The Seven Sins

By Chapter1991

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In a cursed realm, seven princes, embodiments of sin, seek a mortal to break their curse. When Ava enters the... More

1. Prologue
2. Ava
3. The Ball
4. The Sins
5. Sloth
6. Sword Fighting
7. An Unexpected Kiss
8. Gluttony
9. The Silent Treatment
10. The Avalanche
11. Wrath
12. An Attack
13. A Claiming
14. Lust
15. A Fight With A Prince
16. The Father
17. Envy
18. The Event
20. Greed
21. The Snake
22. Pride
23. An Ambush
24. An Arrowhead
25. The Stars
26. A Fight Between Brothers
27. Potions
28. Archery
29. Wyverns
30. A Talk
31. The Eight Prince
32. The Aftermath

19. A Meeting

73 6 2
By Chapter1991

At the end of the night, over six hundred thousand pounds were raised, forty animals were adopted, and the remaining fifteen will be placed in a shelter. Olson and I were dancing to a slow song. He had pulled me close to him. Leon was only a few feet away. Maze following our movements a foot away. I felt safe in his arms, he felt like home. It brought me back to my time with Jake.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and Jake. He was one of my best friends and I -" He choked on his words.

I pulled back from his chest and cupped his cheek. "You were on the other side of the world. You had other commitments. You came over as much as you could. He never blamed you, and neither did I. Olson, you paid for his treatment, for his hospital bills, and you removed a huge burden from our shoulders. He was always so worried I would end up in debt because of the bills. It's because of you, that he could rest easy."

"It still feels like I didn't do enough." His voice broke. I pulled him in a tight hug. I brought his head down to the crook of my neck.

"Your friendship with him was one of the things he treasured most. You and Hanna took care of me after -" I breathed in deep. "After he died, it was because of you two I didn't... You saved my life, Olson. You're one of my best friends and I love you. You did more for me than you can imagine."

"He loved you so much." He kissed the top of my head. "He asked me to look after you. I'm sorry I've been absent."

"You visit me every month and text me almost every day." I smiled up at him. "We are both adults with our own lives, Olson. It's okay. I'm okay."

His eyes searched mine for a minute. "You look okay, more than okay actually. There is something different about you."

"I met some new friends." I smiled a little. "They've taught me a lot."

"They are good people?"

"Yeah, they are." I nodded. Although I still couldn't read Pride or Greed, I knew they wouldn't hurt me.

"In case I haven't told you, you look beautiful tonight."

"You did but thank you." Over Olson's shoulder, I saw Leon tap his ring. Telling me he was going to update the princes. I gave him a slight nod but didn't follow him. I knew I was safe here. And an upbeat song came on and Olson started to twirl me in every direction, me laughing as I went.

When I came back from the successful event with Leon, the princes were all waiting for us in Elmir's living room. Leon and I were talking as we walked through the portal, Maze on our heels.

"Well, would you look at that." I said and did a single twirl in front of them. "I'm safe and sound, not a scratch on me."

Sevrin leapt from the couch and pulled me in a hug. He grasped my shoulders and leaned down to catch my eyes, his red curls falling over his brow. "You were supposed to check in every hour."

"We did." I frowned a little. "Leon popped his head in every hour to let you know I was okay."

"How did he do it?" Greed asked, letting his foot, which was resting on his knee, fall to the ground. "Leon can't make a portal to Envy's home."

"That reminds me." I said and turned to Leon. We pulled the rings off our fingers and switched them before slipping our own back on.

"Now that that's resolved." Sevrin turned back to me. "We wanted to see you every hour. I trust Leon but we needed to see it, Ava."

"I was kind of busy. I planned the whole night; I couldn't just step out every time." I huffed.

"Leon said you were dancing."

I turned my head until it found Pride. "I was. I danced with Olson, my date. He's one of my best friends and helped me through a lot over the past years. Got a problem with that?" I snapped at him. I noticed the others stiffen because except for Pride and Greed, they knew what I was talking about.

Elmir stepped forward and cleared his throat. "It's been a long night. Why don't you all go home, I think Ava can use a breather after tonight."

I gave him a relieved smile because I could use the peace and quiet of my own room. They all hugged and whispered to me a goodnight before disappearing through a portal.

