on tour || DNF

By gnfisluv

2.5K 174 202

When Wilbur's indie band embarks on a tour with the hottest new pop group, Dreams, the US is abuzz with excit... More

❥2 | dread
❥3 | first impressions
❥4 | unfair
❥5 | club lights
❥6 | rain on me
❥7 | home towns
❥8 | like a rock star
❥9 | lyrics
❥10 | moves
❥11 | workaholic
❥12 | alcoholic
❥13 | royalty
❥14 | soft spot
❥15 | cant help but stare
❥16 | smile
❥17 | thorns
❥18 | birthday
❥19 | city that never sleeps
❥20 | star shopping
❥21 | sight seeing
❥22 | approved
❥23 | people write songs about boys like you
❥24 | under your nose
❥25 | calls
❥26 | hotel rooms and skyscrapers
❥27 | bugs
❥28 | dip in day dreams
❥29 | stars are made to burn
❥30 | right here
❥31 | better than ever
❥32 | sunny side up
❥33 | confront
❥34 | snitches get stitches
❥ 35 | talk
❥ 36 | final stop
❥ 37 | welcome
❥ 38 | spotlight
❥ 39 | receipts
❥40 | drift
❥41 | waiting
❥42 | wishing
❥43 | lovesick
❥44 | again
❥45 | impulse
❥46 | reality
❥47| never

❥1 | rules

96 5 1
By gnfisluv

☆ dreams pov ☆

I was sat in the practice room in our studios, it was a sleek neat building. We had the main room where we all sat down around a coffee table and thought of ideas and lyrics together although it was mainly me who put the lyrics together, they only gave the occasional idea or two.

A long wide corridor connected each of our own private recording rooms, a soundproof foam covered the walls and our own top digital audio workstations was fitted into each room. Finally on the end of the corridor was a large room that stored lots of spare equipment like amp speakers and instruments.

We was all having one of our little meetings, Foolish sat on the arm chair, Karl and sapnap cuddled up on the sofa with Punz staring at them in disgust and bad boy halo sat next to me.

"you are all going since I've already said you will all be attending for all it." Bad huffed looking around at each of us individually.

We had just been told that we are going on a tour around America, apparently this will be our biggest tour yet.

"but there is only like.. three rooms on the tour bus though?" Punz inquired, staring at bad confused.

then Sapnap scoffed and dug an arm into Punz shoulder playfully "we will share obviously, two each" Sapnap pointed out. from a few sofas away bad nodded.

Punz was a new member, he replaced Fundy after he left us. Punz has never been on tour with us so I understand that he doesn't know how it works.

There is six of us so that means two each, Punz and Foolish will share obviously, so will Karl and sapnap which leaves me with bad. the walls on the tour bus are quite thin but Karl and sapnap tend to be quite loud when they share a room together so I suggest that they don't.

"Karl and sapnap are not sharing rooms, that would be the worse thing ever" I announced, Punz nodded and so did Foolish. glances were exchanged across the room towards Bad, after all he was the was the decision maker.

"okay there will be rules in place then" Bad smiled, looking around the room.

I felt like I was a child being sat around the dining table with my two sisters and brother while my parents paced around the room barking out rules for the road trip. They did this every summer before we left, I can still perfectly memorise each and everything we was and wasn't allowed to do.

My manager took this seriously, I could tell because he pulled out the large whiteboard on wheels out into middle of the room. Then everyone began chatting while he scribbled some rules down neatly.

I was slightly panicky for going on tour if anything, I know I'm supposed to be the confident attractive lead singer who doesn't have a worry in the world apart from which girl to take to bed that night but none of that was true. I care too much what people think and I'm really really bad at starting conversations with new people.

Inside me still was a socially awkward teenager with outgrown hair who just grew up wanting to express my voice.

That's what I love about lyric writing, I can write all of my life in a verse and only people that care enough to properly appreciate the music will get the message, others will just be more attracted to the catchy rhythm or my voice apart from understand.

