Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

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The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI

Chapter XXX

2.3K 165 5
By Krazy_Kupid

[XXX.] Lost Sunrise

"Would you permit a question?" 

The past few weeks in Dorne have been bliss. The days were spent learning about the histories of Dorne and getting to know the people around her. 

It was almost difficult to imagine why she wished to remain in King's Landing instead of traveling here. Making this place home. Dorne was not what she was used to but it had been precisely what she needed. 

The Dornish were free-thinkers and often, she found herself speaking her mind instead of suppressing thoughts to avoid disapproval. 

It was liberating and freeing. It almost felt like being able to breathe for the first time. 

Oberyn would accompany her wherever she wished to go within the keep though she admits, she had not yet found the courage to venture outside.

Still, she could not deny the satisfaction she felt whenever he would shoot her a proud grin every time she spoke up about her opinions.

However, for the past week, he had been silent. Distant, almost. She had not thought that she did anything differently. 

If anything, the past week had been particularly uneventful so she did not know what caused his change in behavior. 

However, that seemed to change now when he initiated the conversation. Cassandra looked away from her vanity to look at Oberyn with a smile. "Question permitted." 

"Why do you not wear the dresses in your closet? They are new and they are made in your size, I am sure of it." Oberyn asked, already dressed for dinner in his mustard robe and dark breeches. 

She found herself staring at him for a second longer than she should have, her eyes lingering on his graceful yet warrior-like form. Clearing her throat, she returned to brushing through her short strands. 

For that evening, they would be dining with his brother and his family. As much as she adored Arianne and even enjoyed conversations with Prince Doran, she still felt a bit out of place. 

Though she had been assured time and time again that she was as much a part of their family as they were, she still found it quite difficult to comprehend how things were moving so fast. 

Wearing the Dornish dresses like them, eating their food, enjoying their company. It almost felt as if she was much too eager to be one of them.

Cassandra nodded slowly. "They are very beautiful but I do not know if I should wear them. They are very showy and the last thing I want is to barge my way into your family by dressing in such clothes." 

"You would not be barging in. You are a Martell, you have been one since we exchanged vows." He assured her, placing his hands atop her shoulders as he looked at her through the reflection in the mirror. 

Before she could say anything else, he moved toward the closet and pulled out a stunning dress. It was decorated with intricate gold patterns swirling to form delicate shapes around the bodice, leading all the way to the hem. 

Its neckline was a bit low and while its sleeves were cut in such a way to reveal her arms, it was still modest. 

He presented her with the dress proudly, brandishing it in front of her. "I believe this would be most appropriate for our first family dinner with you as my wife." 

She bit her lip to hide her smile as she noted the shade of the dress. The same exact shade that he was wearing. "Your colors. We will match." 

"Indeed." He did not bother to hide his own grin as he crouched down in front of her, their faces nearing as he did so. There was a flicker of what looked like guilt in his gaze but it was gone in a mere second. 

She had half a mind of madness when she thought of what it must feel like, to close the distance between them. To feel his lips upon hers once more. 

Instead of giving in to temptation, Cassandra plucked the dress from his arms and stood from her vanity. "Very well. I shall wear it for tonight." 

She walked into her changing screen to put on the dress all the while as her mind raced. She supposed she had thought of Oberyn in a different light than she did before. 

She would be a liar if she said that she did not see his charm or that she was not affected by it. He was dashing and handsome but over the weeks, she had come to know of his kindness and generosity. 

Many rumors circulated in Westeros about the prince of Dorne but none of them seemed to know him, truly know him. She would not claim to know him deeply but his actions defined him in more ways than one. 

Even his commission for her dresses was a surprising notion and he was right as the dress he handed to her was a perfect fit. There was only a matter of the back which was laced up with delicate thread. 

Despite how hard she tried to reach it, her fingers could not seem to grasp the threads responsible for closing the dress. She could ask Oberyn to call for a servant but they were late enough already so there was no other choice to it. 

"Oberyn," She called out from behind the changing screen. 

"Yes?" He answered, his footsteps pattering against the floor as he neared. 

She stepped out from behind the changing screen, her hands behind her back to hold the dress together. "I need your help." 

Oberyn's eyes fell upon her, widening with an awestruck expression. She swore she saw his cheeks redden the longer he looked at her. 

"Beautiful." He murmured, taking a step toward her and brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. "Cassandra Martell, you are enchanting." 

She looked down, trying not to let his words affect her too much. Having him call her by his family name was almost too much. "Thank you but I really need your assistance if it is not too much to ask."

His eyebrows furrowed in worry as he looked over her, searching for any injury whatsoever. "What's wrong? Do I need to call for a healer?" 

"The dress closes in the back. I cannot close it on my own." She explained, slowly turning around to show him her predicament. 

"Allow me." He spoke lowly and before long, she felt his fingers deftly loop the thread through the back of the dress. 

For a man renowned as a great warrior, he was very gentle as he helped her close the dress. He looked to be in no rush at all, stopping every now and then to ask if it was too tight or just right. 

Once she felt him tie the threads together, she waited a second before speaking, making sure that her voice was steady despite her heart beating a hundred beats per minute. "Thank you, Oberyn." 

He admitted, chuckling softly as she turned around to face him. "It is no trouble. It could never be a chore to help a beautiful woman with her dress." 

Instead of addressing his words, she only reached out for the lapels of his robe, straightening them out. "Do you wish you had married someone else? Someone of your choosing?" 

He halted her movements as he held onto her wrists until she looked up at him. "There had been no one else. From the moment I met you, there could be no one else. Do I regret the circumstances of our match? Yes. But do I regret it? No, I do not." 