"Brother, can I talk to you for a moment?"

It was only then that I noticed Pride was still there. He beckoned Envy over, and they walked out of the room. I slipped off my jacket and shoes and headed up the stairs. Once in my room, I filled the tub before placing a set of pyjamas on the cupboard.

I hitched my leg up on the armchair, a spaghetti strap slipping from my shoulder as I unbuckled the sheath when a soft knock came from the door.

"Lady Ava, I-" Pride stepped in without waiting for an answer, but he stopped talking when he spotted me. His eyes roamed over my bare leg, then the swell of my breasts, which was more exposed due to the spaghetti strap that had fallen before settling on my face.

"Usually, you wait for an answer before coming in." I said, turning my attention back to the sheath. Once unbuckled, I placed it on the table. I didn't look at him when I started to unzip my dress, revealing more of my back before I slipped in the bathroom. I shrugged off the dress and wrapped a towel around me before stepping back out. Pride was still standing there in the exact same spot.

"What is it? I had a long day and I want to take a bath." His eyes flicked up and down before settling on the tub behind me. When he didn't respond, I placed a hand on my hip. "This is the second time you invaded my room without my consent, trust me when I say, you won't get out of here scot-free a third time."

His eyes snapped to me, pursuing them until he glared. "You are insufferable."

"I live to serve." I bowed mockingly, keeping my hand on my towel. I really didn't know what to make of him. At times he can show a sliver of emotion or caring, other times it's like talking to a brick wall. An insufferable, annoying, asshole of a brick wall.

"You-" He pointed at me, groaned and walked out, pulling the door shut with a harsh pull.

With a smirk and a low chuckle, I walked back into the bathroom and let myself sink into the hot water. Letting the tension ebb away from my shoulders.

Elmir seemed a bit lost without his rescue animals. He wandered around the grounds, going inside the empty concierge home for a few minutes before stepping out again. My last week at Elmir started, a week after the event. A week of just me and him. I had taken a week off from training with Wymond and Sevrin to take a breather.

I was walking through the garden, and Pride's weird behaviour still echoed in my mind. Why had he come up to my room, again? Did I feel amused and proud to see him walk out of my room annoyed? Obviously. But that still didn't help the thoughts as to why he was there in the first place. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw Elmir walk out of the empty house.

"Hey, handsome." I smiled. Elmir lifted his gaze from the grass, a small smile tugging at his lips. Maze nudged her nose against Elmir's leg before standing on my other side. "Must be weird seeing it empty."

"It is." He said, holding out his arm for me to take. "But I'm afraid it won't be for long." He gnawed on his bottom lip.

"You mean they're still smuggling in animals?"

"Afraid so." We walked through the garden in silence for a few minutes. "I have a meeting with my brothers... about the rebels. Do you mind joining me?"

"I would've come to every meeting if I was invited."

"You were always welcome, but there wasn't just much to report."

"And now there is?" I asked carefully.

Elmir didn't answer as he opened a portal but the tension in his shoulders told me enough. Taking a deep breath, I stepped through the portal into Wymond's house.

I smiled as I saw Wymond position his figures on the table, a scowling Pride next to him. Greed was there too, sitting next to Elmir's seat. The others weren't there yet.

"Here is my favourite blonde." I grinned as I walked over to the prince of Wrath. He looked up surprised before a smile tugged on his lips.

"You better not let Luci-Lust hear that." He winked before he kissed my cheek and wrapped me up in a tight hug.

"Too late." Lucien's voice chimed behind me. I pulled away from Wymond and looked over my shoulder to the golden-eyed prince. "You wound me, Ava." He said, placing his hand over his heart in mock hurt.

"You're my favourite golden-eyed demon?" I lifted a shoulder as I walked up to him.

He huffed. "I'm the only golden-eyed demon, doll." He placed a kiss on my cheek. "Who is your favourite prince?" He asked, his eyes twinkling.

"Depends on the day." I patted his chest with a soft chuckle.

"Oh, -" He leaned close to whisper. "I know I was your favourite the day you saw me in my birthday suit."

I heard a faint snap before Wymond cried out. "Seriously?"

