The Three Moons of Tatooine

By kurenohikari

7.8K 216 37

After time-traveling to his eight-year-old self, Anakin Skywalker finds himself in a new timeline where Jedi... More

New Starts...
... & Lessons
Friends & Visions
The Past & Moving On
Lightsabers & Younglings
Knighting & Confessions
Attack of the Clones
Clone Wars I
Clone Wars II
Clone Wars III
Clone Wars IV
Clone Wars V
Clone Wars VI
Mandalore I
Mandalore II
Clone Wars VII
Clone Wars VIII
Clone Wars IX
Mandalore III
Clone Wars X
Of Children & Changes

First Loves & Triads

479 11 5
By kurenohikari

"Confused, you are," Yoda commented, banging his cane on the floor.

"Well, I can understand why O... Master Kenobi is given this mission." Anakin answered to the Jedi Counsil, from where he was standing next to Obi-Wan. "But, while I am no slouch in negotiation, I am not a Jedi Consular. I am a Jedi Guard that specializes in Search & Rescue, and protection."

"Your lightsaber mastery is a boon when guarding your marks," Master Windu agreed. "And your force tracking is on par to your Master Teacher," Master Plo's pride could easily be felt in the Force, making Anakin smile.

"But it is your languages skill which we will needed in this mission," Master Shaak continued. "Master Kenobi will take point on this mission, and while the ball will be hosted in Basic, many will speak their own languages."'

"Gather information, you will," Grandmaster Yoda ordered. "Ears open for danger, you will."

"I see," Anakin hummed with a thoughtful look. "But that's not all, I can sense it in the Force."

"Open ears you have, good," Grandmaster Yoda praised with a smirk, like the little green troll he was.

"You want to test us,'' Obi-Wan sighed, he had noticed it. "To make sure our new relationship does not interfere with our duty."

"No, then they would have sent us to a dangerous mission, not a ball filled with... politicians..." Anakin's eyes widened in understanding. "Really? Do you think I am that reckless?"

"Do you want me to give you a list of the dangerous stunts you've pulled?" Master Windu raised an eyebrow.

"Hey! I might be reckless, but it's all calculated! And I've got all Jedis and younglings back in one piece... most of the time," Anaking admitted. The Jedi Counsil had to give it to him. Reckless he might be, when the situations requires it, but always to protect his intentions are. "Also, I trust Obi-Wan! He is the most loyal person I know and would never cheat on me!" Obi-Wan turned to Anakin in horror, why was he bringing that up now?! "I won't get jealous of him flirting with politicians. If anything I'll need to stop myself from bursting out in laughter as all the politicians trip over their feet, fawning over him."

"W-what?! I do not flirt!" Obi-Wan protested, gaining a dry look not only from Anakin, but the whole Jedi Counsil! "I do not!"

"Unbecoming of a Jedi, lying is," Grandmaster Yoda shook his head in disappointment.

"To be fair grandmaster," Anakin smiled to Yoda conspiratorially. "Obi-Wan is mostly lying to himself."

"I am not!" Obi-Wan pouted.

Oh, Force, I am! The redhead moaned internally, as he kept his smile on the outside, easily flirting with yet another representant. Obi-Wan could feel his partner's amusement in the Force and did is best to ignore it. At least, he is not jealous.

Far from being Jealous, Anakin was having the time of his life. He could not understand why he had ever been jealous of the attention Padme had received back in his past life? Watching his partners, talking around these fools and playing them like a violin, turned him on. Knowing they will leave with him, made him feel like one lucky son of a... Force. Anakin could only blame Palpatine and his dark side influence.

"Excuse me, are you from Ta­tooine?" Someone asked in perfect Huttese, startling Anakin. That was not a language you would expect to find in a posh, core-world ball.

"I am," Anakin smiled at the truthfully lovely lady next to him. But nothing compared to Obi-Wan and Padme's beauty. "Your Huttese is perfect."

