Multi-Fandom One Shots

By OC_Femslash

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Female x Reader One and Two Shots. I'm finally reposting them here, thank heaven. More

Cellmates (Thirteenth Doctor)
My Lady (Moiraine Damodred)
Together, Alone (Thirteenth Doctor)
Got You (Moiraine Sedai)
Once Upon a December (Alma Peregrine)
Ascent (Moiraine Sedai)
Quiet (Farah Dowling)
Killer (Moiraine Sedai)
Lady of Stardust (Thirteenth Doctor)
Inn (Moiraine Sedai) NSFW
Joining Up (Siuan Sanche) Mild NSFW
Test (Moiraine Sedai)
New Things (Dahlia)
Defend (Moiraine Damodred)
Redemption (Brooke Augustine)
The Ultimate Chemical Reaction (Ancient One)
Darkened Hearts (Thirteenth Doctor)
Irresistible (Moiraine and Siuan)
Thorn (Morgana Pendragon) NSFW
Wheel (Moiraine Sedai)
Time; Part Two (Moiraine)
Settled (Maggie Walsh)
A Strange Sorceress (The Ancient One)
Dust (Moiraine Sedai)
Good Night (Buffy Summers)
Home (Charmaine Diyoza) NSFW
Back From The Dead Again (Julia Hoffman)
Jewel (Moiraine Sedai)
Four Times You Hated the Sonic; And the One You Didn't (13th Doc)
Night (Farah Dowling)
I Care About You (Moiraine Sedai)
I Did a Thing (Thirteenth Doctor) NSFW
Keeper (Alma Peregrine)
Heal (Moiraine Sedai)
Come (Agatha Harkness) NSFW
Incoming Calm (Moiraine Damodred)
Silence (Thirteenth Doctor)
Killer (Moiraine Sedai)
Mizunderstood (Moiraine Sedai)
Pleasant (Alma LeFay Peregrine)
Nap Acclimate (Rowena MacLeod)
The Shadows Reach (Angie Bouchard)
Just For Me (Rowena MacLeod) NSFW
The Daughter Who Never Was (Bookverse Alma Peregrine)
I'll Have You Restrained (Brooke Augustine) NSFW
I See What I Do To People (Hilda and Zelda) NSFW
I'd Wait Forever (Minerva McGonagall)
Moiraine as a Horrible Mother
The Warlock's Apprentice (Florence Zimmerman)
Poison, Savior (Marilyn Thornhill)
Forever In A Night (Alma Peregrine) SFW
Give In (Rowena MacLeod) NSFW
Sooted Fingertips (Agatha/Agnes)
Violet Fingerlicks (Agatha Harkness)
I Know You Feel It; The Shift (Larissa Weems) NSFW
Never Alone (Platonic Farah)
Forever Home (Alma Peregrine)
Love is Blind (Rowena MacLeod x Shifter!Reader) NSFW
Nightmare Mania (Aeryn Sun)
Where You Belong (Valka)
Always Wanted a Baby (Marissa Wiegler) NSFW
The Falconess and the Huntress (Alma Peregrine)
An Eternity of Longing ~ A. Harkness
Ahead of Her Time (Bookverse Emma Bloom)
I Know Something You Don't Know (Marissa Wiegler)
A Tale-less Dragon (Moiraine Sedai)
My Darling Doll (Agatha Harkness)
Give My All (Miss G) NSFW
When the Sun Sets (Agatha Harkness)
Hold You In My Arms (Farah Dowling)
Delighted to Keep You (Dark Alma Peregrine)
Don't Let Me Get Me (Agatha Harkness)
My Servant, My Guide, Mine. (Hela Odinsdottir)
I Was Blind But Now I See (Cordelia Goode)
Not This Time (Phoebe & Piper)
Holding My Heart Hostage (Dom!Lou Miller) NSFW
I May Chose (Moiraine x Damane!Reader)
The Spirit Is Willing (Moira O'Hara)
Stay Here (Phoebe Halliwell)
Vengeance. Justice. (Moira O'Hara x Witch!Reader)
Stay Calm and Love Me (Hela Odinsdottir)
Knocking on Heaven's Door (Shachath)
Could Never Lose It (Piper Halliwell) NSFW
Seeing You Forever (Moiraine & Siuan)
Fly Away With Me (Fiona Goode)
Our Tribe (Misty Day)
The Fiercest Protector (Moiraine)
Peace in Pieces (Moira O'Hara and Rowena MacLeod)
See Me (Liandrin Sedai) NSFW
Pfisters Three and Mina (Wilhemina Veneble)
You Can Pretend You're on Top (Mildred Ratched) NSFW
You Left (Carol Aird)
You Are My Sanctuary (Lana Winters)
Cursed to Love Her (Sister Jude)
From the Flame to the Phoenix (Established Myrtle Snow)
One Day at a Time (Lana Winters)
The Hand Dealt (Diane Sherman)
Blue Skies Fade to Grey (Myrtle Snow)
The Will & The Way (Gloria Mott) NSFW
We All Make Choices (Rita Santos)
In It Together (Amazon Eve)
Believe (Piper Halliwell)
Trapping Perfection (Elsa Mars)
To Trust In Me (Queenie)
Come Back & Stay (Sally McKenna) MILD NSFW
All She Can Be (Agatha Harkness) NSFW
In Love With The Devil (Sally McKenna)
First Customer (Cassie Nightingale)