I looked back at him; he was pulling a broken figurine out of Pride's hand. The prince was glaring at Lucien with intense fire. Lucien whisper was apparently not soft enough.

"Uhm, what's going on here?" Sevrin said as he and Griffin stepped out of a portal, feeling the tension in the air.

"Pride broke my figurine, that's going on here." Wymond grumbled as he tried to put the figure back together.

"I gave you enough figurines." I laughed. "Just take a new one."

"This was the admiral, Ava." Wymond said aghast.

"Okay." A smile tugged on Sevrin's lips before he wrapped me in a hug. "What's really going on?" He whispered.

"Nothing. Just Pride being Pride." I whispered back. After I greeted Griffin and Greed, I sat down on the only available seat, right across from the only prince I didn't greet. After Lucien sat down, his gaze landed on me. I purposely looked the other way.

"Thank you all for coming." Wymond started, nodding at me. "I know we haven't said much about the rebels for a while but there was nothing to tell. They were keeping quiet."

"Until now." I said.

"Yes." He sighed, running a hand through his hair, his green eyes fixed on me. Much like Pride but with an entirely different expression. "They're moving."


"We don't know." Greed said and I turned to him. "I have someone in the rebel group, but he isn't high level, so he doesn't know what they are planning."

"Isn't that dangerous? What if they find out?"

"My spy is really good." He said confidently.

"What do you know?"

"They are changing safe houses." Pride spoke and I reluctantly looked at him, but his eyes were fixed on Wymond's broken figurine in his hands. "Further away from the city."

"Further away from prying eyes."

He responded with a small nod, not looking up. "And they are accumulating weapons. Swords, bows and arrows..."

"Guns?" I asked, my heart thumping fast in my chest. Pride lifted his gaze, his stormy grey eyes on me. "If they can go to the mortal world..."

Greed wrapped a hand around mine. I looked up to him in surprise. It wasn't like we were close, we barely spoken to each other. But when he spoke, his voice was firm yet gentle. "They don't have guns, I promise you. They don't know how to handle something like that." He squeezed my hand not letting go before I nodded.

"What do we do now?"

"We wait." Wymond said. "See if Greed's spy can find out more. See what their plan is."

"Besides trying to kill me." I muttered, twirling the portal ring around my finger.

"We won't let anything happen to you." Sevrin said. "I promise."

"You can't promise that!" I nearly shouted. "You say you have a spy in their camp, what if they have spies in your homes?" I looked to every prince. "What if I'm sleeping down the hall from them?"

It was silent for a long moment before Griffin turned to me. "There is a reason our houses are fairly empty. Normally the house would be packed with demons, courtiers, and more. But ever since the threat, we send them packing. Only the most trustworthy are around, Ava."

I had noticed the lack of people or demons in their large homes. Only seeing them at parties but I didn't know it was because of me. "What about the parties?"

"They would never attack on such a public event, certainly not when all of us are around."

"Can I still visit my flat? There are things I need to do."

"People to see?" Pride asked, an edge on his voice. I looked to him with a glare and growled, yes actually growled.

"And with that." I pushed my chair back and stood up. "I think I'm going to the mortal world." I looked to Elmir. "I'll be back within two hours."

"Ava." His voice was pleading. "Don't do this-" I narrowed my eyes. "Can you at least take Leon and Maze with you?"

Maze wasn't even a question; the loyal dog was glued to my side. "I'm just going to pick something up and visit friends." Did I feel Pride's hot glare on me? Yes. Did I choose to ignore it and his so-said claim? Fuck, yes! I'm nobody's but my own. "Maze comes with me. I'll be back soon."

Without waiting for an answer, I made a portal and walked through. I didn't visit any friends, that was just something to piss Pride off. I plugged in my laptop and cell phone so they could recharge before I headed out to get Elmir's present. Not an hour later I was back in my flat, a small box tucked in my pocket. I sat down in front of my laptop and did my research on the adopted animals. As the pictures printed out, I glanced out around my flat. Where I used to call it home, now felt strange, like it didn't belong to me anymore. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I picked up my phone and sent a few texts out to my friends. Hanna's reply was instant, asking all about the event and what happened between me and Olson, asking why I never told her about the adoption event. As I replied to her text, a new came in from the actor. A picture of him with Sylvester and Oak as they lounged on the couch. I smiled at the sight and texted him back before printing out the picture. After everything was printed, I put them in the bag together with the present, some snacks and my laptop and walked through the portal back to Ferri. That strangely felt more like home than my flat.