"Not something you would expect from a core-world," the lady chuckled, noting his surprise. "My grand-mother was a slave from Tatooine, she got adopted and freed by a rich merchant family." She explained, smiling with a warm look at the two suns on Anakin's shoulder. "She got the same tattoo once she reached maturity, only in black and white. She taught her family all of her stories and costumes. My mother continued her lessons, even after she married into a noble family. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Leia!" Anakin blinked shocked at that. That will be the name of his daughter. The daughter he had tortured... "Is everything ok?"

Anakin turned to the lady again, Leia, and smiled at her concerned expression. "Everything is ok, I was just surprised. I always said that if I had a daughter she would be named Leia and if I had a son Luke, after..."

"The twins suns of Tatooine and Ar-Amu's children," Leia smiled relieved. "But I thought Jedis do not do love."

"We are encouraged to love," Anakin corrected her gently. He was not angry, as he had made that same mistake before. A mistake that had costed too many lives... "My Master adopted me and is my father. Our love is simply healthy and we are taught not to get attached. One life does not equal thousands."

"I see..." Leia hummed in understanding. "Love, but do not forget duty. Wise. Does that mean you will look for your triad?"

However, before Anakin could say anything, Leia's escort came and took her away for work. Anakin could only stare at her in stock. Triad... I had not heard about that in a while, Anakin thought in amusement and shock. But it will be perfect to get Obi-Wan interested in expanding our relationship.

"Are you ok?" Obi-Wan asked in concern, as they were preparing themselves for bed later that night... dawn, really. "You've been out of it for a while.'"

"Oh, I just met an noble lady," Anakin chuckled. "Her grandmother used to be a slave from Tatooine, one that got the same tattoo as mine." Obi-Wan smiled, now in understanding, and caressed said tattoo and symbol of freedom, with veneration. "She had also mentioned some old traditions.. of my people."

"Traditions?" Obi-Wan asked curiously.

Anakin had to stop himself from smirking victoriously. "Yes, traditions," Anakin said instead. "Tatooine's slave community is... well, was known to form trials. Romantic partnerships of three people."'

"A triad?" Obi-Wan inquired. "I've heard of polygamy. But a specific relationship of only three people is peculiar."

Good, I do not sense any discomfort or doubt in our relationship, Anakin thought pleased.

"Yes, a triad. Under the sun slaves worked for their masters, but at night it's when they are the most free. The three people represent the three moons of Tatooine. Ghomrassen, Guermessa, and Chenini. Back then, marrying in secret under the moons was a way to rebel. The triad would then ask for the moons blessings, against the masters, the cruel desert, and suns." Anakin answered with a smile, he only wore when talking about Tatooine. He had long stopped hating his home planet, after all it had kept his son safe from the Empire. "Now that practice has died off a little bit, but it's still kept in certain parts."

"That sounds beautiful," Obi-Wan told his partner gently, earning a tender smile and a kiss. "Is that... something you are interested on?"

Dah! Of Course! Anakin thought and almost exclaimed out loud. Instead what he said was: "If the Force wills it and you want it too!" Which was true, as the Force wanted Luke and Leia to be born. "It would not be me in a relationship with two people. But all three of us together."

Which will happen, Anakin swore internally. That's the only outcome I'll accept.


"I can feel your insecurities through our bond," Qui-Gon commented with a smile, sitting next his old padawan-learner in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. "What's weighting in your mind? Your mission/test was a success."

"Dear heart's culture practices polygamy, more specifically triads," Obi-Wan answered, softly.

"And you are doubting if you are good enough and if you'll end up being discarded after you find your third partner. This is all my fault and Yoda's meddling," Qui-Gon sighed sadly. "You are a wonderful Jedi Master, but most importantly you are a caring, kind, and loving person. You should be proud of who you are, not insecure." Qui-Gon shook his head, as Obi-Wan looked at his master-teacher in shock. "I did this to you. I was not the best Jedi Master to you at the beginning, I don't think I ever got it right even by the end." Qui-Gon raised a hand, to silence his old padawan, when this one opened his mouth to protest. "You are immensly kind to think otherwise and loyal beyond words to defend me after all the faults I've committed against you. But I was not a good teacher, or even a good friend. All of my issues were never on you, but were my fault. Can you understand that?"

