FORGOTTEN FLAME - klaus mikae...

Oleh alycialcver

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳FORGOTTEN FLAME ⤷ a Klaus mikaelson fanfic ---------------------- IN WHICH- Arabella salvatore retur... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh alycialcver

»»———— act three. THE ORIGINALS

"So you lost your necklace?" Caroline gasped as she sat on bellas bed, holding one of her pillows.

"I didn't lose it. I had it on me all day yesterday. I didn't take it off once." Bella groaned.

"But you have a new necklace. I've never seen that before." Caroline pointed at the necklace around her neck. Bella tilted her head as she shrugged. Caroline gasped as she placed her hands over her face. "No! Klaus gave you it!"

"After I dropped off elena at her house, I came back home and there was a box and a piece of paper that came with it." Bella sighed as she turned to her desk and gave the sketch to Caroline, who opened it.

"The big bad wolf draws!" Caroline looked at the drawing as she handed the paper back. "And what does he mean 'sorry that tonight was ruined?'"

Bella had a sheepish smile on her face as she placed the paper back down on her desk. Caroline frowned as she studied bella, then her eyes widened. "Don't tell me you two-"

Bella was quick to cover Caroline's mouth as she pointed downwards, talking about her brothers. "No, no. No we didn't. I can't believe you jumped to that."

"What, your face said it all! Wait, did you two kiss?" Caroline playfully narrowed her eyes as she studied Bella.

Bella shook her head. "No, we almost did, but damon decided he'd snap kol's neck." Bella rolled her eyes as Caroline chuckled.

"Oh, now you have the hots for klaus." Caroline poked her finger in bellas arm, making her waft her hand away.

"You know I hate that word." Bella cringed as Caroline rolled her eyes. Then Bellas phone rang, making her sigh as she grabbed her phone, looking at the unknown caller. "Hello?" She answered it as Caroline listened in.

"Arabella, it's lovely to hear your voice. I apologise for not speaking to you last night." Elijahs voice made Bella frown as she sat up.

"Yeah, sorry 'lijah, I was preoccupied." Bella bit her thumb as she looked at Caroline. "Are you okay?"

"I would be if my mother wasn't planning on murdering me and my siblings." Elijah sighed as Bella looked at Caroline with wide eyes. "And elena knew all about it."

"Are you serious? When is this supposed to happen?" Bella asked elijah as Caroline continued to listen.

"Tonight. My mother will draw power from the full moon to kill us. I was just wondering if you knew anything about this, but by the tone of your voice, you was clueless." Elijah said honestly.

"I'd have no part in this. And my brothers do not tell me anything." Bella ran a hand through her hair as she stared at Caroline. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Not for the time being. Elenas with Rebekah and your brothers are figuring out a way to stop it." Elijah told her as Bella nodded her head.

"Well, if you need anything, don't be afraid to call me." Bella sighed as she rubbed her eyes.

"Thank you, Arabella. I will." Elijah said before Bella hung up the phone.

"Seriously! Nobody tells me these things either!" Caroline groaned as she rolled her eyes.

"Well now I have to try and figure out how to stop this." Bella stood up as she turned to Caroline. "And I need a drink, We can raid Damon's liquor cabinet." Bella grinned as Caroline nodded her head with a grin on her face.

Bella looked around the grill with a frown, not seeing damon anywhere. He rang her and told her to meet him at the grill, saying he'd explain everything.

But he was nowhere to be found, making her look to the bar to see kol and klaus. But she didn't know a certain vampire hunter was watching her every move as she walked towards the original siblings.

"Bella, such a surprise to see you." Kol smirked as Bella rolled her eyes.

"Likewise. Have either of you seen damon?" Bella asked the two as they shook their heads. "He told me to meet him here." Bella frowned.

"Why don't you keep us company until he gets here, love?" Klaus suggested as Bella smiled slightly, nodding her head and sitting beside kol.

"Whilst I'm here, you can get me a drink." Bella grinned as she turned to the two.

