Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

194K 10.5K 517

The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV

Chapter XXXII

3K 197 5
By Krazy_Kupid

[XXXII.] Closer

Change was inevitable.

No matter how cliche it must sound or how the word change is repeated over and over again for almost everything, it does not diminish the truth it holds. 

Life was not constant and being surprised at the unexpected things was a redundant chore for those foolish enough to believe otherwise. 

When Cassandra had first left Storm's End to live in King's Landing, this was the first thing she learned about the ways of the world. 

In time, she had come to associate change with something negative for usually the changes being brought about in her life resulted in an event that took a turn for the worse. 

But traveling to Dorne has changed her perspective of everything. Months before, she would never have considered the possibility of being married and enjoying married life yet here she was. 

"Careful. Don't go too far." Cassandra called out to the two young children who had taken off at the first chance they got. 

She certainly could not blame Arianne and Owain for being eager to enjoy such a beautiful day. Especially when they did not have to attend lessons.

The sun was shining brightly with a gentle warmth coating Sunspear. A wind breezed by every now and then, carrying with it the delectable smells of cooking and exotic spices. 

Cassandra was thankful that she was wearing one of the Dornish style dresses, its light fabric being more than enough to protect her from the heat. Her short raven curls hung loosely behind her, no more veil hiding it from view. 

The four of them had ventured to the marketplace just outside the palace walls. Despite being in Sunspear for a few months now, she had yet to visit the famous marketplace, said to have many trade goods from all over Westeros. 

"Too late. We've lost them." Oberyn mused from behind her, coming to embrace her from behind, his large arms encompassing her form protectively. "Shall we commence the search parties?" 

She laughed softly, leaning into his chest. "Let's give them a few hours. They're bound to get hungry at some point."

It had been to the surprise of no one at all when one day, Oberyn leaned over to kiss his wife in the midst of breakfast. 

Servants only shook their heads at the display of affection, subtly exchanging coins upon some bets being won. 

Of course, no one had bet that the wedding would not work out, especially with the looks they had exchanged even before the ceremony. All had agreed that it would only be a matter of time. 

After the kisses they shared in the library, there had been an unspoken waiving of the previous agreement they had talked about. 

After all, friends do not share kisses, hold each other in long embraces, and they certainly do not call each other by terms of endearment. 

They had agreed that they would give them a chance at being husband and wife. Just because theirs was a planned arrangement, it did not mean that the possibility of a true relationship was impossible. 

The alliance was far from their mind as they got to know more about one another. Their new relationship was a bit odd for they would be doing things backward, with marriage coming first and the courtship coming afterward. 

The only one who seemed unhappy by the new development between Cassandra and Oberyn was Lady Mellario who would scoff at every display of affection. 

Oberyn had only shrugged it off and whispered to Cassandra about what a bitter woman his brother's wife ended up being, making her laugh whenever he would make a horrible imitation of the woman. 

With her arm around his, the two began scanning the stalls set up in the marketplace. It was fascinating to see various foods being sold, some of which she had not even heard of. 

There were also stalls displaying goods such as silks, cloths, charms, and natural remedies. Upon seeing the prince, vendors clamored for his attention and in extension, hers as well. 

A certain Dornish delicacy caught Oberyn's attention, making him purchase one for each of them, claiming that she just had to try it. 

From further inspection, it looked to be steamed coconut cakes topped with honey, packaged in a leaf cup surrounded by brown paper packaging. 

Cassandra was hesitant to try it but with Oberyn looking at her expectantly, she took a bite. Her eyes widened a mere fragment before she took more bites out of the delightful treat.

"So what do you think?" Oberyn asked, eating his cake as well with a wide smile. 

Cassandra barely suppressed a groan at having a taste. "It's delicious. Gods, I could eat another one. I could eat one every day for the rest of my life."

At her words, Oberyn bought a whole box of the cakes, winking at her as he tucked it under his free arm. "I remember when I was a child, my mother would buy many boxes of these cakes. I could devour six of these in one afternoon."  

"Thank you for suggesting this. I had almost forgotten what it was like to be outside a keep." She sighed as they continued to walk through the market. 

"What kind of prince would I be if I did not show my wife the wonders of my kingdom?" He remarked, hooking his arm with hers and pecking her lips quickly.

"The most beautiful of kingdoms, next to Storm's End, of course." The taste of coconut and honey lingered on her lips as she answered. 

He only rolled his eyes playfully in response as if he could not believe that her childhood home could hold a candle to Dorne. Laughing softly, he used his thumb to clean her lips of remnants of coconut shavings before licking his finger clean. 

They continued strolling down the rest of the stalls, with Oberyn greeting most of the vendors by name. He would also introduce Cassandra as his wife, proudly telling the vendors of his good fortune. 

Finally, Oberyn brought her to a stall displaying such rare jewels. There were earrings decorated with the finest rubies, necklaces with carved crests, and bracelets made from intricately twined bronze.

Cassandra could not help but stare in awe at all of the vibrant displays, looking on in wonder as each piece of jewelry caught her eye. 

"Bors, have you finished with it yet?" Oberyn asked the smiling robust man situated at the stalls.

