My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

259K 5.7K 719

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


1.3K 24 4
By ayemem215

Scarlett's POV
I stopped drinking a little while ago. Y/n is so drunk and I blame Flo and Chris. British and Australians are a different type of breed when drinking and y/n kept up until they made her stand up. It was like it all hit her at once and she couldn't function. She was hilarious though, she was dancing without a care in the world and even got Anna to dance. I enjoyed seeing her dance with Ally and Billie knowing they've been friends for a while even outside of work. But now as everyone is saying there goodbyes I can't seem to find her.

"Thanks for coming guys! You're not staying over?" I ask Tom.

"Z has an apartment not too far from here and I have a decently early flight tomorrow. But this was a blast Scar! I said bye to y/n already but I'll call you guys soon eh?" He says

"Yeah yeah. Have a safe flight. Where did you see y/n?" I ask

"Lizzie was feeding her bread over by the food tables" he laughs and Zendaya runs over hugging me hye before they leave and I'm still looking around for my wife.

I go by the food table but noones there but caterers cleaning up. I turn around almost bumping into Kate who has an amused look on her face. "Scar come with me quick." She says grabbing my hand and dragging me across the length of the barn to the hallway where the bathrooms are.
We stop infront of the men's bathroom and I hear shouting. It's muffled like they are trying to be quiet but they're not.

She nudges me to listen closer and I put my ear on the door and hear "how could you ever think that would be okay!? I fucking trusted you and believed you when you said it was done but clearly not when I catch you two hooking up outside."

"She jumped me. I went for a smoke and she followed. She tried to say she wanted to talk but—"

"Yeah right! You had her up against the wall Chris!!"

Oh fuck. Is that Elsa?

"Who is that?" Kate asks.

"Chris and Elsa!" I whisper but lean closer to listen more.

"El I swear to you I didn't mean it. I'm drunk, we were all drinking and bussin around. It meant nothing."

"I can't. I just want to go home."

My eyes widen realizing she's probably going to walk out any moment so I back away and grab Kate running into the woman's bathroom next door before they come out. As I open the door to the woman's bathroom I see Lizzie and Flo in there with my beautiful wife, who's on the floor of the bathroom throwing up into the toilet.

"Finally!" I say running past them both. I kneel next to y/n and gently take her hair from Lizzie's hands. "It's okay baby. Get it all out" I say as I rub her back.

Her body perks up and once everything comes out and she flushes she turns and looks at me with the most adorable hazy eyes. Kate hands me a wipe and I wipe her mouth for her and she leans into my touch. "Hi wifey" she slurs but it still gives me butterflies.

"Hi my love, feel better?" I ask

"A little. I think Lizzie gave me too much bread" she says and I look up at Lizzie. She rolls her eyes and sighs, "I think Flo have you too much alcohol dummy" which makes me laugh.

"I was fiiine, then my hands felt sticky so Lizzie brought me in here" y/n says but then stops talking and turns turn the toilet again. After a second she turns back and smiles at me " false alarm" she laughs.

"It's okay baby, but let's get you to the house? We can get changed and comfortable" I ask

"Nooo the party's not over!" She whines m

"It's 3 am, everyone's left who's not staying over and I think everyone else is in their rooms or tiny homes" I explain but she's not listening.

"Y/n, babe..wanna take shots?" Flo asks and I snap my head to her to start yelling but she holds her hand up.

"You have that good gin in your liquor cabinet right?" She asks y/n who's trying to stand up. I help her up and Flo steps forward to help too.

"Yesss Flo good taste! Let's go!" Y/n answers and we manage to get her up and out of the bathroom. I'm on y/n left holding her up with my arm under her armpit and a Flo is on her right. We walk past the men's bathroom to which is quiet now and through the main room of the barn and out the big open front door.

"There's Erin" Lizzie points to the shuttle where Erin is standing waiting for us.

We walk over there while trying to get y/n to not fall. She walks pretty good just not in a straight line. I'm glad I'm pretty much sober now so I can take care of her.

We get onto the bus and Flo and I let go of y/n to place her into the seat. I sit next to her and she latches herself onto me with her arm around me neck gentle resting on my shoulder and one leg up on my thigh. I rest my hand on her leg and she jumps when she puts her head on my shoulder. Kate Flo Erin and Lizzie all sit down on the bus for the short die back to the house. I'm glad we got this shuttle because I was not walking a drunk y/n all the way back to the house.

"Thank you guys so much for being here. For helping with everything. Especially this one" I say out loud to all of them while pointing at y/n.

"It was a blast! It was my fault she drunk a lot anyway" Flo says

"It was the best wedding I've been to." Kate says laughing

"Yes Scar it was so beautiful. The ceremony was flawless and adorable, I was balling up there" Lizzie says

"Yasss" Flo and Kate laugh

"That was all Erin. She set up everything" I say to which the girls praise Erin and I see her get shy.

"And the reception was awesome. Scar that food!!! Please tell me there's leftovers" Kate says and I feel y/n wiggle next to me.

"Food" y/n mumbles and looks at me through one eye.

