Leaving In A Fast Lane

By Bi-Rain4life

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One night can change a life forever. Amy Turner leads a normal life in Richmond, Texas with a loving parents... More

Leaving In A Fast Lane
Hi, my name is Jason
Pastry Puff and Coffee Prince
Richard Tran
Thank you for saving me, my name is Logan
Let the Games begin
Richards's Past
I have had it... I am About To GO Ape Shit!!!!
wait did you just say sorry to me!!!!!!!
Morning show girl!!!!!
You just got Served!!!!!!
Puerto Rico!!!!!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 2!!!!
Puerto Rico part 3!!!!
Puerto Rico part 4!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 5!!!!
Puerto Rico part 6!!!!!!
Heart Break!!!!!
It hurts to much!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!
Mission One!!!!
Arggggggg KImmmy!!!!!!
Let the games begin!!!!!
Mission Two!!!! Halmoni????
Taking a Break!!!!!
I can't do this any more!!!!!
Mystery Boy Part 32
The monster with in Part 33
My name is lee Part 34
Party time or nuhhhh!!! Part 35
Bang Bang Part 36
Find her NOW!!!!Part 37
Death???Part 38 (COMPLETED)

Good Bye Texas, Hello L.A

515 5 1
By Bi-Rain4life

When we finished we walked back to the car and drove back home. Every one left it was just me and my mom again.

" honey what do you think about moving to L.A" mom said while sipping on her tea

" if you want too, I am cool with it" I said, but to tell you the truth I didn't want to move away from here. This is where I grew up, this place hold so much memory of me and  dad.

" well the company has been growing and I got an offer to open another shop in L.A" mom said

" mom that good news, I am so happy for you, I know you have always wanted to spread the shop across the states" I said while pouring some tea into my mug. I took a seat next to her.

"well since you agree, we leave tomorrow morning for L.A, the company as agreed to help us move everything out there" mom said

" we are leaving that early?" I said

" yeah, if you don't want to we can wait for a week, I don't want to force you into anything" mom said

" no it is cool, I think we need a fresh start and L.A sounds good to me" I said while taking up the mugs to wash them. I finished washing them, went over to my mom gave her a hug, and then went to take a shower. I got to my room and texted Ben and told him to gather everyone at the race track tomorrow. I took my sticky clothes off and went to take a shower. The hot water felt good and relaxing on my body, I got out dried my hair and changed into my pjs.

" honey dinner is ready" mom said

I went down stairs to find my mom setting up the table, I went to the kitchen and helped her put the food on the table.

" mom you made my favorite, Lasagna" I said

" yup, it was your dads favorite too" mom said looking sad, I went over to her and gave her a hug.

" he is still with us mom no matter what" I said while point towards my  heart

" yeah, I miss him, but I know he is with us, because you look just like him every single time I look at you" mom said while wiping her tears away. We finished setting up the table and started to eat. We talked about crazy time with dad, and mom told me about how she first fell in love with dad. They meet at a racing track, he was a racer.....not surprised at all. We finished, I cleaned up the dishes and went to sleep with my mom again. Morning came, I got up fast, took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed into some torn shorts and a loose blouse. I left my mom and note saying I went to say goodbye to Jim and the crew. I took my motorcycle since it was the only thing left, the moving people came this morning to start to move things away. I went to the garage took my motorcycle and rode to the track. I got there and found balloons everywhere and cake on the table, with a huge poster that said" we love you A".

" aww you guys didn't have too" I said while crying and hugging every one

" we just wanted to tell you that we are here for you and love you a lot" Jim

" thank you guys, well I have sad news.....i am moving to L.A today" I said not meeting any one's eyes. I looked up and saw Sam crying and Ben looking pissed.

" why?" Jim

" my mom's company got a new job offering in L.A, I promise to visit yall every single time I get a chance and I will be back for the championship race " I

" you better, and no cheating by racing for other people" said Ben not looking mad any more

" yeah right......but I think I will stop for a while" I said

" what? The great A stopping racing.....I think we need to take her to the hospital" Ben said in a joking manner

" whatever, I am just taking a break, till we settle down, you should take this chance to better your racing skills Ben" I said, the whole crew started to laugh and we hugged each other, then I said my good byes. I got on my motorcycle drove around, went to the lake. I wanted to a look at the place before I left. I got home and gave my Yamaha to the moving people. I found my mom in a taxi she motioned me to get in and we went to the airport. We paid the taxi driver and got out, we headed into the airport and got into our plane. I looked out the window and said goodbye to Texas, and with that I close the blinds and feel asleep.

"ladies and gentleman thank you for flying with us, we will be landing in about 10 minutes" air host said

I looked to my right and my mom was sound asleep, I didn't want to wake her up, but I had too. I feel so bad for her, she looks so tired, this whole week as been crazy for her.

" mom wake up, the plane is landing soon" I said quietly while shaking her

My mom opened her eyes and she stretched out her body, she gathered her scattered papers and put them I her tote bag.

