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By vwrites13

1.3M 32.8K 13K

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14.9K 547 214
By vwrites13

"𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸, 𝚠𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 "



I was walking through the floors of the mansion at a quick speed, my head a complete mess, about to explode any moment. I was trying to shut down the nightmare happening inside my mind but it was too loud, too real. Absolutely impossible.

Garett Stone was a devil dressed in an expensive suit who came into my home prepared. He played his cards right. He was ready to give us something we desperately needed but in return, he wanted something even more valuable. He wanted my freedom, he wanted me for his son.

And the moment I saw Mikael's eyes locked on me with blank expression I knew it was a losing game. It wasn't up to me, my freedom wasn't my choice once again. My father decides for me and he decided to give my hand to Theo Stone. He agreed to the deal with the devil.

He saved me from The Kings only to throw me into another arranged marriage. He's a traitor, just like my old family.

Mikael tried to justify his decision, trying to sell me the bullshits that there is no place for love in this life we choose to live.

For example, he dared to mention my biological mother. Their marriage was arranged, he didn't love her, and neither she did.

Do I know my real mother's name? No, she's dead.

Every time I ask about her, Mikael shut me off, declining my need for answers. Her name would be enough, but still, I don't know even that. I don't know when, how, or why she died, this topic was also forbidden by Mikael. He doesn't want to talk much about her, and maybe the less I know, the better.

But still, Garett Stone was a coward, pussy even, trying to hide behind my family and using his son for that. Disgusting. He knows that we are the most powerful family out there, he's the only one walking out of this deal as a winner.

Even knowing where Martin King is hiding, doesn't count as a victory for me anymore. Not when the price was me.

But still, I had to finish what I started. My revenge was coming, and I can almost feel the sweet taste of Martin King's fall, but together with that comes the bitterness I feel deep inside my chest, no matter how much I want to escape from it, I just can't.

The fall of Maddox is coming as well.

Nothing can convince my father to keep him alive, not even his love for me was big enough to do that. He hates The Kings so deeply, he wants to wipe them from the face of the Earth, and I know he'll start his own little revenge with Maddox.

And even though my father is trying so hard to make me believe that there is no place for love in the world we live in, I can almost believe him. That's till the moment I see Maddox and I forget about everything else but him. And suddenly my father's words taste like one big lie.

I knew he was trouble the moment I laid my eyes on his pitch-black ones. I knew he was pure fire and playing his games meant I'll get burned eventually, but still, I did play his games. And I get burned, harder than I ever imagined.

Him and I, we were something and nothing at the same time.

We were something every time his lips claimed mines, his body intertwining with mine behind closed doors as If I was his. He talked to me as If I was his and he was mine even though I was promised to his brother. We were something in these little stolen moments.
He gave me peace in a life full of war, taking my pain away with each kiss.

But most of the time we were nothing, strangers who knew each other's bodies a little too well. He was my bodyguard, my fiancé's brother, nothing else, and I? I was nothing to him.

Almost. That's what we were. Never nothing and almost something.

My heels stopped in front of the painfully familiar door guarded by three bodyguards. I didn't have to tell them to move, I gave him one look at they were out of my way without asking questions. I burst into the room, closing the door behind me.

I forced myself to look up, only to find Maddux in the same position I left him the day before. Not that he has much choice where to go, being handcuffed to the bed.

The room felt cold, despite the warm weather outside. I was freezing in the presence of Maddox, who hadn't even looked up yet, even though he can sense me. He knows I'm here, he just chooses to ignore me. He was sitting on the bed, his head stuck down, his black shaggy hair falling in front of his face, hiding his beautiful face from me.

I told myself I'll stay away from him, and make this easier for me, and yet here I am. I couldn't stay away, I was dumb to think I can sit back and just watch my father take away his life. No, I can't do that.

We sat in complete silence, him still ignoring me, making the minutes we had left together even more excruciating.

I took a deep breath, before speaking in a shaky voice "Do you need any more food or water?" I asked a stupid question, seeing that he hadn't even touched the food and water placed next to him. You're so fucking dumb, Allyn.