Found in Nature (Moiraine Sedai)

216 14 0
By OC_Femslash

Request: Okay so, what if: Moiraine x reader, where reader is the dragon reborn and know that she is the dragon reborn, but has no wish to be involved in any sort of politics or world-saving matters, so she's been on the run travelling from town to town never staying more than a season in fear of being found out. ~ Insert Moiraine, her and Lan have traveled from village to village searching for the Dragon reborn, and then reader and the duo run into each other. ~ Cue Moiraine inviting reader to travel with her and Alan as they are going the same direction and reader can't say no because that would be suspicious. ~ Through their time together travelling they fall for each other and reader forgets why Moiraine is travelling to begin with and let's herself forget to hide the fact that she's the dragon reborn. ~ Moiraine eventually finds out, no duh, and angst ensues

The world was big and complicated and anyone who claimed to know it entirely was either lying or a fool. Men often were both. A drunk man was worse. A gleeman had the arrogance of generations and after a night of singing and drinkin', he was no more reliable than your father. Don't be bitter. But he'd stared up at you like you'd hung the stars and he told you you were the Dragon Reborn. You thought he was a fool and moved past the drunkard you'd saved.

But once the idea was proposed, it seemed the universe detected it. You were haunted by nightmares in the days afterward, of a not-man destroying everything you loved. Eventually, you controlled everything. It was a different world, where golden energy took the place of the Wheel. They were frightening, until they were intoxicating. You got scared very soon after that and ran.

The last Dragon broke the world and you would hate to harm any of the many people you loved. Your village was overflowing with them so you had to leave.

You moved often from then on. There was much of the world and you'd always wanted to see it all. Now you had the motivation. But your isolation backfired. Even travelling, it seemed you made friends easily. They constantly chatted you up or bought you drinks or just tried to take you home. You didn't know who was friend or Darkfriend so you trusted no one. The more you traveled, the more you heard of the Dragon Reborn. He wasn't always mentioned, usually in vague references to men channeling or the Breaking of the World, but there were whispers. Rumors as to how you would turn out the next time you emerged. You couldn't tell anyone who you were. But you were also used as a word for rebellion. The people wanted someone to fix everything for them.

You couldn't do that. The longest you'd stayed anywhere was in the Mountains of Mist, but once the season changed, it was time to move on. Only the marketers knew she was there and would know if she wasn't. Your hair had grown in the two years you'd been away from home.

The isolation helped you with your Power, something you couldn't ask anyone for help with. You had struggled at first to even summon it, but you'd sensed it breaking through the air when your would-be bandits overwhelmed you. From then on, you just had to remember the feeling of something cutting through air, pulling everywhere. I was quite heady and terribly easy. Moving things around and starting fires seemed to be the logical start, eventually making your way to finding the heart of your power. It took very little time in retrospect, ignoring the days of frustration and surrender, to channel like you'd always done it. Perhaps it was a side-effect of being the Dragon Reborn. Your life was destined to be so short, after all.

