My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

251K 5.7K 718

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


1.5K 27 4
By ayemem215

Y/ns POV
"You didn't even care. I tried to be friends, I tried to even amend our relationship so we could be a family before I'm gone."

"You didn't want that. Anytime you spoke to me you attacked me. Came at me for stupid reasons after all I did for you"

"No it was you. You didn't care. You let your sister die. You let your parents die. OUR parents."

I look up into Lilly's eyes and feel my throat starting to hurt from holding the tears back.

"I love you Lilly. I was trying to help you. You didn't want my help"

"I didn't want your help because you don't really want to help. You want me to be normal and conserved and quiet so I can live a normal boring life so you can have nothing to do with me. Right that's why you left me with dad and mom, doing more and more shoots. For the money? No you hated me. That's why!"

"I didn't. I loved you! I love yo—

I jolt awake grabbing my chest feeling like it's beating out of it. Fuck that was just a dream? Why now? Of course when I'm suppose to be the happiest she comes to haunt me in my dreams. I didn't even have nightmares when it was my parents anniversary. We obviously did not go to the gala because I was not ready to hear all the 'sorry for your loss' again and scar knew that so she didn't push me to go. But Scarlett made lasagna that night and it was my moms favorite meal to make. She knew that. So that simple subtle meal meant the world to me.

Im pulled out of my thoughts to the sounds of birds chirping and I can smell sweet delicious bread being baked. It's a heavenly aroma, almost better than the smell of brownies being baked but not quite. I feel the bed shift behind me and turn over to see a sleeping Scarlett and her silky hair spread out all over the pillow. The blanket is tucked up all the way to her chin and she looks peaceful, content. I stroke her hair with my fingers feeling her smooth skin and hair run through my fingers, it makes me emotional and I have no idea why. Maybe because I just want to protect her and make her the happiest she can be but I don't think I know how to do that.

Let's be honest, I've been winging this whole thing. I'm lucky I got her to fall for me, and I can't help but think about the day when she realizes I'm still a mess. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen.

I decide to get out of bed and shower so I can wake scar up and we can get the day started. So after my shower I dress in just a pretty thong and matching bra and climb onto of Scarlett straddling her.

"Baabbyyy" I whisper and kiss her cheek. Her lips curl up at my touch and makes me happy. She knows it's me just by my touch.

"Let's wake up and go explore this amazing city" I whisper again and kiss her other cheek. She pops open one eye and then wraps her arms around me. When she feels my skin both eyes open and she looks me up and down with a smirk.

"Let's just stay right here, all day" she says and slowly brings her fingers under my bra and lifts it, but I stop her and pull back.

"Aht aht aht, food first, you need to refuel so I can have my way with you later" I say and she bites her lip.

I stand up and hold my hand out for her to help her out of bed and when she stands I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her close. She rests her head on my shoulder and her hands sneak around my back under my arms. I hold her close hugging her for a couple minutes, cherishing her soft lucious skin and lavender scent. She pulls away a little and tilts her head up to me pushing her lips out asking for a kiss. I smile and lean in pushing my lips to hers in a soft kiss. I am so in love with the way my lips feel against hers. The only feeling in the world that can make my heart calm in an instant. When she pulls away I flutter my eyes open and see the adorning look in her eyes.

"I love you" I say not even realizing I said it. My feelings so overwhelmed inside of me I can't control how I feel around her.

"And I love you" she says poking my chest with a huge smile. She turns and walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. I decide to actually get dressed now and pick beige fitted slacks with a white button up that I tuck in leaving the top button unbuttoned so my cleavage shows. I roll the sleeves up to my elbows but make sure I bring a jacket because it's chilly here. I go through my suitcase looks for shoes. I'll save heels for dinner and it's probably not the best to walk around in anyway. I pick my classic white tennis shoes then add some necklaces and  I stare at my wedding band and engagement band together on my hand. They look gorgeous and I smile at the fact I'm actually married. I feel hands slip around my waist and a head on my shoulder knowing who it is.

