. Desire swirled between her thighs, as their love grew, getting ready to get acquainted in a new shape, form, and manner.

She slowly unbuckled his belt, and he filled his hands with her bottom, lifting her up, leading them to the bed, and gently placing her there. Their hearts fell into a rhythm, beating as one, as a faint gasp, if not a whimper left her mouth when moved slowly moved his hand up her bare body, and gently but sensually caressed her bosom.

With continuous lingering, and soul gripping kisses, their eyes met for a moment as he removed the final layer of clothing and finally skin laid upon skin, and fingers intertwined.

"Ready?" He gently asked her, getting ready to make sweet love to her soul, making the actual covenant outside of paper.

"Been ready." She smiled, before taking his lips again. His hands caressed the sweetness of her sex, his mouth detaching from her lips and met the mound of her breast. The combined torture of his hands and mouth sent a sensation of heat to her core, and it ached as another small sound escaped her.

As though he knew what she craved, he found her lips again, and slowly, but surely reintroduced himself to her. A symphony of sighs fill the air, with fingers intertwined, and souls colliding as theirs became a dance where he dug deep into her stomach.

Her fingers dig into his back, as he meets her pleasure, and a half-cry escapes her mouth – passion blooming within that sacred intimate hour. She squeezed, and he grunted, almost losing his pace with the feeling of her walls begging for release.

Whispers of love were tenderly spoken, and promises were sealed as their love's crescendo reached a peak. Time stood still as she let go, and he joined her too, ecstasy becoming a high they fell into. They were finally bound together in spirit, their souls intertwined as they unraveled completely bare.

This wasn't the end though, just the introduction, the initial meeting of body, soul, and heart. For the rest of the night, he would please her in every manner, shape, and form.



we did it joe! we made it to the end🥹

thank you all for coming on this journey with me. for loving and embracing Shanae as well as Hendrichs. 

thank you for reading this story, I know I would have deleted it if it didn't blow up in the way that it did. 

you can place your final thoughts here. 

if you have any questions pls place them here, I'm gonna do a faqs section, or maybe rather a breakdown of what my intentions for the plot were, and how everything turned out. a behind the story type thing. 

if you enjoyed this story, do stick around for the next one. 

I'll be working on It's You from the 15th of August. 

thank you again!!! i love you all. 

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