Silence. Ignorance, as if I'm not here.

I took a few steps towards the bed and as soon as he heard my heels approaching him, he raised his head sharply, staring into me with his black eyes, making me shiver to death. His look was full of rage, something I had never seen before. Crazy, angry, callous piercing into me as If I'm no one who deserves to be in his presence. I'm nothing.

"Don't come any closer" his voice was deep, full of malice and coldness, making me freeze in place with his command.

He seemed disgusted and irritated by my presence, and that just drove extra blades into me. He fell silent again as if waiting impatiently for me to leave the room and never come back. That wasn't the Maddox I kissed yesterday. Not even close.

It wasn't the Maddox who told me he's not capable of hating me, because, in this damn moment, it feels like he does hate me. He wants me away, far away from him.

"We found out where your father is hiding" my voice echoed in the space, but it still wasn't enough to keep Maddox's attention on me. He shook his head, his lips forming into a small smile before he looked away, clenching his jaw almost disappointed.

"Good for you" he muttered almost under his breath "Finally you will get the revenge you desire"

My revenge. The reason he's into this fucked up situation. Beaten, tortured, and handcuffed.

My heart skipped a beat just thinking about it.

"You don't understand" I shook my head taking a step towards him but he gave me a hard look, warning me with his gaze to stay at my place so that's what I did. "Mikael will kill you"

He raised one eyebrow tiredly, his eyes deep and cold, staring blankly at me "Was that supposed to scare me?" He glared, and I almost wanted to cry and slap myself at the same time for caring so damn much for someone like him. It was supposed to be just sex, nothing personal, and oh Lord, it became too damn personal.

I took a deep breath, pushing away all the negative thoughts in my mind. I had already made the decision a long time ago and I will probably regret it but fuck it.

"I'll help you escape"

These words gained his interest, giving me his undivided attention, leaning back against the bed frame, his head relaxed, his Adam's apple moving with each swallow, and his firm chest rising with each breath. I find everything in him attractive and that scares me as hell.

I didn't want to, but I tore my eyes away from his body and returned my attention to his beautiful dark face. His gaze traveled down my body a few times, studying me, but this time I didn't feel wanted by him like I usually do when his eyes are wandering down my body. Quite the opposite- I feel unwanted.

His eyes are not burning with desire as they usually do when he looks at me. I can read disgust and hatred in them. It almost made me want to run out of the room and never come back.

''No" he refused flatly, his voice impatient to get rid of me. "I don't need your fucking help"

"I won't let you die"

"You put me in this situation in the first place" he reminded me "And now you act like you care if I live or die? " he laughed it off and I wanted to sink in the ground. He turned his head to the side staring out of the small window "Funny isn't it?"

''I won't let you die'' I repeated, nearly choked on my words, feeling my eyes water just at the thought of him being gone. He returned his eyes to me with a blank expression as if the last thing he wanted was to look at me.

"Trust me, Allyn, it will be better for you if I die" The disgust in his voice was clear. He barely wanted to look at me, use my name or even talk with me. Damn it.

His eyes held a promise that I couldn't read, but something is telling me that I don't want to either.
That's not my Maddox. Not the Maddox I know.

"You won't die, not here, not like that" I refused to listen to him, shaking my head. His face didn't even flinch, nothing. As if someone turned off everything he was capable of feeling.If he was.

"I need to know something Allyn" his voice was tired and I hate my name at this moment. I wanted nothing more than to hear the word princess slipping from between his lips. "Is it true?

Confusion settled on my face "Is it what true?"

"You are going to marry Theo Stone?"

As he spoke these words, his gaze became colder and crueler, waiting impatiently to hear what I had to say, but I didn't utter a word and I think that was enough of an answer. I was speechless, as if someone was gripping my neck, declining every word I tried to say.

I can't read his face but I know it was nothing good written on it as his eyes were piercing my soul, setting me on fire. I feel like ages passed before I uttered the word that stuck in my throat for so long.


A simple word. Meaning nothing and at the same time so freaking much.

