Promised Future

By danka0529

7K 150 2

* BOOK TREE OF DAMAGE PAST* Celeste De Luca has fully healed from her psychological scars, trying to move on... More

Intro and Warnings!
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Writer's message

Chapter fourteen

262 7 0
By danka0529

Sitting at his desk Aaron was going over over some stuff from the copycat case, it was hes first week back since Celeste had the baby three weeks ago. between moving into the new house and taking care of a newborn. there was not much sleep going on, Aaron sat back in his chair and let out a exhale as he closed his eyes. there was a knock on the door before it open.

"Got you a coffee, figured you would need it" Dave said as he walked in the office and passed Aaron a coffee mug.

"thanks" he said, Dave sat in the chair.

"Still working on the copycat case?" he asked, Aaron gave him a nod.

"Did you give any thought about telling Celeste what happen?" Dave asked, Aaron looked at him with a knowing look.

"She doesn't need to know" he let out, Dave shook his head.

"you know that she could probably help..."

"She's on maternity leave, I'm not getting her involve" Aaron cut him off. they were both quiet for a bit.

"So how's the new house?" Dave asked changing the conversation.

"it's an adjustment, but we got everything out of boxes. Jess stayed with us for a few day to help with the baby and Jack" Aaron said, Dave gave him a little smile.

"how is Jack with Talia?" Aaron gave him a smile.

"he wants to do absolute everything to help" Dave let out a chuckle.

"One think, I never thought I would be this happy. I watched the three of them a couple of nights ago, I don't know how I got so lucky" Aaron said, Dave gave him a smile. the two started talking about work stuff again when they heard some racket in the bullpen, Aaron stood up and looked out.

"Celeste is here" he said rounding the desk and walking out to the catwalk and looked down at the team, everyone was around the baby carseat and making baby noises. Celeste looked up at him and gave him a smile, Aaron returned the smiled as he made his way down to the team.

"She's perfect Celeste" JJ let out as she looked at the sleeping baby.

"she's pretty great" Celeste let out.

"Can I take her out?" Morgan asked, Celeste gave him a nod.

"Yes! come here little cutie" he said working on taking Talia out of the carseat.

"How are you doing? not to sleep deprived?" Emily asked, Celeste shook her head.

"had a lot of help, which is nice" she let out, Derek turned around with Talia in his arms.

"Little momma, she looks just like you" he said.

"yeah and she gets angry just like her mom when she's hungry" Hotch let out as he stopped beside Celeste, Celeste gently hit him on the arm.

"OMG! move out of the way!" Penelope let out as she made her way in the bullpen, she got to the team and stopped right in front of Morgan.

"she's perfect! pictures don't even show how beautiful she really is" Garcia let out.

"Want to hold her?" Morgan ask.

"no, I just want to bask in her cuteness" she let out.

"I'll take her" Prentiss said as she walked up to Derek and scooped Talia in her arms, the baby didn't even squirm by the change.

"wow, usually they cry or fuss" JJ let out.

"she got passed around so much the last three weeks she doesn't care anymore" Celeste let out, everyone smiled as they looked at Talia.

"How's the new house?" Morgan asked, Celeste shook her head.

"massive" she let out, Morgan let out a chuckle.

"You guys should come over and check it out" she let out.

"yes!" JJ, Penelope and Emily let out all at once, Celeste laughed.

"Alright it's a date then" Celeste said.

the team kept talking and passing Talia around when Strauss walked in the bullpen and up to the team, she looked at Aaron who was holding Talia now. Celeste watched as Erin walked up to Aaron and looked her the baby.

"she's beautiful Aaron" she let out.

"thank you" Hotch let out, strauss turned around and looked at Celeste.

"Congratulation" Celeste gave her a nod with a little smile.

"Thank you ma'am" Celeste said, everyone looked at both of them, suprise about how calm Celeste was. Strauss gave her a smile as she turned around and looked at the team.

"I'm sorry for cutting this precious reunion, but you guys have a new case" she said, everyone gave a nod as they said their byes to Celeste and Talia. The team walked away with Strauss, leaving Celeste and Aaron alone.

"You good with me leaving?" he asked, Celeste let out a exhale with a little nod.