"I can," Obi-Wan answered softly, being completely honest for once, not even lying to himself.

"I can see that," Qui-Gon agreed with a warm look. "Anakin has been good to you, given you a confidence I've never seen... not even, when you've been with the Duchess."

Obi-Wan blushed, recalling the nights he has spent with Anakin. Steamy and passionate nights, as Anakin kissed and worshiped every scar on his body, words of praise burning against his skin. Words that little by little Obi-Wan began to believe, how could he not? When he felt Anakin's overwhelming love through their Force-bond, pure and blinding. When Anakin looked at him like he put the stars and moons in the sky.

So, it was no wonder Obi-Wan had changed his views of himself. After all, to be able to love his dear heart, he needed to learn to love himself. Little by little, Obi-Wan became more confident and braver. He stopped just letting Anakin ride him, but took charge, pinning his dear heart andd ravishing him with gusto. Marking Anakin's golden skin with kissmarks and beard burns, possessively. Feeling a raw and primitive pleasure watching his partner walk around in his relevant tatooinean clothing, passion marks clearly visible.

"He loves me," Obi-Wan answered, and that explained it all. Because it was that simple. "And I love him."

"I love Jocasta and Shmi," Qui-Gon confessed, earning a startled look from Obi-Wan- he had not been expecting that. "I am part of a triad."

"Shmi? Dear heart's mother?" Obi-Wan repeated dumbfounded.

Shmi Skywalker was as much as a legend as her son. She had worked as a mechanic at the temple, forming a quick and strong friendship with the strict Jedi Master Archivist, Jocasta Nu. After her son got his first lightsaber, she had left the temple and began her own technology company: Skywalker Corporation. With her son's generations advanced designs she quickly rose as a leader in ships, blasters, droids, prosthetics, water filtration, green energy, and agrecultural technology.

They built their main Headquarters in Naboo, to aid those that lost their homes in Naboo because of their invasion, and show the Republic that they had not only survived the Trade Federation Invasion, but were thriving. The Skywalker name was equal to Her Majesty's in Naboo by now. And Padme was going to pass down as one of the most beloveds queens in Naboo history.

But the Skywalkers generosity did not end there. Shmi donated ships, prosthetics, droids, well... everything to the temples and corps. She had even opened a foundation, the Skywalker Foundation, to aid slaves and give them new homes in Naboo, and other sympathetic planets. Anakin, on his part, donated all of the money he had earned to the foundation and to a saving account for future crisis.

What no one knew, was that he would be using that money on the clones this vendetta on the Outer-Rim during the Clone Wars. But that's for later.

"Yes, that Shmi," Qui-Gon laughed, amused at his old padawan's reaction. "And I was the partner to join last. Which is not easy. I also had my doubts and felt like I was intruding."

"What did you do?" Obi-Wan asked, still surprised that his master had felt the same as him.

"I talked," Qui-Gon shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. "I told them how I felt and we discussed it until I began feeling better. It took a while and a lot of conversations."

"It's that easy?" Obi-Wan asked surprised.

"Easy? Not at all!" Qui-Gon barked a laugh. "It was exhausting and took a lot of effort. Even though, the action was simple. Just talking."

"I see..." Obi-Wan hummed. "I'll trust dear heart and our bond, if the Force wills it and we get a third partner I will be honest... to all three of us."

"I am proud of you," Qui-Gon told his old padawan, finally breaking him and getting an armful of a sobbing redhead. "Oh, dear one, I've never said it, have I? Such carelessness. I love you, my padawan, and I have always been proud of you. Always."


"Lady Skywalker, you seem quite happy today," Ric Olié commented with amusement.

"I get to see my son today!" Shmi replied excitedly, earning the attention of the palace's attendants, as her friend and her walked towards the throne room. "I've not been free to get to Coruscant in a while because of work. But Ani will be part of the team that will be escorting Senator Amidala back to Coruscant for her job as senator!"