"Yea there's plenty of food I made them put away that didn't even make it to the party" I laugh

"We're going to feast when we get in!" Flo say and Lizzie high fives her. She still hasn't told me she was pregnant and I haven't gotten the balls to say anything yet either. But now that the wedding is over she can't use that as an excuse.

Lucky for her the shuttle stops and we pile out. Y/n is easier to get out since she passed out for the 2 min ride down the hills. She wraps her arm tighter around me shoulders once we're walking to the house and we walk up our porch steps to the door before I stop her.

"Remember, people will be sleeping so quiet" I remind everyone. Mostly for her and Flo. Y/n opens the door and slowly walks in. I lead us to the kitchen knowing they want to eat. Once we are in there Erin says goodnight practically running to the room she's staying in. Poor girl must be exhausted.

"Okay so what does everyone want?" I ask

"Mac and cheese!"

I hear them and get the food out to warm up. The girls are sitting at the counter and I can tell it's taking so much for Flo and y/n to be quiet because they literally just look at eachother and start laughing like idiots.

"A bunch of children" Lizzie laughs and looks at me.

"Just like the one your going to have soon?" I blurt out and freeze when I realize what I said. I'm not drunk right?

I see Lizzie's eyes go wide and then she turns angry looking at y/n

"you told her! You asshole!! I trusted you-"

"I knew already." I quickly say to stop y/n from getting yelled at

"How? I just found out?" She asks

"You gagged on pickles that time at lunch." I say flatly and she makes a face.

"I still think she told you" Lizzie says to which I laugh

"She did. But I also knew before she told Me"

Lizzie just eats her Mac and cheese and listens to Kate and I discuss The Outset.

We're interrupted by Chris evans walking in the back door yawning. "Woah hey guys, didn't think anyone would be awake"

"Chrissy!!! I haven't seen you in a while!" Y/n slurs. The food isn't helping her yet.

"I had to try to sleep after that moonshine shot. I don't know how your still standing" he says to her laughing

"What woke you up?l I ask

"Chris and Elsa are next door to me and there a little too loud for me but not in the good way." He says to which some of us laugh but Kate and I just stare at eachother.

"They were fighting?" Y/n asks and he shakes his head yes.

"About what?" Flo asks

"You didn't hear it from me but I think chris cheated on her with someone here" he says and my eyes go wide

"No waaayy!" I say trying to pretend I didn't already know this. "Who do you think?"

"I have no clue, I've always known him to be head over heels for Elsa so I'm shocked" he says

I want to tell them what me and Kate heard but is it my place to share this?

"Gosh that's awful" Kate says looking at me.

"Ugh I actually heard some yelling before I found you guys in the bathroom." I say looking at Lizzie and Flo. "I heard her say it happened before with this person and he said it was over, maybe a past lover?" I say

"But who?? I've never known him to date anyone on set?" Lizzie says

"Anna!" Y/n shouts and it makes us laugh

"I doubt that babe" I say and pat her leg
We all sit there in silence thinking. But what I don't notice is that panicked look on Flos face which would unsoundly tell me she knows something. But instead chris speaks up.

"Yeah well I'm gonna grab a water and head back. Hopefully the yelling match stopped" Chris says

"If you need to come in here you can" I say

"I really want to sleep in the tiny home. It's friggin cute!" He says and runs outside toward the homes.

"Guys, can we go bungee jumping" y/n says out of nowhere.

"Let's get to bed and maybe talk about it in the morning" Lizzie says yawning

"Liz go rest. I got her" I say. She looks like she doesn't want to leave her side though. "Or come with us to bed?" I ask joking

"Yes thank you. I don't want to sleep with Robbie after he's already fallen asleep. He snores" she says and stands to help y/n up.

"Not fair I don't wanna sleep alone" Flo pouts.

"Fine you can come too. But if your hand goes near my wife's ass I'll riot" I say helping y/n toward the stairs. She just lazily sways her body and walks along me with her arm around me. I guess I should be happy, sharing a bed with 3 woman on my wedding night!

•••next morning•••—y/ns POV
Waking up I'm surprised I don't feel that bad. But the taste in my mouth tells me I threw up last night so that explains it. I quickly try to sit up to go and brush my teeth but am stopped when I can't move from being squished. I look around and see Lizzie to my right and Scarlett to my left and Flo on the other side of Scarlett.

How did we all end up here?

I quietly climb over Lizzie and when I make it off the bed I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. The minty fresh feeling in my mouth makes me feel a little better but i desperately need a shower. I strip my clothes off and turn the shower on letting it warm up. I step into the shower and let the warm water run over my aching body. I never understand why after a night of drinking I wake up sore like I ran a marathon? I know it's still early but I'm also not looking forward to making breakfast for all the people that are staying in the house or on the land. Maybe I'll just make a little of everything and set it out like a buffet. My thought are interrupted when the bathroom door opens and I can make out Scarlett standing in the doorway. I hear shuffling but due to the steam I can't make out what she's doing. But when the shower door open and she steps in fully naked I have an idea.