But isolation also had a downside. While you understood the magic you'd been reborn into, you were alone with your intrusive and aggressive thoughts and they were not kind to you. Without other people to focus on or reassure you, you began to believe the worst thoughts you'd had about yourself this entire life. You walked in silence along the roads. Your map was folded into one of your hands as you walked, deep in thought. You made camp at nightfall and had a fire deep in the forest.

Hoofbeats stirred your thoughts from inside. You looked outward finally and saw the duo of horseriders heading straight for past your camp. It was a relief, and they were riding fast enough - and in the opposite direction you were walking - they may not notice you while simultaneously you didn't have time to snuff the flames. A flowing bundle of blue clothes jerked with every step the horse jumped. They slowed at a deep voice's call. Your guess was that was the escort. He rode slightly behind her, and slowed when she did.

"Do you have room for one more?" another voice called.

Fear curdled in your chest. You looked around and realized you'd found a decent space. You held out your hands.

The couple ventured through the trees and came to sit on the log adjacent to you. The man tied up the horses first. "Thank you. We feared we'd not see a settlement for hours. It's been days since we stopped," the woman began explaining. She had a smooth voice, controlled, and you could hear the wisdom in it. You hoped they weren't more gleemen.

"Who's fault is that?" the man retorted.

His woman glared at him. It softened and she turned to you. "Are you alone? These trails are treacherous."

You didn't want to answer her. You didn't want to give any strangers any information, but you saw the massive blue ring on her finger. "I know." You hated how frail your voice sounded. Like you were scared. You were, but you definitely didn't need them to know that.

She smiled as an attempt at kindness. 

You appreciated the effort, but it did nothing to ease your stress. 

Eyes a special complicated blue color examined the area, finding no horse. "How long have you been traveling?" 

You needed a backstory, now. "All my life. My people follow the Way of the Leaf?" It shouldn't have been a question. Your voice shouldn't have broken. "I left, but I still travel." 

The woman frowned, not suspicious but pitying. It was worse to be alone out there. You had to be very capable in combat, foraging, trading, and you didn't seem to be any of those. You hoped she didn't assume you could channel and that's how you were keeping yourself safe. It was a regular assumption for many, even in your own... old village. "It is much safer to travel in a group."

Your head bobbed. "Yes. And slower." You tilted it. "And you can't go everywhere, do anything, interact. You just walk the path, stop at nightfall or when the horses tire." You were guessing. You hoped she hadn't interacted with the Tinkers. 

It appeared not as neither habitant spoke further. 

You wanted to lie down and go to sleep and sneak off in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, you knew that would not be well received and they would quickly catch up on their horses. Perhaps you could leave some footprints in the road then step on them backwards, enter the forest, and go the other way. 

"My name is Moiraine; this is Lan." The broad figure nodded. 

You grimaced your best smile and introduced yourself, really wishing you could go to sleep to avoid this interaction. 

"Where are you headed now?" Moiraine asked. She had plenty of questions. 

You shrugged. You truly didn't know, just marked the towns you'd visited and would never return to. "I just left the Mountains of Mist." 

Moiraine nodded, saying little more. 

You turned around and pulled out your food sack. You dug out two kebabbed squirrels. "I killed and cooked these only earlier this night." You would never eat them all. One would last you a day. Perhaps this was fate. The thought made you sick. 

Moiraine's eyebrows rose, from shock or being impressed, you didn't know. She was quite talkative, raising Lan's eyebrows. She wasn't revealing anything, but it was a sweet conversation about residing long-term in the forest. Lan laid down, taking his moment. 

You and Moiraine were up all night, eventually lying down for the sake of your backs. You pointed out the stars, telling her what your village - you told her it was what the Tinkers - called each beam of light. A few connected on certain seasons. The warmest one held the brightest stars, a constellation named after the Dragon legend. But as this was the cold season so you saw the blackness of night. The gap in stars where the Dark was trying to close around them and crush them. You fell asleep against her, close for the sake of seeing the same stars, but awoke with hands joined, heads against one another. You were in your own spot, thank the Light, and distant from the woman. You woke with light in the sky and found your sleepmates still sleeping. You could easily collapse the camp and run, but you very much doubted you could outrun an Aes Sedai. 