"Here, finish mine, bels." Kol passed Bella his drink as she grinned, grabbing the glass.

"Well, thank you, kol. At least one of you here is a gentleman." She sent a playful glare towards klaus, who rolled his eyes. "What brings you two here, anyways?"

"Well, my brother claimed he was bored." Klaus patted kol on the back.

"We should of just gone and seen Bella, shouldn't of we, Nik." Kol sighed as bella tapped the back of his head. "What, I was being nice."

"If that's what you class as being nice, then you're a poor soul." Bella pouted at him, making kol flick her arm. "See, not nice." Bella waft his hand away. "Klaus, get your annoying brother to stop being horrible."

"Well, I'm quite entertained by the two of you bickering." Klaus shrugged as he downed his drink.

"Bels, who is that over there, glaring at us?" Bella frowned at kols words, turning around to see alaric.

"Alaric, he's a bit grumpy. The girl he's seeing is a psychopath apparently, hey, just like you two." Bella gasped dramatically as she pointed to the two brothers.

"Well, I'm flattered." Kol grinned as klaus rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't a compliment, kol." Bella scoffed as he nudged her side. "I will get damon to snap your neck again." She jokingly warned him.

"Now, last night wasn't a fair fight." Kol shook his head as Bella hummed. "He had the upper hand."

"Did being stuck in a box make you forget how to fight?" Bella teased as klaus chuckled. "You can't laugh, you're the one that daggered the poor fool."

"Yeah, what Bels said. You daggered me." Kol turned to his brother.

Bella chuckled at the brothers bickering as she pulled out her phone, frowning at Damon's message. "My brother claims he's busy right now." Bella placed her phone back in her pocket. "He made me come all the way here, just for him to be busy."

"Perhaps, I should snap his neck for you, bels." Kol suggested.

"I'll do it myself." Bella sighed as she turned to the brothers. "Pleasure to speak to you two, but I can not stand seeing kols face another minute." Bella joked as she stood up.

"My face is handsome." Kol pointed to himself as Bella and klaus shook their heads.

"Whatever you say, Kol." Bella tsked as she walked away from the two.

"Now what's wrong with you?" Kol said as he turned to his brother, watching as klaus watched her leave. "You didn't say one word to her."

"I didn't have time to, seen as though you was bickering with her." Klaus tilted his head at his brother.

"Relax, I was just bonding with a friend that I haven't seen since you daggered me. But if you do want to talk to her, perhaps you should go before she leaves." Kol pointed to the door which the brunette left through.

"You're right." Klaus nodded his head as he got up and followed Bella.

"I'm always right." Kol muttered as he turned back to the bar, ordering another drink.

Bella clung to her jacket as she walked towards her car. "Bella." She turned to see klaus following her.

"Hey, did you just leave Kol on his own. Poor thing." Bella joked as she stopped in her tracks.

"Hes probably flirting with the bartender." Klaus shook his head as Bella nodded her head.

"True." Bella hummed as she looked at klaus with a smile. "Now why did you follow me?"

"I just wanted to talk to you." Klaus shrugged as Bella narrowed her eyes, inspecting him. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing." Bella shook her head. "Wait, do you know if I left my necklace in you art room? I lost it last night and I can't find it anywhere."

"No, you left with it on." Klaus frowned as Bella frowned also.

"I can't find it and I never take it off." Bella sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She tried to recall her steps as she realised. "Elena."

"What about the doppelgänger?" Klaus raised a brow as Bella cursed. "What did she do?"

Before Bella could answer, klaus felt a pain in his chest, making Bella grab his arm. "What's happening? Are you okay?" Bella asked worriedly as she looked at him.

"What did you do?" Klaus looked up at Bella, who's eyes were wide.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything. What's happening, klaus?" Bella looked at him with worry, making him sigh as she kept a hold on him.

"Kol." He breathed out as Bellas heart dropped. The two hurried back to the grill as they heard Damon's voice.