"They look really good together" she says in my left ear giving me goosebumps.

"They do. You know my style perfectly, and thank you for helping me find the perfect band for it." I say looking back at the rings.

"Youre welcome" she says in a funny voice and makes me laugh. She can always lighten my mood.

"Do you want to eat at the hotel restaurant downstairs or somewhere else?" She asks while slipping on a white thong that says BRIDE on it. I smile at it and step closer to look at it.

"That's so hot. When did you get that? And Do you know any other coffee places?" I mumble out at once unable to tear away my eyes from the little white fabric. The closer I get I see something below the bride and then smile seeing the date of our wedding.


The date of the happiest day of my life.

"Kate got it for me at the bachelorette party." She smirks and puts on a white bralette that matches and takes out jeans and a black shirt. I watch her slip the jeans on and I help her button them. She then slips on the shirt which I can tell now is a black silky quarter zip shirt and when it falls over her breasts I just stare and hope I don't drool at how great it makes it boobs look.

"My eyes are up here" she laughs and I quickly look up at her laughing at me.

"Hey it's all fair game now that you're my wife." I say and spin is around so we're facing the long head to toe mirror. She looks at me through it and I instantly picture myself bending her over infront of it so I can see her face as I fuck her from behind.

"L-let's get some food" I quickly say and feel my cheeks heat up.

"What just happened" she asks smirking

"If I tell you, I'm afraid we won't leave the room." I say trying to walk away but she grabs my hand pulling me back.

"Promise we will do whatever you're thinking about when we get back?" She asks lowly, teasing almost as if she knows what I'm thinking.

I smirk at her and say "I promise" and hold up three fingers like the Boy Scouts do. When her loud laughs echo the room and her nose scrunches a little as she laughs my whole body feels on fire and that flame is never going out.

"How much farther" I whine as I walk a step behind Scarlett, following her to the Notre Dame Cathedral.

"Babe one more block!" She laughs and pulls my arm with her hand so she can hook her arm into mine.

When we round the corner I can see it in the distance. How could you ever miss something so beautiful. I'm not a religious person, unless Im in bed and thanking god for the pleasure I'm receiving or giving, but something about the atmosphere you feel when you walk up the steps is crazy. It's like a peaceful wind and I feel a sense of warmth. It's weird not going to lie.

"Ready?" She asks me and I nod. I was surprised Scarlett even wanted to come here. I mean she is jewish.

We walk inside and my eyes start to water. I can feel my emotions bubbling in my chest and I don't really know why. It's just so beautiful. The way the light shines through the stain glass windows from the outside. The glow the front of the church has with all the lights and candles around. Scar leads me around the church and stops at the front where the altar is.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" She asks and I turn to look at her.

"To sacrifice me to the gods so you will go to heaven? I have no idea" I say completely serious and she bursts out laughing.

"Shhhh" I laugh with her trying to get her to laugh quieter.

"No babe, look at the altar, what's carved on it." She says and I look at it. It's the same color of the white marble block but I can see a crown carved out in it.

"A crown" I say and see her eyes light up that I see it too.

"Just like the story you tell Rose when she can't sleep." She says and I smile at her.

"The servant and Napoleon." I say and she hums

"That's the one, napoleon takes over and names himself king, until his servant follows the voices and discovers the crown. Which magically comes out of the altar onto her head, killing  napoleon and making her queen." She says the short version of the story and I smile and get a fuzzy feeling in my chest knowing she listens to my stories enough to know them by heart.

"My mom used to tell me that story" I say and I feel her arm wrap around my waist and squeeze my hip. "She said she thought it meant that good things happen to good people, because the servant deserved to be the queen." I say remembering that moment when I was around 9 and got curious about how all things worked.

"She taught you good because you are a good person." Scarlett says to me and I turn and smile.

"Maybe, that's not up to me to decide." I say and I see her think about what I said.