"The Hero of Naboo is finally coming back?!" Ric was now excited too. This was the boy that had saved his planet and aided to build it back with all of his inventions. The people of Naboo love for Anakin Skywalker only came second to their previous Queen Padme. "So, that's why the actual queen has everyone running around to prepare a grand feast."

"Lady Shmi!" Apailana, the Queen of Naboo, greeted her regally. Though, only those that knew her could sense the relief in her tense body. The throne room was empty for anyone but her handmaidens, royal guards, Padme and Sabé. "Good. You will review the menu plan for the feast."

"Greetings, Your Majesty," Ric and Shmi bowed and greeted the young queen- too young in Shmi's mind.

"I am sure that my Ani will welcome anything, as a previous slave and actual Jedi Knight he does not need any extravancy." Another thing the Skywalkers shared, other than their golden hearts, is that the two of them weere not ashamed of their previous lives as slaves. They were proud. Another difference from Anakin's other life. They survived what would have killed others and were thriving. Of course, they would be proud! "But he understands Naboo costumes and will be touched by your gratefulness. However, if I am permitted, Master Kenobi and my Ani are partners beyond their Jedi work. So, it would please them to be seatted next to each other and sleep in the same room."

"Get the seating chart changed and tell the maids the chamber situ­ation," Queen Apailana told her handmaidens, who were quick get to work.

Another good thing about having a Skywalker in Naboo, was that the planet now knows the true meaning of the Jedi Code. So, the planning continued, until they were ready to receive the Jedis with at ease and have a ball.

"Welcome, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Sith Slayer, and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the Hero of Naboo!" Queen Apailana greeted them, to the deafening applause of the public, that had gathered outside the palace. "Naboo welcomes you and thanks you for your successful aid during the invasion of Naboo!" More thundering applause. "We've prepared a ball and feast as celebration!"

"We greet you Esteemed Queen of Naboo," Obi-Wan, The Negotiator, bowed in respect. "We thank you deeply for your consideration."

"We've kept Naboo in our hearts and it warms us that Naboo kept us in it's heart," not one to be left behind, Anakin sweet talked his way into the hearts of the millions watching through the holonet.

"Come!" The Queen announced, beaming and quite relieved of how well things were going. "Let's celebrate!"

Obi-Wan and Anakin were sitten next to each other in the high table. The order was like this: at the center sat the queen, with Obi-Wan at her left, next to him was Anakin, who had his mother at his other side. Who would have thought? Two ex-slaves at a place of honor in a royal court. The Force does work in mysterious ways. Oh, at the Queen's right sat Padme, next to Jar Jar, the previous Naboo Senator before her, and at the other end of the table sat Ric.

The conversation proceeded smoothly and everyone had a good time. Especially, Anakin who enjoyed watching his angels verbally spar over dinner, while he made sure to charm their future wife.

Second step done, Anakin thought happily. Third one, is coming next.


"The ball was a success," Sabé commented, as the rest of the handmaidens finished packing. "The Queen was quite pleased."

"Hmm," Padme hummed distractedly, as she was looking down her window at the castle's gardens.

Obi-Wan and Anakin were patroling, though it looked more like a stroll through a beautiful garden. Padme could not take her eyes off as the blond angel threw his head back and laughed at something Obi-Wan had said. Padme's breath was caught, as she saw the look Obi-Wan sent Anakin. She might not be Force-sensitive, but she would be blind not to notice the love and devotion in that gaze. Padme knew it was wrong, but she did not deviate her eyes as Anakin leaned down for a short kiss. She blushed when Anakin looked up and smirked at her. She rapidly backed away from the window and threw herself into the bed, ignoring the amused looks sent her way by her friends.

"Anakin is quite breathtaking," Rabé commented.

"He had always been a beautiful boy," Saché agreed. "But boy, he grew!"

"He was not the only one!" Yané added, excitedly. "Look at Obi-Wan Kenobi! Who would have thought that taking out that silly padawan hairstyle and growing a beard would make him into such a DILF!"

