Broken Lives On

By Purplymaiden06

869 295 123

"What are you so afraid of?" he asked, stepping closer until I couldn't move. I felt trapped between him and... More

Broken lives on 1
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Broken lives on 3

49 19 0
By Purplymaiden06

As I strolled through the deserted town, soaked by the rain, a strong sense of drowsiness and fatigue overcame me. It was supposed to be a special day, but unexpectedly he canceled our plans because of an unforeseen commitment.

It would have been considerate of him to give me a heads up, so I wouldn't have made the effort to come all the way there.

Oddly enough, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being ditched. I mean, I was trudging alone in the rain, while my boyfriend decided to call off our date. Perhaps things didn't go as planned, but maybe I can spend time with Bailee instead.

The idea of watching the recently released movie 'After' with her spurred me to quicken my pace. Finally reaching home, I entered through the backdoor and instantly sought refuge in the cozy house. Hurriedly, I made my way to my bedroom, dried myself off, and changed into something warm.

Following my full recovery and return to my normal self, I set out to look for Bailee. Despite thoroughly searching most parts of the house, I couldn't find her anywhere, leading me to contemplate checking her room.

Ascending the stairs in a composed manner, I perceived audible noises emanating from her room, prompting me to investigate whether it was her responsible, as I was certain I heard a groan.

Without any warning or indication of my presence, I forcefully burst through the door. The sudden instream of oxygen left my lungs deprived, causing the sensation of breathing in carbon monoxide instead.

Images of Bailee and Stephan's faces flashed through my mind as I abruptly sat up, gasping for air. Surveying my surroundings, I noticed that the room was dimly lit, not yet completely enveloped in darkness like the evening. A cold sweat formed on my forehead as I remained seated on the bed, experiencing a slight headache.

My heart raced at an alarming pace, causing me to slump back onto the bed, clutching my face. After calming myself, I strained to listen for any signs of movement, and discerned laughter echoed from the kitchen, indicating the return of Ellie and Lyssa.

Glancing at the red luminous watch resting on my bedside table, which displayed the time as 17:57, I let out a sigh and reclined on the bed. It had been a while since I last had those kinds of nightmares. I hoped it wouldn't become a recurring occurrence again, yet it seemed ingrained in my mind, forever etched as a tattoo and a mark of my mistakes.

Dangling my feet over the edge of the bed, I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. After concluding my business, I proceeded to the kitchen, where I discovered the two lively ladies bustling with excitement.

Lyssa grinned as she leaned against the fridge, saying, "We definitely got to go." I lazily walked over to the sink and filled a glass with water I took from the plate rack.

Ellie turned her chair to face me and greeted me with a "Hey."

I responded with a drawn-out "Hey" as she rotated her chair towards me.

"Was it that bad?" Ellie asked, concern wrinkling her face.

I reassured her, shaking my head and saying, "No, actually my day was alright." She tilted her head, giving me a blank stare.

"So, are you really okay?" I wondered why they were interrogating me so much.

"I'm fine, Ellie," I smiled falsely, hoping they would fall for it. The two of them exchanged blank stares before Lyssa spoke up again.

"Come on, we know something's bugging you. It's like that look you used to have when..." She trailed off and widened her eyes at me. Oh no

"Avery," Lyssa said, standing up straight and speaking seriously.

I pretended to be clueless and asked, "What?" She moved closer to me.

"You had a nightmare, didn't you?" She narrowed her eyes, probably seeing right through my lie.

"," I denied, but my voice gave away the truth.

"Don't even try and deceive me. I know you way too well. This isn't all too new to me. I still know the way you acted after you had a nightmare, an expression of your internal turmoil," she stated firmly, leaving me with no choice but to abandon my falsehoods.

"Alright, yes I did have a nightmare....but I am fine. I just need something to wrap my head around, gather my thoughts and dispel the haze," I confessed, running my frustrated fingers through my hair in an attempt to regain control over my scattered mind.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" Ellie inquired, prompting me to turn and face her.

"What do you mean?" I simply hadn't understood though.

"You mentioned needing something to wrap your head around....right?" she raised an eyebrow overly interested.

"Yeah," I replied with a nod.

"So, what do you intend on doing?" she asked, a slight smile gracing her lips.

"Well....I hadn't thought of that yet, but perhaps I can continue...."