After touring the building and snapping plenty of pictures of us posing with statues and what not we decide to head out of there before we get kicked out.  She leads me down these beautiful streets of Paris and I remember she said she lived here while she was married to Romain.

"Do you miss being here?" I ask and she looks over at me while still walking.

"Not really, I miss certain spots maybe. Like that coffee shop I showed you yesterday. Or the restaurant we are going to soon. But I felt very homesick when I lived here." She says

"I could imagine. Did your brother or parents visit often at least?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

"Not really. It's a far flight and they didn't get along with Romains family and they lived here in France so I'd be stuck here with them most holidays." She explains and I feel bad. She's suffered so much.

"I promise we could have all the holidays with your family." I say and see her eyes sparkle.

"I know you would do that for me. That's why I love you." She says and I feel the butterflies flying around my stomach. I don't notice where we're walking until she stops walking and I bump into her. My head to in my thoughts to notice the beautiful scenes around us. The hustle and bustle of friends roaming the street, businessmen and woman walking from work and the kids coming from school. The gaze of worry from my beautiful wife and i definitely don't notice the gorgeous Eiffel Tower.

"My love?" I hear pulling me from my racing thoughts once again and I look up searching for her green orbs. Finding them and feeling comfort in my chest I feel her grab my hands. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asks in a soft sweet tone.

"I'm okay baby, it seems my mind always seems to attack me when I'm finally feeling calm." I whisper into her eyes. The green magnificent orbs pull me from any dark thoughts though and her fingers stroking over my knuckles ground me.

"I don't want to ruin this week with talking about things you don't want to talk about but I think we have to honey" she says sweetly while sitting me down on a bench nearby. "Is it work? Are you having nightmares again? Is it us?" She says softly still but quicker.

I immediately widen my eyes and blurt "no no not us I promise." And I see her take a deep breath.

"I um I did have a night mare this morning. It woke me. It was about Lilly, like she's haunting me. Telling me how much of a shitty sister I was." I say dropping my head unable to look at her. I'm ashamed of how I'm feeling.

"I'm not sure why they are happening but I do know that there are things that could help you" she says and I still keep my head down but I'm listening.

"There's sleeping pills"
"No I wouldn't want to not be able to to wake up in the middle of the night. What if you or Rose need me"

"There's always therapy" she says and I look up at her sheepish smile.

We've talked about this before and I know she's right about therapy I just don't see how reliving my trauma again and again will help me.

"Maybe. I can think about that later though. I would like to try and enjoy this time we have now" I say and I see her nod her head.

"Okay baby, but if you want to stop and talk about anything I'm always open ears." She says and I'm so thankful for that. She's always the most understanding and never pushes me to talk.

"How about we go take a look at the tower" she suggests and I agree. I can see it in the distance but the closer we get the more pep in her step Scarlett gets and it's adorable.

It's almost 4 but there's a different tone in the sky. It's cloudy but sunny but the sun isn't shining through the clouds, just lighting up the sky so the world can function.

"When Rose was able to walk, we would come to that park right over there." She says and points to a small playground with a sandbox. "I would always see all the couples come over here and take their cute pictures with the tower in the back and I was jealous. Jealous of other peoples relationships because I was so miserable in my own." I listen to her intently while watching where we are walking. We get closer to the tower and I notice how empty it looks. "I always thought I wouldn't be those people, have a sappy love fueld relationship. The type where you can't keep yours hands off each other and the type where you're best friends first and lovers second. But then I met you" she says and my heartbeat is beating out of my chest.

"I just I'm so deeply in love with you and I need you to know that." She says

I look up into her eyes feeling my heart beating out of control for her and I see tears in her eyes but she's smiling.

"Baby" I step closer and caress her cheeks in my hands. "You don't know how happy that makes me to hear that I am the one to give you that. I am so deeply inlove with you too. And I know you're worried about me. I promise I will fix it when we get back. I promise" I say to her and she searches my eyes. For what, I'm not sure but we get interrupted when I hear

"Excuse me I'm sorry to bother you" and I almost groan. Shit she's been spotted now. I turn to look at the younger gentlemen with the bluest eyes I've ever seen.