"I'll ask Gab or O if they want to come stay with me until your back" Aaron gave her a nod as he gently put Talia back in the carseat.

"there is Jessica too"

"I know, but she stayed with us for almost a week. I'll ask someone else if I need too" she said, after buckling the baby in he turned and looked down at his wife.

"Alright, be safe going home. I'll talk to you later" he said as he took a step closer to Celeste and bend down to give her a kiss.

"I love you" Celeste let out as he backed up.

"love you too" he said as he turned and looked at Talia.

"and love you too, be good for mommy" he said as he touched her little hand.

"Alright have to go. Andersson!" Aaron let out, Celeste turned and looked for the Agent who was walking towards her.

"help Celeste to the car, thank you" Aaron said as he walked away towards the conference room. Andersson gave him a nod and looked at Celeste.

"hi" he said, Celeste smiled at him.

"you don't have to" she let out.

"yeah, you tell that to Hotch" he said as he took the carseat handle and gently took it off the desk, Celeste let out a chuckle.

"let's go" he said, Celeste shook her head with a smile as they started walking towards the elevator.

Hotch walked into the conference room.

"Baby Talia is the cutess" Emily said, Aaron gave her a smile as he sat down.

"Thank you" he said.

"Alright team..." Strauss let out.

"the director is getting concern with the copycat case" she let out as she looked around the table.

"Since the last one with that letter, do we have any leads?" she asked, everyone looked at each other then at Hotch.

"ma'am I thought we have a case?" he asked, Strauss gave him a nod.

"you do" she said as she gestured to Garcia who press the button of the remote.

"Jordan Pierce was found stabbed to dead on a park bench" Garcia let out.

"First one found like this?" Dave asked.

"it's not where he was that we were called for, this is why" Strauss let out, Garcia pressed the button again and the picture that showed up was a letter that was pinned to the victim's chest.

"Walking down memory lane" Derek read outloud.

"what does that even mean?"

"the victim was stabbed nine times" Strauss let out as she looked at Hotch.

"Aaron we need to get you into witsec or something" Dave let out, Hotch shook his head.

"I'm not going anywhere" he let out as he looked at Strauss.

"I think it would be the best thing to do. you, Celeste and the kids" she let out, Aaron stood up and looked around the table.

"wheels up in tirty" he said as he for the file and walked out of the conference room.

Aaron walked to his office to get his stuff, as he took his go bag from the couch and turned around Dave was standing in his office.

"I don't want to hear it" Aaron said.

"well you going to" Dave said as he closed the door.

"this is bringing back Foyet memories and we all know how that ended Aaron" Dave let out, Aaron walked to his desk and let out a exhale.

"this is not like that"

"it's not? so someone treatning you with victims is normal?" Dave asked.

"Dave, will get this UNSUB like we do every other we get" Dave shook his head in defeat.

"this is a bad idea" Dave let out before he walked away. Aaron let out a deep breath as he looked at the picture frame of him, Celeste and Jack when Celeste was pregnant.

"Fuck" he whispered as he knew how messed up this was going to get.

Celeste was sitting on the couch feeding Talia as she was looking out of the ceiling to floor windows that over looked the backyard, The security system dinged letting her know that someone walked in the front door. she heard someone running towards the living room.

"Hi Celeste!" Jack let out as he dropped his bag on the second couch.

"Are you almost done with Talia" he asked sitting on the couch, Celeste smiled at she looked down at her breast.

"almost bud"

"Jesus! this house is massive" Gabrielle let out as she rounded the corner, Celeste looked at her and gestured to Jack.

"Sorry! Jack don't repeat that ever" Gabby let out as she walked to the couch that was beside her sister and took a seat.

"thank you for getting Jack" Celeste let out as she looked down at Talia.

"your welcome, mom called and she said she was going to stop by, she's in the city" Gabby let out as she looked around.

"can the ceiling be any higher" Celeste let out a chuckle.

"Wait until you see the rest of the house" she let out, Gabrielle let out a hum as she looked at her sister.

"how's our mini us?"

"She's good, I really can't complain she's so good" Celeste said as she looked at her sister who gave her a smile, Celeste finished feeding Talia and burped her before passing her to Jack who was like a kid on christmas as he held her.