Instead, you covered the woman with your own blanket, noticing her subtle shaking, and went to hunt breakfast. It was mostly cooked and your supplies and utensils were put back in your rucksack. Ironically, that was something you usually practiced your Power doing, but you so weren't today. You sat on a log, eating your half of a rabbit. 

The other two stirred the instant the sun hit the horizon. They noticed you'd changed and the horses were eating and you looked very much ready to go. 

Moiraine lifted her head. "Good morning." 

You just smiled. 

She put a half gloved hand on the ground and pushed up, seeing the food cooking on the fire. "You've been busy." 

You said nothing, just stood. "I didn't want to leave without a word, but I'd like to continue on."

The Blue pushed her hair from her face, trying to pull herself awake enough to talk you out of that. It was rare she felt a connection like this with someone. "I understand and respect that. Thank you- uh.... We're going West, if you'd like the company. I'm sure there are a few towns you've not been to." She smiled kindly, but with limited power. 

You frowned down at her. "I'm walking." 

She tilted her head, an amused smile hopping up onto her face. "You may ride with me." With her mussed hair and sleepy eyes, she was adorable. You'd already combed and braided yours so the mess was offset. 

You smiled weakly. Uh oh. 


You rode in front of Moiraine, the taller woman easily seeing around you and not having to strain for it. You usually mumbled little thoughts you were having, toes curling and uncurling in your boots with your anxiety. When Moiraine answered your unintentional comments with her own remarks or asked you questions, it slowly unraveled from your chest, terror seeping from your pores. 

The Aes Sedai truly didn't enjoy the fear of the commoners. Her family had been corrupted and dreaded. She pushed for more and she was going to start with this petite Leaf, drifting far from home and into the land of meat eating. She truly wondered if you could channel, but hoped not as her hand rested on your side, thumb easing comfort into you. Lan was looser, though you couldn't tell much change in Moiraine, so you figured they were going through some emotions between them and their strange bond. Sometimes she slept while you held the reins. Then, she was in the front. Sometimes, she rested her chin on your shoulder, breath tickling you. They camped some nights, stayed in village inns rarely. When you were in the wilderness, you were much more at ease. Those nights, you and Moiraine rarely slept. 

She had an odd book on drawings that she'd received from her uncle far in her youth. You felt honored that she shared them with you and stunned she was so sentimental. You didn't notice the arm around your back as you both examined them in the firelight. Many were animals, nature. You liked her uncle already. One somewhere in the middle was a stoic woman who authoritated even from the page. You shuffled back against the woman. 

Moiraine laughed. "Yes, Nadain had that affect. She was a cruel, awful woman. An Aes Sedai who visited my father in my youth. Anything she told my father, he ate it right up. He was weak," she mumbled, the amusement gone. 

You wanted to raise her spirits. You didn't want her to be sad, though you weren't sure as to your stake in it. You decided to just change the subject and you already had so many questions. Mean and manipulative? You hoped not. Opportunistic, sure. "Why did you become an Aes Sedai, then?" 

That didn't help matters. Moiraine was already sour faced, but it hardened a bit into a similar expression to the woman in the photo. "You don't have a choice if you can channel. Certainly if you can channel enough."

You would have to stay at the Tower if they found you out, was what she was saying. Maybe it was different for the Dragon, Savior of the freaking world (hopefully), but it was not a fun thought. The One Power was a sentence and it couldn't be avoided. Maybe it could, by the Dragon Reborn. You resolved yourself to keep your secret. Perhaps folly, but you had to until you had a better idea. "But you got out of the Tower," you whispered. 

Moiraine grinned up at you. That was much better than the seriousness she had before. "No. My Ajah is made to take a goal. Most just survey the entire world. I seek prophecies." 

A chill spread through your veins. Prophecies were legends. You were a legend. She was looking for you. You never should have come with her, and now you were trapped. You had to fake some sort of fight, find someone you claimed you knew who really needed you. You had to get away. Moiraine was not the way out. 

Your silence for a great deal of the trip was alarming to Moiraine, but she felt confident when she felt your heartbeat against her on the horse. She always felt you, felt your heart, and it usually wasn't so fast. She tried what you usually did, light banter to amuse the pair, but she felt you falling asleep more than entertaining her attempts. No matter, you could use the sleep and the brunette - oddly enough - enjoyed the sight of you sleeping. How stressed were you and how old were you?