Klaus was gone from her side, making her curse his name as she rushed to the back of the grill, seeing klaus tackle stefan, Kol on the floor with a dagger in his heart.

"You've got to be kidding me." Bella hissed as she walked down the stairs, dropping to kols side and undaggering him.

"I should have killed you months ago." Klaus gritted his teeth at damon as Bella stayed by kols side, watching as the veins disappeared.

"Do it, it's not gonna stop Esther killing you." Damon shrugged sd klaus tilted his head.

"What did you say about my mother?" Klaus narrowed his eyes as he stepped towards damon.

"You didn't know I was friends with your mummy? We have a lot in common. She hates you as much as I do." Damon challenged klaus.

Klaus was about to attack him until a voice stopped him. "Leave him." Elijah said as Bella turned from Kol to him. "We still need him, klaus."

"What did mother do?" Klaus turned around from Damon and faced his brother. "What did she do, elijah?"

Elijah didn't say anything as he walked passed klaus and walked towards Elijah. "You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill elena right now."

"You told me we had until after nine." Damon said as he looked up at the clock.

"I'm sure rebekah would be more than happy to start her work early." Elijah shrugged his shoulder.

Bella was not going to let Esther kill her children. She was told to stay behind by klaus, kol and even elijah. But Bella being bella, she didn't listen. So she went with Damon and stefan, hiding in the old witch house.

But when she got there, she felt a strain on her magic, making her groan in pain, her head in her hands.

Stefan turned to her with wide as he crouched to her side. "Bonnie." Stefan hissed at the witch who looked at Bella with wide eyes.

"I don't know what's happening." Bonnie said as she crouched down also.

"She channeling me." Bella hissed out in pain. "She's trying to use all my magic. How is she channeling me?"

"Damon needs to hurry up." Stefan clenched his jaw as he held his sister who yelled in pain.

"Bella, bel, you need to turn into a wolf. She won't be able to channel your witch side if you turn." Bonnie realised as she held the girls hand.

"I've never turned on will. I've only ever turned once!" Bella yelled in pain, watching as her hands started to turn grey. "Oh god. She's trying to kill me."

"Turn, Bella." Stefan held his sister as bels groaned in pain, her arm snapping.

"Go." Bella told the two as she cried, her legs breaking as her eyes shined gold. "Now, quickly."

And the two did, knowing that if bella turned and bit Stefan, he would die. So they quickly ran as they saw Damon snap Abby's neck. "We need to go, now. Belly's turned." Stefan quickly told Damon, who's eyes widened. "She's channeling her."

Whilst on the outside, Esther's eyes widened. "No, no." She cried. The three brothers frowned. She dropped the necklace in her hands as it burnt her hand, making klaus look at the necklace on the floor, his eyes widening as he recognised it as bellas. "No. Sisters, do not abandon me!"

Then the flames grew strong as they winced, until the flames blew out. Kol breathed out as he walked into the circle, looking around as he tried to find his mother and Finn.

But klaus didn't care as he walked forward and picked up bellas necklace. "That's Arabellas." Elijah said as he looked down at the necklace. "She was channeling her."

The three brothers snapped their necks up as they heard a growl. Klaus slowly stood up as he watched as a wolf exited from the shadows. "Bloody hell." Kol said as he stepped back.

"Shut it, kol. It's Bella." Klaus sighed as kol turned to him with wide eyes.

"She must of turned when mother was channeling her. That's what stopped the channeling." Elijah realised.

But klaus grinned at the white haired wolf, placing bellas necklace in his pocket. Then the wolf ran into the forest.

"Since when was Bella a werewolf?" Kol turned to klaus with a frown.

"Long story, brother." Klaus sighed as kol muttered to himself, trying to figure it out.

Bella ran a hand through her wet hair, placing her towel on the rack as she walked out of her bathroom.

She sighed as she walked towards her bed, frowning as she looked at letter on her bed, but sighed as she saw her necklace, placing it around her neck. She smiled at the natural feeling of the necklace.