"You're up early" she says before stepping closer to me with a smirk.

"I tasted something nasty in my mouth when I woke up and just couldn't stand the feeling I had of being sweaty and alcohol seeping from my pores." I say and she reaches for a loofah putting soap on it. She rubs it against the front of my body soaping me up and hums as she looks up into my eyes.

"I'm glad you picked the shower. I missed being able to touch you last night." She says and I feel bad immediately

"I'm sorry I drank so much. But by the looks of those two in our bed we wouldn't have gotten far" I say and she laughs. She spins me around and washes my back and ass but she pushes me against the wall of the shower and I gasp at the cold feeling.

"You can make it up to me later." She rasps out and I feel the heat form inbetween my legs. Her hands run over my body as she washes away the stench of alcohol for me and when her hands grip my waist my head drops back at the marvelous feeling of her hands on my skin. She leans closer and kisses my shoulder blade, before moving upward and kissing the side of my neck. My mind starts to go a little foggy feeling her hands and lips roam my body but all that goes to shit hearing the bathroom door fly open and feet running. Then when the puking starts I feel Scarlett stop all movements and turn me around. I look down at her shy smirk and giggle knowing she was definitely going to keep going if it wasn't for Lizzie throwing up.

"You okay there Olsen?" I yell over the water.

"Yep" she gets out before puking again.

"Baby is killing her this morning" I say and Scarlett laughs. "I'm gonna help her" I say to which Scarlett nods and let's me grab a towel before she finishes showering herself. I wrap myself up quickly and walk over to Lizzie holding her hair back and rubbing her back.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes "Aw Liz, you sure your ok?" I ask

"I hate puking. I feel gross after always and I just want it to stop already" she whines

"I know it must be awful. But your little baby in there is just saying good morning to their mommy! That's just their way of saying hi" I say which makes her laugh. I feel Scar walk up next to me and see her wrapped in a towel too.

"What helped me with morning sickness was nibbling on crackers. Some days it didn't work and it was inevitable that I'd be throwing up at some point but at least when I ate some crackers when I first woke up I was able to do a morning routine and eat something before I could figure out if it was going to be a bad day or not" scar explains and Lizzie looks really thankful for her advice.

"Thanks scar. I'll try." She says.

"I'll go grab some crackers for you. And water. Anything else? I ask

"Do you have any fresh blueberries?" She asks

"Not all of us have gardens in our yard Liz. I have store bought blueberries." I counter. She rolls her eyes and I laugh. "Fine" she says and I leave the bathroom to go into my closet. I throw on sweats and a hoodie before running downstairs for Lizzie.

I quickly grab a couple waters, crackers and the  container of washed blueberries and head back upstairs. "Okay got it" I say walking into the room seeing a dressed Scarlett and Lizzie back in bed with a sleeping Flo cuddling up to Scarlett. I hand Lizzie the water and crackers and she thanks me before chugging the water. "Mmm" she says when she tries the blueberries next and I see Scarlett smile at her.

"I'm going to go check the land. See if anyone needs something before getting breakfast started." I say and as if Flo can sense I'll be on the ATVs she pops up from her sleep and says "can I come ride the ATVs with you" which makes us all laugh.

"Sure" I say and go into my closet pulling out clothes for her. I toss her some old sweats and she gets up putting them on but grabs my favorite Harvard sweater to put on.

"Uhhh nope pick a different one" I say snatching it from her. She looks shocked and gasps
"Rude!" She laughs but ends up picking an old band one I have of Led Zeppelin.

"Baby I'll come down and help you with breakfast" scar says

"Okay, wait like 10 min before you go down, relax a little" I say and she smiles and nods while Flo follows me out the bedroom.

"One quick stop." I whisper to Flo to which she follows. I quietly walk to Rosie's room and open the door and peak my head in. Her and Luna are still fast asleep in roses bed. They are wrapped up in the blanket cuddled into each others arms. I smile at the cute kids and close the door.

"Your so cute" Flo says and I chuckle while she follows me downstairs to the garage. She hops on the back of the ATV I'm sitting on and we head toward the little homes. I don't see anyone sitting outside yet so I guess they're all sleeping but I do see Chris hemsworth asleep on the chair on the small porch of his home with a blanket around him. "Oh shit I remember what Chris told us last night. And scar heard them fighting?" I yell over to Flo who doesn't say much but nods. I take the route toward the barn just to look it over and stop when we pull up infront of it. We both get off and walk inside, seeing it pretty much cleaned up. The tables and chairs are still waiting to be picked up but it looks pretty good.

"Y/n can I tell you something without you freaking out?" Flo says

"Ofcourse Flo, lawyer integrity...I don't spook easily." I say

"You might with this" she mumbles before looking up at me. I walk around and pick up some garabage I find on the floor and throw it out, waiting for her to talk.

"I'm the reason Chris and Elsa are fighting." She says and I stop and turn to face her.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I hooked up with Chris hemsworth last night and Elsa caught us."

......oh shit.

Naughty Flo, you have a boyfriend!
And she might ruin a marriage now...

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