
By Oh_JiminV

423 14 0

A young woman wakes up from a two-year coma, finding herself in an empty hospital. When she roams around, she... More

Announcement + Copyright
1. Awaken
2. A Friendly Face
3. Strangers
4. The Lounge
5. More Survivors
6. The Notebook
7. Family
8. Decisions... Decisions
9. The Elevator Crisis
10. Supplies
11. The Outside World
12: Minimarts & Monsters
13. Battling A Giant Spider!
14. The Plan that Worked!
15. Figuring Out what Comes Next!
16. Questions... and more Questions
17. Digital clocks and Old Newspapers
18. Undiscovered Powers
20. Treacherous Roads & A Mysterious New Companion
21. Fire and Big Dogs
22. The Unknowns Of the New World
23. The House

19. Finding Camp and Petty Squables

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By Oh_JiminV

Min's pov

We decided to stick on the hillside a little longer, taking the time to recuperate after what we just experienced. We would be leaving in about 20 minutes to find a place that could house the eight of us for the rest of the day, we decided that going to the lab now would be a horrible idea at the moment. Especially since I was still injured. "You know, even with everything going on the weather hasn't changed since we came out of the hospital. It seems so peaceful." Taehyung said, I looked out across the way and let myself take in the scenery. "It does," I agreed, looking up at the sky. We sat there just taking in everything, "This is so different from what the city would normally look like. I imagine there would be all sorts of people walking down the sidewalks, talking over each other. Or on the phone with a business partner or significant other. Rush hour traffic is absolutely chaotic and even has its fair share of accidents thrown in the mix." Yoongi spoke up, breaking the silence. "What made you think about that, hyung?" Jungkook asked, looking over his shoulder at Yoongi who was sitting beside me. "I don't know. I guess it's because of how quiet it really is with no people around. We really could be the last ones around on this planet but we don't know for sure. That lab could have the answers we need or it possibly won't have anything for us to find there." He explained, "Yeah.." 

"I just wish we could remember our own pasts. There is some way that all of us are connected. More than Hobi hyung and Min being related." 

"Yeah, I get you." Jimin nodded.

"Alright, I think I found us a place where we can possibly set up camp for the rest of the day. We all need a bit of sleep." Namjoon looked up from the map, he and Jin had been scouring the map for a place for the group to sleep since the last building didn't exactly work out. "Where are we headed, Namjoon?" Hobi asked, "Jin hyung and I found a house that's a little further away from the hospital. We think it's a safe place for the eight of us and from the way the map has the house mapped out, it looks like it's big enough for at least five people." Namjoon explained, "Meaning we'll have to share rooms?" Jimin asked, "Yes," Jin nodded, "I call Min as my roommate!" Taehyung shouted, making me look at him in surprise. 

"What?! No, I wanted to room with Min!" Jungkook whined.

"Too bad, I called her first!" Taehyung argued, "That's not fair! Hyung, you can't just suddenly make her your roommate when you haven't even asked her if she wanted you to be her roommate." Jungkook protested, "Min, do you want Tae hyung or I to be your roommate?" Jungkook and Taheyung both looked at me, making eye contact which made me squirm in my spot. 

"Hey, who said that she was bunking with any of you?" Hoseok started, "Uh oh..." Jimin muttered, "Looks like Big Brother is about to settle this whole issue right now." Yoongi said with a chuckle, "Oh, come on, Hyung. Why would she want to bunk with her older brother? Most siblings don't even want to sleep in the same room as each other because they have a love/hate relationship." Jungkook waved his hand dismissively. I felt somewhat offended that they were all speaking for me, not once thinking about how I felt about having bunk with boys when I am the only girl in the group. "She would want to bunk with me, I'm a better candidate and we're still getting used to each other since we can't remember the past. She's my roommate and that's the end of it." Hoseok ended, this only got the three to argue more making everyone else annoyed. "Okay," I started, but they still kept going. 

"Guys... Guys... SHUT UP!!!" I shouted, all three boys stopped arguing and looked at me in shock, even Yoongi and Namjoon didn't expect me to raise my voice. "Since you obviously all think that you can speak for me and not bother to ask me who I want to bunk with in the first place, I'm going to bunk with Jimin!" All three boys looked at Jimin, who looked just as shocked as everyone else. 

"WHAT?!" The three of them.

"He wasn't even in the conversation!" Taehyung stated.

"Yeah, he shouldn't have even been your go-to." Jungkook said, "Yeah, it's supposed to be me. I'm your older brother." Hoseok argued.

"Well, sorry but you all were being extremely childish and Jimin was right there and I panicked. So there. Jimin's my roommate and that's the end of the conversation. Don't start hassling him because of my decision." I demanded, making them all sigh.

"Alright, I'll respect your decision." Hobi muttered, "Only because I trust Jimin will take care of you if need be. But Jimin, you try anything. And I mean anything, you will get thrown out of the window." He threatened, all of us broke out into a nervous sweat when Hoseok suddenly changed moods as I had never seen him like that before.

"Yeah, don't worry.." Jimin chuckled nervously. 

"Okay, we'll settle who will be sharing what rooms when we get to this house. Let's get going. We have a 15-minute walk ahead of us." Jin stated, calming everyone down. We grabbed our stuff and Hobi stood to his feet and held out a hand to me. I muttered a small thanks and took his hand, Hobi taking on all of my weight to help me stand to my feet. I winced as I put too much weight on my ankle, "Careful," Yoongi placed a hand on my back and helped me get on Hobi's back, once everything got their stuff together we turned to Namjoon and Jin. "Lead the way you two," Yoongi nodded.

"Right." Jin took the map from Namjoon, deciding to take the lead. We followed him down the side of the cliff where we had been sitting, Jungkook spray-painting the tree with a check mark with green paint. "What does that check mark mean?" Jimin asked, "That it's a safe spot we can come back to if need be. We can find some tents and build shelter here if we need to get to higher ground if some kind of weather event like a flood or tsunami happens." Jungkook put the cap on the spray paint can and tucked it back in his bag, "Good thinking, Kook." Yoongi patted Jungkook on the back, "Thanks, hyung." Yoongi walked past Jungkook to catch up with Jin. 

"Alright, everyone. Stay on guard and stay together. We don't know what we will face on the road ahead of us." Namjoon stated.

So, what did you think of their idea to go to the lab? Will they find themselves in a tough situation once they find this lab? I thought it would be a fun idea to write a small comedic spot for Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok since they all seem to like spending time with Min. Do you think it was a good idea for her to pick Jimin over her own brother? Leave your comments, questions, and theories in the comments below. Also, who do you guys think Min should have picked for her roommate?









P.S.. Jungkook is breaking records and it's amazing!!! And I'm so excited for Taehyung's solo album to come out. We're a few days away and I'm already falling for the two songs he released last month. And my god, he is so handsome. Also, Namjoon's coming up so happy birthday to our lovely and handsome leader.

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