"I just happened to be snapping photos and I got the most amazing picture of you two." He says showing us the photo on his little camera lens. I squint at it but smile because it is beautiful. The towers in the back ground with the gorgeous buildings too and Scar and I are staring at each other smiling lovingly at one another. "Could I possibly send it to you. It's too beautiful of a picture to keep myself." He says and my mind starts wondering. Who goes around taking pictures of random people? But before I can think more Scarlett says "I would love that. Let me give you my email address"

"And do you actually mind deleting your copy of that." I say and he looks surprised.

"Oh I wouldn't do anything with it. But I will if that makes you more comfortable" he says confused.

Maybe he doesn't recognize Scarlett?

"That would be great actually. Thank you" I say and Scarlett gives him a little card and he says he will email after he gets home to upload.

I take my phone out taking a few pictures as we get even closer to the effiel Tower and then turn to scar and say "don't you think it was weird he was taking pictures of people?" I ask

"Maybe but a lot of photographers take random photos and accidentally get people in it. At least he was nice enough to see it and offer it to us" she shrugs.

"I just want to protect you from everything and all those creepy people" I says and it makes her laugh.

"Plus I gave him Marcels email so it is safer" she says and I feel at ease

"You're smarter than you look" I say and she gasps

"I look smart too!" She says pushing me.

"Yes you do look very smart" I say and tickle her sides making her run away from me. I chase her about half a block before I catch her, spinning her in the air as I hug her tight listening to the most angelic laughter I could hear. We make it back to the hotel to change for dinner and I can't help but to watch her do her makeup while she's in just that white thong and bralette set still.

"Can I help you?" She says breaking me from my stare.

"Sorry your just so beautiful"

She spins in her seat and gets up walking slowly swaying her hips side to side. "Remember you promised me something once we got back here" she says and I instantly remember what I promised. I lick my lips reliving the memory and nod my head.

"How much time do we have?"

"Little less than an hour"

"Perfect" I say walking to my suitcase. I dig in my suitcase looking for the bag I packed and finally find it ripping it out of my case. I open the bag and see two of my favorite toys. The strapless strap and my personal favorite old fashioned harness strap on. I pick the strapless strap because it's a little smaller and less girthy than my other and I want her to still be able to walk tonight. I walk over to her and she eyes my hand seeing what's in it.

"Oh it was one of those surprises" she laughs

"Do you not want this?" I ask checking

"Hell yes I do" and I giggle at her response.

"You want to know what I was thinking" I ask and guide her toward the other side of the room where the tall mirror is.

"Yes" she breathes out and I start kissing the back of her neck. Then down to her trap and then her shoulder. I see the goosebumps appear on her skin and smirk at that. I stop us infront of the mirror so I'm behind her and she's infront of me and I wrap my hands around her waist with my hands on the inside on her panties.

"You look so good like this" I say kissing her neck. I make sure my fingers sink into her hips not caring if I mark her. When she bites her lip and sucks in her breath I know she likes it.

"What? Half naked in front of you?" She teases.

"No, in my arms, completely captivated by my touch." I whisper lowly watching her skin spread goosebumps along her neck.

I dip my right hand lower toward her core and swipe my finger through her folds and up out of her panties trailing her wetness onto her stomach.

"Perfectly wet" I moan I don't give her time to say anything because I place my fingers in her mouth.
"Suck baby" and she listens cause I roll my eyes back at the feeling of her sucking on my fingers.
"Good girl" I say slipping my fingers out of her mouth. I gently push her shoulder down and see the confused look in her face but she complies and slowly bends over infront of me.

"You listen so well." I say and smack her perfect ass earning a moan from her. I look up at her through the mirror to see her already staring at me. "You get rewarded for being good" I say and I move her underwear to the side as I plunge my wet fingers into her wet pussy.

