SVU: The One Shots

By GirlandHerKeyboard

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This is another one-shot book! Requests are open, and I will try to update as I can! More

Wrong Page
Personal Bodyguard
Undercover Lover
Kiss Me
The Best Product from the Worst Situation
Little One
First Time Dad
Unconventional Meeting
Blind Date
Watching Airplanes
Room 524
Wedding Date
Losing You
Orphaned: Part Two
Orphaned: Final Part
A Lover and a Killer
When A Heart Breaks
A Little Complication
Broken Dreams
16 Years
News Coverage
News Coverage : Part 2
Red Hair and Bruises
Red Hair and Bruises: Part Two
Liv and Ed
Liv and Ed: Part Two
Tiny Stablers
Liv and Bernie
High School Scares
The Surge
The Knock


225 16 1
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Laying in a hospital bed, Olivia looked down at the little boy she just became a mother to. She ran her finger over the slope of his nose and then his chunky little cheek. As she leaned back from kissing his forehead, Olivia stopped when she noticed a tear on his forehead.

"I'm going to try to be the best mother to you, little one. Sometimes I might fall short, but I'll try my hardest to not let you down," Olivia sniffled, before taking an arm away from her son so she could wipe tears from her cheeks.

Silence settled into the hospital room as Olivia examined the features of her sleeping son's face. She was so zoned out on the baby that she didn't hear the door open.

"Don't," Olivia snapped, as she smacked a strange hand away from her child. She lifted her eyes quickly from the little boy and locked eyes with her mother.

"You don't get to disrespect me, Olivia. I am your mother-"

"If you honestly cared about me, you wouldn't be here. After all the shit you have done..." Olivia trailed off as she held her son to her chest. The last thing she wanted was for her mother to memorize her son's face.


"You have been so flaky my entire life, so the last thing I want is for my child to get attached to you... Then you just up and walk away again. I don't even know how you found out I was here, but you are not welcome here anymore," Olivia huffed. Serena rolled her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips.

"If you are as smart as you think, maybe you should have taken me off your emergency contact list. Now, hand me my grandbaby. He needs to bond with the person who will end up raising him," Serena replied, as she reached out to take the baby again.

Once again, Olivia smacked her mother's hand away before hitting the call button. A nurse came in a few seconds later, her eyes moving between the mother-daughter duo.

"Olivia, is everything okay?"

"This woman is no longer welcome here. Please blacklist her from visiting me," Olivia huffed.

"Oh-" Serena started, but the nurse smiled kindly at her as she pointed at the open door behind her.

"Please remove yourself from the room. If you do not move by yourself, security will be happy to assist you."


Elliot picked up Olivia and her son, Thomas, from the hospital. He drove her home and couldn't stay long because they had a case. Not long after Olivia had gotten settled on the sofa while Thomas slept, someone pounded on her apartment door. Thomas started to cry at the top of his lungs. 

"What?!" Olivia spat, as she opened her door with a sobbing Thomas in the crook of her arm. 

"You clearly suck as a mother, Olivia! Can't even calm your child down!" Serena yelled. Olivia stared at her with anger filled eyes.

"You come over to my apartment and pound on my door the day I bring my child home?! You are the reason he is crying, because you don't have any respect for my decisions and are trying to weasel yourself into my life!" Olivia cried. 

"Just give up while you are ahead, Olivia. Your son is going to hate you by the time he can speak. Hand him over, and we won't have any additional issues. I'll stop communicating with you!" Serena exclaimed. Olivia stared her mother down as uneven breaths left her chest.

"Y-you will never be a part of his life. He is not your child and will never call you grandma. So get out of my apartment before I call my partner!" Olivia yelled. She quickly kicked her mother in the shin before slamming the door and locking it tight.

Serena started to spout off outside the closed door as Olivia hid in her bedroom and struggled to get her son to calm down.

Fear and exhaustion filled every cell in Olivia's body. Any time a car backfired on the street or the vents creaked when the heat turned on, Olivia got anxious. She had Elliot or Fin run errands for her as she recovered, but that didn't stop her from thinking any noise was Serena coming to take Thomas from her.

One evening, Olivia had finally passed out and slept through an experience that would haunt her for the rest of her life. She woke up to her chest hurting, which was unusual. Thomas always woke her up every few hours to eat, but this time he hadn't. Olivia slowly climbed out of bed and turned on her bedroom light before walking to the bassinet. Tears burned her eyes the moment she saw her son was not in the bassinet. 

"Thomas!" Olivia screamed, not even caring that her son was too young to respond. She rushed from her room and searched her apartment, but her son was nowhere to be found.


Serena sat in a terminal at JFK, Thomas tucked into the crook of her arm as she waited for her flight to board. Serena couldn't stop thinking about how she was making Olivia pay for being a shitty daughter. Knowing that Olivia was going to be suffering once Thomas was on the other side of the country made Serena smile.

"Olivia doesn't even know you are missing. If she was a good mother-" Serena started, but stopped when a man interrupted her.

"She's an amazing mother, Serena," Elliot spoke, as he spun his handcuffs around on his pointer finger.

"Excuse me? Who the hell are you?" Serena demanded.

"I'm Detective Elliot Stabler. You are under arrest for the kidnapping of Thomas Benson," He replied, as he reached for the little boy.

"No! I have rights to this baby! I'm his grandmother and I have rights! Grandparent rights if you are too dumb to know that!" Serena yelled, as Elliot reached out and grabbed Thomas as two officers grabbed Serena's now empty arms and pinned them behind her back.

"I think you are the dumb one since you came to JFK with your kidnapped grandson. If you were smart, you wouldn't have done any of these ridiculous things," Elliot sighed.

Elliot smiled as he walked behind the officers that led Serena to the entrance of the airport. As they shoved her into a cruiser, a sedan pulled up and Olivia scrambled out of it as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Elliot! Did you find him?!" Olivia sobbed. Elliot moved to his friend and laid her little boy in her arms.

"Here you go, Liv. Tommy was unharmed, and your mother is going to jail for a very long time," Elliot cooed. Olivia took Thomas into her arms and snuggled him close.

"I'll never let you out of my sight, baby. I'm so sorry that she took you... Nothing will happen again," Olivia whispered between peppering her son's face with kisses.

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