You didn't know what it was about being in nature that made you feel at home. Like you could drop the weight from your shoulders. But you couldn't around the Aes Sedai who could sense your ability so like hers if you let her in your walls for a second. Still, she and you ventured into the woods. You were following an instinct, though you'd been here before and led her to believe you'd been to where you were going before. You stepped another step down an odd natural makeup of structures. It felt like a building, a cavern, all rolled up in one. You stepped down roots and as you reached the bottom of the structure, Moiraine was ready to channel in an instant. 

She felt paranoid and a strange protective urge. She wanted you where she knew you were mostly out of danger. The Dark held mysteries none could master save its Master. But light lit up the inside of the cavern, shining with a blue-green energy. Your foot on the cement - yes, building - floor had activated the swarms of iridescent bats living in this so-called cavern. You watched the reflection of all the animals in her blue eyes, bringing them to glow. She gaped in wonder and you couldn't look away from the beautiful woman enough to be enraptured by the natural beauty. You felt that uh-oh dread pool again, feeling a weakness in the face of Moiraine. 

A bright smile- too bright- It went manic and wild and her eyes were entirely black when she turned to you. Pure white light entered the area, pouring out of you as the One Power knew she was possessed to kill you when even you didn't. Everything was white. You were blind to anything else until it faded back into you and Moiraine slumped into your arms. Your heart stopped. Had you killed her? Hurt her? Was your instinct wrong? Maybe it wasn't an instinct so much as a dream you'd had and it was bizarre how the surroundings had lined up. You didn't have much experience carrying people so it was a struggle to lug her back, boots mostly dragging on the ground behind you. 

Moiraine was entirely dead weight and you both ended up on the ground more than once, though you used your body to cushion hers. You were bruised and frustrated and never going to trust your instincts again. And, of course, Lan was unconscious too. You truly were adapted to nature. You knew the herbs the pair needed to wake up from... pretty much anything. If they aren't dead, this'll get them moving. 

You were right, of course. You were all moving again before nightfall, and this time you all slept in your own beds in a tavern's inn. You also all took a bath, but that would never be mentioned again. You were stirred when someone joined you in your bed, despite there being three and you slipped asleep all too easily with the fresh smell in her wet hair. 

Dark was still closing in, still reaching out for you. Perhaps it sensed a weakness, her. For a suspicious Blue, she didn't ask many questions regarding what happened. Perhaps she thought you didn't know or if she asked, you'd get scared off. Perhaps she did know what happened and didn't have to ask. Perhaps it was almost time to make your getaway. 

Visiting the ocean was a treat. You'd never been before. It rose up and curled in on itself, creating waves that sprayed the air with salt. You didn't notice the short time you were left alone, entranced by walking the beach, seeking shells you'd never imagined. 

Moiraine sighed when you all convened back in the inn. She bemusedly wiped at your face before clicking her tongue. "You did nothing to protect yourself from the sun." 

You shrugged, wanting to keep moving. The coast's inns were different in every way imaginable. You were intent on exploring when you felt the cool wisps of silver Power skirting the air. You'd yet to see Moiraine channel much so it was a surprising turn of events, even more so when it wrapped you up and you felt a soothing wetness across your skin, particularly your face and shoulders, until the heat faded. 

The backs of Moiraine's fingertips trailed down your face. "You must take better care of your precious skin." She was nearly pouting at your lack of selfcare and she was very close. You didn't know if that was necessary to heal you or now that the healing was done. A pink tongue skirted between thin lips, wetting them, and you blurted, "I'd like to see the ocean at night. Before we go." 

Moiraine blinked. Like she was coming into herself again, she smiled and nodded. "Okay." 

You'd yet to get in the water, a hope for another day, but enjoyed the powerful waves crashing however they pleased, with no regard for those in it or in its way. You knew both you and Moiraine could willfully change the direction of the water or even seize the waves to make them stop, but the power of nature alone was without comparison. You stared out at the miles of water folding in on itself and crashing against other water, making new waves. It was all beneath a sky growing darker, but it was beautiful. You and Moiraine walked hand in hand along wooden piers. The water was no longer so far out that there was sand to even walk on. It was even pushing up between the wooden slats they walked on, but it was all so beautiful and a special kind of serene. 