At his question, the man turned around to rummage through his wooden chest. "Yes, my prince. I must say that it is my finest work yet. Is this the lucky lady?" 

The man faced them once more and dropped a small box into Oberyn's awaiting hand. Oberyn looked down at the box before replying with a cheeky grin. "Ah, Bors, if anything, I am the lucky one." 

"Young love. I remember when I met my wife. Fate, I tell you." Bors the jewelry vendor responded, his eyes taking on a captivated glow as he turned to her. "I can only wish you a long and happy marriage, my lady. Though that should not be too hard with how beautiful you are." 

"You are too kind, sir." Cassandra blushed at his words. 

Oberyn clasped the older man's shoulder, waving as they continued on their way. "Thank you, Bors. Give Myria my love." 

"Do you know everyone in Dorne?" Cassandra asked as they reached a less crowded part of the market. The crowds were much thinner and there would be fewer people eavesdropping on their conversation. 

"I can only try, dearest." He said, taking her hand and offering her the mystery box. "For you." 

"For me?" She questioned, eyes falling on the little box. Opening it, she could not help but let out a gasp. "Gods, Oberyn." 

Inside the box was a gold band with a family crest delicately sculpted atop the band. The coat of arms bears a sunburst, though its rays resembled that of a stag's antlers. She reached out to touch the sculpted edges of the piece of art he had just gifted her with. 

"I had it commissioned when you arrived in Dorne. I figured you would not have a signet ring of your own and though wives usually use their husbands', I wanted you to have your own." He explained, hoping that she would like it. 

With the box still in hand, she jumped up to embrace him, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. "Thank you, darling. Thank you so much." 

He chuckled softly, hugging her just as tight before pulling the ring out of the box to slip it into her pinky finger. "You deserve this and more. Much more. Know that I will try my hardest every day to give it all to you."

She connected their lips into a fiery kiss not caring for any of the looks and stares being sent their way. They only parted with a laugh when Owain and Arianne returned to their sides, pouting for some food. 

For the rest of the day, Cassandra could not take her eyes off of Oberyn, wondering how in such a short matter of time, he had become exactly what she needed. 

It seemed too good to be true but then again, she had always been a believer in the impossible. 

She would soon learn that not all things are black and white. 

That not everything was as it seems. 


Oberyn found himself helpless. 

Yet again, he found himself starring in the worst of nightmares, his sister's voice calling out to him for help as he stood frozen and unmoving. 

No matter how hard he would try, he could not move from his spot, being forced to listen to Elia and her children scream over and over. 

While he was forced to relive such a terrible moment, Cassandra woke to the sounds of thrashing and assumed the worst. Grabbing a candle holder off her desk, she stood from her bed to head in the direction of the sounds of distress. 

What she encountered came as a shock to her as she came upon the sleeping form of Oberyn. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he thrashed and whined in his rumpled blanket, his lips trying to utter his sister's name.

Instinct overcoming her, she sat upon the chaise lounge before pulling him gently into her arms. No matter how much he struggled against her hold, she did not waver as she held him, his head against the crook of her arm. 

She cradled his cheek and pushed back his hair, uttering reassurances until finally, his eyes opened. Breathing heavily, he looked up at her before sitting straight up. 

He asked her, not having expected her to be right beside him, his legs tangled up in his blankets. "Cassandra, I-what are you doing?" 

"You were having a nightmare." She said softly, nothing but understanding in her sapphire eyes. 

He silently cursed himself for waking her up with his own troubles. "Did I wake you? Forgive me, I did not mean to." 

She shook her head, knowing precisely what he was going through. It was something she would never wish upon anyone. "It's alright. It's not something you need to worry about." 

His dark eyes bore into her, silent gratitude beaming through them. "You should go back to sleep. It is still quite late." 

She was silent for a moment but instead of leaving immediately, she offered a hand. "Join me." 

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, thinking that sleep must have muddled his brain for surely she was not saying what he was thinking. "Huh?"

She kept her hand extended toward him. "Lay with me. Please." 

Although he wanted nothing more than to take her hand and do as she asked, there was still something holding him back. "I'm fine, I assure you." 

"I know. I would just sleep better knowing that you're beside me." She answered, her resolve not wavering even at his uncertainty. 

The man he had been in the past would never have allowed his guard to go down. He never would have shown such vulnerability to another person. He never would have dared to do so for fear of being taken advantage of. 

But he was no longer that man and he knew that he could trust her so he slipped into the covers in the bed beside her. He pulled her into his arms, breathing in her scent until he drifted off into a dreamless slumber. 

That night, when his nightmares came knocking, Cassandra kept them at bay as she held on to him tightly, reminding him that he was not alone anymore. That she would always be at his side.

When her nightmares tried to make an appearance, they could not even materialize for what were negative thoughts against the assurance of a better tomorrow? 

Oberyn, for her, was a reminiscent past, a calm present, and a bright future. 

As long as she would look for him, he would make sure that she would always find him. 

Never too far away.


Hello everyone! I love writing scenes with Cassandra and Oberyn like you have no idea. I rlly love the idea that these are things they wanted to do together for so long but never got a chance to until now :>>>

The next chapter will be very sweet and definitely one of my favorites teehee. Think of it as the calm before the storm ;> Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3

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