"Yané!" Padme exclaimed scandalized, finally elevating her head from her pillow, locking eyes with her friends teasing grins. It did not take long for them to burst out laughing. "Ok... I might have a crush."

"Might?" Sabé teased, loving how carefree her best friend was acting.

Padme had always had to act older than her age was. She had been a Queen under an invasion, even with all the help the Skywalkers had given them, it had been a hard position for a fourteen years-old-girl. Then she became a senator and could not catch a break. Watching her fall for a couple of handsome and caring Jedis, was a relief for Sabé.

"Ok! I have a crush on them!" Padme relented, giggling. "But they are together amd clearly in love. I won't mess that up."

"He is clearly a child of the desert like Lady Shmi!" Rabé protested, exasperated by her friend.

"She is right," Sabé agreed, sending Padme an admonishing look. "He wears the clothes of the desert, the colors of the Skywalker Clan and he bears the tattoo of a free man. He surely follows the same traditions as Lady Shmi. Who, may I remind you, is in a triad with two Jedi Master's."

"I don't even know if they like women," Padme excused herself.

"Now you are just looking for excuses quite desperately!" Saché complained.

"I know for a fact that Jedi Master Kenobi had something going on with Duchess Kryze back during his youth." Yané shared getting various looks of surprise, that's an information specialist for you.

"Also, Anakin can't take his eyes off you," Sabé continued. "If he is not looking at Master Kenobi, he is looking at you."

"He does, doesn't he?" Padme smiled, wearing a bestowed look on her face. "I don't know how it happened? How I could have fallen so fast? But one look and that's all Ani needed to win my heart. He is so caring and loving, not to mention charming and handsome. Obi-Wan, is so much fun to spar with him! He can keep up and he is so much fun! There are not many out there that love battling with words. I..."

"You like them," Sabé finished for her friend, looking at her warmly. "You are allowed to be in love and have a relationship."

"I can go for it?" Padme asked, sounding as young as she was for once.

"Yes!" Her friends exclaimed.

"Then let's get one of my finnest gowns and charm these Jedis!" Padme jumped off her bed, eyes burning with determination.

As the girls were playing dress-up, Obi-Wan was scolding Anakin.

"You cannot behave like that! We are on a mission and we must behave like exemplary Jedi!" Obi-Wan kept on going, while it made Anakin smile like an idiot at his partner. "Are you listening to me?!"

Just like old times, Anakin thought fondly. "I am, but it was only a kiss, nothing compared to what we did last night." Anakin smirked as Obi-Wan blushed. "Or is it that we were caught?" Obi-Wan's blush became more pronounced. "Or who we were caught by? You sure did enjoy flirting the night away with angel."

"I was not flirting!" Obi-Wan protested.

"You were so flirting!" Anakin's smile was wide and eager. "You couldn't have flirted any harder if you had wanted!"

"What about you?!" Obi-Wan turned to Anakin in accusation. "You've grown even more beautiful than the last time I've seen you, angel."

"I do not sound like that!" Anakin laughed, loving that no matter the timeline some things never change. "I do like her, I'll admit it. I've been half in love with her, after the mission in Naboo.'' The first one, Anakin added in his head, making the Force ring true. "I know she will be perfect for our triad and the Force seconds it!" Anakin turn to him with a gentle and warm look. "And if you agree with it too."

Before Obi-Wan could reply, they had reached Senator Amidala's palace chamber. Both Jedi had to pick up their jaws from the floor at the beautiful and smug visage the ex-queen made in her gown.

"Jedi Master and Jedi Knight," Padme nodded at the pair and strutted ahead, with a seductive swing of her hips. Her handmaidens giggled, as they followed their leader.

"Would you look at that," Anakin laughed, eyes burning with desire as they never left those round hips. "It seems that it's two against one." Anakin tunnel to Obi-Wan, when this one did not answer. "Or maybe we are all in agreement?" Anakin tease has noticed Obi-Wan's lingering gaze.

"Shut up!" A flustered Obi-Wan growled, following the senator.

Anakin laughed in happiness. His plan had worked, he will soon have everything he had ever wanted. He will make sure of that.

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