Maddox's reaction was confusing. I expected way more, but he just laughed, shaking his head. His laugh was ironic, cold, distant. Somehow saying this word to him was the most painful thing I had ever done.

"You can leave now"

''I didn't have a choice, Maddox'' I barely found the voice to say, making his grin grow even bigger and somehow he still looked disappointed ''You know that"

"We all have choices" he snapped back, narrowing his eyes "You just want to pretend like you don't "

"I don't have a fucking choice, Maddox" I screamed out of my lungs, my eyes watering from anger and he still stayed unfazed "I never fucking did even for once in my life"

"Are you looking for sympathy right now?" He scoffed, his eyes tired "Because you won't find it here"

Of course, he doesn't get it. No one does. No one understands what it's like to live a life written for you without your consent. Life that doesn't worth living.

"You know what's the funniest most pathetic part of all of this shit?" he spoke again, leaning his head back, looking at me with a hard  look "I thought you were different."

I just stared at him from a distance, his words slapping me against my face.

"But you are ready to sell yourself for benefit just like everyone else" he spat with disgust, throwing these hard words in my face " I was fucking wrong to think so high of you"

"You don't have the right to talk to me like that'' my trembling voice gave me away, his words cut like a knife, and he was enjoying himself, not to mention seeing me so weak it was satisfying for him.

"Can't I?" he asked with a sneer "I've been between your legs many times, you screamed my name. I think I have the right to talk as I want"

My tears were already flowing, I wasn't even trying to be strong, I couldn't, not when he was talking to me like that. Like I was nothing like I was nobody.

"You want to make me feel bad for something I never asked for? " I almost cried, my voice rising, walking closer to him not caring about his reaction, but this time his eyes didn't stop me, he just looked up at me with a smug look "Fine do it, I don't care"

But I lied again. I do care, more than I wanted. His closeness is driving me crazy and the thought that I can't touch him? Even more. He was so close and yet so fucking far. It was killing me slowly.

"Good, now you can leave " he nodded towards the door "I don't want to look at your fucking face"


"You're disgusting" I spat at him and he laughed again, filling the room with the sound

"I'm not interested in listening to anything coming out of your lying fucking mouth" he spoke, looking up at me, tilting his head to the side "But if you want to suck my cock then I might consider forgiveness" his grin grew even bigger looking at me as if I'm the cheapest whore in the world "I'm sure your fiancé doesn't mind sharing you"

I slapped him. Hard. He called me a whore, without directly calling me that, and that fucking hurts.

Hearing it from him hurts. His head turned to one side, my hand was imprinted on his cheek and I froze for a moment as he was breathing heavily, his hands clenched into fists. Only my sobbing and his heavy breathing could be heard in the room. His words hurt me, a lot.

"You want to know what's the most funny and pathetic part in all of this for me?" I said through tears walking back away from him as he still refused to look at me "Me and you, that was more than just a simple fuck for me. So much more"

I had to tell him, I needed him to know it even though I'd probably never see him again. It would probably be better for me that way.

''It doesn't matter anymore, don't you think?'' he mumbled, his voice flat and tired ''Save your sweet words for your fiancé''

I nodded, allowing his words to flood into my mind and seal there. I welcomed the harsh reality. My vision was blurred by so many tears, but I allowed myself to look at him one last time, inking his face into my mind.

The man who hates me. The man who ruined me for everyone else and I never even had the chance to call him mine.

Because he wasn't mine, he never was and never will be.

I couldn't say goodbye, I didn't want to. I just left the room, slamming the door behind me, not caring that everyone can see me crying and weak.

It wasn't a breakup because we were never together, but sure as hell hurts like one.


Life is one fucking joke, isn't it?

Just when you think you've got it all figured out and nothing can surprise you anymore, suddenly everything becomes even more fucked up and you're just... lost.

How can emptiness be so heavy?

I felt nothing. I was empty to such an extent that it was frightening even for me.

The clock on the wall was counting down my time, I knew my end was near, but somehow I don't give a fuck.

The clock was also counting down the time since I last saw Allyn, and somehow that was all I'm thinking about.