Before I could even finish my sentence, Lyssa cut in, "I know where this conversation is headed...'Running Winds'." Despite her lack of knowledge about the title of the novel, she said it with confidence.

"Actually, I am fairly certain it's called 'Moving Winds'," I corrected, causing her to shake her head.

"Whatever. I have a better idea." Sporting a mischievous grin the type of a mad scientist, it was rather creepy than really assuring. I turned to glance at Ellie, who merely smiled back at me.

"I am convinced that I won't like where this is all going," I admitted with a sigh as I slumped, causing Ellie to chuckle.

", there is this new nightclub that just opened and it is owned by one of Griswold's sons," she said, fluttering her eyelashes coquettishly.

I inquired with confusion, "Griswold has a son?" She smirked.

Lyssa went on to reply, "not just any or a son....he has two really hot sons. How would you know? live under a rock" Her smirk grew wider, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Hahaha, very amusing," I said with a touch of sarcasm in my voice. "I will let it pass," I added in a monotonous tone, causing Lyssa and Ellie to growl in annoyance.

"I knew this would happen," Ellie said as she threw her hands up in resignation.

"Avery...please just come, this is something you can wrap your uptight head around and just forget about all those mother fuckers. Screw them," Lyssa tried to convince me, but there was no way I was going to that club and it sounded more like she was mocking me than pleading.

"Are you now mocking me?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Nope... I'm just facting facts," she said, tilting her head to the side.

"Lyssa, you know I don't like crowded places," I whined.

"Oh, I know that...but just for today, you can leave your comfort zone and join us for a great time just for tonight!" she exclaimed.

She complained, "If you don't join us, it won't be an enjoyable evening." I smirked and retorted.

"You're one to talk, considering you called the guy you hooked up with Eric." Her smirk instantly turned into a frown.

Ellie exclaimed as she stood up to confront her, "Eric Gozen?" Her eyes wide.

"Hey, it was a mistake, okay? Mistakes happen," Lyssa defended herself.

Ellie pointed out, "Yes, mistakes happen, but calling Derek, Eric shows that you're not over him."

"We never dated, it was just a meaningless fling. Now enough about me....Avery, are you coming along or not?" she asked seriously.

"Are you trying to make it seem like I have much of a choice?" I sarcastically responded.

"You do have two options, but really it's just one," she smirked triumphantly at me.

"As if you would let me choose. Fine, I'll come with you on one condition," I crossed my arms.

"Go on," she raised her left eyebrow slightly.

"Don't even think about trying to set me up with some random guy," I warned her.

"What? But where's the fun in that?!" she protested.

"Well then, have a blast on your wild girls night out. I'll be in my room, finishing chapter 105" I said as I started to walk away.

She slumped, pouting her lips, and uttered, "Deal, okay, okay."

With a triumphant smile, I replied, "It was a pleasure doing business with you." In response, she shot me an angry glare.

"Oh....I almost forgot to mention, there is one more condition, no alcohol," I admitted, feeling slightly sheepish.

"You must be kidding me," Ellie said, turning away and walking towards her room.

Lyssa bit her lower lip and anxiously said, "I believe those are two separate conditions. Now I am not even sure why you're coming along." Her tone was devoid of emotion.

"I was forced....I am simply taking precautions," I replied, matching her tone.

"Well I agree to your terms and conditions. However, if a guy approaches you, please do not scare him away," she pleaded.

"I can live with that...I will do my best," I declared proudly, tilting my head.

Rolling her eyes, she muttered, "Go get ready....we are leaving in an hour." With that, I turned and retreated to my room. It had been a while since I last went out, and choosing what to wear made me nervous.

I am confident that it won't be too difficult if I avoid anything attention-grabbing.


My once spotless room was yet again scattered with clothes, handbags and high heels strewn about. A slight throbbing in my head began to emerge. Organizing this wardrobe proved to be more challenging than I initially anticipated, although I managed to find something that provided a level of comfort. Being comfortable in place you least want to be can somewhat rid of the irritation.

I adorned a thigh-length black dress embellished with lace, which elegantly veiled the remainder of my legs. The dress's long sleeves were composed of transparent material.

Completing my ensemble were a pair of exquisite black pumps, I recently purchased a week before. I carefully brushed my straight, dirty blonde hair, allowing it to cascade freely down my back. Applying a slightly heavier layer of makeup than usual, I wondered if it looked acceptable.