"I want you to have something." Elmir said as we watched a movie on my laptop. We were lying down on our stomachs on my bed as the movie played. "I know the others all gave you a present, this may not be something new or something handmade, but I want you to have something that will keep you safe."

"Do any of you know that a present isn't required?" I chuckled.

Elmir paused the movie and turned to me. "I want you to have Maze."

"What?" My eyes bulged as I looked to the prince. Maze was lying at our feet, her head rested on my ankle.

"Then I am more reassured. Maze is bonded to you now. She chose you and will never leave your side. I can't and won't keep her away from you."

I blinked away the tears and wrapped my arms around the prince of Envy. "Thank you." I whispered. "This means more than you know."

"Anything for you, Ava."

When I pulled back, I was smiling. "I have something for you too." I rolled from the bed and took the box from the drawer of my nightstand and sat on my knees of the bed. Elmir pushed himself up until he was sitting in front of me. He opened the box with a click. Inside was a vintage pocket watch. The letter E gracefully engraved on the front. When he clicked the watch open, he gasped almost inaudible. The bottom was a watch, but the top had a picture of Leon.

"Ava." He whispered.

"If I can't help you and Leon be together, I want you to have him with you all the time. Now you won't go anywhere without the person you love."

His breathing was ragged. "I-" He swallowed. "This is the best thing I ever gotten, thank you." He pulled me in a hug so fiercely, my back snapped a little.

"I don't know if the watch will work here, since time moves differently here but-" I said once we pulled back.

"I'll let Sevrin look at it." He smiled, his eyes on Leon's picture. And I knew he wouldn't use it to check the time. "You are not what I expected, Ava."

"How so?"

"I didn't know what to expect exactly." He said. "At first when you were chosen, I thought you would start havoc and push your way through the houses and be gone."

"Why?" I gave him a crooked grin. "Because of what I did to Lucien?"

"That and the way you talked to Pride. Nobody has ever done that, even we had become, let's say dormant. That all changed when you came into the picture. And after your first month, when you came back with Sevrin, things shifted again. It had been years since we'd seen him this happy and free. I thought you and him would be it, did you know?"

"No." I shook my head. "What Sevrin and I have, it's something else."

"I figured." He nodded. "You two have a bond that runs deep. And because of that, I think you were always supposed to come to Ferri. Not perse to break the curse, but to repair whatever was broken with us, as brothers." He let himself fall on his back and I laid down next to him, our eyes on the canopy above us. "What are your relationships with the others?"

"Griffin is like a brother to me. It certainly felt like it when I kissed him." I chuckled. "Wymond." I took in a breath. "There is undeniable attraction between us, and we care for each other. He taught me how to defend myself, how to become the best fighter I can be. But we're close friends." I chuckled again when I thought about my relationship with Lucien. "Lucien, well, Lucien is Lucien." Elmir sniggered next to me. Maze crawled on the bed until her head was on my stomach and I rubbed her head.

"He's afraid of you."

"Maybe a little." I grinned at the canopy. "He will never cross any boundaries with me again that's for sure. But things are good now, we're friends." I rolled onto my side and looked at the prince. "Then there is you." I bobbed his nose.

He shook his head with a grin before rolling to face me. "You know we are the princes of hell, don't you? We can crush you in seconds."

"And yet I'm not afraid of any of you." The grin stretched wider of my face.

"I'm glad to have met you, Ava."

"The feeling is mutual, Elmir."

With my bags already at Greed's home, Elmir and I stood in living room. Maze right beside me. I was wearing a burgundy high-waist skirt that hid my tummy with a black shirt on top. The dagger strapped around my thigh. Elmir was dressed in black breeches and a beige shirt, the strings tied neatly over his chest.

"Ready for the next prince?"

"I am, but I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Ava." He kissed the top of my head before he opened a portal in front of us. 

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