"You've never been out here?" Moiraine asked from right beside you. 

"People are at beaches. People not Tinkers means danger. I have so much to see," you mumbled. A hand moved along your back. 

Moiraine stood right beside you, close enough it shielded you from some of the harsh wind. "I'd like to show it to you," she confessed in a quiet voice. Her fingers were gentle as she explored. She walked her fingers up your back, hands moving over your shoulders. You faced her in a moment of weakness, caught in her stare. So deep and mysterious and, for some reason interested in you, for your personality it seemed. You slipped into the moment and slid from the pier, making contact with freezing water. Not only that, you were in that perfect range where the waves were constantly crashing and going out and coming in and it was all happening at the same time. You could hardly tell when your head was above water to take in a breath and soon you would run out of it to release to protect your nose. After being thrown under and spun under the water, a strong hand reached in and pulled you from the waves. You were coughing something fierce trying to get simply oxygen into your lungs. A familiar warm body came around to sit beside you, pulling you close against them. When you were able to breathe without a fight, you noticed you were shaking like a leaf. Your coat was pulled off of you and then you were brought to your feet. "You'll freeze- dear girl- come- change you." You couldn't tell if Moiraine was speaking steadily and it was you blinking in and out or if she was mumbling and cutting herself off. Either way, you were herded into the room, pants and garments pulled down your legs before she settled you onto the floor before the fireplace. 

You were coming in and out of consciousness, and Moiraine was worried sick, stripping you and wrapping you in blankets. That was the longest Moiraine had stayed anywhere in 20 years and it was purely because she wanted you awake before they moved you. She held you to her, in front of the fireplace, and constantly touched everywhere until it felt a normal temperature. You were weak and soft, and it was the prettiest thing she'd seen, a Darkness twisting her heart at the macabre realization. 

But you did wake eventually, still weak and lips less blue. You were completely dry, a contradictory result considering your last memory. But it was a relieving one. Your vision was bleary as you took in the room. It was the same one and Moiraine appeared to have been wearing the same clothes since the incident. Yes, they even looked air-dried from moisture. Her hair was an oily mess, but you thought she looked flawless as ever. You were laying against her, mostly naked and mostly flushing from the skin to skin contact. 

Soft fingertips traced up your bare side, coming to hold you just under your breast. "How do you feel?" Moiraine asked in that soulful voice. 

Your eyes slipped shut and your head rolled back against her shoulder. "Normal, just weak." 

The brunette nodded. "I healed you the best I could, but freezing wounds are an inexperience of mine." 

You mouth the first word, failing to speak 'you', "did good," you finished in a praise. 

Moiraine trailed her fingers down your shoulder, your arm, then ran her palm back up. You turned your face into her neck. 

"Thank you," you whispered, looking up at her with heavy eyelids. 

"Of course." That felt disingenuous as they hardly knew one another, but you still felt things you oughtn't. 

Your gaze fell to her lips and you lifted yourself to finish the act she'd begun twice. Your lips met and all outside input ceased. Time stopped and you were floating, tether to this woman. 

Moiraine gasped, pleased yet surprised by this change of events. She was starting to believe she'd been assuming your emotions falsely. Her eyes fluttered shut and it seemed a trick of the light moved the room around. Mid kiss, she re-opened her eyes to find every object in the room suspended by a subtle orange light, glittering in the firelight. It glittered like firelight. In that moment, Moiraine could feel what she couldn't before. She wasn't sure if you could channel before, but in the face of it, she felt the depth of it. It was like a raging sun forced to simmer in peaceful delights. The Blue knew she was kissing her mission and cupped your face, deepening it as she realized. She was taming the Dragon. 

The force and passion of the kiss weakened you to lower the object of the room, you falling to sleep soon after the interaction. 

Moiraine couldn't sleep that night, just like all the others. She watched you the entire time, never letting her life-long mission out of her sight. And to have it in her arms for so long and not know. You truly were something else. The brunette rose to her feet, watching you carefully. She inched closer, taking in the view of your spent form limp on the mattress. Unbeknownst to Moiraine, the Dark One called his way into your brain, plaguing you with visions of Moraine betraying you. 