My band has done plenty of tours before, around a few of Americas states and a brief tour around Europe before we had to postpone it because of my bad break up with Fundy. It completely shattered the media for a while but everyone recovered, including me. I'm over him.

Although we have never done a tour around this many states, my eyes watch Bad's pen as he writes

'17 states, 17 new songs.'

17 songs seems like a lot, we only have three in the drafts right now and two of them being completed, the unreleased songs are some shitty love songs I wrote when me and him first broke up so they definitely weren't going to be released any time soon. I don't want people thinking that I still like him because I do not, he was horrible and I just couldn't come to acceptance with it at the time. Young love is stupid.

"well, we will have to make up 8 new songs and the other band will make up another 8, the last song with be a Collab and will be released at the final location Florida." Bad explained, looking at my confused face.

"other band?!" Sapnap inquired, that's when everyone else started to lean forward on their seat, even I was even more confused before.

Many quick glances were shared between us before all of our eyes set on bad, he slowly pulled his glasses down to his nose and stares at us like we were idiots.

"why yes, Wilbur soot's band Concord. they asked us to go on tour with him" Bad announced.

"but they are an indie band, we are pop, it doesn't mix" Foolish jumped in with a look that screams 'I think I'm so smart'.

Karl looked around excitedly as Sapnap gloomily stares at the floor, I've known Sapnap since we were little kids and I know for a fact that tours and necessarily his cup of tea.

Sapnap tends to get homesick quickly which just throws off his whole mood, the only thing that lightens it is if Karl smiles and gives him one of his soppy 'the band is your home' talks. Karl's sweet but it's cringe when he litters Sapnap in kisses while telling him gross lovey stuff.

I never was the type of guy to try out dating.

ever since that I quit love as a whole, seemed hopeless to me, I believe in the whole soul mates thing so if there really is someone out there they would come to me in my own time.

I think soulmates exist but not always romantically.

I think there are certain people you will meet in your life and just instantly connect with more than anyone else and you know it isn't a typical thing, you just understand one another perfectly.

this person won't always be your 'significant other'. I mean it could be your friend or your sibling or even a person you are dating, it could just about be anyone. Well it would be nice if it was someone you are dating but life isn't always that lucky.

I've gotten too lost in my thoughts and now I have no idea what bad said, everyone started darting questions at bad which I missed the answer to.

Peoples faces seemed more relaxed so obviously some good information went around.

"you happy with them arrangements then dream?" Bad questioned, tilting his head at me.

I awkwardly scratched back of my neck and nodded in agreement, I could of just agreed to take part in a major stunt and I would have no idea.

"so you and sapnap, me and Karl, punz and foolish, great that was quite easy" Bad said, smiling at all of us.

As he continued explaining it in depth to all of us, I mentally took note of some key things: I'll be sharing a room with sapnap, we will perform at 17 states, Wilbur band has a huge audience but it's reputation isn't the best because of one person, the tour bus gets sweaty, we won't be able to leave the tour bus between certain hours unless we have a pass, Callahan will be our driver and that we should avoid interacting with the one that causes concord trouble.

also he made it very clear that we are not aloud to flanter with anyone from the other band.

Just to take drastic measures, my manager scribbled all of it down onto the white board along with the route. I learned that we will be spending 3 days at each state but 5 days in New York for 'relaxing' also a 5 days at LA for 'a break'.

In back of my mind I also wrote down the route, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, Montana, Washington, California, Utah, Texas, Mississippi, Florida.

Together, the tour would last for 62 days which is two months, that's two months away from Patches which means I will probably have to leave her with my little sister who lives with my Mom and Dad.

I wasn't too sure how to feel about the whole thing but I was pretty pumped up, we haven't done anything as a band for a long time, no concerts or small gigs. Just working on new songs in the studio everyday, all day, well at least I was.

Behind the scenes Sapnap and Karl had been working on their relationship and now they were talking about moving Karl in with me and sapnap who is my room mate. At first I didn't like Karl stealing Sapnap's attention away from me but now I've understood that he chose hoes before bros which is understandable.