"So I'm off for the rest of the week, so I'm going to stay here and take care of Jack and chill with you" Gabby let out as she smiled at her sister, Celeste rolled her eyes at her.

"you talked to Aaron?"


"I don't believe you" Celeste let out at she smiled at her twin.

"Whatever" Gabby let out. Celeste took Gabrielle on a tour of the house, by the time they were done Jillian had arrive and she brought supper. Celeste put Talia in the bassinet as they sat at the table with Jack even though he protested because he wanted to be close to his sister, sitting at the table he ate everything on his plate almost in light speed.

"Jack, slow down Talia is not going anywhere" Celeste let out.

"I know I just don't want her to wonder where I am" he said, Celeste shook her head as she watched the little boy take his last bite and then hurried off in the living room.

"He's in love with her" Jillian let out as she reached for her wine glass, Celeste let out a hum in agreement.

"Makes life easier that way" Celeste replied.

"Did Aaron have a hard time leaving for the first case?" Jillian asked, Celeste let out a chuckle.

"he texted me eight times since they left, you tell me" Gabby let out a laugh. Celeste and Gabby cleaned up the table as there mom went to sit with Jack and Talia, Celeste was in the kitchen washing the glasses as Gabrielle walked in.

"something is wrong, I can feel it" Gabby said, Celeste let out a exhale as she knew this was going to happen the damn twin thing was a curse.

"Talk" Gabrielle let out as she stood againts the counter as celeste finished putting the stuff in the cupboard.

"I have this feeling that something is going to happen" she let out, Gabrielle looked at her.

"I know it's stupid, but I don't know something is off" she let out, Gabby pinched her lip together as she looked at her sister then around the kitchen.

"You want to know what I think?" she let out. Celeste gave her a nod.

"Aaron is making you paranoid with these damn security camera's everywhere" Gabby let out as she pointed in the corner of the kitchen, Celeste looked up and let out a laugh as she rolled her eyes.

"for real though, where is he going with all this?" Gaby let out.

"He's a little crazy" Celeste let out, Gabby gave her a nod.

"you think?"

"the best part is that the camera's a linked to our phone's so he can watch live" Celeste let out, Gabby looked at her with big eyes as Celeste gave her a nod. Gabrielle turend around and faced the camera that was in the corner and gave it the finger before turning around and walking out of the kitchen, Celeste let out a chuckle as she fallowed her. they got in the living room and sat on the couches.

"Celeste, Talia is the most beautiful baby ever" Jillian let out as she was holding Talia in her arms and Jack sitting beside her carresing Talia's little head. Celeste's phone went off as she reached for it on the side table, looking at it she let out a chuckle.

"Aaron says hi and that your manicure looks like..." Celeste looked at Jack who wasn't paying attention to her, she looked at her sister again and mouthed the word "shit". Gabrielle shook her head with a suprise look on her face.

"That ass..."

"Gabrielle!" Jillian let out, Jack now turned and looked at the twins.

"he's lucky hes far" Gabby et out as she looked at her nails, Celeste let out a laugh. Talia started getting fussy after an hour, Jillian passed her back to Celeste so she could feed her. Celeste got settled on the couch and made sure that Talia latched onto her breast.

"look at you it looks like it's second natural to you now" Jillian let out, Celeste gave her a little smile.

"It's not rocket science mom" she let out.

"I'm still proud of you" Jillian let out.

"Jack please go put your jammies on and Gabby will make her special popcorn and we can watch a movie before bed" Celeste let out, Jack nodded with a smile and made his way towards the stairs. Once he was in his room Jillian looked at her daughter.

"Jack is amazing with her" Jillian let out, Celeste let out a hum.

"yeah for now, wait until she starts walking and get's into everything" Jillian smiled at her daughter.

"he'll be fine, anyways. I'm going to leave to guys, I have to get home to your dad. so you two have a good rest of the week and take care of my grand-daughter" she let out as she waved and gave air kisses to the twins before turning and walking away. Celeste heard the security beep for the door.

"Hotch is to much" Gabby let out as she got up and made her way towards the kitchen, Celeste let out a hum as she looked down at Talia.

"it's okay because it's to protect our little beautiful family" Celeste whispered as she looked at Talia and gently carressed her little fuzzy head with her finger tips.

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