It seemed Moiraine was wandering the map with no more direction than you as once they were done in that corner of the world, they ventured back in the direction of the Spine. Then South. You tracked where you were on your own map, growing concerned when you were getting very close to the White Tower of the Aes Sedai. 

Your suspicions were proven correct when Moiraine admitted it in the room she'd purchased. She didn't seem to feel as safe in the woods as they neared her town. "I have to make a report to my Sisters and possibly the Amyrlin Seat so I'll be in Tar Valon a few days." 

You nodded. "And then what?" 

Moiraine cursed her vows. By how secretive you were, you weren't open to accepting your destiny. She'd have to lie without lying. She met your eyes and smiled, kissing you to distract your keen senses. "We'll cross that bridge then." Moiraine knew what she had to do. 

There was no bridge to cross. You were in the Tower, bound by the Power of a thousand Aes Sedai, and you were pissed. The women avoided you. No servant would enter your room and only Lan had the balls to bring you your food. If you couldn't jump from your window or even get on the sill, walk out the gates, or tear the stones to smithereens, you weren't leaving your room. You didn't take lessons, didn't regard any who did try to sway you. Mistress of Novices, the Keeper of the Chronicles, the Amyrlin Seat had all come to you and you'd flung them from the room. 

You knew this was an insult and could get you killed, but after living independently pretty much your entire life, you'd rather die than be locked anywhere. 

Even Lan had hardly withstood your wrath directed at him - when he brought you food and you weren't starving to the point of unconsciousness - and you'd only raised your voice at and physically forced him from the room. His own stubbornness gave him that shattered elbow and broken nose. Moiraine had yet to come see you. Wise choice. 

You were bored and alone and trapped and frustrated. Most days you cried in your solitude. Others, you tested the Wards keeping you in. You were the freaking Dragon Reborn. How could an organization your past life created overpower you?

Still, you had the texts. You studied what was given to you about you. Not only that, the other legend as big as you, and they'd given you those books too. You asked for nothing, hardly spoke at all anymore, so it was their choice to inform you of your past and your enemy. Unfortunately, it worked. You understood what had to happen. 


Months passed in training, grueling stuff, and you were a bit more refined, you could admit. You no longer had to come up with ideas on the fly, well practiced and able to channel longer before tiring. And exhaustion didn't hit like it used to, not until you were tapped and you knew. You were trained to know when your Power was too much for your body. 

The women enjoyed how you conformed. It broke your heart and you hated Moiraine with a fiery passion, but you became the young Accepted they wanted. They were pushing you forward still. They wanted you to become a full Aes Sedai. You didn't know if you'd have to chose and Ahaj or if the Dragon Reborn had their own, but you were too anxious to go any further. 

It was hard work and you passed the tests with ease, ego stroked with the information that you'd beat Moiraine's time. Moiraine. She had been reverse-exiled, constrained to the Tower, to Tar Valon. She was always within reach, but you avoided her. She was clever and determined and she knew the Tower better than you, easily cornering you. But you simply didn't speak to her. You ignored her presence when you could, but when you couldn't.... When no one else was around and Moiraine was there and you were tempted, you just shut your eyes. If you peeked and she was still there, now smiling at your antics, you just shut them back. 

She eventually grew frustrated and left you alone. You didn't know what to do, but it couldn't be with her. She was a distraction, a weakness, and you wouldn't want to do what you had to if you were in love. You weren't already, no sir. 

But you were an Aes Sedai. The color of your clothes didn't matter and you couldn't believe you were so dumb as to not notice you hadn't received a serpent ring. You had a pin to go over your left breast that showed you as the Dragon Reborn. You were colder now, face a mask for none to see through. You'd been personally tutored by every Ajah, the ideals and methods trained into you. You were a Master of the craft and no one stood a chance against you. 

So, naturally, you were called to the Amyrlin. The Seat had spoken with you a few times, first being flung away from you then to accept your humiliating apology for the action. You weren't sorry. Maybe a little. She was more human and normal than you'd expected. She was funny, but also powerful. "I have visions," she confided in you in the security of her personal home reached through a personal WayGate. You wondered if you could take hers to the Eye of the World. "Before your arrival, I'd seen Him stir. He's been gathering Power and followers for a year now so I'm not sure you'll be enough to stand-"

"I will." It was a simple statement, stated firmly and calmly. "My apologies for the interruption." Siuan nodded her head for you to continue. "I have been considering this since you presented me with the texts." She nodded again; that had been their hope. It had been obvious, but perhaps that's what you had needed. "I have a plan on how to deal with the Dark One. I hope it will solve the problem... permanently."