The tour itself was a lot to take in, we had never had one nearly as big as this and it could either go really well or really bad.

We have a week to prepare, I complained that one weeks notice wasn't enough but I just got told to quit complaining or not go at all, that shut my mouth. I didn't have any plans anyway apart from the fact I will miss thanks giving with my family. They will understand though.

"just host Christmas dinner this year it will be fine" Sapnap laughed, smiling up at me.

Since we are room mates and his family live all the way in Texas and Greece he often came to celebrations with my family who only live across the city of Orlando, they welcomed him into the family with open arms ever since I brought him home from school on my first day so we can play video games.

We have been through thick and thin together, we was there for each others first breakups, first school exams, first day of school and even our first sips of alcohol. He was like a brother.

After all of that is over with and the hype for it has died down we cracked on trying to get at least one of our drafted songs complete today, well the planning for it at least.

Everyone falls into laughter, Sapnap and Karl are ranting on about how they would make an amazing podcast together is they could and Punz is saying it would be shit, Foolish agreeing with Punz

"what would you even talk about?" Foolish asked, looking them both up and down.

"they wouldn't talk at all, it will just be them with each others tongues shoved down each other's throats" I added in, getting a few chuckles from Punz and Foolish, I even heard a little snort from Bad on the other side of the room, and that's saying something because he's always serious.

A soft pillow rapidly flew into my face which made me spit out some of the water I had in my mouth, making it land right on Sapnap and drenching his shirt. He was the one who flung it anyway.

Karl screeched and climbed off Sapnap and I folded over wheezing, if I looked up to see his horrified expression I think I will explode. I'm not the only one laughing because Punz is smacking the arm of the sofa while laughing his head off.

"that is karma for throwing the pillow at me" I shouted, pointing a finger to his now see through shirt, in corner of my eye I could see Karl eyeing him up, gross.

Karl sat on the arm of the sofa I was sat on by myself and flung an arm around me, I wrapped one around him and leaned into him.

The amazing thing about Karl is that you can cuddle him for hours and not catch feelings or feel uncomfortable, I tend to not be a touchy person but when it comes to Karl you can just hug him and tell him everything. of course Sapnap gets a little jealous but that's a Karl issue.

"whatever you suck, are you now stealing my boyfriend?" Sapnap scoffed, nodding to Karl who was clung onto me like a sloth.

Me and Karl looked over at each other and nodded at Sapnap who angrily looked us up and down before chatting to Punz and Foolish who I believe were ordering pizzas for us.

They already know everyone's orders here from the amount of times we have had it so they don't have to ask.

"So.. how's the love life going?" Karl asked, he says that question every time we interact and he knows the answer. I'm starting to think he says it just to take the piss with me.

I sighed and put my thumbs down "still nothing" I replied for the twentieth time this week, it's only Wednesday.

"You should join tinder or something" he suggests, as if no one has already told me that.

Slowly, I hummed and tutted "no, if I meet someone I want to meet them in my own time, not sure if I'm cut for the whole relationship thing again, not now anyway"

He frowned at me but understandingly nodded, shouting something to punz about buying dips as well for the fries. Great call.

Once Sapnap's shirt is semi-dry Karl sits with him instead, leaving me by myself, no clue where Bad went.

Many conversations and discussions later the pizza arrives at the door, making everyone sit up in excitement.

"Dibs not getting it!" Punz says, placing a finger onto end of his nose, everyone else does the same apart from me since I'm too lost in my thoughts.

Foolish sings my name and I sigh, getting up and heading to the studio door dopily.

I open the door to a short brunette boy stood there with a stack of pizzas boxes in his hand along with some small boxes on top of what I guess is chips. But that wasn't what I was focusing on, the pizza boy was really cute.

Tons of feckless scattered across his cheeks and some large rounded glasses sat perfectly on his nose, neat hair covered his head. Brunettes are cute.

I snapped back from admiring him once he gave me a very confused expression with a giggle, placing the boxes into my empty hands.