"Oh fuck" she moans while I pump and try to get her tight pussy ready for the toy.

"Mmm shit. Your gonna make this really easy" she moans and I see her screw her eyes shut. I pull my fingers out and wipe it on the smaller part of the strapless dildo. I gently slide that part into my throbbing wet pussy and moan a little and the full ness. Then I line up the toy with her entrance and tease her a little almost slipping it in but pushing it upward through her folds to tease her clit. I glance up at her and see her biting her lip.

"Don't hold back, I want to hear you" I moan and she nods but that's not good enough for me. So I take the toy and slip it in hard into her pussy and then back out again.

"Fuck!" She yells.  that's a lot better.

I line the toy up with her entrance again and slam into her so my hips smack against her ass. That action makes the toy buck inside me too and it feels amazing.

"Ahh!" She screams. I continue that a couple more times listening to her screams. It's so fucking hot. I grab onto her hips and quicken my pace. Watching as her ass cheeks flop back and fourth on my thrusts and I grab a cheek squeezing it hard making her yell out again.

"Mmmm baby yess!!" She moans out and I look up from my perfect view at her in the mirror. One hand is against the mirror to hold her self up while the other is gripping her one breast. I see her fingertips turning white by how hard she's gripping it and it turns me on so much seeing her touch herself.

I keep slamming into her holding her by the waist feeling my own orgasm creeping in.

I take one leg with my hand and hold it bent against her stomach and slam the toy harder into her.

"Fuck y/n right there. Don't stop" she moans out and fuck when she says my name I almost cum right there.

Her head drops down unable to control her body but I can't see her face so I reach foward and grab her lucious blonde hair and wrap it around my hand pulling her  head back up so I can see her.

"I want to see you beautiful face when you cum all over my cock." I say and smack her ass with the other hand.

Her eyes lock with mine and I see her cheeks are flushed pink. "Baby fuck, oh yes fuck me!! Fuck me!!" She yells as I keep slamming into her. Her eye brows knit together and her chest is rising and falling at a rapid rate. Fuck she looks so ridiculously hot right now. And as she says the words "im gonna ahhh I'm gonna" I feel my orgasm snap and my body tries to twitch at the feeling but I push through pounding into her to get her to her orgasm.

When she screams louder than I've heard ever, I know I achieved my goal of her cumming so I freeze letting mine crash over me. I wrap my arms around her standing her straight up while I'm still in her. I feel our bodies breathing heavily together while we try and catch our breaths. I slowly slide the toy out of her and she whines at the feeling but I spin her around while pulling the toy out of me and wrap her in a hug.

"You were amazing baby, you did so well" I say and scoop her up place her on the bed. She rolls over facing me and I wrap my arm around her but she sits up straddling me.

"Ready for round 2? Although we might have to cancel dinner" I smirk and she just laughs. She reaches over and grabs her phone from the night stand and giggles while looking at her phone.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask curious.

"Getting my naked picture" she laughs and I see her angling her phone like she's taking pictures. I don't mind because i trust her completely so I put my one hand behind my head and let her take all the pictures she wants. It's from the stomach up and I smile in some and make funny faces in others. Then I wrap my arms around her neck brings her closer so she lays flush on me.
"Keep those photos safe, don't need to get leaked" I tease

"Always baby, I would put it as my Lock Screen if I wasn't afraid of Rose seeing it"  she kisses me and I hear her taking pictures which make me laugh.

"Send me those" I say and she nods laying on my chest  I cuddle up to her and stroke her arm relaxing her. We still have 10 minutes until we have to get ready so we can leave for dinner on time but I'm just going to soak up this amazing moment for right now. I will definitely be dreaming of doing that again. I feel my phone vibrate and save the photos so I can post something later. I hear my stomach grumble and Scarlett picks her head up laughing.

"Cmon let's get ready to go to dinner"

Day 2 in the books!

Sorry if things don't match, especially if you are from apologies :)

Also not proofread

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