She sat down as she grabbed the letter. She looked at her name that was neatly wrote on it. Bella opened it as she read the words.

'Dear Arabella.

Your help is much appreciated. The multiple times you've helped my family on multiple occasions, which i greatly owe you for.

I am deeply apologetic for the fact you was dragged into tonight's misunderstanding. We didn't know Esther was channeling your magic. But you were smarter, transitioning into your werewolf form and stopping my mother.

I am grateful for everything you've done for my family, and so are the rest of my siblings. But now I must leave mystic falls.

I hope you'll keep niklaus from doing anything idiotic, my sister also, you know how mad she can get.

Thank you for everything, Arabella. I hope you'll keep yourself safe.

Sincerely, elijah.'

Bella smiled sadly as he closed the letter and placed it on her desk. She was glad that elijah and the rest of his siblings were okay.

"You okay, belly?" Bella rolled her eyes as Damon walked into her room, making her place her book down.

"Did you know elena took my necklace so Esther could channel me, use all my magic and kill me?" Bella asked as damon sighed, making bellas heart drop. "You knew." Bella muttered as she stared at him with wide eyes. "Did stef-"

"Stefan knew nothing, he knew about Esther wanting to kill her family, not at the fact she'd kill them using you." Damon said as he kms scoffed.

"You knew she took my necklace. You know how much my necklace meant to me. I even asked you if you had seen it and you lied to me!" Bella sat up in her bed. "Whilst your little girlfriend had it all along. You knew that Esther using all my magic would kill me. Just like you knew mikael was going to kill me. Is my life to you a joke? An inconvenience for you?" Bella scoffed.


"No, don't belly me. I could've died today if it wasn't for Bonnie and stefan. If I didn't turn, she would of drained me completely till the point of death. And you didn't even care." Bella scoffed. "Get out. Get out before I kill you myself. Oh, and tell elena to watch her back. I can be a bitch when I've almost died twice so she can live. I also don't appreciate how she's playing stefan." Bella smiled as Damon left her room.

Bella sighed as she ran a hand over her face, holding onto her necklace tightly. She just wanted to be back in New Orleans, but she couldn't leave stefan. Stefan was the reason she still stayed. And so was the originals.

A soft knock on her door made her groan. "Damon I swear to god, If you come in I'm going to kill you."

"It's not Damon." Stefan raised her hands as she sighed, clinging onto her blanket. "I heard everything."

"Bet you did. You and your vampire hearing." Bella rolled her eyes as stefan sat on her bed.

"Yeah. How you feeling?" Stefan asked her gently as she shrugged.

"Knowing my older brother doesn't care if I die, I'm doing amazing." Bella sarcastically shrugged as stefan sighed. "At least I have one brother that cares."

"Belly, I'll always care for you. You know I'd never let you die." Stefan said as Bella nodded.

"I know, little brother. And you know I'd do anything for you, that's why you need to stop trying to kill klaus and his family. It will get you killed." Bella grabbed his arm as she gave it a slight squeeze. "I don't want anything happening to you, stef."

"I know." Stefan sighed as Bella sadly smiled.

"This agenda with klaus has to stop. I know what he did to you pisses you off, but it's not with risking your life so his can come to an end." Bella told him as he nodded.

"You care for him." Stefan said, making Bella sit up slightly. "It's not hard to see, belly."

"I care for him and his family. They're important to me and so are you. Okay, I will do anything to protect you." Bella pointed to him.

"I'll stop." Stefan nodded his head as Bella smiled, bringing him into a hug. He pressed a soft kiss on her head as she thanked him.


But Bella in her wolf form again, what a slay. Kol was absolutely dumbfounded tbh, poor kid didn't know Bella was a wolf.

But the mikaelson love belly, and the latest chapter I've wrote, forty four is so sad and Elijah is just there and comforts her! UGH LOVE FOUND FAMILY

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