Examining my reflection in the mirror, I felt a sense of impending dread as I prepared myself for the forthcoming events. Suddenly, my door swung open, with Ellie and Lyssa entering in the midst of a heated argument. Turning towards them, I met Ellie's gaze as she trailed off, her eyes widening upon finally noticing me. I responded with a questioning smile.

Curiously, Lyssa asked, "What are you wearing?" Her stare held an indescribable expression.

Tentatively, I replied, "A dress?" I said it as more of a question.

Lyssa, with a disapproving tone, commented, "You look as though you are attending a gala." Ellie shook her head, refuting the notion.

"Lyssa, she's wearing pumps....who attends a gala in pumps?" dismissing the idea of a gala.

"Seriously? Pumps?" Lyssa looked at me with a perplexed expression.

"Thats certainly not a club-worthy look," affirmed Ellie.

"Mall crawl?" Lyssa suggested to Ellie, yet her gaze remained fixed on me.

"Mall crawl," Ellie agreed, exchanging glances with Lyssa. Suddenly, they were at my side, clutching my shoulders.

Confused, I inquired, "What are you doing?" Concerned about my well being, I looked from Ellie to Lyssa.

"A mall crawl...a montage, you know...where we quickly purchase fashionable outfits, undergo a makeover, and then proceed," Ellie explained. What? We don't have time for that.

"Shopping at the mall? We simply don't have time for that," I expressed my disbelief.

"That's why we'll do a swift montage," Ellie decided, her gaze scanning from the top of my head to my shoes. I followed her line of sight, but soon found myself lost in contemplation, wondering about her thoughts, when suddenly someone tugged on the hem of my dress. What on earth...

I was snapped out of my reverie and let out a gasp as I witnessed Ellie holding the delicate lace fabric that had been stripped from the main dress, now my thighs were out in the open. Despite it being a mild exposure, I couldn't help but feel vulnerable, as I wasn't fond of revealing too much skin. My comfort zone was being challenged.

"What the hell?...I feel so exposed!" I exclaimed, to which she responded with a smile.

"Putting you in a club vibe." She nonchalantly tossed the cloth onto the bed. "Lyssa, do you still have that new pair of black high-heeled boots?" Ellie turned her attention to Lyssa, glancing at my legs. "I'm sure that will give you some coverage," she finished, looking away.

"Yeah....let me grab them," Lyssa replied after a moment of concentration, rushing out of the room only to return with the black high-heeled boots. They seemed to be excessively high, surpassing my comfort level.

"Here," she abruptly threw them at me, catching me off guard. I swiftly moved out of the way, and they landed where I had stood moments ago.

"That's rough," I glared at her sternly.

"just put them on," she shrugged, and obediently, I followed her instruction.

It had been a while since I had worn such tall heels. The boots extended all the way up to my upper knees, boasting a five-inch heel. Nevertheless, they oddly complemented the newly assembled dress.

After slipping on the heels, I walked over to the mirror steadily and frowned at my reflection. "Something's missing," Lyssa remarked, joining me and brushing my hair to the side, grinning with satisfaction.

"Perfect," she gave me a thumbs up, and I focused my attention on the mirror. To be completely honest, I looked my best. It was reminiscent of the old me, the person I used to be. A notion I didn't particularly embrace.

"Great, you've given me a slutty look," I said sarcastically, and the two ladies grinned.

"Uh... that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to us," they uttered in unison.

Finally, I had the chance to observe them closely, and oh my, they looked absolutely stunning.

Lyssa rocked a black leather skirt that reached her thighs, paired with a navy blue strapless top. Her sleek black hair was fashioned in a ponytail, and her dark-themed makeup seamlessly blended with her deep blue eyes. She wore ankle heels that perfectly matched her captivating outfit.

As for Ellie, she donned a knee-length tight black dress with only one long sleeve. Her vibrant red hair cascaded down her back, with her bangs partially covering her eyes. She had applied minimal makeup, allowing her nut-brown eyes to stand out even more. Black Cuban heels completed her killer look.

All three of us had opted for a black-themed attire.

"Let's get going," Lyssa exclaimed, pumping her fists in the air, as she turned around, with Ellie and me following suit.

Before long, I found myself in Lyssa's car, heading towards our destination.

I sincerely hope that I don't regret my decision. I have way too many regrets already overwhelming enough, and I don't need any additional ones.

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