That shocked the Amyrlin Seat. She wasn't under the impression it was possible for the fight between the Dragon and the Dark One to end. "How?" 

You would have made a decent Blue from the smooth smile you forced on your face. The less anyone knew, the better. And the Amyrlin Seat did not have the authority to question the Dragon Reborn. You'd been communing with your previous lives and the Seat herself had trained you to be better than her for months now. As was expected and it had come easily so that softened the blow. Or perhaps made it worse. In any event, you had a plan to not break the world. 

"Shall we deliver you a Warder? Or a sister. I've spoken with Moiraine. No Aes Sedai should-"

"Any who come between the Dragon and the Dark One will die," you quoted, standing from the seat you'd been offered in her home. You shook your head. "I have to deal with this. I won't fail, Siuan." 

The woman nodded, pleased to be on a first name basis with you, potentially right before you disappear forever. "I know you won't." 


You could get there through a WayGate and it took you straight to your enemy. He was broad and Dark even physically. He tried to seduce you to his side, but you'd had training so his magic tricks failed. "There's only one way this ends, stupid. Light and dark fight."

The Dark One thought for too long. "That's not an end." 

"It is for us. Eternally at battle. You wanna go, I'll go. You'll get your wish. We'll break the cycle. No more you and no more me. These poor bastard will only be able to blame themselves because we'll be so caught up with each other." 

You could tell the idea appealed to the Dark One, but he also wanted to continue bringing mayhem to the world. 

You stepped closer, now the seducer. "It won't be a prison. We'll channel forever. No limits, no burning through, no more dealing with these people. Wanna fight?" 

Brown eyes bored down at the ground, considering deeply. "Yes." He looked up at you. "You and me forever?" 

You raised your chin determinedly. "The light and dark symbols are supposed to be together. That's the Wheel." You held out your hand, One Power wrapping around your wrist to seal the deal. "Best way to start a fight is fair." 

The Dark One raised his arm to meet your hand, his Power reaching to encircle his too. But as his palm met yours, his mist faded backward, like sucked in by a wind. His very presence, merely an essence now, was drawn away from any contact to be made with your presence. He was halfway mist before you saw the being behind him. It came faster now, the Dark One dissolving into another vessel which wasn't born because his soul wasn't rejoined to the Wheel. A being which chose to become the harbinger of Dark. 

Moiraine, still in her deep blue clothes, necklace fastened around her forehead, arms out to her side. Her eyes turned completely back, even the whites and the blues. 

Unbeknownst to you, your own turned pure white. You gasped. "Moiraine, what have you done?" 

She stepped closer to you, ignoring your retreat. "You were wrong. There are two ways." She suddenly jerked out her hand and took your wrist. Her Power, now a trillion times stronger, wrapping you up. She squeezed you with the sin of lust and watched you melt under her touch. She laughed. Regular eyes met, Moiraine's arms under your back holding you up. "Light and Dark stay together, forever," she slowly lifted you up, her Power helping so her other hand could trail from the front of your throat down, "at peace, together." Her hands joined at your lower back. 

You were drawn closer to her and were paralyzed by this change of events. Like you'd said, she was a weakness. "You said together twice." 

"It's the crux of the Wheel, yes?" She kissed your neck tenderly. You wondered if she'd done her research to come to the same conclusion you had or if she'd just guessed after hearing the plan. "Merits repeating." She came back up to kiss your lips. 

You leaned away, away, stepped away from her to gain distance, but she didn't let you get far. "You have no idea what you've done," you muttered condescendingly. 

"Teach me. Roles are reversed. Be with me," she pled, demanded. This was the only choice now. 

"I won't fight you," you huffed out defeatedly. 

"I know," Moiraine crooned out lovingly. She quit lifting and scooped down to capture your lips again. Your arms wound up through her shoulders. Light and Dark. Together. 

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