I would rather die than feel all this rage and malice building inside me. I should die because, oh Lord if I ever get out of here I'll burn this world to the ground, turning it into fucking ashes.

I'm not a good man, I never claimed to be one. I deserved everything and even more for what I had done in my life. I have taken many lives, many of them innocent and if my hands weren't handcuffed, I was going to add a few more numbers to my account.

Mikael, Allyn, and her fucking fiancé? Oh, I'm going to unleash Hell on them. I'll make them beg for mercy, something I'll never grant them. I'll take everything from them and even more.

Just like Allyn took everything from me.Selfish brat.

When I told my father that I would never let a pussy make me weak, I really meant it. Women were just a tool I used to release my pressure and nothing more. I never asked for more, never needed it.

Life has an interesting way of unleashing karma on me. My karma has a name and that's Allyn Romano.

She's a fucking liar, coming in here, kissing me like I mean something to her, just to find out she's promised to someone else. It's funny if you ask me. It's funny how stupid and blind I am for this woman.

And she dared to come here after all of this, lying in my fucking face all over again. When she told me that she felt like it was more than just a casual fuck between us, I had nothing else left but to laugh at her face.

Disgusting, coming from her lying little mouth after agreeing to marry a man she doesn't even know. Right after she kissed me.

The real funny shit is that for me it was more than just casual fuck. I knew it the moment I let her touch me and I didn't feel disgusted by her hands on my body. I knew it because I didn't feel the desire to kill her for allowing herself to kiss me without my permission. I knew it because I wanted more, I became addicted to her lips. To her.

I knew it because she was the first woman I ever fucked, and looking at her face while doing it. That was the most beautiful sight for me. Watching the pleasure written on her beautiful face as I was filling her with everything I have. Kissing her, holding her like she was fucking mine.

She was the first I wanted to hear screaming my name, coming for me, and loving every fucking second of it.

The first woman I ever wanted to go down on. Shit, she will be the last in this. It was too personal, too good watching her face breaking as she was crying my name, riding my face. No one can erase that picture from my mind. No woman can even come close to this, to her.

The first woman that made the beast inside me kneel for her. My heart revived after her, only to be ripped out most cruelly, by the person who made it beat again.

I better die, because the pain Allyn caused in me is enough for me to destroy a whole fucking universe.

Noises coming from the other side of the door brought me back to reality, separating me from my dark thoughts. People talking, people fighting, dying.

Not long after, the door opened, and Lydia came to light. Fucking Lydia. Am I dreaming or am I already dead?

She was panting, holding a gun in her hand, and looking behind her on the ground I saw bodies lying in a pool of blood. Impressive. Not that I ever thought a couple of men are going to give her a hard time. She's an assassin, a weapon that needs to be used carefully.

As soon as she saw me, her eyes lightened, running towards me, breaking the handcuffs as if they were nothing. Ahh, it's good to feel the freedom. I forgot when was the last time I felt my hands like they really belonged to me.

"Let's go" Her voice was harsh, commanding, cold. Not that I expected something else from my dear sister.

"I'm glad to see you too, sister" She didn't even care enough to answer. She just walked through the corridors of the mansion, on the ground around us all I can see and smell is death. So many dead bodies.
I feel like a proud brother seeing how well she did. She doesn't even need a gun to end them, she's that good.

"Shut up because I'm one thought away from killing you" she hissed through gritted teeth and I chuckled slightly "I can't believe I had to save your ass"

"I'm flattered" I said in sarcasm, rolling my eyes.

As we walked towards the exit of the mansion and I could taste the freedom, I couldn't wrap my head around one thing- how she snuck into The Romanos mansion, killing all of these men without getting caught.

When I was dragged here, I gave a good look around and it was enough to see that it was heavily guarded, and now there were almost no guards, and if there were someone out here, he was already dead. The main gate was wide open.

We snuck into the black jeep, and Liya drove off at full speed, making me glue my back to the seat. I looked back, watching us drive away from the mansion I was a prisoner in. I still couldn't believe what just happened.

"How you sneaked in?" I asked looking at her and she clenched her jaw, speeding up

"Allyn helped me"

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