" that was the best sleep I had this whole week, maybe because we are up here and not down there with all the stress" said my mom

" yeah, I know the feeling" I said

The plane landed, me and mom got out first because we were sitting on first class. Thank heavens that my mom's company paid for everything, because I so didn't want to sit in economy. I wanted to relax, eat food, and sleep comfortably. We got to the airport, and we found a guy holding a poster with my mom's company name. " Pastry Puff and Coffee Prince" is the name of my mom's company, she is a pastry chief and a coffee brewer, the coffee she makes is freshly made, and a plantation company that works with my mom delivers fresh coffee. My mom always loves to cook, but baking was her passion. we walked towards the guy, he took our bags and led us to the car. We walked outside the airport to find a limo waiting. I looked over to my mom and she smiled.

" I can get used to this" mom said while getting inside. We rode in silently, while we look at L.A. it was a beautiful place. We drove for about 3hours, and then I started to see the beach. We got to a gated community and the gates opened. Every were I looked there were huge houses, all about three stories each. At the far end of the houses was a mansion with golden gate and initials that had on both side of the gates. I guess that must be the richest family in the community, I mean everyone house looked like the families had money. I was wondering why the hell we are here for, I know for sure my parents didn't have that much money.

" well...... we are here, the driver will be here ever morning to drop you and your mom off to work, hope you like the house, the company worked hard finding it, enjoy and if you need anything the maid should take care of it or just call me, by the way my name is Chris" limo driver while opening the door for us.

The maid came and took our bags inside the house, I looked over to my mom, she nodded took my hand and we went into the house. It was already decorated and some few boxes laid on the living room labeled living room, we walked over to the kitchen, stainless silver everywhere and marble tiles. The dining room was so big enough to could feed at least 8 people. It was wooden it looked like the medieval times. The living room was so beautiful, but no TV, It also has huge leather couches all white. To the right you could see stairs, with  glass rail lidding to the rooms I am guessing.

" mom this is our house, I mean just the two of us, did you rob a bank or something" I said

" no honey your dad left us 100,000,000,000 million dollars, he saved that much from the military and the company pays for some of the bills here too, I told you the company is now one of the world's largest bakery " mom said while smiling

" wow, I am speech less, I going to check out the rooms upstairs" I said while running up the stairs. There were two doors and a living room with book shelves, it looked like a library and a studying place, it also had a fire place. I went to the room facing the Hollywood hills, I opened it and it was my room, I could tell because the whole room was light blue, and on the ceiling you could see the sky painted. I had a king size bed, I also had a walk- in closet and bathroom. To the left side of the room I had a living room with a flat screen TV. My room was half the size of our old house. I am so happy I could cry of joy.

" I am guessing you like it" mom said

I turned around, rushed to her and hugged her

" mom I freaking love it, thank you so much" I said

" not yet, wait till you see the third floor, you know you can use the elevator right" mom said in a smirk

" we have an elevator" I said with a scream

I took off to the elevator and headed down stairs, there where games everywhere, three flat screen, a movie theater, popcorn machine, and a bar with an ice cream machine. The room also had a pool table and air hockey. Omg! I am must be dream, I only see this shit on MTV teen cribs, but now I am leaving that dream.

" so what do you think" mom said

" mom I think I am dreaming, maybe you should wake me up now" I said

" trust me you're not, let's go and see the pool and gym" mom said

" we have a pool, what don't we have here, I love this place mom, thank you so much" I said giving her another hug. We slide the back door opened to be greeted with a circle shaped pool with a waterfall that lead to the deep end of the pool. It had gray stone water slide and a bar for drinks. To my right I could see a basketball court/ tennis court, and there was also a small house on the other side.

" mom what is in there" I asked while pointing at the small cabana house

" let's go and find out" she said

We walked in I found a small living room with a TV and a kitchen. We walked into the other room and it was a freaking gym with a sauna, and a Jacuzzi.

" mom I am in heaven" I said

" wait until you see the garage" mom said

We walked to the other side of the house it was garage, my mom opened it and I saw my babies all lines up in there and all my tools, it was the garage that my dad built........ how did they manage to move it here?....... I have no idea.

" mom....sniff.... thank you so much" I said while crying and hugging her

" I just want to make you happy and I know this garage means a lot to you and your dad" mom said

We walked back to the house, it was so beautiful, huge widows everywhere I looked, the house was so bright.......good thing it was painted white.

" honey you know you got a balcony" mom said

" what? I didn't even notice, to many things to look at" I said while laughing

" yeah we each got one, I can see the pool and you can see the town, I picked that room for you cause I know you would love the sight of the town at night, and plus I wanted to keep an eye on you while you're having pool parties" mom said with a smirk

" your so right about that, and good luck finding me among the crowded people if I throw a party" I said while laughing with her. The doorbell rang and I looked at my mom.

" are we expecting any visitors mom?" I asked

" yeah, my business partner leaves right next door" mom said while walked to open the door. I woman walked in, she looked about 38, she was tan and wore a white dress. She looked rich, had long blond hair, and golden shoes.

" Lauren, I am so glad you made it safe" woman said

" Elizabeth, I missed you so much, this is my daughter Amy" mom said

" My lord! She looks just like Michael, I am so sorry about your loss, I miss him so much, he was my good friend, I feel like it was just yesterday since we all meet at the track" Elizabeth

" yeah, it seems like that, I have missed you so much, and thank you for giving me this chance to come out here" mom said while hugging her

" nice to meet you too Elizabeth" I said while she was giving me a hug

" nice to meet you finally" Elizabeth said

They went to the living room to talk, I went to my room to change to my bathing suit and went to the pool, I wanted to relax a little bit and swim around.

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