She asked, voicing out the things running through her mind. "Even if we do not share a bed? Even if we cannot be like other husbands and wives?"

It had troubled her that perhaps he was starting to regret their marriage. At first, she could not be anything other than his friend and while they had an agreement, he could be missing the life he had. 

"Dearest wife, it is the greatest privilege to be your husband, as well as your friend." However, Oberyn put her doubts to rest with a single sentence, proving that though she may not say it out loud, he knew precisely the workings of her mind. "And you? Do you wish you had married someone else? Someone you would be happier with?"

She merely shook her head, placing her hand against his cheek. "You make me happy, darling husband. The happiest I've been in so long. No one else could ever compare." 

Oberyn leaned forward, cradling her face in his hands as he pressed his forehead against hers. His eyes were closed as their noses brushed gently, making her eyes close too as she simply breathed in his closeness. 

It was not at all what friends did but by the gods, it felt right. It felt as if the sun was shining down on them again after being trapped in the shadows for so long. 

It felt as if they were two pieces of a puzzle finding their way to one another to complete something missing. 

At that moment, Cassandra was struck with the realization that maybe she had allowed herself to feel again, allowed her heart to open up once more. 

To the Dornish prince with eyes as dark as night and secrets locked deeply in his heart. 


House Martell, as one of the great houses of Westeros, has always been a proud and noble family. 

As warriors and kings of old, the Martells have always been true to their roots and history as the only kingdom left unconquered by Aegon and his sister-wives during their conquest. 

Represented by their words, 'Unbowed, unbent, unbroken', the family Martell has never once been defeated for their union as a family and as a land was as strong as any. 

Growing up, this same pride for their family has been instilled in Oberyn and his siblings. Their nobility and place in this world would already ensure their presence in historical texts. 

However, it was up to them to forge their own story to add to these texts. While Elia's story had been cut short, Oberyn and Doran were determined to change the way it ended. 

Oberyn was just unaware as to what it would cost him. Who it would cost him. 

Doran looked at his brother pointedly as he passed a rack of lamb garnished with mint. "And how is married life?" 

Oberyn avoided his brother's meaningful look as he looked at Cassandra, both of them smiling as they remembered the moment they shared previously. "Good." 

Arianne asked with her mouth full of food, turning to her uncle and aunt with expectant stares. "Will I have a cousin soon?" 

Cassandra choked on the food she had just spooned in her mouth, not having expected such a blunt question from the little girl. 

"Arianne!" Oberyn chastised, patting his wife's back in an attempt to aid her as she tried to swallow down some wine. 

"I would like a playmate, preferably a girl." Arianne continued without pause, not caring for the events around her. 

Feeling able to speak once more, Cassandra offered. "You could always play with Owain, little one. He is eager to learn many games from you." 

The two children had gotten on quite easily with Owain going along with all of Arianne's plans as the younger one. It reminded her of the time when she would follow her brothers around everywhere. 

At her response, Arianne only sighed before returning to her plate full of food, probably scheming on how else she could bug both Oberyn and Cassandra. Her persistence was very much admired.

As the others resumed their own conversations, Oberyn leaned over to whisper to Cassandra. "Though I would not protest if you would like to have a child. As friends, of course." 

Through her smile, Cassandra whispered back. "I will push you off our balcony, Martell. Don't test me." 

Oberyn, the cheeky bastard, responded with a wink. "You're a Martell now too, don't forget." 

Cassandra chuckled softly, drinking the sweet Dornish wine from his cup. "How could I forget when you would mention it every chance you get?" 

Lady Mellario interjected, looking at the younger woman with a stern gaze. "Is this family as you would expect, Lady Cassandra?" 

"I am thankful to you all for welcoming me. It means a lot to me." Cassandra smiled, nodding, oblivious to the anger emanating from the other woman. 

"You're young. You will learn." Lady Mellario scoffed bitterly at her naivete. 

Doran squeezed his wife's hand in silent warning to watch her words while Oberyn shot her a glare. 

Cassandra's eyes shifted between them and opened her mouth to ask what the matter was when a messenger barged into the room. Doran was about to demand answers though he was silenced by the messenger's grim expression. 

The messenger announced, holding out a parchment. "An urgent message for Lady Cassandra Baratheon." 

No one bothered to correct the messenger as Cassandra accepted the parchment, unrolling it to read the words it held. 

The silence grew as her gaze scanned the page, each word she read causing her to pale more and more. Doran met Oberyn's gaze, their suspicions reaching new heights upon seeing the girl's reaction. 

Doran glared at his brother, silently gesturing for him to do something to find out. Surely, after softening her up that entire night, he could get something out of it. 

When it looked as if Oberyn would not do anything, Doran asked stiffly. "What does the letter say, Cassandra?" 

Cassandra shook her head, denial flashing through her eyes as she stuttered. "I-I don't, it's the-" 

Lady Mellario slammed a hand against the table, clearly growing impatient. "Speak up, girl!" 

Oberyn did not bother to hide his contempt for his brother's wife then, shooting daggers at her and rendering everyone else speechless without saying a single word. Cassandra was already distressed and he would not stand for anyone making it worse. 

When they had all gone silent, Oberyn gently placed a hand on her forearm, making her look up at him in surprise. "What is it, dearest?" 

He had half a mind that she would conceal the letter's contents from him but when her eyes shone with unshed tears, he realized that he could be wrong about everything. 

But it was already much too late. 

"Rhaella Targaryen is dead." 


Hello everyone! Yes, I know the timeline is a bit iffy but for the sake of the story, I changed some things :> Not to worry though, once more events take place, it'll return back to normal hehehe

We definitely see some progress between the two and trust me, there will be more ;) My next update might take some time since exams are coming up but updates will be steady after that yay! Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3!

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