"I'm sorry, fuck, okay thank you" I awkwardly said, nodding at him and passing him a fifty dollar bill, I hope that was enough.

"Keep the change" I winked, the boy gave me a cute smile and nodded thankfully.

The boy scribbled something on the receipt before placing it into my spare hand, guiding my fingers to close around it.

"Thank you have a nice evening" he grinned softly before walking back down the path, my eyes followed him down the path before I closed the door shut, blaming myself for being embarrassing.

He might of been the only cute boy I will ever meet for rest of my life.

Slightly sulking, I made my way into the room that we called the 'chilling room' and planted the pizza boxes onto the glass coffee table, the grease on the bottom stuck to my hand and it left a tingling burning sensation onto my palm.

Punz stared at me through the straw blonde hair covering his eyes laughing at me mockingly, I had no clue why he was laughing but no one else seemed to notice.

"What?" I scoffed, nudging his arm and squeezing in between him and foolish who just scooted up slightly to give me more room and flung a leg over mine.

"That pizza boy, I heard you totally freaked out" Punz said, taking his pizza from Sapnap who was going through them and addressing each one to everyone.

I mumbled a shut up and took the box Sapnap was handing over to my direction, I've already had Karl's daily love life conversation I don't need Punz joining in on it.

After we all finished our food and chucked the rubbish to the side we decided to get our heads down and do some work so bad can't complain too much later.

Together we made up some lyrics and Karl made a beat to one of our new songs we want to work on by knocking on the table in a pattern.

When nightfall fell into the sky we decided that we managed to squeeze in enough productivity for the day and settled that it was time to head home, after all we had one week until tour.

Many farewells have been exchanged and sapnap informed me that he is going to spend the night at Karl's which was fine to me, that means I get the house to myself for once.

By the time I reached the car it started raining which was perfect timing since I managed to keep my hair dry.

The drove home was boring, I quietly hummed along to the music that was being played, it was an Eminem song.

"Hey baby" I hushed, crouching down by my door to pet my cat that was hovering down by my feet, she jumped up to my hand and nuzzled against it.

Patches tabby brown fur melted between the many rings that adorned my hand and her eyes flickered up at me with an adorable glint.

A small low laugh came out of my mouth for no apparent reason and I quickly closed the door, patting the raindrops running down my face from walking to the car to the door off me with my hoodie.

The house was empty, my laugh echoed across the living room Karl insisted we keep to the minimum, it only has two sofas up against the wall and a tv against one of the walls, a large basic lamp being tucked in the corner, there also was a large coffee table situated in middle of the room where we kept all of our gaming stuff.

I don't know how to decorate walls, like what do you put up on it apart from family photos? And funnily enough me and sapnap didn't have a family together apart from patches.

The house was warm which made my head feel dizzy and hot, I needed to rinse off.

Our house wasn't unnecessarily big but nor was it small, it was a detached house that was big enough for the two of us, three including patches. We had three bedrooms, one of them being a spare and an office each, I turned mine into its own little recording studio and played my guitar in there.

I washed my face with some of the tap water in the bathroom, letting the coolness drip down my face.

I dumped everything in my pockets onto the countertop, my phone, keys and pizza receipt. I picked up the small piece of paper, opening it.

When he scribbled something on the bottom before handing the receipt to me, it was his phone number, I felt like I won the lottery.

I'll message him once I get back from tour, then I can properly speak to him. I left the note on the bathroom counter and fell asleep in my bed.

I couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto my face.


I'm not happy with this for a first official chapter either because nothing really happens, it's pretty plain but once they all meet that's when the real deal starts happening and hopefully I will please you guys. My writing in this doesn't feel to standard and it's pretty shit, I'm going to edit it and re do it when possible.

now that im looking back on this, this is the most shortest and shittest chapter out of all of them. i will go bad and re do the first 11 chapters once i finish the whole thing

 something very very important happens which changes the whole story in here!!! but u wouldn't guess what !!

Start date: 3rd august
End date: 29th august
Words: 3326

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